Book Read Free

Companion Required

Page 14

by Brian Lancaster

  “Kieran, you don’t have to do this. People will see us, will see you.”

  “Uh, that’s kind of the point. Plus, I need to test something out. So please indulge me for a minute or two.”

  Once again Kieran moved forward, and this time Kennedy closed his eyes, felt the full force of Kieran’s lips press against his. At first, the kiss was tentative, a brush of lips as though exploring, but then Kieran teased open his lips. Once their tongues collided, Kieran tilted his head, his hands weaving through Kennedy’s hair, drawing him forward. When he deepened the kiss, when their tongues began to dance their private tango, Kennedy crushed their bodies tightly together. Eventually they came up for air, and Kennedy’s heart filled to see Kieran’s startled gaze, as well as his plump lips, moist and reddened, and his dilated pupils.

  “My God, Kennedy! I really like kissing you. What does that say about me?”

  “That you have good taste.”

  “Can we head back to the cabin?” asked Kieran, ignoring the quip and instead plucking a playing card from his top pocket. “I’ve had this jack of spades burning a hole in my pocket for days now. And I think I’m finally ready to trade it in tonight.”

  “I don’t understand. Is that why you’re packing?” asked Kennedy, confused. “But you know I can’t fly you out until the end of the cruise.”

  “I wasn’t packing. I was trying to find my bloody bow tie. And anyway, that’s not what I’m asking. I want to trade this baby in for its original purpose. I want to swap this for one of your world famous, apparently mind-numbing blow jobs. Best in the northern hemisphere, according to my sources.”

  “Hang on, Kieran. Are you sure? You don’t have to do this.”

  “Fuck that. I’m the one getting the blow job, not you. You think you’re man enough?”

  After staring at him for a couple of seconds, Kennedy grabbed Kieran by the hand and dragged him off the dance floor back towards their room.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  Kieran’s body had become a massive active volcano, with a devastating eruption only milliseconds away.



  For the third time, Kennedy had brought Kieran right to the toe-curling edge of what promised to be the best orgasm of his life, caressing Kieran’s balls with one hand and drawing that talented mouth and tongue up and down his eager, granite-hard shaft—only to pull his mouth away with a pop seconds before lift-off.

  “What the fuck are you doing to me?” Kieran whimpered.

  “Giving you your money’s worth,” said Kennedy, smiling up at Kieran, those cool blue eyes gazing playfully.

  “You’re not, you’re torturing me. I swear, Kennedy,” said Kieran, pleading, “if you don’t finish me off soon, I’m going to have to take matters into my own hands. Literally.”

  Just after they’d entered the cabin and Kennedy had switched on the ‘do not disturb’ sign, as Kieran had kicked off his shoes in the upstairs bedroom, a wave of uncertainty had hit him. But Kennedy had pulled him into a gentle kiss, which had initially calmed him before turning molten, reigniting Kieran’s arousal. Grinning hungrily, Kennedy had pushed him back onto the mattress, pulling off Kieran’s trousers and underpants completely before obliging with his promised ‘deluxe service’. Lying back on the bed, his knees hanging over the end of the mattress, Kieran had watched in awe and bliss as Kennedy had devoured him. Right now, his head bobbed up and down, mouth sucking hard, combined with his snakelike tongue’s caress around his shaft, one hand gripping the base, pumping, gradually building speed.

  Kieran’s hands clutched handfuls of duvet as his thighs begin to tremble, his head thrown back onto the mattress, a carnal roar issuing from somewhere deep inside. Kennedy finally sent him over the precipice, swallowing Kieran’s whole length into his throat as the inevitable orgasm ripped through him. Without removing his mouth, Kennedy took every drop Kieran had to offer, with Kieran moaning loudly and unashamedly, his heart thumping, dark spots flickering across his vision.

  Lying there, staring up unseeing, he wondered if he should be freaking out a little right now that another man had just blown him. But he wasn’t. In fact, if Kennedy offered to do him again, he’d definitely not only let him, he’d plead with him—well, maybe after resting up a little. Sex had always been a bit like going through the motions with Jennifer. And she had avoided oral sex, usually wanted to get the main deed over and done with as quickly as possible, without too much fuss or foreplay. If this was his initiation to gay sex, then he was fucked. What other incredible delights might be in store?

  “Are you okay?” came Kennedy’s voice.

  Kieran’s addled brain tried to find the words.

  “Feels as though you turned all the bones in my body to liquid and then sucked them out through my cock.”

  “Eloquent,” said Kennedy, after laughing aloud.

  Kieran just about managed to raise his head and stare at the man between his legs.

  “Get up here,” said Kieran. “Next to me.”

  Kieran enjoyed ordering Kennedy around, and, oddly enough, every time he did, Kennedy did exactly as he demanded. When Kennedy landed next to him, Kieran pulled him into a kiss, tasting the saltiness of himself on Kennedy’s tongue. This time, Kieran took his time and sensed Kennedy doing the same.

  “You’re turning into a total kiss whore, Mr West,” said Kennedy. “So, how was your first ever gay blow job?”

  “If I offer to give you back the five hundred, can I get one of those every day for the rest of the trip?”

  Kennedy laughed aloud again, that nice rumble Kieran had come to enjoy.

  “How about you keep the five hundred, and I’ll still give you one of those every day, anyway? So you’re staying? For the rest of the trip?”

  “Fuck yeah. I always was, but I definitely am now.”

  Oddly enough, Kennedy let out a deep sigh then, but when Kieran turned his head, he saw him on his back, looking into the air and smiling. But then a sudden thought came to Kieran.

  “Shit. What about you? Don’t you need to get off, too?”

  Once again Kennedy laughed, quieter this time, and placed a hand across his eyes, becoming a little sheepish.

  “I already did. Shot a load in my trousers when you came.”


  “I know. Like an over-sexed teenager,” he said, before taking his hand away and looking Kieran in the eyes. “But in my defence, watching your expression while you’re coming undone is as hot as all hell.”

  They lay in companionable silence. Kieran almost began to fall asleep, until he became aware of his unorthodox position, draped over the end of the bed. Not to mention still wearing his shirt, bow tie and black socks. Kennedy spoke before he had a chance to break the silence.

  “I really need to go and clean up.”

  “You going to grab a shower?”

  “Yeah, I think I’m going to have to. Get some of this gunk off me.”

  “Want some company?” asked Kieran, feeling unusually bold.

  “In the shower?” asked Kennedy, startled, his gaze swinging Kieran’s way. “Are you sure?”

  “Almost since we boarded, you’ve been perving at me while I’ve been in the shower.”

  “I have not!”

  “Sure you have. I’m not complaining. That’s why I left the bathroom door wide open. In my book, if you’re going to put on a show, you might as well put on a good one.”

  Kennedy’s burst of laughter was followed by him jumping up from the bed and holding out his hand.

  “Come on then.”

  Kieran took his hand and hauled himself to standing.

  “But before we do,” said Kennedy, reaching for Kieran’s bow tie, “we need you to lose a few of these clothes.”

  Slowly and meticulously, Kennedy unclasped Kieran’s bow tie then began unbuttoning his shirt, all the while maintaining eye contact. With the so
ft but sure touches of his fingers, the sensation intimate and erotic, Kennedy had Kieran’s breathing deepening again. In a final flourish, Kennedy lifted the shirt from across Kieran’s shoulders and threw the garment onto the carpet. As he knelt to the floor to remove each of Kieran’s socks, his nose grazed against Kieran’s renewed and straining erection.

  When a fully-clothed Kennedy stood and began to unfasten his own shirt, Kieran stopped him with one hand and began to return the favour.

  Kieran had seen Kennedy’s body a number of times on the holiday—at his parents’ house when Kennedy had hauled himself out of and sunned himself around the swimming pool, even on the cruise when he’d left the shower with a towel wrapped around him. But he had never seen him fully naked before and, although he had undressed him the same way—keeping their eyes together—he now rewarded himself by drinking in the perfect proportions and sheer muscular physique of the man, the dusting of dark chest hair trailing down to the substantial erection. Once again he marvelled at being unabashedly aroused by the body of another man.

  Thirty minutes washing each other’s bodies and one more orgasm each later, they towelled themselves off in the bedroom. Kieran felt so calm and comfortable, with post-orgasmic tiredness overtaking him. As though hearing his thoughts, Kennedy spoke.

  “Think I’m ready for bed. How about you?”

  “Yeah, I think I am, too.”

  Kennedy grinned, took the damp towel from him and disappeared into the bathroom. He returned seconds later, butt naked, and headed to his wardrobe.


  “Yes?” answered Kennedy, his back to Kieran.

  “Can we do away with clothes in bed? I’ve always preferred sleeping in the buff.”

  Kennedy brought his hand away from the shelf that held his tees and sweats, and turned his head. A small, devilish smile curled one corner of his mouth.

  “Are you sure? You’re not worried I might be tempted to take your virginity while you sleep?”

  Once again Kieran met the remark face-on, smiling and folding his arms.

  “You promised to be the perfect gentleman, remember? And anyway, if that does become an option, I’d rather be awake, if it’s all the same to you. Do we have a deal?”

  “If it means me having you naked and in bed with me, then yes, we have a deal.”

  Ten minutes later they lay in bed together, although Kennedy still had his bedside lamp on. Kieran shuffled purposely closer to middle of the bed, turning on his side to talk to Kennedy, who was checking his phone.

  “I haven’t thanked you yet.”

  “Thank me?” asked Kennedy, turning quizzically to Kieran. “For what?”

  “For choosing me. As your companion. I’ve seen and experienced so many things I could never even have imagined. And it’s all thanks to you.”

  Something flickered across Kennedy’s sight then, and he looked away before shaking his head softly. With a gentle sigh, he put his phone down on the bedside cabinet and turned on his side to face Kieran.

  “We dock overnight in Okinawa tomorrow. How do you fancy getting a hotel for the night?”

  “Sounds sleazy,” said Kieran, grinning. “Count me in. I didn’t think you were into doing excursions. You haven’t been on a single one yet.”

  “I’m not, and I won’t. But I’ve got some business to take care off in the evening, so I’m meeting a contact there. A little bar down the backstreets of Naha. Wondered if you’d want to come along. Maybe meet me there.”

  “I was going to Shuri Castle with Laurie.”

  “You still can. That’s during the day, isn’t it? And she’ll want to get back to the boat, to see how Steph is doing. Maybe you could come and meet me outside the bar afterwards? Around seven? We can have a drink while I get my business out of the way. After that, we can stroll back to the hotel and have a nice dinner in the restaurant on the top floor. Just you and me. What do you say?”

  “Let me think,” said Kieran, frowning and tapping a finger in the middle of his lips. “I might have to charge extra for that.”

  “Oh yes,” said Kennedy, playing along. “How much extra?”

  “At least one extra special technique blow job from the master. Do you think he can manage that?”

  “Do you know, Mr West, I think it’s time for the master to teach his student this special technique. See if he’s up to the job. How does that grab you?”

  Kieran hadn’t even considered the notion of reciprocating, the thought of him blowing another man having never crossed his mind. But suddenly the idea of watching Kennedy’s face while he brought him to orgasm had his heart racing and his cock growing heavy.

  “The student is keen to learn.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Dressed in casual navy cargo pants and a lemon Ralph Lauren polo shirt, Kennedy rested an elbow on the counter as he checked into the five-star hotel in Naha. At his feet he had a small bag containing toiletries, with a change of clothing for him and Kieran, plus a small gift bag. While waiting for the clerk to photocopy his passport, he mulled over his conversation with Steph. What he still couldn’t fathom was why Kieran hadn’t told him about Richmond warning him off. Why keep that to himself? Although, in all fairness, Richmond hadn’t been wrong. Kennedy’s usual holiday companions came with a short lease on life. But using the word ‘disposable’ had not only been brutal, but unnecessary. Kieran didn’t deserve that, and if Kennedy saw Richmond again on the cruise, he’d confront him.

  At the thought of Kieran’s name, Kennedy’s mind replayed the events of the morning. He had woken to a warm body aligned against his own, opened his eyes to find Kieran leaning over him and grinning. After a brief ‘good morning’, Kieran had satisfied his appetite with a deep kiss. Tasting of minty toothpaste, and smelling of orange shower gel, he had obviously been awake for some time, had already showered and done his other ablutions before coming back to bed. Sporting substantial morning wood, Kennedy had felt his lust skyrocket, and he’d rolled a sniggering Kieran onto his back, silencing him by tasting every inch of his body from neck to groin, before swallowing his cock whole again. This time, emboldened by the gasps and moans coming from above, Kennedy had not only sucked on each of his balls, but had then pushed both of Kieran’s thighs up and swiped his tongue along his crack.

  No sound had come from Kieran, just a sharp intake of breath. Kennedy had looked up then, seen Kieran watching him with wonder, and a fair amount of shock. Kennedy had wondered if he’d gone too far.

  ‘“Do that again,’” Kieran had said.

  Kennedy had grinned and wasted no time. Not only had he taken his time to prepare Kieran, but he’d probed with his tongue, feeling Kieran’s body shiver with each invasion. When he’d finally returned to the task at hand, sucking on Kieran’s erection, he’d pushed a fingertip into him, only up to the first joint, to get him used to the invasion. Finally, he’d used Kieran’s pre-cum to moisten both of their erections, and, while feeling the muscles tighten around his digit, he’d pulled on their joined arousals—Kieran’s introduction to frottage—until they’d both come to a shuddering climax.

  * * * *

  At ten past seven, darkness had already begun to fall, and he spotted the silhouette of a man on the right side of the up-sloping lane, leaning against a wall. As was customary, most of the bar signs had been illuminated in florescent colours, and opposite the man, at the top of the stairs, stood the bar called 036. As Kennedy approached, the tall shadow peeled away from the wall.


  Kennedy smiled at the sight.

  “Kennedy.” Just the sound of Kieran’s voice made his heart dance.

  “You made it. How long have you been here?”

  “Ten minutes max. The sign went on only a few moments ago. What’s in the bag?” Kieran nodded to the carrier bag Kennedy had brought with him.

  “Presents for Tim and Hiro.”

  With a quick check along the empty lane, Kennedy stepped towards
Kieran and began to pull him in for a kiss, but Kieran stopped him.

  “You said we need to be discreet.”

  “In the bar, yes.”

  “In the gay bar?”

  “Correct. It’s a cultural thing. Although they probably wouldn’t say anything to us, most locals don’t appreciate public displays of affection. It’s not homophobic or anything, simply cultural, and something we have to respect. The same thing goes for straight couples.”

  “But in a gay bar?”

  “The bars here aren’t like England. Most are well-lit and similar to sitting around in someone’s living room. Some have karaoke and others have theme nights. A few years ago, I walked into one that had a fundoshi night, kind of like a traditional Japanese jockstrap. All the men sat around completely naked except for these items of underwear. Talking politely to each other, but no touching and definitely no kissing. We walked out pretty much immediately.”

  “But no PDAs?”

  “Not that I’ve seen.”

  “Then why are you trying to snog me in the street?”

  “Because there’s nobody watching, dummy.”

  Kieran laughed, but only long enough for Kennedy to pull him into a kiss. Something had begun to feel incredibly familiar about kissing Kieran, almost like a drug he had become addicted to. Before things got too intense, Kieran pushed them apart when he spotted an elderly Japanese couple in the distance strolling their way. While they stood staring at each other, waiting for the couple to shuffle past, Kennedy’s eye was drawn to the bar signs on the building opposite the one housing 036, behind Kieran’s head. On the ground floor stood a bar called Gents with what appeared to be a sign for the toilet, except the sign had two men instead of a man and a woman. On the next floor up, the bar announced something in Japanese with a red fluorescent dragon, and, flickering to life at that very moment on the top floor, Giant Buddha Lounge. Tacky, he thought, but at least a name he could decipher. When another person appeared on the lane, Kennedy breathed out a sigh and led them up the steps to their destination—the bar called 036.


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