Book Read Free

The Third Ten

Page 73

by Jacqueline Druga

  At first Hal’s mouth opened, he released a forced knowing ‘ah’, nodded once, and laid his hand on her back. “I’ll leave you to resolve it then.” He smiled, turned, lost the grin, and went to Frank.

  “All situated?” Frank asked.

  “Um, Frank? I think we may have a problem.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Andrea … she …” Hal stopped to try to determine the best way to tell Frank. “She just said that she …”

  “If I can have your attention please,” Henry spoke over the auditorium speaker system.

  Both Frank and Hal turned toward the stage.

  “If I can have your attention,” Henry said.

  A mumble of voices drew into a silence, with a few coughs here and there, as Henry stood at the podium.

  “Will you please rise and join us as Elliott Ryder sings the National Anthem.”

  Everyone rose to their feet as Elliott took the stage. The soldiers in the room turned toward the flag and stood at attention.

  His lone voice was joined by few, as he solemnly sang the nation’s anthem. Loud, clear and emotional, Elliott sang out.

  When he was finished a rush of applause field the room and silence once again entailed as Henry took the podium.

  “I never thought I would stand here, and be the one to deliver such a historical moment in Beginnings’ history,” Henry said. “When we first started Beginnings we never envisioned this. A general election. A new leader. A return to rules and democracy. Not like we didn’t have them, but now, we have been forced to do them. Joe Slagel would be proud. Tonight, we are going to swear in our new leader. A leader that will take us into the future we did all envision. Danny Hoi has set up what we believe to be a fair and balanced voting system. With the exception of Jordan all provinces used a backup system. Paper and computer. These results will be kept in History for anyone who wants to review.” Henry shuffled his notes. “I’m nervous.” He smiled. “The ballot contained names and an open section for those of you to fill in your nomination. The provinces have voted.” He spoke slowly. “6,274 people cast their voice today. The computer count was run three times and backed up with the count of paper ballots. The decision is overwhelming.” Henry’s voice echoed. “And I believe well deserved. There were a few fill in names here and there, but undeniably, and unmistakably, we united in one voice and called out our choice. For our new Leader …” Henry turned. “Frank Slagel.”

  Frank’s head cocked and he looked around as thunderous applause and cheers filled the room. “Wait.”

  Hal grabbed his hand then embraced Frank. “Congratulations, big brother. You can say it’s pretty much unanimous.”

  “I voted for you, Hal.”

  “And I voted for you.” Hal smiled. “You are the only choice here, Frank. You.”

  Frank dropped his voice. “I’m no leader of a country, Hal.”

  “I beg to differ; you are the leader of a country. Go …” Hal motioned his hand down the aisle.

  Amongst the standing ovation, Frank walked. He stopped and hugged Ellen who rushed into the aisle.

  He couldn’t respond to her bids of pride. He was too shocked. He walked up on stage, and grabbed Henry’s hand as it was extended.

  “You okay?” Henry asked.

  Frank widened his eyes with a ‘don’t know’ look as he took a spot before the podium.

  The applause slowed down and the room grew quiet.

  Frank took a deep breath. “I … don’t know what to say.” He looked around. “This was a shock. I honestly, didn’t consider myself in the running. Not at all. It’s … it’s some big shoes to fill. I don’t know what or why all of you chose to vote for me. I really don’t. Not when there so many good men to choose from. I’m just the guy that runs security. Because you have voted for me…. I will give this my best and try. That’s all I can promise. I’ll try to do the best I can, because I love Beginnings, the provinces and everything about it. Thank you.”

  As he turned, he saw Fr. O’Brien step onto the stage holding a bible.

  Frank’s heart raced.

  Ellen joined him on stage.

  In front of the podium, amongst a hushed Crowd Fr. O’Brien extend the bible. “Place your right hand on the bible.”

  Frank did.

  “Repeat after me. I Frank Slagel do solemnly swear…”

  “I Frank Slagel do solemnly swear…”

  “That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United Western Alliance, Provinces of Beginnings.”

  Frank softly repeated. “That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United Western Alliance, Provinces of Beginnings.”

  “That I will to the best of my ability...”

  “That I will to the best of my ability.”

  “Preserve, protect, and defend …”

  “Preserve, protect and defend.”

  “The laws, visions, and beliefs set forth by this new great nation.”

  “The laws, visions, and beliefs set forth by this new great nation.”

  “So help me God …”

  “So help me God.”

  Fr. O’Brien withdrew the bible and shook Frank’s hand. “Congratulations, Mr. President.”


  March 26th

  Hal straightened his tie, and checked his appearance before his office closet mirror.

  Elliott chuckled.

  “I’m glad you can find this amusing, Elliott.”

  “I apologize Captain, but in the midst of change and tragedy a little humor is good.”

  “This …” Hal shut the closet. “Is my mother we are speaking about?”

  “And this concerns you how?”

  Hal tugged his ear. “I’m sorry, did you just ask how this concerns me?”


  “Good God, Elliott have you gone mad. She is claiming to speak to my deceased father.”



  “How do you know she isn’t?”

  Hal growled. “I just do.”

  “Closed minded of you isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Hal said with a firm nod. “It is. I firmly believe she has buried her sadness and mourning into these delusions. For the love of God, Elliott, when I stopped to see her yesterday, to see if she wanted to join me at Hoi-Hoi on the Range for a bite to eat, do you know what she said.”


  “Not just ‘no’, but she couldn’t my father wanted to spend a quiet evening alone at the house. Too many people passing through him makes him feel gassy.”

  Elliott laughed.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “Yes, it is. Sir, your father’s ghost is feeling gassy.”

  Hal, frustrated, did a slight annoyance dance. “My father’s ghost is nothing. There is no ghost of my father.”

  “Perhaps you are in denial. Maybe she is seeing him and your jealous that you aren’t.”

  “I’m going to pretend you didn’t even say that.” Hal grabbed his jacket.

  “What do Frank, Robbie and Jimmy say?”

  “Jimmy doesn’t believe me when I tell him. Robbie hasn’t heard her speak of him either, and Frank just nods. He’s different.”

  “Yeah, he is. Does that bother you?”

  “Very much so. I miss my hardheaded, out of control brother who says fuck instead of any other adjective. But … not now.”

  “I have a theory.”

  “Please.” Hal buttoned his coat.

  “Remember at the wedding how everyone spoke about how Joe loved to annoy Frank and love to get irritated?”


  “I think your brother was driven by the fact that he loved to annoy your father. With your father gone, Frank doesn’t have anyone to annoy.”

  “He has me.”

  “Does he know it?”


  “I think you should make your brother want to annoy you.”

  “I’m not quite sure I w
ant the stroke induction.”

  Elliott smiled. “If you want the old Frank back.”

  “Do you think if we get the old Frank back, he won’t be as good of a leader?”

  “Nah, he’ll be fine.” Elliott said. “Are you off to his meeting now?”

  “Yes. He names his cabinet. He called it his cabinet, Elliott. The old Frank would have said his cupboard.”

  Another chuckle from Elliott.

  “I’m at a loss. My mother is seeing things and speaking to air. My brothers haven’t witnessed it so I can’t get back up, and they think I’m the one who is nuts. And suddenly, my short bus candidate brother is normal. What is this world coming to?”

  “Everything has changed.”

  “Yes, it has.” Hal let out a breath of relief. “Okay, I’m off. I shouldn’t be long.”

  “Good luck.”

  “Thank you,” He walked to his office door. “And Elliott, can you do me a favor. Can you see if you can get Andrea to mention something about seeing my dad so I have a witness?”

  “How?” Elliot asked.

  “I don’t know. Use that creative brain. Perhaps say, ‘Oh, shit, I thought I saw a ghost’.”

  “You want me to lie to Andrea.”

  “If you must. You want to be a good soldier, don’t you?”

  Elliott folded his arms.

  “Maybe not. Have a good day Elliott.” Hal walked out.

  ‘Have a good day, Captain’, Elliot muttered after Hal’s departure. He checked out the time and picked up the phone. He wouldn’t lie to Andrea, but he would give her a call to see if there was anything founded by the captain’s recent observation.


  He hadn’t had a chance to go to Washington to get an internet connection and check his email, but when George did, he knew by the subject heading, ‘New Leader Elected’, it was the news he wanted to get.

  The simple email stating, “By a nearly unanimous decision, Frank Slagel has been elected President’ was all George got. He responded with ‘Convey my congratulations.”

  It was news he wanted to share with Bertha, but she was still recovering.

  A year before, even months before, had George gotten that message he would have laughed, ridiculed and boasted Beginnings had made an error.

  But for some odd reason, with the years of hatred and annoyance over Frank between them, George didn’t flinch.

  The news didn’t shock him, nor did it make him laugh. He pondered the recent decision by his cross country enemy.

  And it made sense to him. Perfect sense.


  “Things are going to be changing,” Frank said. “No, they’ve already changed. And that’s why I called you here.”

  He looked upon the faces of Hal, Danny, Robbie, Jimmy, Henry

  “Our provinces have grown, as you guys know. And although we’ve adjusted, we haven’t made the changes needed for the growth. We have limited doctors, so with that, the doctors are being used. Jason has to be used as a doctor and he serves as a judge. He cannot be on council. Danny is having his men erect a small modular house right at the end of the line of utility buildings; He’ll adjust the walls inside to make it a suitable office for us.”

  Danny interjected. “It should be in place next week at the latest.”

  “Thanks, Danny, Now … the changes.” Frank said. “I need a vice president. Traditionally the president does name his vice president. So in the event something happens to me this person takes over. I want this to be Hal.”

  “Absolutely, Frank.” Hal said.

  “Thanks.” Frank winked. “Now, security. I’ve ran security with Robbie second in charge. With all I have to do daily, I am not going to be able to take on that job. That sucks. I want to still run rounds but I have to turn over the office duties, scheduling, and handling of training to Robbie. You are now head of security, Dan will move to second.”

  Robbie nodded. “Thank you Frank.”

  “Danny and Elliot Ryder will still be council. Henry, I know you are ambassador, and I’d like you to keep that portion of the job but put you back on council.”

  “Whoa. Really?” Henry asked. “Sure, Frank, thank you.”

  “”We have division leaders for every division. But I’m starting a new one. See, we’re approaching war, and we daily use a place that we never made its own. I ran it, Danny ran, Henry, whoever was able to. I want one person in charge. Jimmy, you’ll take over the Communications Center. You have the most experience with satellites and communications.”

  “Absolutely, Frank, I’m heading here now.” Jimmy said.

  “Good. Good.” Frank walked around his desk. “And that’s all. I’ll let you guys get back to work. If you could pass those changes around.”

  They agreed and singularly they stood and left the office following the briefing. Except Hal. He stayed behind.

  “What’s up?” Frank asked.

  “Thought I’d hangout with you for a bit. Learn the job.”

  “That would be great.”

  “Ask you a question.”


  “Where are you?” Hal asked.

  Frank chuckled. “Excuse me.”

  “My big brother. The one who joked. Swore. Drove everyone nuts with his own rendition of Journey songs. Where is that man?”

  “There’s no place for him now, Hal.”

  “I see. Frank?” Hal stepped to him. “The people voted you in for your ability and for you being you. They are going to miss the old Frank.”

  “But that Frank was gone long before I was voted in.”

  Hal nodded. “I know. Do you think he’ll ever come back?”

  “I couldn’t help but change when things changed. And since they’ll never be the same again …” Frank shrugged. “At this point I just don’t know.”


  “You actually questioned him?” Jimmy asked Robbie, walking down the cryo tunnels.

  “Yeah. I don’t think Jason thought much of it. He explained he was in his lab and there were no witnesses.”


  “Questioned him too. But he gave me a hard time. He stopped working and asked me if I was interrogating him.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said I was speaking to everyone who was unaccounted for. He was. Dean then said he was sleeping. But no one recalls seeing him.”

  Jimmy punched his code in the security door. “None of it makes sense.”

  “I know.”

  They walked in. Mark was in there.

  “Hey, Mark,” Jimmy said.

  “Congrats. I hear this is your baby.” Mark said. “Thank God. I can’t make heads or tails out of this.” He pushed the huge manuscript to Jimmy.

  “This the uplink book?”

  Mark nodded.

  “I’ll start going through it. I’ll need you here while I walk through this system.”

  “No problem.”

  The ringing of Robbie’s phone made them all pause, and Robbie took a second to retrieve it.

  “Excellent, I’m on my way,” Robbie said.

  “Good news?” Jimmy asked.

  “Actually, it could be.” Robbie walked to the door. “Darrell looks like he’s waking.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep.” Robbie grinned. “This could be the break.”

  “Good luck.”

  After a nod, Robbie left.

  Jimmy pulled out a chair. “Now, onward to his book. Where were you?”

  “Page 566,” Mark answered as he showed him the book mark. “Where do you want to start?”

  After a shit eating grin, Jimmy flipped the cover. “Page one.”


  Jenny was at school, and John was enjoying the house to himself. When in Bowman he shared a house with three other men. Not often did he get to walk around singing bad show tunes. He had to pack, though. It was time to return to the UWA

  It surprised him when the knock came at the door in the middle of t
he day. Holding his jam sandwiches, John answered the call.

  Davey Littles stood there.

  “Hey, Davey, why aren’t you in school?”

  “I wasn’t feeling well this morning.”

  “What can I do for you?” John asked.

  “I keep forgetting to drop this off.” He handed a bag to John.

  “What is it?”

  “Miss Jenny’s video camera. I was taking the movie for the field trip, but when Mr. Slagel died, everyone was running everywhere from the explosion.”

  “That’s right you were there.”

  Davey nodded. “I was filming. I forgot to give it back. Can you give it to her?”

  “Without a doubt. Thanks.” John smiled at the boy and shut the door. He wasn’t thinking about it until he was ready to set the camera down. Then he remembered what Davey had said. He was there when Joe died... filming. And with that thought, John opened the camera bag.


  “Robert, just the boy I wanted to see,” Andrea scurried to him in the hall of the clinic as Robbie made his way quickly.

  “Hey, Andrea,” Robbie said. “I’m actually in a bit of a rush.”

  “This will only take a moment.”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I love your father you know this.”

  Robbie nodded.

  “This is very difficult for me.”

  “I know.”

  “So could you do me a favor?”

  “Sure, what is it?” Robbie asked.

  “Could you take him with you for a while?”


  “Your father. He’s bored with me and getting a little strange.”

  Robbie’s mouth dropped open. “My dad?”

  “Yes. Will you.”

  “Uh … um …” he shrugged. “Sure. Why not.” He stared to walk. “Let’s go Dad.”

  “Thank God,” Andrea gushed as Robbie walked down the hall. “I can get some work done.”

  Robbie paused. Not too long and not long enough for Andrea to notice. But he paused. Thought about what she implied, and then kept on walking.


  John had to zip through, fast forward all the bull that was on that tape. In fact, he watched the participants move quickly, mouths opening shutting, but no words. When John sped through each frame and caught the explosion. He was shocked. He couldn’t believe it was all caught on film. Something so vital and they were just getting it then.


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