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Lord Love a Duke

Page 6

by Renee Reynolds

  Chapter Twelve

  Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better.

  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 3, Scene 1

  Juliet descended the stairs the following morning in an emerald green riding habit of linen with gold ornamentation down the front and similar embroidery at the cuffs in the au militaire style. Her perfectly fitted jacket showed her figure well. Her small beaver hat, dyed to match her habit, was wrapped with one braid of gold cording with dangling tassel, and sat at a jaunty angle on her head. Jonas was again struck by her arresting beauty, from the gold and auburn highlights of her dark hair, the silver mercury of her eyes, and the deep pink of her full lips. He watched as she smiled at his butler and footmen, unaware of the effect she had on them as they stood taller and worked harder for her pleasure.

  "Lady Juliet," he called from the door to his study. She stopped and turned to him and he flattered himself to think her eyes grew brighter and her smile wider as she saw him.

  "Your Grace," she grinned. "Are we still racing?"

  He gave a nod and smiled in return. "Indeed we are." He gestured toward the door and Hastings immediately opened it to allow their exit. They descended the stairs and began to walk side by side to the stables. "I realized, while waiting for you, that we named no stakes for our race."

  She looked up at him in surprise. "Stakes? We do not race for the sport, or for the bragging rights? I did not take you for a risk taker."

  "I am no gambler, or at least not a very practiced one. And the winner shall indeed brag, but I feel a small wager would not be untoward."

  She cast him a glance and he saw the beginnings of a wicked smile twitching about the corners of her mouth. "I must confess, I like the sound of a wager. Tell me, what are the stakes?"

  He rubbed his chin in contemplation as they drew near the stables. Juliet saw that her horse was saddled and standing next to Paladin, the Duke's jet black Thoroughbred stallion.

  "I am unsure what would be of value to you in a bet. Do you have a suggestion?"

  He saw her smile fade to a frown as she looked on her horse. She looked up at him. "I suggest the winner receives a boon from the loser," she answered almost absentmindedly as she looked over her mount. Falling into deep thought for a few moments she finally broke her stare then turned to address the Duke. "I fear my horse needs a new saddle. I shall ride astride, Your Grace."

  His brows rose in surprise but he quickly began to laugh. "Of course you do. I should have known. You continue to amaze and surprise me, my lady."

  She flushed and felt the need to explain. "I should justify that I ride astride only when in the country, and especially when racing. I assure you it is quite proper, although I would never be so bold as to ride thus through Hyde Park or in unfamiliar company. And Papa put an end to my riding in breeches last year after coming upon me by accident when he arrived home at Bowood. After threats of a sound thrashing, I conceded it was somewhat ill-advised a practice at my age, even though I was secluded on our family estate in Wiltshire. As such, despite my modest attire now, I fear I would leave a trail of ladies and gentlemen in full apoplexy should I sneak a ride in Town. I did, however, work with my modiste to fashion a much more workable habit to facilitate my seat." Juliet realized with horror she was not only babbling but should not be talking of garments with a gentleman and blushed furiously. She was beginning to feel far too comfortable with the Duke and was forgetting herself.

  Jonas showed no affront at her topic and simply called for a groom to re-saddle Hera before covertly glancing over her riding habit again. He now noticed that she carried no skirts over her arm, as was typical for ladies who dressed for riding. Instead, on more thorough inspecting, it seemed her skirt gathered between her legs and fastened to buttons on either side of her small waist. The skirt was still full, the split nearly unnoticeable, but his mind involuntarily began to picture the length of leg hidden by the more functional garment. "Yes, you would no doubt make an impression on the ton." He averted his gaze, flustered that his thoughts strayed so easily. He did feel strangely pleased that she was comfortable enough with him to ride so unconventionally.

  When the horses were ready they grabbed the reins and walked their mounts to the edge of the seaside hill to traverse the narrow path to the beach. They descended the slope in companionable silence, neither feeling the need nor discomfort to keep up unnecessary conversation. As soon as they reached the sand, the Duke stopped his horse and faced Juliet.

  "We begin at the end of the path then ride straight through past the cove, around Horseshoe Rock, then back to the path here. Agreed?"

  Her eyes followed the course as far as she could see as she mentally reviewed the route. "Agreed. And a boon to be named by the winner. A reasonable boon. I mean one that is easily granted by the loser."

  "Agreed," he said, tossing his hat to the sand. Juliet watched his movement then mimicked his action, untying the ribbons of her bonnet and tossing it near his hat. Her thick hair was braided and wound into a low bun at the nape of her neck. He moved to aid her into the saddle, but stopped to watch instead as she placed her left foot in the stirrup and swung herself up into her seat without assistance. As she settled herself in the saddle he noticed the look of pride and ease that settled on her face as she talked quietly to her mount. She arranged her full, split skirt modestly then looked to the Duke for the signal. He swung his leg over Paladin and took up his mark.

  "On my mark, then. Ready . . . . Steady . . . . Go!" He shouted and gave his horse his head. Paladin took off, his mane and tail flying straight behind as he lengthened his strides and gathered speed. Jonas allowed himself a brief glance to his right and saw that Juliet was not trailing by much. It would be a good race, to be sure. Their mounts thundered down the beach, the packed pebbles making the steps and strides of their beasts sure. They neared the curve that began the cove, where the beach curved in on itself by nearly one-quarter mile. Both horses negotiated the shift in direction with nary a drop in speed. As they neared the horseshoe-shaped rock, Juliet urged Hera with her knees and gained ground on the Duke. She entered the turn first with the advantage of taking the inside, changing the direction of her horse with an ease and confidence that only comes from familiarity. A light spray spewed from Hera's hooves as Juliet and horse ate up the ground with impressive speed. The Duke belatedly realized she had probably ridden this route as much as he growing up.

  Juliet lengthened her lead by promptly moving to the firmly packed sand nearer the tide line. From his trailing position, Jonas noticed the pins had flown loose from her hair, her braid flying as a pennant in the wind. Her skirt had ridden up her legs to rest just below her knees, showing her leather half-boots and a shapely calf pressed into Hera's flesh. By God but she was magnificent, at one with her mount and enjoying every minute of the race! He saw her glance back and throw him a triumphant smile before she lowered her head to Hera's neck.

  Jonas resolved immediately to win the boon as if his very life depended on it. "Paladin, the victory must needs be ours, old boy,” he panted, tapping his boot heels into his mounts flanks. They began to gain ground rapidly and he moved into the shallow water, surf and shingle flying, and edged past Juliet with a few feet to spare. He laughed out loud as he heard her French curse at losing fly along the breeze.

  "Merde!" she yelled, but she was laughing and smiling with delight. The two riders slowed their mounts and drew alongside each other at a canter. "Your Grace, that was fantastic! What a race!” she enthused. “And Paladin is a majestic animal at full gallop!"

  Jonas smiled and Juliet saw dimples appear on each side of his mouth, lending him a boyish charm usually missing from his serious countenance. His wind-tossed hair was rakishly disheveled and his ice blue eyes were alive with an inner light.

  "Lady Juliet, I have not raced like this in several years. It was exhilarating. You are an impressive horsewoman. I can see why you prefer to ride astride. You are remarkably in tune with your mount."

bsp; She flashed him a brilliant smile that only enhanced her usual beauty. Her hair was a wild mess of wispy tendrils haloing her face and his fingers ached to touch the loose strands or tuck them behind her ears. Shimmering threads of red and gold peeked out of her disheveled braid. She dismounted, retrieved her bonnet, and wound the long rope of hair to tuck inside as before. "I have been riding Herring, I mean Hera, for six years now. We are in harmony with each other's movements. And I must confess, we do ride on this beach as frequently as the weather allows when my family is in residence. Had I been unfamiliar with the terrain we would have been far slower." She picked up his hat and returned it to him before easily remounting.

  They rode back to the stables in companionable silence, retaking the path up the low cliff to the manor property. At the top, the Duke steered his mount over to the benches stationed near the edge that offered breathtaking views of the Channel. He dismounted and stepped over to help Juliet follow suit. He spanned his hands around her waist and lowered her to the ground.

  "My lady, as I am the winner today, I believe you owe me a boon." He held her firmly by the waist a few moments longer than necessary, before releasing her and stepping away.

  She moved to stand near his horse, rubbing Paladin's nose and nuzzling his cheek. Jonas felt a strange feeling he would have described as envy if it were not so absurd to envy a horse. She turned her gaze on him. "You are quite right, Your Grace. I await your request." She dropped an exaggerated curtsey, accompanied by a mischievous smile. "I am all anticipation," she joked.

  He took a moment to think over the myriad options running through his mind, but found they were all options of a sensual nature. Better not to do this wrong and put fear in her eyes. In fact, it would be better to keep this new found friendship strictly that, but she was too tempting by far. He found himself unable and unwilling to be his usual controlled and sensible self.

  "I am trying to decide between two requests." He looked out over the sea and inhaled a salty, tangy breath of fresh air. He swung his gaze back to her face and studied her classic profile. She felt his stare and turned to meet it. "Would you like to choose between the two, or have me make the choice?"

  She studied his face before answering. He looked far too pleased with himself. "As the winner I fear you must make the decision, Your Grace, or else it would not be your boon."

  "Prettily said, but as both options would please me equally I will leave the choice in your hands." He turned to face her fully and picked up her hand. "Lady Juliet, as winner of our most enjoyable race, I claim as boon either a kiss," he paused at her quick inhalation of breath, "or that you henceforth call me Jonas."

  Juliet was taken aback by her choices. The suggestion of a kiss was naturally shockingly scandalous, but to call him by his first name would generate much speculation and interest in others. She warred within herself as to which option would cause the least upheaval. She could avoid addressing him in most instances, but she felt quite certain the Duke would go out of his way to force her to call him by name in effort to unsettle her and force his victory. A kiss would be for one time only, and ostensibly no one else need know.

  "I believe I would choose the kiss, Your Grace. Both requests are quite scandalous in themselves, but I shudder to think what spasms and fits my poor dear mother would suffer to hear me address one of your rank so informally, regardless of the longstanding friendship between our families." She threw him a cheeky glance. "And I feel certain you would force me to address you ad nauseam to goad me into impropriety around friends and family. Yes, I am certain. I choose the kiss."

  Jonas was stunned, having felt sure she would choose the option of using his name. He had not considered the personal nature of the act as his own sister addressed Juliet's brothers rather informally, even insultingly, if he were honest. Juliet had never addressed him less than most formally. In fact, he could not recall her ever having addressed him at all until of late. He wondered briefly at the cause then recovered his composure, deciding he was quite delighted with her choice.

  "All that remains, my lady, is for you to choose the time and place for your payment."

  "Why, right here, right now is fine with me, Your Grace." She emphasized his title with a sarcastic bent but he paid scant attention.

  His brows rose in surprise but he was pleased at the immediacy of her offer. He was as ready to receive a kiss from this beautiful lady as she was evidently ready to bestow it. He was mentally congratulating himself on his good fortune when she stepped forward to give him his reward. She looked up at him thoughtfully before speaking.

  "I confess I usually feel too tall around most gentlemen, often being able nearly to look them in the eye, but you have me at a disadvantage with your superior height. It is a refreshing change to be shorter than someone, Your Grace. As such, I will need you to bend down slightly for me to reach you."

  Jonas heard the irony in her voice this time when she spoke his title, but he disregarded it to enjoy this moment in time. He felt his pulse speed up in an anticipation of her kiss but he forced himself not to think too far ahead and just enjoy the moment. He bent over, moving his mouth closer to hers when she raised her hands and cupped his face. She looked into his eyes and spoke. "Congratulations on a fine and exhilarating race, Your Grace." With those words she slid her right hand back slightly over his ear and gently placed a kiss on his cheek. Her lips lingered for a moment, long enough for him to feel their fullness and softness mixed with the heat from her body. She released his face and stepped back.

  He straightened to his full height and tilted his head slightly, pondering her chaste kiss and his response to it. He felt permanently marked where her long and delicate fingers had brushed his cheek and he could swear her contact left searing imprints. He resisted the urge to touch his face and instead schooled his features into what he hoped was a benign expression.

  "Thank you as well, my lady, for a wonderful morning and gracious boon. I will see to our horses." He turned and grabbed the reins to both mounts. He took several steps toward the stables before tossing a final comment in her direction. "And do use less sarcasm when addressing me, as you did choose to continue using my title," he added with a devilish smile.

  She laughed out loud at being called out for her tease. "Of course, Your Grace." She curtsied and began to walk back to the house. She could not refrain from testing out his other option for her ears alone. "As you wish, Jonas," she whispered, savoring the sound of his name in the air and its feel on her tongue with a brow furrowed with heavy thoughts.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Nay, let me alone for swearing.

  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 3, Scene 4

  Later that evening, following another delightful supper, the party guests reconvened in the drawing room for cards and conversation. Juliet was tired from the day's exertions but she had a mission to act as Miranda's lookout while her friend deposited the adulterated bottle of spirits in the Duke's study. Juliet sat in solitude farthest from the fire, observing the room from a chaise. A shadow passed over her and she looked up to her left, into the face of the Duke of Dorset.

  “May I?” he asked, indicating the space unoccupied next to her on the sofa.

  “Of course, Your Grace.” She slid a little further to the edge to give his larger frame more room to sit. She was inordinately pleased to find herself favored with the Duke's attention and steeled herself to slow her pulse and steady her body's shaky reaction to his presence.

  "Lady Juliet, please forgive the impertinence of my question, but I could not help hearing your unrestrained shout upon losing our race. Poor manners, I know, but curiosity demands I ask why you swear in foreign tongues?"

  Juliet flushed scarlet but could not refrain from chuckling, albeit nervously. "I will tell you, but it paints me in a most unflattering light. Since the fact that I am swearing does so as well, further damage would seem to be immaterial." She flashed him a rueful glance and clasped her hands together, twisting her fingers n
ervously. "In her efforts to help me achieve a graceful and ladylike deportment, my mother made sure I embroider, dance, and play a musical instrument, and I look forward to running a household. My governess was also instructed to teach me French. However, being the younger sister of two brothers, my conduct was invariably shaped by their assorted pastimes of a decidedly unfeminine nature, with both my willing and unwilling participation, mind you. You have seen that I ride astride, and prefer it mightily to the sidesaddle. I can out-swim both my brothers. I am also quite a crack shot with a pistol. To this shocking list I must also add cursing. It became a habit that delighted my brothers but when unfortunately first displayed in front of my delicate mother, caused an impressive fit of flutterings and vapors." She paused here as the Duke laughed out loud, unable to control his amusement any longer.


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