Book Read Free

Dark Prelude

Page 12

by Leigha Wolffe

  “Syringes in the drawer.”

  I tore open the shower curtain and reached over her to the bathroom cabinets. Pulling the top drawer all the way out, I looked in enough to see there was no syringe, so I discarded it on the floor. As I was reaching for the next drawer, everything on the counter flew across the room and smashed into the opposite wall, the mirror shattered, and all the towels lifted suddenly skyward along with the shower curtain and everything else in the room. The water started flowing upward, droplets floating in the air above us. It was floating. All of it.

  Dani seized suddenly, reminding me that I didn’t have time to be concerned about this weirdness. I pulled out the next drawer. There was a syringe in the bottom, so I sat it down on the side of the tub, and grabbed the syringe, ripping the cap off with my teeth and spitting it out of the tub… where it floated skyward with everything else.



  I nodded and swallowed, trying to steady my hand before sticking something sharp in my girlfriend’s neck. It was made easier by the fact that her hair was all pulled upward with everything else, leaving her neck bare. I took a deep breath and carefully slid the point of the needle into the large vein then depressed the plunger slowly. When it was empty, I pulled it carefully out and tossed it into the trashcan where it wouldn’t accidentally stick anybody, then wrapped my arms back around Dani.

  In seconds, her skin began to feel warm again, and then everything that was floating fell. I covered Dani with my body, but luckily, most of the heavy stuff was in the other end of the tub or out of the tub. Dani was utterly silent. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be almost asleep. When she finally opened her eyes, she looked around the room, obviously shocked at the scene, then she started to cry.

  “Hey, it’s okay, Dani. Everything’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. Nothing’s okay. Look at this mess. I knocked everything over when I pulled the shower curtain down again, didn’t I? I don’t even remember pulling the shower curtain this time.”

  I stared at her in complete disbelief. She had no idea what had just happened. I didn’t think right now was the best time to discuss it though. Her mother’s funeral was today, and she needed any peace she could get.

  “No, that was me. I pulled the shower curtain down and the drawers out. I think it was me. Don’t worry, though. I’ll clean it up and do any repairs necessary, and I’ll pay for it all. We just need to get your meds refilled, that’s all. You don’t have to worry about anything, okay? Please, don’t cry, Dani.”

  “No, it’s fine. That’s not why I’m crying. It’s so stupid.”

  “What is? What’s wrong?”

  “I’m crying because we just had a pretty amazing moment and my stupid disease ruined it. I ruin everything. I’m so tired of being sick!”

  “Dani!” I fought through my shock at her divulsion and continued, “You didn’t ruin anything. Don’t ever say that again. I’m glad I was here for you. I’m glad I get to be here for you. Nothing about you ruined anything. And that is not the only amazing moment we’re going to have. Everything’s new for us right now, but it’s important to remember that while it’s new, it’s not fleeting. I’m not going anywhere, because what’s not new is how much we love each other. Even if it’s just love as a friend mixed with attraction for right now, I know how much you care about me, and I know how much I love you, and—”

  “I love you too, Charlie.”

  I was silent. I didn’t even breathe in the moment after she said those words again. I couldn’t. Was she responding to the friendship love or…

  “I know you heard me earlier, and honestly, I said it without thinking then. I appreciate you giving me the space to work it out, but I don’t love you as just a friend. I mean, you are my best friend, but… I’m also in love with you, Charlie. Whatever it was before, whatever I was picking up on that seemed like you were hiding something has been gone since we talked about this. I think I was picking up on you trying to hide your true feelings for me or something, and I obviously have self-esteem issues to work through, but I’ll work on that. With you, because there’s nothing standing between us anymore. I love you, Charlie.”

  I pulled her to me with such force that I was afraid I might hurt her, so I eased up enough to hold her firmly but gently, like the precious treasure she was. My lips found hers as I held her, and we sat there for longer than we probably should have, basking in the glow of the few things we could cling to on this day that we could find joy in.



  After a restful breakfast, we got ready and headed for the funeral home. Mom’s attorney met us there and stood behind us through the greetings. I met a bunch of people I didn’t know, nurses, techs, and doctors that Mom worked with, but the neighbors all came as well, along with Mr. Lee, Cassandra, and Kim, our postal worker, so it wasn’t entirely a sea of unfamiliar faces. There were even a few kids I went to school with that showed up, and a few of the girls I knew from the university. Even at my mother’s funeral, they managed to sneak in a few dirty glares when they saw me with Charlie. Bitches.

  Karen had made special arrangements for Shadow at my mother’s request. She had known I would need him, and as weird as it was, I think he needed to say goodbye too. I felt like I was sticking out like a sore thumb with my massive German Shepherd at my side, and this dress and heels probably didn’t help. Charlie looked quite handsome in his suit though. I’d never seen him dressed up before. He cleaned up well, but we’d have to find some happier reasons to clean him up next time.

  Eventually the greetings were over, and we were escorted to our seats. Based on the severity of her injuries, the home had suggested a closed casket ceremony, and I had agreed, so when everyone finished speaking, the guests were dismissed, and only a handful of close friends were invited to stay after for a viewing and a chance to say good-bye. Mr. Lee, Cassandra, and Karen stayed behind with Charlie and me, but I hung back when they opened the casket, allowing the others to go first.

  Cassandra didn’t shy away from things like death. They were simply a part of life to her, so she went straight to the casket and laid a hand on my mother’s forehead. She whispered some prayer or incantation or something, and then she kissed my mother’s forehead, turned, and walked to me.

  Cassie embraced me without question and held me for several moments. “I’m so sorry, my sweet girl. In case your mother didn’t get a chance to tell you, I’m here for you. You can trust me. And we’ve got some things to talk about, so come and see me this week though, okay? It’s important.” Cassie leaned in and kissed my forehead. “I love you, Dani. I loved your mom too, and I’m here for you, whatever you need.” Then Cassie put a hand on Charlie’s shoulder and said, “And you, young man. We’re all counting on you to keep an eye on our girl. She needs you more than you know. Treat her right, Charlie. Or there will be consequences you cannot fathom.”

  Charlie’s eyes widened a bit, but he swallowed and nodded, and Cassie smiled at us both then exited the room. As she left, Karen stepped up to the casket, standing silently and solemnly at my mother’s side for just a moment, seemingly studying her face. Then she wiped a single tear from her cheek, turned, and walked to the back of the room, silently awaiting me, I assumed.

  Mr. Lee went last. He bowed to my mother, saying something in Chinese, then he crossed himself, placed a hand on her forehead, closed his eyes, and whispered another prayer or something under his breath. Then he crossed himself again, but as he turned to walk toward me, I was assaulted by another vision of Mr. Lee crossing himself. I was back in the alleyway. I saw wings, and something flew at me. Then I saw Mr. Lee over a pristine white wing, crossing himself. When I came out of it, Mr. Lee was standing in front of me, staring at me strangely.

  “Are you alright, Dani?”

  “I’m… yes, Mr. Lee. I think so.”

  “When you are ready, I am here to teach you. I know they ruled this an accident, but I don’t trust t
heir judgement in this case. One or both of you was being watched, and there’s a good chance if they’ve become violent, they will try again. We should commence with your lessons as soon as you feel comfortable. Your friend is more than welcome to join us, since, I assume, he will be escorting you to and from class for a while.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Lee. I agree. I’ll give you a call next week if that’s alright.”

  “Perfectly fine, Dani. I will look forward to speaking to you then.” Mr. Lee bowed to me, and I returned the gesture, then he smiled at Charlie, turned, and left the room. All that was left was me.

  “You ready?” Charlie asked. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Dani. If it’ll help to say goodbye, then you need it, but if it won’t help you to say goodbye, then there’s no point putting these images in your mind. Remember her how she was, not like this.”

  I nodded for a moment before I found my voice. “I think I need to say goodbye. I keep waiting for her to show up, to walk in and tell me it was all a mistake. It doesn’t feel final. And honestly… I want to know what they did to her, Charlie. Someone who loves her in this world should know the entirety of her story.”

  Charlie nodded and wrapped his arm around me, holding my arm with the other hand and said, “You ready?”

  I nodded, reaching up and squeezing his hand as he guided me to the casket with Shadow at my side. The single most painful moment of my life wasn’t hearing that my mother was dead. It was seeing it. Seeing her lifeless body, void of any of what had made her her, killed something inside me. I felt the cold and the numbness, but it wasn’t the normal kind I felt. This was different.

  It also wasn’t accompanied by weakness, difficulty controlling my actions, or blurred vision. My vision was sharper than ever. I could see every detail of everything, despite the tears pouring from my eyes. I could hear everything, the people milling around in the lobby and outside. The cawing of too many crows just outside the building tugged at my attention, but right now my focus was reserved for my mother. Every bruise, cut, abrasion, lump, everything about her body that didn’t sit right, that wasn’t perfect as it should have been, everything that had taken her from me burned itself into my memory. Because I would find the person or persons responsible, and they would suffer every injury they had inflicted before I allowed them the peace of death.

  Charlie grabbed my arms suddenly, and I looked up to realize the entire room was shaking, all the benches, the casket, vases, flower arrangements, and wall hangings. The people in the lobby were gasping and frightened, and Charlie pulled me away from the casket and covered me with his own body. The vases, flowers, and wall hangings all flew from their posts, crashing to the ground around us as nearby windows shattered. The shaking stopped abruptly, and I looked up at Charlie, who was staring at me with more than a little bit of fear.

  I swallowed, suddenly nervous, but unable to process what had just happened or the danger we might’ve been in. We stood, and I turned back to my mother, straightening her dress and hair after the shaking. I kissed her forehead and told her I loved her, that I would always love her and value the lessons she taught me. I told her I was grateful that she was my mother, and that I would miss her every single day. And when I couldn’t form words anymore, Charlie was there.

  I buried my face in his chest and sobbed until I couldn’t sob anymore, until my throat was raw and my tears were all dried up. Shadow stayed right by my side until I was calm, then he jumped up, placing two paws on the casket, and licked my mother’s cheek once before jumping right back down. Then he followed as Charlie escorted me to the back of the room where Karen-the-lawyer was waiting for us.

  She handed me a single envelope and smiled gently. “This is a letter from your mother. She didn’t want you to read it before the funeral. All our contact from here on will likely be via email and phone. Once the cremation is done and her ashes are ready, I’ll have her delivered to you. I’m truly sorry, Dani. Good luck. I’m effectively your lawyer now, so if there’s ever anything you should need, don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Charlie directed me to the door, fielding advances from well-meaning guests, though most were busy freaking out and wondering if they’d just experienced an earthquake. We didn’t get earthquakes, but I didn’t really care right now. As we exited the building and headed to Charlie’s car, I heard it again. Cawing. Lots and lots of cawing. I glanced up and saw dozens of crows on the power lines, maybe hundreds. Shadow didn’t bark, didn’t even flinch. I thought I should be afraid, but I didn’t feel afraid. I felt totally safe. Sad, broken, permanently damaged maybe, but safe.



  Charlie took us straight home from the funeral, letting Shadow do his business in the yard while Charlie escorted me to the house. Then we went inside, locked up, set the alarm, and went upstairs. Charlie took me directly to bed, where I mostly sat like a mannequin as he helped me out of the dress, shoes, stockings, and bra, then he redressed me in a clean t-shirt and a pair of shorts before he tucked me into bed, changed his own clothes, and climbed in bed with me. He held me that way until I fell asleep, and when I woke later, he ordered pizza from his phone. He stayed with me until it arrived, then he collected the pizza, let Shadow out again, and locked us in.

  Charlie tried to get me to eat, but I just wasn’t hungry. I felt nauseous too, so he had a few slices as a quick dinner and crawled back in bed with me. We stayed there through the night and the next two days, only getting up to go to the bathroom or for Charlie to eat, and he kept water on the nightstand for when we got thirsty. I felt like I had collapsed inward, like a black hole, and I was beginning to fear I wouldn’t be able to break loose of this. I could remember breaking out of the pain the first time, but it felt like such a long time ago, and this wasn’t just pain. I felt hollow. Not quite numb, but like everything left inside was demolished, and most of it was gone. I wasn’t sure I could break through again. At least not yet.

  I hadn’t taken my medicine since it happened, not since we returned home from the hospital a few days ago. That’s probably why Charlie had to syringe dose me several times. I needed to take care of myself, for him, for Shadow, for Mom.

  I wasn’t living the life she would have wanted for me. So when I woke up the third morning after the funeral, I decided I needed to make a real effort to get up and live. I needed to find my way out of this torment, but all I could feel was pain and sadness. I needed a syringe shot of joy to bring a little sunshine. When I was ready to get up, that is. At that moment, I wasn’t, so I curled up in the bed again, pressing myself into Charlie and feeling the warmth and safety of his embrace envelope me.

  As I squirmed in the bed, trying to snuggle in closer, I felt his response grow behind me. He’d been very careful around me since the shower incident, so I hadn’t felt his body respond to me quite the same since then. Until now.

  As I felt him harden between us and his arms tighten around me, I was reminded of that first morning in the bed and the morning in the shower, the pleasure, the consuming desire. I pressed myself further back into him and felt him stir in response. Charlie squeezed me tighter, pulling me further into him. His hands began to wander across my skin, slipping beneath my shirt and into my shorts as his lips found my neck. His hand found a breast, tormenting my nipple as I reached between my legs and positioned his fabric-wrapped shaft where I could better reach him, slipping my hand into his shorts, grasping his cock, and stroking him firmly.

  Charlie groaned behind me, his fingers working their magic between my legs as I felt myself climbing. It took a significant amount of willpower, but I pulled away and rolled toward him, pushing him back and straddling him. I wanted this to last today, and the way he was working me, I wasn’t going to last long. I pulled his shirt over his head and then proceeded to remove my own. Lifting my hips from him, I scooted back just enough to slide the waistband of his shorts down, just far enough to release the thick shaft between his legs from its fabric prison. I stroked him a few ti
mes, then scooted down a bit further and leaned down, taking his tip between my lips and then pulling back. The guttural, broken sound that escaped Charlie excited me, and I wanted nothing in the world more than to hear it again. Immediately.

  I scooted down a bit further so I could lower myself more comfortably, and Charlie propped himself up on his elbows.

  “Dani, you don’t have to… oh, fuck. Jesus… fuck. Dani… I mean it, you don’t… Oh, God… fuck, yes… yes…” Random profanities dripped from his lips as I licked and sucked and stroked him. Charlie didn’t usually talk that way, especially in front of me, but hearing him come apart and lose control by my hand—or mouth, rather—was intoxicating. I could feel his muscles tensing beneath me as he struggled to keep it together, to hold out, and we were locked in a battle of wills, winner take all, and I had him by the balls—literally, once I grabbed ahold of the delicate sack between his legs and began to massage it firmly.

  Charlie’s whole body jerked, a string of curses flew free from his lips, and I smiled. It was just the opportunity he needed. I’d released him as I smiled, and Charlie grabbed my ribs and pulled me up to him, rolling us over so that he was on top of me. His lips crashed into mine in a painfully bruising kiss, and he held me still beneath him, spreading my legs with his knees and finding my clit with his fingers. He rubbed the tiny gland unforgivingly until I was panting, then he pulled back, threw my legs in the air, and tugged my shorts up and off. He held my gaze as he did, held my gaze as he spread my legs, pressing them into the mattress, as he dropped his head to the apex of my thighs and licked the length of my black lace panties, barely brushing my pleasurable center as he finished.


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