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Blame it on the Champagne (Blame it on the Alcohol)

Page 7

by Fiona Cole

  Before I could even make it down the stairs, my phone rang with a call from my grandfather’s caregiver.

  At ten o’clock on a Friday night.

  Adrenaline flooded my system and had me running down the stairs and toward the door before I’d even answered.

  “What is it?”

  “Mr. Rush? This is Anthony from Beckett Homes.” The aide annoyed me with his pointless introductions.

  “What’s happening?”

  “Oh, sorry for the late call. Your grandfather is very disoriented, and we had a hard time getting him to calm down. Then he began asking to talk to you, getting very upset when we didn’t immediately comply, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to call.”

  “Give him the phone.” I didn’t have time to be polite.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Nicholas?” My grandfather’s frail voice hit me like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind from my sails. I remembered his booming voice when I was younger. His proud laugh. It killed me to hear him so confused and small now.

  “Hey, Grandpa. It’s me.”

  “I miss you so much, Nicholas. When will you visit again? I wanted to talk to a manager and figure out where you were. These men kept trying to make me sit down, and I didn’t want to. I just wanted to know where I was, dammit.”

  I climbed into the back of the car, sure my molars would crack at any moment.

  “They gave me a medicine, and I said I didn’t want it, but they gave it anyway. My memory, Nicholas, it’s not—” He cut off with a frustrated grunt. “I feel like I’ve lost days somewhere, and I just wish you were here. It’s been so long.”

  It’d been a few days. Not long at all.

  “I’ll be there. I’m on my way now. Get some sleep, and I’ll be waiting for you in the morning.”

  “Okay. Okay. Does that throw off your plans?”

  My mind flashed back to the woman in red.

  “I don’t want to ruin any plans. Especially if it’s with a lady. You need to find a good woman, Nico. Give me some great-grandbabies.”

  I smiled at the familiar words. He said I was nowhere near as great as I could be unless I found a good woman to stand beside me and raise me to my full potential. I just didn’t have time to look for one when I split my time between New York and Charleston.

  “No plans, Grandpa. I’m already on my way to you.”

  His heavy sigh reached through the phone. “All right. Maybe I’ll have to set you up. There are some pretty nurses here.”

  I groaned playfully and relished in his almost familiar laugh.

  “I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “I love you too,” I said.

  Enough that I was willing to do whatever it took to build our family business back to its former glory before it was taken from him. Enough that I’d spend another night thinking of Verana—trying to figure out which side of my gut was right—instead of blotting her out with someone else.



  I didn’t move beyond digging my fingers into the cement railing so hard the tips turned white. It took everything in me to not turn around, to not run after him and beg him to do it again. The clip of his shoes on the hardwood floor faded until the soft creak of the door, followed by the snick of it closing, announced I was alone.

  My thighs clenched, and my core ached. I’d never ached after sex—never been so thoroughly used that I knew I’d feel him days later.

  Who was I?

  I’d always had nice sex—romantic sex in a bed with my boyfriend on top of me. We’d done different positions, but it had always been slow and tender. I’d come and enjoyed it, but the memory faded to nothing now that I’d experienced the rough fucking that had just happened.

  I had no idea it could be filled with so much passion and desperation between two strangers. I had no idea I’d love it so much—that it would turn me into the vixen he kept calling me. I was careless and brash and bold, uncaring of who heard my pleasure. I wouldn’t have cared if everyone below watched and listened as long as he never stopped.

  And though I may not have known who he was, my mind conjured an image. I knew his body type. Once I saw the flash of his silver mask out of the corner of my eye, I knew it was the sexy stranger I couldn’t stop looking for all night. But when I inhaled his familiar spicy, woodsy cologne, the stranger quickly shifted to Nicholas. My mind had stuttered over the thought, frantically piecing together the glimpses of him I saw, trying to decide if it was actually him. Then I remembered him talking about heading to Charleston this weekend, and I quickly shoved it off.

  It didn’t stop my imagination from picturing him behind me. It may have been a complete stranger fucking me, but in my mind, it was Nicholas. I both hated and loved it. I didn’t want to imagine a man who constantly battled me, but there was no denying our attraction and how much I liked the idea of pleasing him so much. I remembered his moans and grunts of pleasure, the way he latched on to my neck to hide the sounds of his orgasm that he couldn’t hold back.

  My fingers stroked the tender patch of skin, and I smiled.

  Another surprise, I liked how rough he was. I looked forward to going home and finding each mark, reliving the moments he gave them to me.

  A loud laugh brought me out of my daze, and I decided I’d waited long enough. Making sure everything was back in the correct place, I turned and headed out, highly aware that I no longer had my panties. It only added to the excitement.

  Maybe it gave me a reason to approach him again and demand he give them back. Maybe he’d ask me to earn them.

  I knew it was only supposed to be one time, but it’d been too good to not at least try for a repeat. Just enough to get me through my freedom before I was given to Camden.

  The chandeliers, candles, and sparkling dresses shined too bright after the shadows of upstairs, and I blinked to adjust. I, of course, looked for my sexy stranger first, but I didn’t spot him. Not that I wanted to run to him as soon as we parted. I wanted to be the equally sexy stranger from upstairs. Not a stage five clinger.

  No. First, I needed to find Raelynn. She’d know what to do. She’d help me be the vixen and not the good girl. Stepping around a few people, I spotted her across the room, catching her eyes. She was mid-conversation, but when she did a double-take, I knew she could see my flushed cheeks, heated eyes, and faded lipstick from where I chewed it all off. Her eyes widened, and a slow smirk tipped her lips. She made her excuses and walked my way. Before she could reach me, Camden stepped between us, blocking my view.

  “There you are.”

  I blinked, adjusting to the man in front of me. He smiled down, and for once, looked like he saw me, his eyes soft. Immediately, guilt flooded me, and I wondered if I’d made a mistake. The feeling was dashed when I shifted, feeling the tenderness between my thighs. Even with the guilt, I’d never regret what I’d done.

  “Hey,” I said, trying to give a real smile.

  “Dance with me. Please.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer, not that I would have said no. He held my hand and led us to the floor, twirling me once before pulling me into his arms. His fingers splayed along my bare spine, and I tensed, not wanting to replace my sexy stranger’s touch with Camden’s.

  “Have I mentioned how stunning you look? Red suits you.”

  “Thank you.” I tried to keep the confusion from my tone. His comment sounded genuine and not cloaking some pompous meaning.

  “So, your father said you went to Wharton.”

  “I did.”

  “Is Dr. Mulrooney still there? I always hated his class.”

  “You went to Wharton?”

  “Of course. It’s one of the best. I also got my MBA there.”

  “Yeah.” I would have loved to get my MBA, but why bother when I wouldn’t even be using my bachelor’s for long. Add in my father’s lack of support, and it was a moot point. “And yes, Dr. Mulrooney is still there and still just as difficult.”

>   He let out a low chuckle. “I think I barely passed his class.”

  “I managed to get out with an A, but it was a close call.”

  His brows rose. “Wow, smart, and beautiful.”

  For the first time with Camden, I blushed under his compliment. “Thank you.”

  He spun me out and tugged me back in. Maybe it was the champagne. Maybe it was my loose muscles from being used so thoroughly. Maybe it was the fact that Camden wasn’t being a complete dick, but for the first time since I came home, and my father announced his plans, I didn’t hate them. For the first time, I thought maybe my mother was right, and this was the beginning of Camden earning my respect, and maybe our life wouldn’t be as hard as I kept imagining. Maybe my father knew what was right after all.

  Despite being in my future fiancé’s arms and the positive feeling of hope for my future, I couldn’t stop looking for the man who’d just fucked me so thoroughly.

  “What happened to your neck?”

  His question doused me like a bucket of cold water. My hand shot to the tender skin where my stranger bit me, and I tugged the material of my dress back in place to cover it. “Oh.” I laughed uncomfortably. “Just this silly dress. It must be rubbing and leaving a mark.”

  He studied it for a moment longer, like he could see through the material, and I held my breath. But he shrugged and offered a lopsided smile. “Women’s fashion always seems so painful.”

  “Yeah,” I said on my relieved exhale.

  “Let’s walk around and chat,” he said when the song ended. “I want to show you off.”

  This time I didn’t hesitate to take his hand, and when I saw Raelynn standing off to the side with confusion marring her perfectly made-up face, I merely shrugged. I couldn’t quite explain it myself, so I’d just enjoy it.

  By the third group we went to, the positive hope had vanished, and I wanted to go back to the Camden on the dance floor. He certainly bragged about me and my degree. Told everyone how smart and beautiful I was and how he was going to work to win the boss’s daughter over. Yet, he never let me speak. Every time someone directed a question my way, he answered for me and went back to treating me like the pretty, little woman he hoped I’d be.

  As frustrated as I got, I pushed it down. We were just getting started. We were taking baby steps, and I didn’t want to forget the tiny silver lining I saw on the dance floor. Over time, I was sure I’d see more. Surely. I had to keep hoping.

  By the end of the night, exhaustion hung around my neck, and I snagged a bottle of champagne on my way out. Not that I needed to because Raelynn greeted me outside with one of her own.

  “Damn. Look who it is. My long-lost friend who abandoned me all night. The one who I damn well know has things she needs to tell me but left me hanging before she could. I swear, I almost tackled Camden to get to you. I could see sex written all over your body. And it looked good.”

  “Rae,” I whisper-yelled, looking around for anyone who heard. “Keep it down.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Ahhh, the good girl is back.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Bitch, get in my car and start talking before I start guessing right here.”

  I widened my eyes, knowing damn well she would, and scrambled into the backseat.

  “How’d you escape lover-boy? I thought fo sho he was going to superglue you to his side and kidnap you tonight.”

  It was my turn to roll my eyes. “I told him I was staying with you tonight since all my stuff was at your house.”

  She nodded, rolling the privacy window up, and passed me a bottle of champagne. “Drink and talk.”

  I sipped from the bottle and then sipped from the bottle some more.

  “That bad? Because it looked good.”

  Falling back to the seat, I closed my eyes and sighed. “So fucking good.”


  “Yeah. Damn.”

  “Tell me more.”

  Heat flushed my cheeks, but then I remembered it was Rae, and she wouldn’t judge. Even still, I kept the details to myself, instead opting for the location over what we actually did.

  “Again, daaamn. You won the lottery. So, does this mean you’ll come to the next party and do it again?”

  “No. Once was definitely enough.” Unless it was him. I wanted a repeat with him every time. But I believed Raelynn. I think I hit the lottery, and I didn’t want to do it again only to have a sub-par experience. I’d hold tonight close and cherish it. If I saw my sexy stranger at another party, maybe I’d forgo the middle-man and approach him myself.

  The problem was, would I recognize him without his mask?

  No. Once was enough. Wasn’t it?

  “Well, maybe give yourself a round two tonight,” she said, waggling her brows.

  “Oh my god,” I laughed.

  “I’m proud of you.” She took a long drink and passed the bottle back to me. “My little, good girl is loosening up a bit.”

  I chugged the champagne, finishing the bottle, and sat back with a contented smile.

  “Maybe I am. A little.”

  I just didn’t know what that meant for me if I let go of the tight control I had over everything. Of the beliefs I was raised on.

  But I was excited to find out.



  “Is it safe to enter?” Ryan called through the crack in the door.

  I pried my thumbs from my dry eyes and watched a hand holding a cup of coffee slip through the door.

  “I come bearing gifts.”

  “Come in,” I answered gruffly.

  He strode through the door with the coffee and a stack of papers tucked under his arm. I barely held back my groan, mentally berating myself for being in this position. Maybe if I’d forgone sleep, I could have been at the meeting this morning and missed this recap I knew was within those papers. The coffee didn’t soften what was the uphill battle clutched under his arm.

  I’d driven in from Charleston late—or early, depending on how you looked at it. My bed welcomed me at four am after an accident on ninety-five had me sitting in stand-still traffic for almost two hours. When the soft comforter hit my face, nothing was getting me up again for at least three hours. Hence why I missed this morning’s meeting.

  As much as I hated showing up late, I’d do it all again to see my grandfather light up when I entered the room.

  “I researched Troy Shipping,” Ryan began, jumping right in. “It’s a smaller company with a lot of potential to grow. I can see why you’re interested.”

  Troy Shipping was a good company, but their potential was a minor aspect of my desire to mesh them with Rush Shipping.

  “Upon further research, I found you’re not the only company interested.”

  His brows scrunched, and he took a deep breath as if preparing to deliver bad news. Not that it mattered because I knew what he’d say before he said it, and honestly, it was the furthest thing from bad news. It was the carrot making me chase it.

  “Continue,” I ordered at his hesitation.

  “It seems Mariano Shipping has been in contact with them for a while. Almost like they're grooming them for a merge, but I don’t think that’s what their main goal is. At least not historically. Mariano Shipping is more of a take control rather than let’s be partners.”

  I snorted my disdain.

  Of course, merging wasn’t their plan. It never was. Even though I was expecting the news, my fists still clenched when he said the name.

  Mariano Shipping.

  The company that had almost completely dismantled my family’s. The company that had taken and taken, leaving my grandfather struggling and overworked at his weakest, breaking him down to the man who faded every day before it was his time.

  Mariano Shipping was the reason for my interest in Troy. Obviously, they were a good business decision. I wasn’t about to cut off my nose to spite my face. But the joy of snatching a company out from under Mariano filled me with a petty joy. I did it quietly
with one of my other companies I’d added to my empire. I did it for me.

  That, and there were also rumors that Mariano was hiding a closet of bad business moves that were slowly bulging out in the open beyond their control. The more I studied them, the more I believed it. To some, it may look like them moving at a faster pace, but when you added the quick purchases all up, it resembled more of a scramble than a strategic plan.

  Buying businesses on the edge of a breakout, made quickly, quietly in a manic way. Like a vampire on the edge of death, desperate for any source of blood, even if it was a small, inconsequential animal, unable to stand on its own.

  Just recently, they’d hired Camden Conti as their new CFO, and I couldn’t help but wonder why. He was let go at his last job for questionable reasons, but he was also heavily connected. It made me assume that what he’d done at his previous company far outweighed his connections. Which made me wonder why Mariano needed those connections over a morally sound CFO.

  Mariano looked to be crumbling—quietly and slowly—but doing it on their own. And the pieces fell right into place for me faster than I expected, putting my goal within reach. I had to remember to be patient and not show my hand too soon when I reached out to take it. I needed to continue to wait, just as I had for years.

  “Good,” I said to Ryan. “Keep looking and notify me if anything changes. What’s next?”

  “We discussed moving forward with the Sequirus project. They came back to us and listed off three times as much as originally planned within the time limit they originally requested.”

  “No. We outlined what our process is, and they agreed. I won’t compromise our company because they squabbled their time away and decided they wanted more after we’d reached an agreement.”

  “Would it help to know they offered to double the fee on top of the baseline cost to ship?”

  I hesitated, running the numbers in my head. “It still puts us in a position to struggle to meet the demand of other projects.”

  “About that.” Ryan flipped through some papers before pulling one with scribbled notes to the top. “Ms. Barrone offered an exceptional plan that has a few kinks but could definitely work. She briefly jotted notes of a schedule and organization that is different from what we usually do but has merit. Especially for one created in the moment. With more details and time, she could create a functioning plan.” My lip curled at the same time my cock twitched in my pants. “Don’t look too excited,” Ryan deadpanned.


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