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Ten Thousand Thorns_A Fairy Tale Retold

Page 8

by Suzannah Rowntree

  She didn’t want to admit it, but after a moment she nodded.

  “Good. Then maybe we can drive a bargain.” The Imperial Sword hooked the waterskin back onto his saddle and stepped closer to the bars. “You, heroine, know the location of Ten Thousand Thorns Temple.”

  Iron Maiden tried not to let any flicker of emotion cross her face, much less an indication that the Imperial Sword was right. He didn’t wait for an answer.

  “You do. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “I’ll never tell you.”

  “Please, Miss Iron, don’t be unreasonable. You need food and water. Blankets. Medicine for your wounds. Tell us where to find Ten Thousand Thorns Temple and we’ll make sure you have everything you need.”

  “And what if I don’t? Will you starve me?”

  The Imperial Sword would not look her in the eye.

  “I must carry out the Emperor’s orders, Miss Iron. A word, and you can end your sufferings at any moment. Everything you need is here. I am begging you to accept it.”

  Iron Maiden gathered herself painfully onto her knees, the better to peer through the bars at him.

  “Why do you want to find Ten Thousand Thorns Temple?”

  “They say the Golden Phoenix Sword is there. Morning Light is meditating, perhaps dead. She does not need the sword.”

  “Why do you need it?”

  At first there was no answer, and Iron Maiden wondered if the Imperial Sword was going to respond at all. Finally he said, “I am new in the Emperor’s service. There are crimes in my past for which I must atone. The Vastly Martial Emperor wants the Golden Phoenix Sword as a sign that he has inherited Coiling Dragon King’s authority and heroism. Once he has the sword, Hubei and Sichuan will submit to him of their own free will. And I will earn a full pardon.”

  Iron Maiden kept her hand pressed to the wound across her ribs. The effort to remain upright made her feel light-headed and nauseous. When she did not reply at once, the Imperial Sword continued.

  “The Emperor means to bring back order and peace to All-Under-Heaven. It is my duty to make that happen.”

  A wave of dizziness passed over her, and her vision darkened. Iron Maiden grabbed the bars of the cage. Her strength was ebbing. She must act now.

  “Will you help us?” The Imperial Sword’s voice seemed to come from a distance.

  “Help you?” She fought back the dizziness and looked up into his eyes again. “To steal Morning Light’s patrimony and give it to the beast emperor? Never!”

  “Heroine, I’m begging you to reconsider.”

  Iron Maiden closed her eyes and for a little longer she sat in the blue-grey morning shadow, breathing slowly and deeply through flared nostrils, her mouth drawn tight against the pain and sickness that assailed her.

  Then she moved.

  With a shout, she hurled one tremendous palm strike at the bamboo of her cage. The air filled with splinters.

  Her second blow was a jab aimed at the Imperial Sword’s Spirit Storehouse acupoint, but her wounds made her slow and weak. The Imperial Sword blocked the blow with his sheathed sword, then countered with a quick jab here and a pinch there.

  Her acupoints sealed, Iron Maiden slumped backward into the broken cart with shallow, distressed breaths. The Imperial Sword pushed his hood back to wipe his forehead.

  “Put her in fetters.”

  Quickly, two of the guards brought a massive wooden fetter. With the Imperial Sword muttering at them to make haste, they quickly fastened the heavy block around Iron Maiden’s neck and wrists. Others brought new bamboo poles to repair the cage. As soon as they were done, he massaged her acupoints until she awoke.

  Iron Maiden groaned.

  “If I die,” she whispered, “you’ll never find Ten Thousand Thorns Temple.”

  “Don’t worry, Miss Iron.” He stepped back, wiping his hands on a napkin. “I would never allow you to die.”

  The words were anything but a comfort.

  His horse was gone.

  A cave at the foot of Mount Wudang served as a stable for visitors to the monastery. Since it was not convenient for the priests or disciples of the monastery to keep riding horses, Flying Crane had only had three donkeys, an old and lazy pony, and five horses as his companions, which much have belonged to travellers.

  Now all of them were gone, the gate to the cave torn off its hinges, and the keeper of the stable nowhere to be seen.

  The moon had fallen behind the hills while Clouded Sky fumbled his long way down the mountain stairs, and by the time he had reached the cave it was too dark to follow the Imperial Sword’s trail any further. In any case, neither he nor they would have been able to hunt forever without sleep. Clouded Sky had put medicine on his wounds, wrapped himself in his cloak, and despite the evening’s events, quickly fell asleep.

  He was awakened early in the morning by a creaking sound.

  It sounded as though it had come from the gate at the mouth of the cave, and when he sat up, he could see it wavering on its hinges. Stiffly, Clouded Sky got up and went out of the cave, but there was no sign of any visitor. Instead, some distance away, five persons hurried down the mountain. When they saw him, they began to wave and shout.

  “Honoured brother Clouded Sky! Wait for us!”

  It was the Mount Jing emissaries. After everything that had happened last night, he’d forgotten they had been at Wudang waiting to speak to him. Clouded Sky met them with delight.

  “Red Cloud! Old Sunlight and Madame Sunlight! Fortunate meeting!”

  Old Sunlight cupped his fists and bowed, his face crinkling in smiles. “Fortunate indeed! When we heard that you had already left Wudang, we did not know if we would catch you in time!”

  “In time? Is there something wrong?”

  “You must return with us to Mount Jing at once, kind elder brother,” Red Cloud burst out. “Since the death of Duke Roaring Tiger, we have had no one to lead us. And now there is news that the Emperor’s war in the northern provinces is over! His armies will be in Hubei before winter’s end. We need you to prepare us for the war!”

  Hopeful faces surrounded him. Clouded Sky nodded slowly.

  “I will come and help you. Soon. Perhaps before the new moon. But there’s something I have to do first.”

  Their faces fell.

  “We are in terrible disarray,” Old Sunlight pleaded.

  “Then I’ll finish my mission and return to you as soon as I can. Last night…” He couldn’t bring himself to explain every detail of Harmonious Virtue’s treachery. “Last night some imperial guards broke into Wudang and captured a martial heroine, my friend, Iron Maiden. They are taking her west into the mountains. She relied on my word that she would be safe here; she has saved my life once or twice already. Honour prevents me returning to Mount Jing without her.”

  “But what are we going to do?” Red Cloud asked.

  “You’ll have to return to Mount Jing and set things in order yourselves.” Clouded Sky turned to Old Sunlight. “Everyone respects you, Elder! Tell them that I have appointed you to gather the troops and fortify the strongholds.”

  “Respected young friend!” the old man stammered. “How can this old and decaying one bear such a responsibility?”

  “Because there’s no one else to do it, that’s how!” Madame Sunlight spoke for the first time. “Don’t worry, young friend! We can carry out your orders.”

  “But don’t be long,” Red Cloud added.

  “I’ll come as quickly as I can. This Iron Maiden is a peerless martial heroine. If I can bring her to Mount Jing, perhaps she will teach us the secrets of her profound martial arts—or at least help us in the fight against the emperor!” He hesitated. “But first I have to find her. The emperor’s men have stolen the horses.”

  “No!” Red Cloud ran to the cave and looked inside. “Where’s the keeper?”

  “Who knows?”

  “They wouldn’t have taken the donkeys with them,” Red Cloud said thoughtfully. “Perhaps they al
so left some of the horses.” At once, he put his fingers in his mouth and gave a piercing whistle.

  After a moment, the sound of hooves rumbled through the forest, and the missing five horses trotted onto the road, followed more slowly by three donkeys and the pony. Red Cloud caught the best of the horses, and led it to Clouded Sky. “Please, honoured elder brother, accept this miserable animal. I will walk home if I must.”

  It was no Flying Crane, but it would carry him faster than he could go on his own feet. Before Clouded Sky rode away, Old Sunlight bowed to him.

  “Come back quickly, young respected friend.”

  The Imperial Sword was a man of his word. Every few hours he called the march to a halt, and while the men eased their thirst or stepped into the forest to relieve themselves, he reached into the cage to satisfy himself that Iron Maiden still lived. She lay limp and unmoving on the floor of the cart while stinging flies walked the crusted wounds on her body.

  “You have a fever, Miss Iron,” he told her at midday. “Best you give up your information and allow us to help you.”

  She did not respond. Had she even heard him? The Imperial Sword signalled for the march to begin again, telling his men to eat their noon meal in the saddle. The Taoist priests had promised to keep Clouded Sky on Wudang Mountain, and Second Brother had remained behind to watch the mountain, still determined to collect the bounty. Nevertheless, it was best to travel fast and leave Wudang as far behind as possible. By the time the sun set and Imperial Sword called a halt, everyone was exhausted. Iron Maiden lay shivering uncontrollably in the cart.

  It should have been impossible for anyone to catch up with them but just as they seated themselves by the campfire to eat their evening meal, a rustle in the tree-tops announced an intruder.

  The Imperial Sword jumped to his feet with his sword drawn as a man dropped lightly out of the branches.

  “Second Brother! What are you doing here?”

  “Clouded Sky has left Wudang, your excellency. I came to warn you.”

  “He’s coming here?”

  Second Brother nodded. The Imperial Sword took a slow deep breath. Skilled, observant, and officious, Second Brother had quickly become a thorn in his side.

  “And you let him come? You were supposed to capture him and take him to Nanjing!”

  “The Emperor wants him alive, and I can’t do that if I must take him all the way to Nanjing by myself. Best we join forces, your excellency.”


  Second Brother made himself comfortable next to the fire.

  “No, really, your excellency. It is best. You already know that I’m highly skilled. With my help, you can make it safely to Ten Thousand Thorns Temple, retrieve the Golden Phoenix Sword, capture Clouded Sky, and get back to Nanjing alive.” He paused. “It would be a shame for the Emperor if your mission failed.”

  In the light of the fire, Imperial Sword read Second Brother’s face and manner. Once again, he felt uneasy. Was the bounty hunter threatening him?

  The reason for the man’s insistence wasn’t difficult to guess. Like everyone else, Second Brother had heard of the secrets of Ten Thousand Thorns Temple. Clearly he was no longer as interested in the bounty on Clouded Sky’s head as he was in Morning Light and the Heaven-Relying Dragon-Slaying Sword Skill.

  Still, Second Brother had been helpful so far, and might be again. Especially if Clouded Sky was now following them. The Imperial Sword moved his arm gently, feeling a twinge where Clouded Sky had cut him. He couldn’t force Second Brother to take Clouded Sky to Nanjing. Perhaps they needed the help. Perhaps it was best to have the crafty bounty hunter where Imperial Sword could keep an eye on him. At least for now.

  “Very well. We accept your help.”

  In the cart, Iron Maiden whimpered in pain.

  “Is that Miss Iron?” Second Brother helped himself to a bowl of rice. The Imperial Sword looked toward the cage.

  “She needs help.”

  “Your excellency should let her suffer.”

  “If she dies, we may not find Ten Thousand Thorns Temple until it’s too late.”

  Imperial Sword left the firelight, unlocked the cage and gently turned the girl onto her side. Closing his eyes, he placed both hands against her back and began to circulate his qi energy, forcing it through his hands and into Iron Maiden.

  His hands grew warm. Iron Maiden’s shivering slowed and finally stopped as the healing energy flowed into her, battling the poison in her wounds and pushing back the effects of hunger, thirst, and exposure.

  She gave a deep sigh and murmured, “Clouded Sky?”

  At once he removed his hands from her back, breaking the flow of energy. As he locked the cage, she dragged herself into a sitting position and stared at him with a face as pale as a ghost.

  “Better now?”

  She moistened her cracked lips and whispered, “Just kill me.”

  His qi infusion had restored her dying body, but it could not have relieved the pangs of hunger or thirst, and he could see that it had not healed her wounds.

  “I know this must be hard for you. Please, heroine, I want to help you.”

  She closed her eyes.

  “Mouth of honey, heart of daggers.”

  “I do. In all sincerity.”

  She smiled faintly in reply, and he leaned forward, gripping the bamboo cage. How could he explain that he was in earnest?

  “I have a sister too. It causes me pain to think of her suffering like you.”

  “Free me, then. I would never wish to cause you pain.”

  He pretended not to notice her sarcasm.

  “Forgive me, Miss Iron, but you know I can’t do that.”

  There was a little silence. After a moment, her eyes flickered open again.

  “Do you think you’re a righteous man?”

  The Imperial Sword stood speechless. He was a righteous man. He served his country and his emperor to the best of his ability. He never allowed himself to become angry. He always considered the good of others before his own. When fighting, he restrained himself. He meditated often. He cultivated respect for his elders and humility before heaven. Because of his quest for righteousness, he had given up everything that had once mattered to him. It was unfair of this girl to ask him a question like that. For a moment he allowed himself to lose a temper which he had guarded tightly for many years.

  “Are you hoping for Clouded Sky, heroine? Don’t put your reliance on him. Even if he escapes Wudang, there are bounty hunters after him. You won’t see him again.” He paused, waiting for her response, but she made no answer, and with her eyes closed again, there was no way to know if she was listening. “Miss Iron should also know that we know that Ten Thousand Thorns Temple is in Sichuan, in the mountains. Whether you decide to help us now or not, we will certainly find it sooner or later. We are in no hurry.”

  “Then why did you steal Flying Crane?”

  Through the dusk he saw Iron Maiden smiling again, but whether the sharp curve of her lip was mockery, pain or some terrible mixture of both, he didn’t know. The Imperial Sword took hold of the bamboo bars of the cage and spoke very quietly.

  “Perhaps Clouded Sky will come. But if you care for his life, you should pray that he does not.”

  Nevertheless, as he returned to his men, the question still jangled in his mind. He pushed it away. Yes. Yes, of course he was a righteous man. After all, he was only following orders.

  Back at the campfire he found the firelight playing like a funeral-blaze on the faces of his men. Second Brother looked at him, his face as blank and unreadable as ever.

  “I gave her a qi infusion,” Imperial Sword said. The moment he spoke he knew the words were a mistake, an admission of weakness.

  Sure enough, Second Brother took advantage of it. He poked the fire with a long stick.

  “The girl will never talk if you treat her too well.”

  “She’s sick, hungry, and thirsty. She’ll talk.”

  Second Brother

  “Anyone can bear that. If she can stand a day of it, she can stand a month of it. You need to let me frighten her.” He withdrew the stick from the fire. The end of it was a glowing coal, and he looked meaningfully at the Imperial Sword.

  “No,” he said on pure reflex.

  Slowly, Second Brother stood up. His eyes were only on a level with the Imperial Sword’s shoulder, but there was no awareness of disadvantage in his eyes.

  “With the deepest respect, your excellency, we’re wasting time. We need her information and we need it fast, before she gets well enough to escape or sick enough to die.”

  Do you think you’re a righteous man? Under his mask, the Imperial Sword moistened his lips.

  “I have rules.”

  “You have orders, your excellency.”

  He couldn’t be having this argument right now. Not in front of the men—which was probably why Second Brother had chosen this moment for a confrontation.

  “I thought your excellency was on this mission to prove your loyalty,” Second Brother added.

  “And I will. Who are you to tell me how I should obey my orders, Second Brother? After all, I was given considerable latitude in carrying them out.” He tried to show a confidence he didn’t feel. “One way or another, Iron Maiden will give us what we want to know.”

  Second Brother looked at him thoughtfully. Imperial Sword sensed the man’s challenge. He slid his left hand down to the Emperor’s sword, thumbing the catch on the hilt, refusing to blink an eye. Of course, the Emperor’s sword was broken, and if his bluff failed everyone would know. He held his breath and waited for the flame of a killing aura.

  Instead, Second Brother lowered his gaze.

  “Your excellency knows best. But if she hasn’t said anything within two days, I say we do it my way. Remember, most of the people in these parts would rather die than submit to the emperor. If we don’t find the temple soon, we may never live to find it at all.”

  There was a faint murmur of assent from the men.


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