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reckless hearts: vegas nights

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by richmond, lucretia

  He made the commitment to her he hadn���t done that with any woman.

  Bella Rose had changed him, changed him into a person no one thought they would have ever seen. They hoped it would last as did he.

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  Chapter Six

  Detective Reese could see Luanne was up to something, something he wouldn���t have liked; another mess for him to clean up.

  ���We got a problem,��� Detective Reese called Mickey thought he could have used the warning, ���A nosy reporter sticking her business where it doesn���t belong.

  ���Keep an eye on her, don���t lose her.��� Mickey said worriedly.

  He knew she had been asking, but didn���t know how much she knew.

  Luanne only wanted one thing, justice.

  Her next visit with Victor would be the last until his trial, she was quite anxious to see him and tell him she believed in his innocence and why.

  She also had Brock on her mind; he was always on her mind especially lately.

  ���I know it wasn���t you, you were set up. How do you know Georgiana?��� Luanne asked curiously something should have asked from the beginning.

  ���I don���t. Work as bartender in the club she frequents with Bella Rose.��� Victor answered what was she getting at.

  ���Was she there the night Carl was stabbed? Were you working that night?��� There had to be a reason why Victor had been chosen.

  ���Yeah I was I traded shifts I remember that night I messed up her drink order and she made a scene.��� It was impossible for him to forget when the bouncer had to throw her out.

  ���Is there anything else you need to tell me that you���re not?��� Now wasn���t the time for Victor to be keeping information from her.

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  ���I overheard Georgiana and Carl talking in the parking lot about Bella Rose,��� Victor answered, ���Talking about the plan.���

  ���Make sense now why they chose you.��� She said annoyed.

  ���I think we have a bigger problem.��� Victor said annoying her more, ���A Detective Reese came to me, he might be a cop but he���s a shady cop.���

  It was time for their conversation to end.

  ���What do you mean?��� She asked worriedly.

  ���I have a feeling you���ll be finding out, talk to my lawyer before the trial.��� The security guard escorted Victor out of the room.

  She was surprised by what he said and had no idea what he meant by what he had just said which complicated things. First thing in the morning he would call she would call his lawyer and tell him everything. It was dangerous more than she thought; a shady cop and Georgiana meant more trouble than she had wanted. She wasn���t going to back down, she wasn���t the type and they weren���t going to get her to. She went back home expecting Brock to be there, it was empty. How she missed him when he was gone. She had thought of asking him to move in but wasn���t sure how to ask the question and how would it have changed things between them.

  Bella Rose had badly wished she owned her own studio, she needed to go in and release her stress, but she couldn���t leave Christopher and couldn���t get a hold of Brock, she had too much weighing in on her thoughts that it was making her crazy. She called Georgiana to sit with him just for a few minutes while she rested not realizing what a mistake it was. Georgiana had been angry with Bella Rose for allowing herself to become pregnant with Brock���s baby, she knew there was nothing she could have done about it once it was already done.

  It was a struggle for her just to hold him, hold the baby of a man who didn���t love her, didn���t want anything to do with her as she looked into the baby���s eyes she kept seeing Brock, he looked so much like his father. She regretted becoming friends with Bella Rose, she didn���t know in the beginning what would become of their friendship, all she knew she hated being around her.

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  ���How have you been sleeping little one?��� She asked the baby, wishing he could talk and tell her all of their secrets. ���With help from your dad, you must have gotten some.���

  She wanted a child of her own, she had dreams of being a mother and when she woke she woke disappointed because there wasn���t one. She knew it wasn���t her fault she couldn���t get pregnant it was hereditary, something the women in her family had to deal with even if she didn���t want to.

  Holding the baby made it harder for her, but she wasn���t going to miss the chance of having one in her arms, the only reason she stayed friends with Bella Rose, but something broke inside of her. The more Brock denied having feelings for her, the more difficult it became to accept reality; she wanted to escape it. She didn���t want to believe she was just used. She knew she could have adopted a baby, but for her it wasn���t an option, she wanted to feel the child inside of her, growing and moving inside of her, she knew what her mother went through only being able to conceive one child when she wanted so much more.

  Bella Rose had awakened and stood in the doorway and watched Georgiana and Christopher, seeing how at ease he was, she wished she felt the same way. An odd feeling had come over her as she stood in silence.

  ���You know, your daddy and I probably would���ve tried to have one of our own if he wouldn���t have kept avoiding me.��� Georgiana said to the baby as she turned around to see Bella Rose standing there.

  Bella Rose pretended as though she had just gotten there.

  ���Can���t believe he was quiet this whole time, you���re good with him.��� Bella Rose said hiding her anger.

  She had no idea of Georgiana���s interest in Brock or why it was so strong, but she had a feeling she was going to find out even if she didn���t want to.

  Bella Rose took the baby from Georgiana and sat down on the couch to feed him.

  ���Did you sleep well?��� Georgiana asked with concerned.

  ���Yes, I slept wonderful thanks to you. He was a very fussy baby.��� Bella Rose answered.

  ���You seem a little off is all that���s why I asked.��� She didn���t much care how Bella Rose was; she didn���t like being kept in the dark.

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  Bella Rose hoped she put on a good act.

  ���As long as I have my baby I���m perfectly fine.��� And she was knowing that he was safe was all that she needed to be alright.

  She didn���t know why she didn���t see what kind of person Georgiana was, she must have been blinded or she was a really good actress.

  She never knew she wanted Brock all this time; that was what started their friendship she had known girls like that before which was why she was so surprised she didn���t see it coming.

  She had to warn Brock, but to do quietly without her finding out would have meant being very careful.

  Neither of them knew they were being watched with a nanny cam, Georgiana had set up around the apartments. Georgiana knew they had been intimate with each other and knew she could use that against him with his new relationship that he was so determined to protect although she didn���t see why when Luanne wasn���t half the woman she was.

  Bella Rose knew at this point she had to keep Georgiana away from her son.

  Mickey sat outside in his parked car watching Georgiana and Bella Rose; he was tired of Georgiana���s games and her only thinking of herself.

  ���You shouldn���t have messed with me Georgiana.��� He said quietly to himself.


  Brock hadn���t spoken to Luanne in a week; he knew she had to have suspected there were complications. No matter how what he was feeling for Bella Rose he still didn���t want to lose

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ts 36

  Luanne the thought of it killed him. He remembered how happy she had made him in the beginning, he wasn���t ready to let that go but he knew he couldn���t have both women.

  ���You look dashingly handsome.��� She said the second she entered the apartment, he always had.

  ���Just for you.��� He said, he couldn���t take his eyes off of her. The way her hair bounced off her shoulders, her eyes sparkled as she looked into his. She looked even more beautiful than he thought possible.

  ���I���ve missed you.��� She said as she wrapped her arms around him, he held her so closely he could hear the beating of her heart. ���This moment is ours.���

  And he wanted it to last. He took her to the bed feeling the warmth of her body against his bringing temptation through him. He wanted her, he wanted her immensely.

  Feeling his lips upon hers took her to a place, a passionate place that ruled every fiber of her being. There was nothing she wanted more, it took more than she had just not to scream, he had never made love to her like that.

  How could he leave her without his heart feeling the emptiness he tried so hard for so long to avoid?

  He thought of Bella Rose, he tried not to as Luanne was in the bathroom having a warm bath and his son. He couldn���t not tell her about the baby and it wasn���t right to do that to his son either. He heard her phone ringing, he rose from the bed and walked to the chair sitting by the door where her purse lay on the bottom of the purse was a file with paperwork inside of it.

  He found the phone but by that time the caller had hung up after he had to scrounge through her purse just to get it dropping the papers from the file. He put the phone back in the purse and bent down to pick up the papers taking a quick look at the first page and seeing Victor Paulson���s name written on it as well as Georgiana���s and Bella Rose���s name.

  Luanne had come out of the bathroom not sure how to react when she saw him holding everything she had been working on. Victor had been set free she didn���t know why she kept it.

  ���What���s this?��� He asked trying to keep a low tone.

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  ���It was an interview I had to do, he was innocent he didn���t belong in jail.��� She replied closing her robe tighter nervously.

  ���Do you know how dangerous that could have been?��� He wished she would have told him he could have gone with her.

  ���I was safe he wasn���t as violent as he was made out to seem.��� She reassured him, knowing what was coming next in their confrontation.

  ���Are you going to tell me why Georgiana and Bella Rose���s names are on these?��� He knew she didn���t want to tell him, but she was going to have no choice.

  ���He was in jail because of Georgiana.��� She finally answered after taking a seat on the foot of the bed, ���She was involved the second he was arrested.���

  ���You mind explaining me how?��� He knew she was crazy but didn���t know she was that crazy.

  She wanted to tell him, she didn���t want to tell him it was all connected to Bella Rose, but she had to for the sake of their son.

  ���It was because Georgiana���s in love with you. She hired someone to kill Bella Rose. He accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation and that landed him behind bars. ��� Luanne had sighed out of relief after finishing.

  ���Why didn���t you tell me about any of this?��� He never told her about Christopher and couldn���t exactly explain to her why he was going crazy on her.

  He grabbed his jacket and left the apartment in a hurry to get to Bella Rose.

  Georgiana had already gone home. He embraced Bella Rose in his arms thankful she was okay.

  ���What are you doing here?��� She asked him worriedly.

  ���You might want to sit down before I tell you.��� He didn���t want to tell her anything and let life go on as it was, but it wouldn���t have been the smart thing to do.

  He didn���t know where to begin, he would���ve had to start off by telling her about Luanne.

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  ���I���ve been seeing someone, a news reporter. She found out someone information on Georgiana.��� After what happened earlier, she was afraid to ask him what, but by the look on his face it was serious. ���She hired someone to come after you.���

  She was stunned, she drew in a deep breath and then exhaled.

  ���Are you sure it was her?��� Being a rock musician, she got a lot of fans who weren���t all okay in the head.

  ���I���m positive, she was told by Victor Paulson.��� He answered.

  ���The actor?��� She didn���t want to be there, her body suddenly went numb.

  ���I think you should come stay with me for a while until it is safe.��� It was when he mentioned it, the baby started crying at the sound of his voice, not seeing his father had an effect on him.

  ���You get the baby and I���ll start packing.��� She wasn���t going to argue with him if her life was in danger. ���I know, Brock,��� She said as she headed toward the room, ���She has feelings for you I���m not going to pretend not to know why.���

  She didn���t expect anything less than that from him, she always knew eventually he would have cheated on her never had she thought though it would have been her best friend. He wasn���t quite sure how Luanne would have taken the fact that Bella Rose was moving in but he knew he had no choice in the matter now to tell her about the baby. They would be around each other and he wanted them to get along. Luanne wasn���t at the apartment when they arrived, although he was relieved he couldn���t help but wonder where she went and if it had to do with Georgiana. He knew she had to have been following her, but had his son on his thoughts.

  A crazy woman was capable of anything including stealing a baby.

  He hoped it wouldn���t have slipped why Georgiana was obsessed with him to Luanne but he knew it could happen or the kiss he shared with Bella Rose.

  He knew she wouldn���t have stayed with him when she knew. He was falling for her deeply and he couldn���t control it and he didn���t want to. He loved being with her every minute of every day, he also had to keep her safe. He knew she had to have been stalking Luanne as well only she hadn���t figured it out.

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  Luanne stepped out of the apartment building elevator into the parking lot when she saw high heels coming toward her after searching through her purse for her keys when she looked up she saw Georgiana with gun aimed at her head.

  ���You don���t want to do this.��� Luanne pleaded.

  ���No? I think I do, I think I want what is mine.��� Georgiana said with anger.

  ���He doesn���t love you, he said so hasn���t he? There are other men who would love to have you.��� Luanne hoped her words would get through to her.

  ���I don���t want just any man, I want him.��� Georgiana put her finger on the trigger ready to fire.

  It wasn���t everyday a woman gets a gun pointed at her head, Luanne thought as she poured herself a drink to get rid of whatever the hell it was she was feeling, having to stay in the same apartment as Brock���s ex made her so much worse. She just wanted to lay down and crash out for the night, but she kept wondering what would happen if she did.

  ���Georgiana wasn���t always like this; there was something about you that changed her.��� Bella Rose said to Brock as she cradled the baby in her arms.

  She looked to see if Brock noticed she wasn���t drinking, usually she does when it is very stressful. She wouldn���t be able to even have a sip for nine months. She was tempted, very tempted.
She wondered how to tell him, if she would tell him. It was unexpected, getting pregnant; she thought they were being more careful.

  ���You two are not going anywhere alone as long as she has a gun. You could have died tonight.��� He could have lost her, something he couldn���t bare.

  He thought having both women in the same room would complicate things since he was getting closer to both of them; he was still trying to keep it hidden from Luanne.

  Luanne was feeling so many emotions she didn���t know if it was the pregnancy or recent events that triggered them, she knew eventually she would start showing and would have no choice but to tell him. She didn���t want to raise a baby alone; she didn���t want to go through the pregnancy alone. Seeing Bella Rose with her own child made her want motherhood and she knew she would make a good mother.

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  ���How are we going to stop her from using it?��� Bella Rose asked worriedly.

  It was a very good question that Brock didn���t know how to answer.

  There was a taste of bitterness in her mouth as she went back to her apartment. Georgiana knew Luanne got lucky only because there was a witness, if the man hadn���t come down from the elevator she would have been dead and she would have had Brock, she was desperate now. She could hear Mickey now, laughing because she had failed. She was never in the right game is what he would have told her which made her more angry. She knew at that very moment Brock was there with Luanne what she didn���t know was that Bella Rose was with them.

  Brock found it hard to sleep with Luanne in one room and Bella Rose in the other, it made his situation much more complicated than it should have been. He did that to himself, he thought as he the face of his son came into his thoughts. He wanted to ask Luanne what she was feeling after seeing Christopher, she was quiet before bed. She couldn���t tell him even if she asked.

  He worried what Georgiana would try and do next; he loved them both and didn���t want to lose either of them.

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