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Ball Buster

Page 3

by Rebecca Wilde

  “So you and her?”

  “No! I would never violate the chain of command like that.”

  “Because she works for you. I got it. But if there were a civilian, a female civilian here on base? Not in your command.”

  “There isn’t.”

  “I’m a civilian.”

  “Madison, please get back to the interview questions.”

  “That’s my point. You have to be lonely out here, even horny.”

  “I suck it up.”

  Madison giggled. “What? You suck it up? You’re gay?”

  “What? No. Suck it up means stop whining and do your job.”

  “Oh.” Madison wrote some more notes. “So you’re not gay and you admit to getting lonely, but there are no females except your one soldier out here and she’s off limits?”

  “You’re putting words into my mouth, Madison. I said I’m not gay, not that there is anything wrong with that, and I would never have any sort of inappropriate relationship with a subordinate. I didn’t say I was lonely.”

  “It’s implied. How could you not be? But you would do it with a civilian female on base? Right? Have sex I mean.”

  “You’re very forward, aren’t you, ma’am?”

  Madison closed her notebook again. “Richard, I’ve been in this fucking country for over a month now and need to get laid. I’m sorry for being so blunt, but you’re the hottest guy I’ve met so far. I want you and I know you want me so why the hell are we still talking?”

  Captain Johnson paused for a moment, unsure of what to say. “Ma’am…”

  “Stop with the ‘ma’am’ shit. My name is ‘Madison’.”

  “Madison. Yes, I find you physically attractive and yes, I like to get laid as much as the next guy. But…”

  Madison reached out and placed her hand over the CO’s. “Richard, I’m here to do a human interest piece and I’m a human and I’m very interested. I know you gotta be hot with me in your room like this. Just you and me. I won’t tell. Come on. I know you want to.”

  Captain Johnson felt his cock hardening in his pants. “Madison, you’re very attractive and of course, I want to. But the truth is…”

  A loud knocking at the commander’s door interrupted him. Captain Johnson yanked his hand away from Madison’s grasp.


  Master Sergeant Thomas opened the door. “Sir, we have actionable intelligence that Target Thirteen is moving only a few clicks from here, right now!”

  Captain Johnson leaped to his feet and followed Master Sergeant Thomas outside into the dark. “We’ll finish this later, Madison.” The base commander shouted over his shoulder as he left for the TOC.

  Madison whispered to herself. “I’m gunna fuck that man if it’s the last thing I ever do.”


  After Captain Johnson left, Madison found herself alone in the room. Madison went over her notes and made several more before deciding she had enough from her interview with the FOB commander.

  Leaving the commander’s personal area and walking around the FOB in the dark, Madison quickly realized almost everyone had gone, undoubtedly on the mission Master Sergeant Thomas had interrupted them to tell the commander about.

  With nothing else to do and no one to talk to, Madison made her way to the TOC where she ran into Master Sergeant Thomas outside.

  “Where’s everyone?”


  “Doing what?”

  A voice from inside the TOC called to Master Sergeant Thomas. “Sergeant! They made contact! Two tangos down!”

  Master Sergeant Thomas told Madison to wait outside as he ran into the TOC. Although Madison couldn’t hear everything, she heard enough broken radio traffic to assume the patrol outside the FOB appeared to be engaged in a heated firefight.

  “Vengeance this is War Dawg Six. Contact again!” The radio squawked.

  “Copy. Contact. Over.”

  “Vengeance, Six, stand by for sitrep!”

  “Standing by. Over.”

  The radio crackled unintelligibly for several minutes.

  “Roger, Six. Copy all. Over.”

  “Six out!”

  Several more minutes passed but Madison couldn’t make out the sounds from inside the Tactical Operations Center. Finally, Master Sergeant Thomas came back out.

  “Madison! What’re you still doing here?”

  “Where else would I be?”

  “In a bunker.”

  “What the hell for?”

  “Because you’re a civilian and the fight was pretty close.”

  “Sergeant, what happened? I heard some radio traffic.”

  “You did?”

  “I couldn’t understand the words.” Madison lied.

  “Good. It was nothing. We gained some last minute intel and executed a capture mission.”


  “And I can’t tell you anything else except we’re successful with no friendly casualties. Good news.”

  Madison thought about Captain Johnson. “That is good news. Are they coming back now?”

  “Yes. Within the hour or so.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Yup. Oh, and Madison, I do have some other good news for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Your chopper is coming in a day earlier than planned. You’ll be out of here within a few hours.”

  Madison frowned. “A few hours? I’m leaving tonight?”

  “Yeah. Big sand storm headed our way so you’re flying out early this morning. You should have everything you wanted for your story by now, right?”

  “Sure. Do you think Captain Johnson will be back before it’s time for me to leave?”

  “Yes. I guess so.”

  “Does he know I’m leaving?”

  “No. Orders came down while he’s out on mission.”

  “Can you tell him when he gets back? Tell him I’m leaving tonight.”

  Master Sergeant Thomas agreed. “Sure. No problem. I’m sure he’ll want to see you get off.”

  “Get off? I wish.” Madison thought.


  “Now you have to do me a favor, Madison.”


  “Don’t be hanging around the TOC when the CO gets back. He’s sensitive about that kinda stuff. And don’t tell him about the radio being so loud either.”

  Madison smiled. “Don’t want him busting your balls?”

  The sergeant laughed. “Mine or yours.”

  Madison laughed also and left the TOC area, planning on waiting in the captain’s room for his return.

  As she walked towards the commander’s room, Madison considered stripping down and waiting for him on his cot naked. Maybe in her sexiest pose. “No man could resist that.” Madison thought. “A quick fuck with the hunky captain and then off I fly.”

  Madison smiled to herself as the first mortar round impacted within the confines of the walled compound.


  Although several hundred feet away, Madison observed the bright flash and deafening roar of the explosion as the round struck the dirt. Madison stood dumbfounded.


  Another round impacted right outside the walls of the FOB. Madison heard automatic gunfire from one of the towers surrounding the base as she regained her senses.


  “Shit!” Madison screamed as another round impacted on the other side of the base.


  Madison stood in the open for several seconds until she remembered the briefing Sergeant Allred gave her when she first landed.

  “The bunker!”

  Madison ran in the dark toward the bunker she’d found Sergeant Allred getting laid in the night prior. Madison ran as if her life depended on it.


  More automatic gunfire erupted from the walls of the compound as Madison dove into the darkness of the concrete bunker.


  Mortar rounds and gunfire, both from on the walls shooting out and from outside the compound shooting in, continued as Madison hugged her knees sitting in the corner of the bunker.



  Madison began to shake uncontrollably in fear.



  The mortar rounds had stopped falling almost immediately after Madison entered the bunker and it had been a good hour since Madison had heard any gunfire. Even though the danger had evidently passed, Madison continued to hug her knees and hide in the corner of the bunker, the moonlight her only companion.

  Without warning, a towering figure entered the bunker with her! In the moonlight, Madison could see the weapon in the man’s hands.

  Madison screamed, knowing her death was only seconds away. The man had come to kill her after undoubtedly killing everyone else in the FOB! This was it! Madison was as good as dead!

  “Goodbye world!”

  “Madison!” Captain Johnson shouted.

  Relief washed over Madison as she realized Captain Johnson found her hiding in the bunker and not some enemy soldier as Madison had imagined. Madison leaped into the FOB commander’s arms and he held her tight as she cried into his shoulder.

  “I thought I was going to die.”

  “It’s alright, you’re safe.” Captain Johnson whispered in her ear after a few minutes. “You’re safe.”

  Madison sniffled. “Did you hear? Did Sergeant Thomas tell you?”

  “Hear what? No. I came back from the mission and began searching for you. I haven’t gone to the TOC yet, why?”

  “You came looking for me? Personally? Right away?”

  “Yes. What is it? What does Sergeant Thomas have to tell me?”

  “I’m flying out tonight.”

  “No. You’re leaving tomorrow night. I saw the manifest this morning.”

  “Thomas said something about a storm and the bird coming in early.”


  “Soon. Tonight. This morning. Whatever. I lost track of time. I’m leaving soon.”

  Madison could tell Captain Johnson wasn’t pleased to hear the news. “I thought we’d have some more time together. I thought. I thought we… I enjoyed our conversation is all. I’m sorry you have to go.”

  Madison seized the moment and kissed Richard hard on the lips. After a moment, Captain Johnson returned the kiss. Madison pushed her tongue into Richard’s mouth as he did the same to hers. After several hot minutes, Richard broke away.

  “Let’s go to your room.” Madison whispered.


  Captain Johnson left the bunker and walked briskly towards his room, Madison hot on his heels.

  “Sir, are you going to the TOC?” Sergeant Allred asked as the pair passed her in the dark.

  “No, sergeant. Inform Sergeant Thomas I’ll be there in a couple of hours. I have some other business to attend to first.”

  Sergeant Allred glanced at Madison and back at her commander. Smiling, Sergeant Allred replied, “Yes, sir!” and walked off into the dark.

  Madison and Captain Thomas entered his small room and the CO locked his wooden door. The muscular soldier put his weapon on the table and took off his battle gear. Turning around, Captain Johnson found Madison had taken off her jeans and stood a few feet away clad in only her shirt and pink panties.

  Captain Richard Johnson drank in Madison’s appearance and cursed quietly. “Damn.”

  Madison ran forward and jumped into Richard’s arms. Pushing the career soldier against the cabin wall, Madison mumbled in his ear, “Hurry.”

  The commander wrapped his arms around Madison and they kissed hungrily.

  Richard’s hands began moving all over Madison’s body, sliding up her chest and squeezing her breasts under her shirt. Richard rolled Madison’s hard nipples between his fingers as Madison’s fingers traced along Richard’ belt, unhooking and taking it off.

  Richard’s hesitation vanished and he quickly unbuttoned his uniform pants all the way, pulling his pants down at the same time Madison pulled his underwear completely off.

  Without waiting, Madison put one foot on Captain Johnson’s cot, pushed her pink lace panties to the side and grabbed Richard’s hard cock.

  Richard stepped forward as Madison guided his dick to her vagina.

  Richard’s gaze fell on Madison’s chest as he pushed, the cool night air causing her nipples to poke against the thin cotton of her shirt. Within seconds, the head of Richard’s cock slid into Madison’s tight, wet vagina.

  “Fuck.” Madison moaned.

  The pair turned their bodies to get more comfortable in the tight confines of the commander’s room. Madison lay on Captain Johnson’s cot as Richard began to thrust his manhood deeper inside of her.

  “Oh, fuck.”

  Richard, overcome with a desire and an obsession he’d seldom felt before, grasped Madison’s wrists, pinning them against the cot, stretching her body as Madison’s ass slipped to the edge of the soldier’s bed.

  Madison wrapped her legs around Richard’s waist, bucking her hips to take his cock. Richard leaned against Madison and began planting kisses on her neck. At the same time, Richard’s shaft drove over and over into Madison’s drenched, squirming little pussy.

  Richard quickly covered Madison’s lips with a kiss meant to muffle her low moans of pleasure. Richard fucked Madison with a repetitive rhythm, increasing the speed with every probe of his large cock.

  Richard continued to passionately thrust into Madison, feeling their mutual orgasms rapidly approaching as he pinned her hands to the cot.

  “Yes! Yes!”

  Madison purred beneath Richard’s wet, sliding thrusts as he ejaculated into her.

  “Ohhhhh.” Madison moaned as she came with Richard.

  Madison’s quivering body milked Richard’s dick of every drop as they released together. Captain Johnson wrapped his arms around Madison’s body as Madison weakly draped her arms around Richard’s neck.

  The two lovers paused for a few moments to catch their breath. Richard pulled his dick out as cum slowly leaked from Madison’s stretched and swollen pussy. Madison’s light shirt stuck to the beading sweat permeating her skin.

  “That was nice.” Madison purred. “I knew you wanted it. Wanted me.”

  “You’re not escaping that easy.” Captain Johnson informed her. “Take those unauthorized civilian clothes off right now!”

  Smiling, Madison took the rest of her clothes off and Captain Johnson did the same. Once completely naked, her pussy still hot, Madison pulled the captain on top of her. The two collapsed on the small cot bed and began to kiss with wild abandon.

  “Ready to fuck me again so soon?” Madison whispered in the captain’s ear as the captain’s rock hard cock pressed against her wet pussy.

  “What do you think?” Richard whispered as Madison spread her legs and felt the head of the man’s cock press even harder against her moist opening.

  Madison stared at Richard’s face as the captain pushed his cock more and entered her again.

  “Ahhhhh.” The handsome officer moaned.

  “Yes.” Madison breathed.

  The captain entered Madison’s plumb and swollen pussy. Madison’s vagina burned with hot passion as the CO began to slowly move his dick in and out of Madison’s willing and cum soaked vagina.

  Richard watched Madison’s perfect breasts rock up and down as the FOB’s commanding officer repeatedly violated her pussy.

  Madison’s charge of excitement grew with each gentle stroke of the captain, her eyes never leaving Richard’s. Madison became fascinated by Richard’s rhythmic stroking and relished in the soldier’s entire body totally focused on her. Reaching up, Madison pinched her own nipples hard and a moan escaped her lips.

  “Faster.” Madison ordered. “Please. Faster.”

  The officer picked up his rhythm and Madison arched her back to better
accept the captain. Richard’s warm, calloused hand gripped Madison’s ass cheeks as he thrust his manhood into her over and over again. As the captain’s dick plunged repeatedly into Madison’s wet pussy, Madison’s juices began to soak Captain Johnson’s cot.


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