Book Read Free

The Third Ten

Page 32

by Jacqueline Druga

  Robbie grinned. “Sorry.”

  “Could you guys have been wrong?” Joe asked.

  “No,” Robbie shook his head. “We all saw the monster run this way. We all saw it go in here.”

  “Not true.” Jimmy added, then grunted when Robbie back handed him.

  “What?” Joe questioned.

  Robbie huffed. “Elliott said it ran passed.”

  “He did?” Joe asked.

  “Yeah, but Dad, three of us saw him run in here. Plus, Alex screamed.”

  “Maybe she screamed because she saw it outside.” Joe suggested, then exhaled. “All right. Let’s go.” He walked to the door.

  “Aren’t we gonna check the house?” Robbie asked.

  Joe stopped. “Robert, if there were some sort of creature in here, don’t you think we’d know.”

  “No. Absolutely not. No.” Robbie shook his head. “Dean knows something. He’s up to something trust me.”

  “Oh, I’m not doubting that,” Joe said. “I’m just saying, we aren’t getting that here tonight.”

  Reluctantly, Robbie agreed. He had no choice but to follow his father and brother from the house.


  February 21st

  The surgery, at least physically, was a complete success. Johnny sailed through without any complications on the table. Gavin was pleased at the ease in which he removed the tumor.

  Ellen had immediately taken the tumor to the lab. Using the special microscope and Danny’s lap top she documented all of the findings so Dean could confirm or deny what she had found.

  The tumors were not cancerous in nature. They were however fast growing, and the area of the brain affected, more than likely would sprout another within a year. That bought them time.

  She told Frank that perhaps some of the therapy they used on Elliott may or may not help. She really did want to confer with Dean about further treatments. But at that moment they were there for the immediate. And the immediate was to get Johnny out of the danger zone with the crushing tumor and on his way to healing.

  One inkling of a problem arose past surgery. Dr. Gavin noticed some swelling. His recommendation was to use Steroids and a forced coma. Just for a short time.

  He also stated that Johnny could experience memory loss, and possible loss of reasoning until the brain healed.

  All that remained to be seen and it was a wait and see situation.

  Both Gavin and Ellen were hopeful and Johnny’s prognosis looked good.

  Lars never doubted the success. He felt that Ellen and Gavin were putting too much into it. Johnny was a fit young man. Healthy. The tumor was deadly, and crushing his brain. He always believed that once the tumor was removed, Johnny would snap back.

  Frank was relived. Despite the history, he worried. Despite it all he was glad that Johnny was out of the woods.

  Six hours post surgery, Frank was in Johnny’s room. Sitting bedside, the sunshine from the window the only light.

  “It’s so fucked up, John,” Frank said. “A part of me doesn’t know if I can ever forgive you. You know? And a part of me now realizes, that it wasn’t all you. It was the tumor. At least part of it was. The part that made you irrational and … bad.” He breathed heavily. “I know you’re coming back west. You’ll be in a different town. But still close. I know you want to repair all the damage. I don’t know if that can be done. All I know is that I’ll give it one step at a time and see what happens. Just know, no matter what. No matter how hard it is. I’m in this room with you. I worried and prayed for you. You’re my kid. I love you with all my heart and soul. I always have. Always will.”

  With that, Frank folded the letter in which he had just read and placed it in an envelope. He sealed it and set it on the night stand. “I wrote that while you were under the knife … or laser. I probably won’t be here when you wake up. I needed you to know my feelings before I left. I … needed you to know I was in here and I worried and I cared.” Frank stood and stretched. He looked at his watch. “I know you’re gonna be out for a while. I’m not leaving for long. I’ll be back. Okay?” He walked closer to the head of the bed and looked upon Johnny. Head bandaged, eyes closed.

  Frank adjusted the covers on him, straightened them to make them perfect. “I’ll be back.” He whispered, and then Frank leaned down, placing his lips to Johnny’s forehead.

  He kept them there for moment, then kissed him again. “I love you.” He whispered. With a sniff he stood upright and turned.

  Ellen stood in the doorway.

  Quietly he walked to her. “You heard?”

  “Not everything. Just the I love you part.” She partially smiled.

  “El, the reason I was in …”

  Ellen reached up, laying her fingers on Frank’s lips. “Hey, you don’t need to give me an explanation. Not me. Okay?”

  Frank nodded, grabbed on to her hand and kissed it. “Thank you”

  “You’re welcome. Now …” She exhaled. “I’m beat, care to join me for some rest?”

  “You know ... I’d like that. Lead the way.”

  Clutching his hand, Ellen began to walk. Frank followed, but not before taking one more look into the room at Johnny.


  February 27th

  It was bad timing. Nothing more. Nothing less. At least that was how Lars explained it to Johnny.

  Ellen and Frank had left the day before with plans to refuel in North Dakota. Lars estimated they were arriving home about the time, Johnny woke fully.

  Still it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that Johnny’s recovery was remarkable. That his emergence into the awake world was without incident. Johnny was angry that he was placed in a forced coma. Lars told him they started undoing the medication after three days. But Johnny didn’t wake up. He had stirred some the day before, asked for water and then went back to sleep.

  Didn’t he see? Didn’t he remember?

  “He … He did what?” Johnny asked.

  “He was the one that give you the water,” Lars explained.

  “So he really was in here.”

  “Yes. Always. Barely left your side.”

  Johnny, who had been pacing plopped down on the bed.

  “Are you dizzy?” Lars asked. “You shouldn’t have gotten up like that.”

  “No, I’m fine. Shocked.” Johnny said. “Lars, why didn’t my dad stay? Why?”

  “When he gave you the water, he knew that you were going to be fine. They had to return to Beginnings. Aside from the fact that the new town arrives today, they were out of food.”

  “You mean they stayed here all this time on the rations they brought?”

  Lars nodded.

  “They must be hungry.”

  “As must you.”

  “I am.”

  “Then why don’t we get you some food.” Lars helped Johnny sweep his legs on the bed and he covered him. “If you feel stronger later, I’ll send you home.”

  “I … I was hoping to go home.”

  “To Beginnings?”


  “You’ll be close enough. Soon enough.”

  “It helps Lars to know my dad was here. Did he say anything?”

  “He said a lot, from what I gathered.”

  “Like what?”

  Lars reached to the night stand next to the bed and handed Johnny the letter. “He left this here for you.”

  Slowly, Johnny’s eyes raised to Lars. “It’s not an I hate you note is it? I couldn’t take that.”

  “I don’t know what it says, but my gut instinct is, that it isn’t bad. I’ll be back, Johnny.”

  Lars left. Johnny held the letter from Frank. He stared at the hand writing on the envelope. His father’s writing. Index finger slightly trembling, Johnny traced the letters of his own name. His father’s neat and tidy writing. The envelope wasn’t sealed, and there was no excuse not to pull it out.

  Yet, Johnny found one.

  Fear. He was genuinely frightened of
what that letter would say, and because of that he didn’t open it. He just stared.


  There was a hustle and bustle in Bowman, and not just because Frank, Ellen and Danny were set to return. More so than Beginnings, Bowman was the hub of the new towns. More open and adjacent to them all.

  Elliott dropped a knapsack on the table on the mess hall. “That’s what Jess picked out.” He then laid down a dress shirt and slacks that hung on hangers and disappeared to be neatly pressed.

  Hal snickered. “Jess picked out Danny’s clothes. You had a gay man do it?”

  Elliott titled his head. “Captain, I know Danny Hoi. He is the best dressed man I know, and he’d want to be best dressed for this occasion.”

  “So you went to a gay man.”

  “Why not.”

  “Good thinking Elliott. Did you or Jess iron them?”


  “Welcome back.” Hal gave a swat to his arm. “I take my little brother is filling in until Frank returns.”

  “Yes. Did you know …” Elliott followed Hal as Hal walked to the food line. “Did you know Frank has a book signing on Saturday?”

  Hal stopped. He spun around to Elliott. “He what?”

  “A book signing.”

  “Good God, Elliott, what book is he signing?”

  “His own.”

  Hal laughed.

  “Seriously, Captain. New literary material …”

  Hal laughed louder. “This is my brother we are speaking of.”

  “Yeah and well, Robbie and Ellen’s book is in editing. The one they wrote about Joe.”

  “They ... they wrote a book about my father.”

  “Not really, but I hear it’s like a Hollywood truth novel with fake names.”

  Hal blinked long. “They wrote a novel, I assume about Beginnings?” He saw Elliott nod. “Using fake names and they don’t think anyone will be able to figure it out?”

  “New reading material is needed. Everyone is writing books. I hear you have a poetry book coming out.”


  “That’s the rumor.”

  “All well and fine, how wonderful that is but … who is publishing them.”

  “Hoi House.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” Hal walked the food line, nodded at the cooks and gave them a ‘good job’ compliment,

  Elliott smiled.

  Hal faced Elliott. “This will be a nice private breakfast. My brother called to stay they were starving. Something about Lodi not providing them with food.”

  “That is really horrible,” Elliott said. “Rude as well, I hear.”

  “Yes. And we’re supposed to all get along when they arrive.” Hal shook his head. “Anyhow, tell me more about Hoi House.”

  “Well, seems a lot of people know. And The Frank book is the first official book to be released. Actually, it’s supposed to be a surprise for Frank. I found out because I saw Ben from Fabrics setting up the book display in his window.”

  “Book display?”

  “Seems Danny got a hold of one of those publishing units. They make and produce one book at a time. And Frank’s book was the test because it was short. It’s illustrated by Forrest.”

  “Okay, stop. You’re joking, my brother wrote a book?”

  Elliott nodded.

  “A short book with illustrations. My God, Elliot please don’t tell me the young minds of our new world will be shaped by a Frank …” Hal paused frozen, mouth open when Elliot held up the paperback book. Hal gulped. “Children’s book.” He snatched it. “Frank’s Day out?”

  Elliot chuckled. “Its’ great. Look at the art. Forrest did a fantastic job.”

  Hal flipped through the pages, pictures of Frank as a cartoon character. Dean, Joe. “Oh my God.”

  “It’s good.”

  “My brother an author and he doesn’t know he has a book signing.”

  “Not to my knowledge. I had to bribe Mr. From fabrics to sell me a copy since they aren’t on sale until Saturday.”

  “Let’s allow this to be a surprise for my brother. Onward. Has the crew returned?”

  “Yes,” Elliott answered as he and Hal headed outside. “At dawn they checked in. All finished in record time.”

  “We thought we had another four days. Who knew?”

  “Looks complete. I haven’t been there. They said Bowman is still tinsel town.” Elliott smiled the words. “And that there may be some things still needed. But all and all it’s ready.”

  “It’s going to be a very confusing day.” Hal’s head cocked to the sky. “Speaking of confusing.” He pointed as the plane flew in low. “They arrive”

  Elliott grinned. “Do you mind if I ….”

  “Not at all. You are more than welcome to join me in greeting them.”

  “You don’t mind if I don’t wait for your father. He should be here any second.”

  “Elliott please, my father will be fine. Let’s go see them. Shoot... Danny’s clothes.”

  “I’ll get them.”

  Hal waited until Elliott darted into the mess, and returned with the clothes. Then the two of them moved quickly to where the plane would land.


  The site for it was perfect. Completely engulfed by trees, tiny little houses easily adjusted. Danny and his housing crew busted butt to get extra trailers and modular homes in, as the division of people did add up. Creedville was nearly full.

  Three shops that would need workers, would be supplied by Beginnings and Bowman until Creedville could be trained.

  Danny Hoi had plans for more.

  Joe knew the second he stepped into town he put the right man on the project.

  Danny had his select few that could get the job done, and they did. One thing he didn’t get was why Creed got the biggest and gaudiest house in town. When it could have been used as a commune.

  Roger explained to Joe that it was the mayor’s house and since Creed was God to these people he deserved it.

  Joe only grumbled.

  Joe had to admit, he was truly impressed and proud of Danny Hoi. He even finally gave into the Hoi Contractors name.

  But he had to get to Bowman. Frank, Ellen and Danny were arriving. And though he could do with a meeting without Ellen he wasn’t going to stall other issues because she was there.

  He arrived back in town for the late breakfast meeting at the mess hall. Receiving radio that Frank had arrived on time and safe, made Joe feel a bit better. Although he was surprised to find no one there when he arrived. He asked the cook, Private Reynolds where everyone was at. The cook, nervous to be talking to Joe, simply informed him that the Caption sent word that Mr. Hoi wanted to freshen up.

  Figures, Joe thought.

  He grabbed a cup of coffee and basked in it. He didn’t have a clue how Hal got such good beans. Mid sip, he was shocked to see Henry walk in.

  “Morning, Joe, don’t tell me I missed it.”

  “What ... what are you doing here, Henry?”



  “I’m acting council. You said it yourself.”

  “You said it Henry.”

  “You need me, Joe with the new town and all. You need someone to be the go between for all our towns. Like Danny was the ambassador to Lodi, what about me being the Province Liaison.”

  Joe actually slowed down in his pace to the already set up table. “Explain.”

  “Well I’ve been thinking about this Joe. I have.” Henry joined him at the table. “Instead of mass confusion meetings once a week with all the leaders. What we could do is I could have a morning meeting, every morning with each leader. Go to each community. Speak to them. See if we need updated. Keep you abreast, and on top of things. Keep the other communities up to date with what is happening. Then we could have a monthly meeting if needed. If a one on one is needed, I could set that up for you.”

  Joe nodded. “Actually, Henry that is a good idea.”

  “What is?” Fra
nk asked when he walked in

  “Son of a bitch,” Joe smiled, stood up and walked over to his son. He embraced Joe, then Ellen. “I can’t wait to hear everything. Danny …” Joe extended a hand. “You look good.”

  “We’re thinner, Joe.” Danny said.

  “I see that. Well, then let’s get some food.”

  Frank asked. “Why is Henry here?”

  “Well, if you must know,” Joe walked to the food line with the crew. “Henry came up with a great idea. He thinks we should have a liaison to handle all our communities. One person visits each leader each morning. Gives the full report to me and keeps them up to date as well.”

  Hal nodded impressed, “I like that idea. Who would do it?”

  Joe pointed to Henry.

  Henry grinned.

  Hal grunted a moan.

  “What?” Joe asked.

  “If I can …” Frank added. “Council meetings and stuff were never dull with Henry. He’s anal and whiney and I’m sure the other leaders will hate dealing with him. So he’s perfect. They’ll resolve their own problems so they don’t have to tell Henry about them.”

  “Good point,” Joe said and laid a hand on Henry’s back. “See Frank has a good point.”

  “Swell.” Henry mumbled.

  All of them, Joe, Frank, Hal, Elliott, Ellen and Danny retrieved their breakfast and had a seat at a long table, Joe seated at the head.

  “I know you have to be pretty excited, Danny,” Joe said. “So we’ll make this short. But I’ve been there. Good work.”

  “So they finished up this well without problems.”

  Elliott cleared his throat. “We lost a finger.”

  Everyone turned and said ‘what?’

  “Nothing major, “Elliott shrugged. “One of your crew sawed it off.” He ate as he spoke. “Andrea was able to sew it back on. I’m surprised none of you heard.”

  Joe shook his head. “No. I guess it wasn’t too bad.”

  “After the meeting I ‘m going to go there, if that’s Okay, Joe.” Danny said. “I know Creed and crew aren’t schedule to start arriving for a few hours. But I want to go through.”


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