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12 Stocking Stuffers

Page 74

by Beverly Barton, Heather Graham Pozzessere, Catherine Spencer, Diana Hamilton, Maggie Shayne, Anne Stuart, Stephanie Bond, Janelle Denison, Helen Bianchin, Rebecca Winters, Lucy Gordon, Monica Jackson

  The elevator came to a slow, smooth stop at their final destination, a soft ping announcing their arrival. Knowing they only had seconds to compose themselves before they greeted the entire staff of Sharper Image, Austin straightened his tuxedo jacket, then at the very last moment slid his hand possessively into Teddy’s.

  The insulated doors whooshed open and a dozen curious eyes clamored to sneak a glimpse of the couple who had stopped the elevators midway up to the thirty-second floor. Austin watched eyebrows rise, grins split across surprised faces and murmurs of disbelief and amusement filter from one person to another.

  Austin’s mouth curved into a roguish grin, purposely adding fuel to the rampant gossip that would no doubt circulate during the Christmas party and establish him as the man in Teddy’s life.


  TEDDY HELD her head high and stepped from the elevator with Austin, intensely aware of everyone’s inquisitive stares, and the disheveled way she looked after her interlude with Austin. With Austin gently squeezing her hand and offering silent support, she felt surprisingly confident, and reckless in a purely feminine sort of way. As nervous as she’d been about tonight, Austin had erased a good portion of her anxiety with humor, charm, and hoards of sex appeal—the latter of which had her female colleagues giving the good-looking man at her side a thorough, effusive once-over.

  Back off, girls, he’s taken.

  Tonight, Austin was her fantasy for hire, and she planned to enjoy the evening, as he’d suggested. The more comfortable she was around Austin, the more convincing they’d be as a couple.

  After introducing him to the group of single females obviously waiting to meet him—and watching as he dazzled everybody with his sexy smiles and irresistible personality—they decided to mingle. Over one hundred and fifty employees were present, from mail-room clerks to the top brass, all decked out in their holiday finery. She searched for Louden, but in the crush of people she didn’t see him.

  The mood was festive, with a hired band playing upbeat Christmas tunes during the cocktail hour. Being that this was Teddy’s first company Christmas party, she was highly impressed with the show Sharper Image put on.

  The ballroom was elaborately decorated for the Christmas season, with garland, holly and mistletoe aplenty. Eight-foot noble firs, gaily decorated in sparkling lights and pretty ornaments, scented the room with traditional pine. Centerpieces of bright red poinsettias and tapered cream candles adorned each table, and lacy snowflakes sprayed with a shimmering incandescent powder hung from the ceiling, giving her the illusion of being in a winter wonderland. The effect was enchanting.

  Teddy made sure she introduced Austin to as many people as she could, from the CEO of the company to the front-end receptionist, and watched in amazement as he effortlessly established a male camaraderie with the men, and beguiled the women, while making it apparent, with an affectionate glance, an intimate comment, that he was completely devoted to her. During the moments when they were alone, he’d touch her possessively, run his fingers over her bare back and down her spine, keeping her body in a constant state of awareness. More daring, he’d lean close and murmur bawdy comments and jokes in her ear that caused her to blush, laugh out loud, and made them look as though they shared intimate secrets.

  Teddy found herself so wrapped up in his attention, even she had to struggle to keep from blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

  “Would you like something to drink, sweetheart?” Austin asked. He’d spent the past five minutes charming two women Teddy worked with, and as much as she didn’t want to be alone with the duo answering a barrage of questions, she was getting thirsty.

  She gave him a warm, private smile for her co-workers’ benefit. “I’d love a wine spritzer.”

  His large, hot palm casually slid over her hip to her waist, pulling her close to brush his lips across her cheek. A tremor of response rippled through her, and her breath quickened.

  Striking green eyes glittered with devious pleasure when they met hers again, testimony that the rogue was relishing every minute of their performance. “I’ll be right back, so don’t go far.”

  As if her weak knees would allow her to wander off!

  Barb, Sharper Image’s payroll clerk, sighed wistfully, not bothering to conceal her lust as she watched Austin walk away. “What an absolute doll he is, Teddy.”

  “Mmm,” Karen, an accounts rep, agreed, shaking her head in wonder and envy. “Where have you been hiding him all this time?”

  “I, well, uh…” Teddy grasped a ready excuse while absently twisting the diamond and ruby band on her finger. “Austin’s work keeps him incredibly busy. It’s a wonder I get any quality time with him.”

  Barb scoffed at that. “Come on, Teddy, the guy is crazy for you. From what I’ve seen tonight, not to mention the rumor circulating about a little incident in the elevator, he doesn’t come across as a man whose been too neglectful.”

  Fire burned Teddy’s cheeks.

  “I have to agree,” Karen said, her eyes sparkling merrily over the rim of her champagne glass as she took a sip.

  Knowing there was no sense denying what both Barb and Karen wanted to believe—what she, herself, needed them to believe—she didn’t bother to correct their assumption. “Would you two stop, already?”

  “We’re just jealous,” Barb admitted good-naturedly. “He’s personable, totally into you, and has a body to die for. And he’s probably rich to boot.”

  Teddy didn’t think Austin wallowed in wealth, but she imagined his “Fantasy” services kept his bank account amply filled. “Oh, he does quite well for himself.”

  “What does he do, anyway?” Karen asked curiously.

  Panic raced through her, pumping up the beat of her heart until she could hear it drumming in her ears. Good Lord, they hadn’t discussed a respectable occupation! “He’s a…broker.” Well, he definitely qualified as such, she reasoned, considering he solicited his services, and those of his other employees.

  “Oh,” Barb said, looking suitably impressed. “Like an investment broker?”

  “Uh, yes,” Teddy said, going with the suggestion because nothing else sounded better. Feeling herself flounder in unfamiliar territory, she searched frantically for Austin, and found him over at the service bar talking to the vice president of the company while he waited for their drinks.

  In an attempt to divert the conversation before she complicated the situation further, she turned back to Karen. “So, I hear you’re planning a surprise baby shower for Catherine Johnson in Marketing after the new year. What can I do to help?”

  A few moments later, Austin finally returned. He handed her the wine spritzer, then took a sip of his own drink, which looked suspiciously like root beer. Grateful for the interruption, she told Karen and Barb that she’d get the rest of the details on the baby shower next week at work, and quickly maneuvered Austin in the opposite direction before his cover was blown. Finding a secluded, unoccupied arbor decorated in colorful twinkling lights and Christmas greenery, she finally stopped and faced him.

  He waggled his dark eyebrows at her. “Eager to find a dark corner to have your way with me, eh?” His voice was low and tinged with all kinds of wicked innuendo.

  Her stomach dipped, but she resolutely ignored the sensation. “No, I—”

  He abruptly cut off her words with a kiss that happened so spontaneously she didn’t have a breath of a chance to stop those tantalizing lips from covering her own. Gaining her equilibrium, she jerked back, nearly spilling her wine spritzer down the front of her dress.

  “Austin!” she admonished, not exactly shocked at his audacity, considering how bold he’d proven to be. But still, they’d given the employees at Sharper Image plenty to gossip about without giving them a public display, too!

  “What?” He blinked at her, a picture of little-boy innocence. “You’re standing under the mistletoe, and anyone watching would expect any self-respecting boyfriend to take advantage of the situation.”

>   Skeptical, she glanced up at the arbor they stood under. Sure enough, a sprig of mistletoe dangled above her head.

  Without permission, he came back for a second sampling, this time curling his long fingers around the nape of her neck and using his thumb to tip her chin up and keep her mouth firmly locked beneath his. He parted her lips with one silken stroke of his tongue, and she tasted heat, and the sweet flavor of root beer.

  Losing all sense of time and place, she gave herself over to his soft, compelling kiss. The man stole her sanity, made her want things she’d convinced herself she didn’t need in her life and threatened her hard-won independence. He made her feel too reckless, and entirely too needy.

  Desperate to pull the situation back into perspective, she placed a hand on his chest, feeling the strong, steady beat of his heart beneath her palm. To anyone watching, the gesture looked like an affectionate caress, but he immediately picked up on her cue. Or maybe it was her panic he sensed.

  With a low growl that reverberated deep in his chest, Austin lifted his head, his eyes glowing with unsuppressed hunger. “I suggest we finish this later, when we don’t have an audience.”

  Certain that intimate comment was meant for their viewers’ ears, she nodded, the only intelligible gesture she could manage at the moment.

  “They have got to be the most romantic, in-love couple I’ve ever seen,” Teddy heard some woman say from behind Austin.

  They’d certainly fooled everyone, she thought with a grimace. Hopefully, Louden would be just as convinced.

  Arm in arm, they strolled away from the arbor. “You’re an investment broker,” she whispered in a low voice to Austin, and nodded sociably at an older couple who were smiling at them.

  “I am?” Amusement threaded Austin’s voice.

  “As of ten minutes ago, you are.”

  “How about I own my landscaping business instead?”

  She shook her head at him, dismissing his offbeat suggestion. “No, I was thinking more along the lines of something upscale and respectable.”

  “Respectable?” he echoed, his voice losing that humorous edge of moments before.

  Her face flushed. She hadn’t meant to insult him. “Well, yes,” she hedged. “Saying you’re an investment broker is more respectable than announcing you’re a fantasy for hire. You weren’t around, we hadn’t discussed an occupation, and it’s the first thing I thought of.”

  He shrugged, and accepted her choice of career. “Okay. After all, this is your fantasy.”

  She frowned at him, and his choice of words. “No, my fantasy was a cowboy. This is strictly business.”

  Annoyance flitted across his handsome face, and just when she suspected he was going to issue an argument of some sort, the man she’d been dreading all evening finally approached them. The tension Austin had worked so hard to obliterate quickly spread through Teddy’s body, tightening muscles and tingling nerves.

  Dressed in the prerequisite black tie, Louden exuded confidence and professionalism, which Teddy supposed appealed to the higher-ups in the company. Louden couldn’t have climbed the corporate ladder as high as he had without competence and some personable qualities. What the directors didn’t realize, though, was just how poorly he handled employee relations.

  Pale blue eyes scrutinized Austin lazily, but Teddy wasn’t fooled by his complacent behavior. Even if he was suspicious, he certainly wasn’t going to let it show in front of her, or anyone else.

  “Hello, Louden,” Teddy greeted, trying to maintain a semblance of courtesy.

  “Theodora.” Louden inclined his head at her and smiled pleasantly. “You look quite lovely tonight.”

  Ignoring his compliment, she pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders. “Louden, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Austin McBride.”

  Louden turned his attention back to the man at her side, and Austin extended his hand toward her boss. Their hands clasped in a firm handshake, and Teddy caught an undercurrent of silent rivalry. Austin was clearly staking a claim, and Louden was sizing up the competition.

  “Nice to meet you,” Austin said, his tone cordial.

  Louden didn’t return the sentiment. “So, we finally get to meet the man in Theodora’s life. Can’t say I’ve heard a whole lot about you. Other than that ring on her finger, Teddy’s been keeping you a secret.”

  “Well, she certainly hasn’t kept you a secret,” Austin replied meaningfully.

  Something dark sparked in Louden’s gaze, but he didn’t respond. “You must be very proud of her. Theodora has proved herself to be quite a valuable asset to Sharper Image in the nine months that she’s been working for the company.”

  “The woman constantly amazes me with her talent and dedication.” Austin slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her close in an open display of support and tenderness. “I’m hoping to see her promoted to that senior graphic design position, where she can really exercise that creative mind of hers.”

  Teddy discreetly nudged Austin in the side. The man was pouring the praise on a bit thick.

  “I’d really like to see her promoted, too, but I have the difficult task of weighing both candidates’ proficiency for the position and convincing my superiors of their competence.” He sighed, as if the selection process was a burdensome one. “Needless to say, it’s been a tough decision.”

  “I’m sure you’ll select the most qualified person for the job.” Austin’s words were cool, but very calculated.

  Louden’s expression was just as shrewd. “Without a doubt.”

  The band announced that dinner was about to be served, and for everyone to find their seats before the buffet began.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I see a few people I’d like to say hello to before I sit down,” Louden said. “You two enjoy the evening, and I’ll see you in the office Monday, Theodora.”

  Once they parted ways with Louden and headed toward their designated table, Austin asked, “Is there a reason why he calls you Theodora when everyone else calls you Teddy?”

  “To annoy me, and to make sure I keep in mind his position of authority.” The only other person who used her formal name on a regular basis was her prim-and-proper mother, and her brothers when they wanted to antagonize her. “Speaking of which, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t directly challenge Louden like that.”

  Austin clasped Teddy’s elbow to escort her through the throng of people. “Yeah, well, someone needs to knock that guy down a peg or two. He’s too cocky for his own good, and I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

  She bristled, feeling her defenses rising. For too many years she’d endured coddling and protecting from three older brothers who’d treated her as a weak, vulnerable female. She’d despised every minute of it. That Austin felt compelled to shelter her as well provoked a bit of rebellion, especially when she’d struggled for so long to break free from her family’s stifling habits.

  “Being my bodyguard isn’t your job, Austin,” she said emphatically. “All I need you to do is back up the ring on my finger. I’m more than capable of fighting my own battles in the boardroom.”

  His mouth thinned ruthlessly. “Are you?”

  “Yeah, I am.” She resented the insinuation that she couldn’t look after the situation herself. “I want this promotion on my own merit. My work record proves I’m qualified for the job, more so than my opponent.”

  Austin didn’t look convinced. “Do you honestly believe that introducing your boyfriend is going to stop this slime-ball from making future moves on you? Guys like Louden don’t stop at minor obstacles like boyfriends. He wants to be in control, and he won’t stop until he gets what he wants, which seems to be you. The only way he’ll leave you alone is if you press charges.”

  Teddy’s stomach churned as she sat in the chair Austin pulled out for her at their table, but she refused to dwell on his accurate assessment of Louden. “Don’t worry, he’ll leave me alone,” she said, wishing she felt more confident than she sounded.

nbsp; Austin let the subject drop as they joined the others at the table. Teddy made introductions to the people who hadn’t yet met Austin, and valiantly tried to shake off the black mood Louden had cast over them and the evening.

  Minutes later, they stood in line at the buffet table, plate in hand. Dinner was a selection of salads, rich side dishes, fancy breads, chicken in a mushroom-and-wine sauce, and prime rib. A quarter of the way down the buffet, Teddy glanced up to find Janet, a buxom redhead who worked in her department as Louden’s secretary, staring purposefully at Austin from the opposite side of the smorgasbord. Janet was extremely loyal to Louden, and that alone made Teddy mistrust the woman.

  Austin must have sensed the intensity of the other woman’s gaze, because he looked up, too—which was all the invitation Janet needed to launch into conversation.

  “You look so familiar,” she said, tilting her head so her thick mane of curly auburn hair tumbled over her shoulder and lay enticingly just above the breasts straining the too-tight bodice of her spandex dress. “Have we met before?”

  The question was harmless, yet an awful premonition made Teddy’s stomach dip.

  “I don’t believe so,” Austin replied with a smile, and pressed his hand to Teddy’s spine to keep her moving along the buffet line.

  Janet managed to stay aligned to them, eyeing Austin with too much interest as she put a croissant on her plate. “I keep imagining you in a police uniform. Are you a cop?”

  The spoonful of scalloped potatoes Teddy scooped up missed her plate and would have landed on her shoes if it hadn’t been for Austin smoothly intercepting the entrée with his own plate.

  “No, I’m a broker,” Austin said to Janet without missing a beat. Taking the spoon from Teddy’s unsteady fingers, he ladled a small portion of the potatoes onto her dish and murmured, “Be careful, honey, or we’re going to have a mess on our hands.”

  The meaning behind Austin’s words wasn’t lost on Teddy. She struggled to keep a cool composure when all she could envision was the possible scandal should Austin be exposed. Her reputation at Sharper Image would be tarnished, and no doubt she’d kiss that promotion she’d coveted goodbye.


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