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Little Black Box Set (The Black Trilogy)

Page 46

by Tabatha Vargo

  He wasn’t.

  “Sure,” I said, the word feeling like sandpaper against the back of my teeth.

  I was seconds away from exploding. Being treated like a child wasn’t working for me even a little. But before I could burst, Jane walked into the room, and the heat she brought with her burned away the chilly atmosphere around me.

  “Sorry I took so long. You boys ready?”

  She’d changed into a dress. It was light blue, and it floated around her knees like delicate petals of fabric. She bent to pick up the yappy rat dog and the material lifted, sliding up the back of her thighs and revealing milky skin.

  I looked.

  I couldn’t help myself.

  My eyes followed the slow rise of the fabric, taking in every inch of flesh as it was revealed.

  When she stood with the dog in her arms, I was only seconds away from getting a full view of her perky ass and what I knew, from the lack of panty lines, was a thong.


  I shifted in my seat, my balls suddenly feeling weighted and stiff.

  My eyes shifted over her stomach before moving up to her ample chest.

  The fabric clung to her body, the blue color highlighting her peachy skin and making her look as though she was glowing.

  The straps of the dress were thin, showing off her sun-kissed shoulders, and the low-cut front gave just a hint of cleavage. However, when she leaned over to set the dog down, it tugged down, letting the voluptuous curves of the tops of her tits pop from the cover of her white lacy bra.

  My mouth felt like it was full of sand, and I couldn’t swallow. I choked a bit, the sound escaping me before I could hold it back.

  Jane looked up and smiled, and the simple gesture did something to my insides. My hardened corners softened beneath her gaze, spilling like a flash flood over the walls I’d spent the past few years building.

  I wasn’t as experienced as I liked to pretend I was. I’d had my share of heated make-out sessions with girls my age, and I might have hit all the major bases, filling my palms with young, undeveloped breasts, but this was different.

  With Jane, everything was suddenly different.

  She was doing something to me that I’d never experienced, and I wasn’t sure how to respond. I was out of my league for the first time in my life, and it left me feeling unsure and incompetent.

  In the back of my mind, I knew it was sick. She was supposed to be like family to me, after all. But my mind and my body were on two different stations.

  Darrell moved to her side, kissing her sweetly on the cheek. “You look beautiful, sweetie.”

  My thoughts were moving a million miles a second, and I could hardly believe I was thinking it, but Jane Jetson was kind of hot.


  Not kind of.

  Jane Jetson was definitely fucking hot.

  Especially next to a joke like Darrell.

  She was with him for the money.

  That must be it.

  I refused to believe she was attracted to a man like him.

  And the longer I watched the two of them together, the more I noticed how one-sided their relationship was.

  She was hot.

  Late thirties.

  He was a Shaggy look-alike.

  Late forties.

  Together, they didn’t work.

  Not physically anyway.

  Again, I took in her slender legs and wondered what her panties looked like beneath her dress. I imagined her plump ass cheeks spilling over the sides of the fabric of her thong, capturing it between the two orbs as it rubbed over all the sweet places between her thighs.

  My eyes traveled slowly up her body, perusing the dips and curves, and my cock throbbed beneath the table with every inch of her that I took in.

  Finally, my eyes moved up her slender neck, and our eyes connected.

  She was looking back at me.

  Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment, and briefly, she looked away with shy eyes. Obviously, she’d caught me checking her out.


  I’d just been caught checking out my new “mom.” So much for trying. I was sure shit would go downhill quickly after that point. My young, probing eyes would probably disgust her, and I’d get shipped back sooner than I thought I would.

  I’d end up back in the fucking group home with the rest of the losers. Eating scraps and sleeping on the hardest mattresses made.

  It was the last thing I wanted, but I couldn’t help it. My eyes had a mind of their own, and I couldn’t force them away from her no matter how hard I tried.

  But I’d never been more wrong.

  Jane didn’t fuss like I thought she would. In fact, she didn’t even mention that I’d basically been eye fucking her.

  Instead, a secret smile tugged at the side of her glossy lips. She swallowed, the action pulling at her slender neck and drawing my attention back to her cleavage. She tilted her head down a bit, letting the loose strands of hair around her face fall and touch her cheeks.

  Her shy eyes changed when she looked up at me through thick lashes, and her grin followed suit—going from sweet and innocent to something entirely different.

  Something heated.

  Something wrong.

  I knew that look all too well.


  Jane Jetson was flirting with me.


  IT WAS PROBABLY ALL IN MY HEAD, but things changed a little bit each day I was there. Jane was changing toward me. Her sweet, shy smiles transformed, becoming less shy and unsure and growing more brazen by the day.

  Three days after our first “family” dinner, things had changed considerably from my first day in the Jepson household. Darrell worked all the time, leaving Jane and me plenty of time to get to know each other.

  Things grew warm between us, at least it seemed that way. I wasn’t sure if it was my wild imagination getting the best of me or what, but it seemed Jane was finding any reason to touch me.

  Whether it was leaning over me to grab something or sliding past me in the kitchen, her chest always touched mine. Even though their large kitchen boasted plenty of room, she would find ways for her silky skin to meet mine.

  And again, it was probably all in my head, but it seemed she was also making it a point to bare parts of her body to me. She wasn’t lifting her skirt to show me her pussy or anything like that, but the neckline on her shirts got lower and lower, and her shorts got shorter.

  The dog, which I hated when I first moved into the house, became my favorite. Because of that stupid ball of fluff, Jane was constantly bending over, showing off a round ass cheek when it popped from her shorts or the soft swells of her cleavage, depending on the top she was wearing.

  It was beyond fucking hot.

  And thanks to her, I was walking around the Jepson household in a constant state of discomfort. Not because I felt unwanted, but because my body stayed primed—hard and ready—begging for a supposed parental figure who was instead slowly becoming a sex symbol.

  Every day, I grew more comfortable with my new living arrangements, acclimating to my large, soft bed and the clean, convenient bathroom across the hall from my bedroom.

  Some days, I would sit at the window in my room and look down at the street below. Memories of the life I led before moving in with the Jepsons would overwhelm me, leaving me to feel grateful for my circumstances for the first time in my life.


  In a matter of days, Jane had somehow managed to make me feel like I belonged, and for the first time in a long time, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief without worrying where I’d end up or who I’d end up with.

  Even though I was becoming comfortable with my surroundings, I still didn’t talk much. It wasn’t that I avoided conversation; it was more that I just didn’t have much to say.

  However, during the day when Darrell went to work, and it was just Jane and me, she would manage to pull a few sentences from me on occasion.

  It was summer, which meant I did
n’t have to get up to go to school. Instead, I spent most of my days planted in front of the flat screen watching cartoons. Jane would join me, sitting quietly by my side as if she understood and respected what the scenes on the screen meant to me.

  They were my solace—the one constant in my life—and while I didn’t feel I needed them as badly as I used to, I still enjoyed the comfort brought to my world by the silly actions and bright colors.

  We would sit with our eyes glued to the screen. It was nice not to have any expectation for conversation when people always seemed to try to force me to communicate. People always wanted inside my mind so they could steal my thoughts and use them against me.

  Not Jane.

  She was calm and content, never pressing to fill the silence of the room. Every now and again, I’d peel my eyes away from the TV and turn to find her smiling at me, but that was the extent.

  Things were comfortable.

  Comfortable and, in a lot of ways, curious.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been sitting around watching cartoons with you all day.” She chuckled, shifting at my side and sending a wave of her fruity body spray my way.

  “It’s good for you,” I said, keeping my eyes on the bright colors of the large screen.

  I’d promised myself I’d stop looking at her so much. I needed to keep my head on what was real, and I’d convinced myself the night before that the steamy situations I imagined with Jane weren’t real.

  I was seeing things.


  End of subject.

  “Good for me?” Her laughter trickled over me. “I don’t see how. My butt’s going to get even bigger with all this sitting,” she joked.

  I clenched my eyes closed, thinking of how tight and perky her ass was. For a woman her age, she had the body of a twenty-year-old.




  All words I never truly understood until I had the luxury of watching Jane move around the house in her tight shorts and low-cut tops.

  Without thinking it through, I spoke. The words bounced from my lips without the protection of a filter. I’d never been one to censor myself, and even though I wouldn’t say crude things to Jane the way I did to girls my age, I couldn’t pull the words back once they left my mouth.

  “I think your ass is nice.”

  The second the words were out there, my body grew tense. I hadn’t meant to speak that way to her; even if I was thinking certain things, I had no right to say them. Especially not to the woman who was supposed to be like family to me.

  I closed my eyes and awaited the backlash. Sure, she handled my eyes all over her well, but I was sure once I started speaking the things I was thinking, she would kick my ass to the curb.

  The last thing I wanted was to end up back in the group home. The Jepson’s house was my last chance—my last stop before I was old enough to make my own choices—and I didn’t want to fuck things up with them. Either I walked away from the group home with nothing and no future, or I walked away from the Jepsons with something and a prospective future.

  We both went silent with only the sounds of Bugs Bunny and Daffy moving throughout the room. I waited for her response, hoping she hadn’t heard me but knowing she did.

  I’d spoken clearly.



  Sure, over the past few days, she’d shocked me with her too short shorts and low tops, but I was sure that wasn’t on purpose. The last thing I wanted to do was purposely shock her with my coarse words.

  Braving it, I turned and faced her, sure I’d see shock and disgust on her face, but that wasn’t the case.

  She was smiling through her fingers, holding back laughter as if I’d just said something funny.

  “What?” I asked, my tone defensive.

  Even though she was trying to hold it back, her laughter slipped through her tiny knuckles.

  “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said since you got here.” She pushed playfully at my shoulder, her small fingers sending a strange sensation through my arm. “I think you might be warming up to us, Sebastian.”

  Pulling away, I shook my head. “Highly unlikely,” I muttered.

  Even though I tried to contain it, a grin pulled at my lips, earning me an even brighter smile from Jane.

  Mostly, I was just relieved she hadn’t mentioned how completely out of line it was to discuss her body or how beautiful it was. Girls my age considered vulgar talk a compliment, but I was sure Jane would think it offensive. I had no experience with older women, but it was as if my words hadn’t affected her at all.

  Instead, she’d taken my words as nice. She’d taken them as a concession of some sort. Like I was becoming comfortable and friendly with her. Which, in a lot of ways, I was, but I didn’t want her to know that.

  If you let people in, they disappointed you, and if you started to care about anything, then you had something to lose. I needed to remember my situation wasn’t permanent no matter what my paperwork said.

  Never get comfortable, and then you’d never forget what it was like to be uncomfortable. As long as I stayed in that mindset, I could handle any blow dealt.

  The fact was, Jane was older—married—and my guardian for the time being. And me … well, I was just another underage punk who couldn’t keep his dick out of his hand at night or the pretty lady out of his mind.

  It was wrong, but at night, when my palm slid over my flesh and my fingers tightened around my rod, it felt all kinds of right.

  “Let’s celebrate,” Jane said, standing from the couch and tugging her shorts down over her thighs. “We need ice cream and fun.”

  I chuckled sarcastically. “Yeah. No thanks.”

  Leaning over me and allowing me a nice peek down the front of her shirt, she plucked my hands from my lap and pulled.

  “Come on, Sebastian! It’ll be good for us.” She tugged again. “You need fun. Look at how serious your face is right now. You’re too young to frown so much. Frowning bad. Fun good,” she said.

  Pulling back, I laughed for the first time since I’d moved into my new place. The sound was broken and foreign even to my own ears, but I had to admit it felt good. It was a release in some way. I hadn’t truly laughed in so long, and it was as if my soul took a much-needed breath.

  “But I don’t wanna.” I pretended to try to tug my hands free from hers.

  “Yes, you do. You just don’t know it yet. Come on. Let’s go somewhere fun.”

  She tugged at me, forcing another smile on my lips.

  What we were doing was fun, and I was enjoying myself. I wasn’t ready to give in yet.

  Again, I pulled back; sure she would continue to pull on her end.

  Except she didn’t.

  And this time when I tugged, I wasn’t careful, and I pulled a little too hard.

  She tumbled into my lap, her thighs straddling mine and the sweet spot between her legs rubbing against the zipper of my worn-out jeans. Her shorts rode up her hips, letting a tiny peek of black lace show on the side.

  My cock jumped to attention at the spiral of sensations that settled heavy in my balls.

  It grew.


  Pressing against the warmth between her thighs that filled me with so much pleasure, I thrust against her without realizing what I was doing.

  Her eyes widened.

  “Sebastian!” My name exploded from her mouth.

  I’d shocked her.

  Over the past few days, I’d eye fucked her. Just a few minutes before, I’d told her she had a nice ass. All things she was willing to overlook. But I guess she drew the line at my dry humping her, which made perfect sense.

  I’d pressed my luck just as surely as I’d pressed my cock into her like an inexperienced teenage boy.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, leaping from my lap.

  Losing her balance, she fell onto cushion beside me in an ungraceful heap.

  “I—” The word cracked ov
er my throat, rusty and unsure.

  I started to apologize, but I couldn’t seem to push the words from the back of my throat.

  Embarrassment splashed over me, sending my emotions into overdrive, and somehow making me irate.

  Swiping the hair from her face, she straightened herself on the couch beside me.

  “I think we should discuss this,” she said, twisting her fingers in her lap nervously.

  I let my eyes latch onto the large screen in front of me. Pink Panther moved into the scene, and I kept my eyes on his every move. I wanted to disappear into his intricately drawn world and never return.

  “There’s nothing to discuss,” I snapped, my lips going tight and my teeth clenching.

  “Sebastian.” She muttered my name.

  Her voice was strained—broken—with just a hint of what sounded like arousal.

  At least I think.

  I wasn’t sure of anything anymore.

  I was so confused.

  And so out of my league.

  I didn’t know which way was up and which way was down, and I especially couldn’t understand the woman who had taken me into her home.


  My body was still primed and ready. Even with the embarrassment, and even though it pissed me off even worse, my fingers still itched to touch her.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “What is what?”

  I knew what she was talking about—I wasn’t stupid—but still, I pretended to be clueless.

  “Sebastian.” My name slipped from her lips once more.

  But this time, her voice wasn’t strained. It sounded soothing and cajoling as she attempted to coax me sweetly into a conversation I did not intend to have.

  I couldn’t help myself. I looked over at her, allowing her eyes to connect with mine. She nibbled on her bottom lip, unsure and nervous about the situation we had landed ourselves in. Her actions were somehow sexy, and my dick grew even harder and hotter, burning against the fabric of my boxers.

  “What?” I answered.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, pressing against the back of the couch to move away from me. “That’s not what this is.”


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