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Agent Vixen Collection

Page 5

by Jay Aury

  “Not at all,” Alistair said, catching on and cutting a quick bow. “Such a woman mustn’t be left alone. Who knows what trouble she might get into?”

  Audra flushed, his words jerking her into the here and now. Her mind raced. She gave a sudden sob, throwing herself against Raphael, wrapping her arms around her hefty lover’s neck. “Raphael! Oh it was awful! I met with a man. He said he had something to sell me, but he…he…”

  Raphael touched her hair, stroking her golden locks and making a soothing noise. “My dear. Calm yourself. Such a beauty should never have cause to weep! What happened?”

  Audra sniffled. “Richard Mayview. He…he tried to take advantage of me! Attacked me in his own cabin.”

  Sterling’s eyebrow jerked up. “Oh?”

  “Yes!” Audra cried. “He tried to rape me. I had to hit him in the nose to get him off me! And…and no sooner did I do it, some woman in a ridiculous fur coat and the most annoying laugh forced her way in and robbed him. Oh she just was awful! I was mortified! This…” She choked, hiding her face in her hands, shoulders shaking with sobs. “Oh God…”

  Sterling stared at her for a long moment. “…I will investigate this at once, Miss Lamen.”

  “Squawk! Tie me up and spank me! Tie me up and spank me! Squawk!”

  “I would hope so!” Raphael cried indignantly, pulling Audra’s face into his chest. He crooned, softly patting Audra’s hair. “There there my star. My sweet. My dear. Don’t fear. Ah,” he sighed, head lolling with despair as his wandering hands stroked her form. “But I can understand his desperate eagerness. For who could look upon you without the flame of desire. Yes! A weaker man would easily submit to such a blaze. Might do anything to possess such a woman, if only for a moment. Here.” He pressed some keys into her hand. “Take the car home, my Western star. I will not trust the self-control of men upon this vessel. We will… speak, another time.”

  Audra’s hand closed on the keys. She caught Raphael’s gleaming eye. Saw a promise flash in there that made her knees quake and lust pool warm in her stomach. She blushed, flustered. “Y-yes. Thank you, Raphael.”

  “See the lady to the car, won’t you?” Raphael said to Alistair. “I would loathe for anything to happen to such a treasure of a woman.”

  Audra said nothing, playing the sobbing victim as Alistair stepped beside her, guiding her towards the plank leading off the ship. As she passed, she felt Sterling’s one eye on her back, studying her. A feeling that persisted until they were off the ship, Raphael’s car rumbling as they sped off through the tight alleys and deep Alexandrian night.


  The Director held up the hard drive to the light admiringly. “Well done, Vixen.”

  Audra beamed where she sat, inclining her head towards him. They were seated outside a café in Amsterdam, the colorful city spread out all around them. The Old World men had called it, and with the weight of centuries in the Flemish buildings she could see the truth in it. “Thank you, Director. It wasn’t easy, but I got the job done.”

  “So you did. And, any word on Alistair?”

  Audra bit her lower lip. “Hmm… No. I haven’t seen him since we landed.”

  “Well,” the Director said, turning the hard drive about, making it vanish as skillfully as any magician. “I’m sure he’ll turn up. The Pentagon will be happy to know their secrets are safe today. Now, would you like to order anything?”

  Audra smiled, pushing out of her seat. “No, thank you, Director. I could really use a break after all the excitement.”

  “No doubt. Take a few days off. I’ll be in touch.”

  Audra flashed a small smile, bobbed a small bow, and left the Director behind. The canals faintly shimmered alongside the street, her reflection wobbling as she walked. She caught a cab off the corner, taking it to a small, private hotel just off the famed red light district De Wallen. She greeted the concierge and took the elevator to her room.

  Easing open the door she paused, taking in the scene within. Alistair glared at her from the bed, arms and legs tied to the four posters, leaving him spread eagle. His naked body, slim but muscular, was tensed against the silken strips which held him.

  “Enjoy your meeting?” he said testily.

  Audra took a moment to enjoy the sight of her rival before knocking the door shut behind her with a bump of her hip. “Very. Particularly as I didn’t have to worry about a certain someone’s untimely interruption.”

  “Yes. Very clever. Now, kindly untie me.”

  “I have to say,” Audra said, ignoring his request as she shrugged off her jacket, draping it over the chair and leaving her in her blue blouse and form fitting pants, “you did help me out on that ship. Loathe as I am to admit it.”

  “Funny way to repay me,” he said. “Drugging my drink.”

  Audra glanced over her shoulder, spotting his eyes lingering on the shapely globes of her rear. She grinned privately. “Well,” she said, fingers gently undoing the top buttons of her blouse. “Maybe I can think of something more… appropriate.”

  Alistair arched a dark brow as she shrugged off her blouse, baring her ripe, plump breasts, cupped in the confines of her lacy dark bra. “Oh?” he said. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I think it’s self-evident,” she said, her belt clicking. She bent over, pulling down her pants, her panties conforming to the crease of her rear. As she straightened and turned she saw with satisfaction his cock standing in salute to her creamy flesh.

  “You could have just asked,” Alistair said irritably, but she plainly heard the husk in his voice.

  “Mmm. I could have,” Audra said as she mounted the bed. “But I’m not here to ask for anything. This is for you.” she said, crawling up his body. Her fingers grasped his cock and gave it a long, steady stroke.

  Alistair’s breath hitched as she stroked him. He curled his hips, thrusting into her open palm. “O-oh?”

  “Let me be clear,” she breathed, straddling his groin. “This is a onetime thing. You helped me on that boat.” She grasped his cock, aligning it with her velvety cunt. “So this is repayment. Because I always repay my debts.”

  Alistair groaned as she sheathed him inside her. “Ohhh… Well, when you… put it that way…”

  Audra’s lashes fluttered with pleasure. She purred, beginning to ride him. “I’m afraid… mmm… I must insist. This time…”

  “This time?”

  “I don’t intend to make this a habit.”

  “Ah,” Alistair sighed as he thrust into her hot depths. “Well. Best make it… worth it, then.”

  “Mmm-Ah!” Audra arched as hands took her breasts, squeezing them delightfully. Her eyes snapped open, seeing Alistair kneading her ripe teats, a sly grin on his face. Dangling from his wrists were the pair of silk scarves. “F-fuck! How did you un…untie those?”

  “I still need a few secrets,” Alistair grinned.

  Audra’s eyes flashed with anger. She lunged at him, grabbing his head and kissing him savagely. “Fucker,” she gasped when they parted, lips bruised, breath fairly steaming between them.

  Alistair laughed. Silenced with a groan as her lips again locked with his. She hammered his cock with her cunt, riding him savagely. There was nothing tender or sweet in their lovemaking. There was anger. Wrath. She fucked him like she were fighting him, and he accommodated, rolling with her. Biting her shoulder as she clawed his back. Filling the room with the gasp and moan and grunt of their exertions.

  He came first, and Audra moaned with triumph as he emptied himself in her. She grabbed his head, pulling it to her breasts. As his lips locked with her sensitive teats, she finally gave in, crying out atop him as she came.

  But she was far from done. As she felt him soften within her she tightened her grip on his head. “Oh no you don’t,” she breathed, her blue eyes blazing with desire. “You’re not done until I say you are. You’re going to get your reward Alistair, if I have to pour Viagra down your throat until I’m satisfied!”

>   “I’ve never been propositioned like that, I have to say,” Alistair said, wincing as she tightened her grip in his hair.

  “Well I’m not anyone,” Audra said hotly. “Now buckle up, because I hate debts, and I’m going to pay you back for everything you did on this mission.” She leaned forward, feeling his hands grip her toned rear and squeeze. She gave a small shudder of desire, blonde rolls of hair falling in a jumble around her face. “And it’s gonna be a long night.”

  Reichstag Rumble


  Night enveloped the forest and cresting cliffs. Even in summer the air was chilled with the taste of winter, the Rhine Valley quiet. A ragged shape against the night was etched in sharp lines and squared figures by the silver moonlight. Windows glowed through the dark like yellow eyes. A gate was lit by two floodlights mounted in the hard stone, humming in the dark.

  Muffled shouts broke through the stillness. An engine rumbled. Roared to life. Gunshots cracked.

  The gate creaked.

  Then exploded.

  A truck bounced through the broken timbers. Wheels squealed and headlights stabbed the dark. The back of the truck was a sheet of living flame trailing after it like a comet’s tail.

  “Stop him!” a voice roared from the walls. “Ze hounds! Release ze hounds!”

  Machine guns chattered. Men raced out of the doors in the wake of the burning truck. Tracer rounds zipped through the dark, hammering the heavy metal of the vehicle. The truck reeled, bouncing on the narrow road, a living torch of crackling flame clawing greedily for the driver’s compartment. In a drab uniform, still smoking, Alistair Smith looked back out the window at the receding gate. From out of the smoking timbers a massive shape moved into the light. Heavy coat whisking about ankles, dwarfing the guards who ran about him. His mouth gleamed with a silvery snarl in the lurid firelight.

  Alistair grimaced and turned back to his task of driving the burning truck down the road. He slammed down on the gas, urging the truck on faster, trying to outrace the blazing inferno on the back. When it reached the gas tank…

  He grabbed a brick in the passenger side. One hand on the wheel, he leaned down and jammed it onto the gas pedal. Then, looking back out, timing it just right, he suddenly threw open the door and jumped.

  He hit the ground in a roll, grunting in pain as he rolled off the road and into the bushes. He scrambled to his knees and peeked through the tangle to watch the truck skid along, the groping headlights suddenly coming up empty. The truck roared, wheels spinning uselessly as it soared over oblivion, plummeting off the edge of a cliff and down to the forest far below.

  It struck. The boom of its explosion flaring up into the night sky. Illuminating for an instant the sharp conical shape of fir trees.

  Alistair exhaled heavily, ducking down as a number of cars peeled down the road and after the crashing truck. They skidded to a halt at the edge of the cliff. From his hiding spot Alistair saw men scramble out and gather over the edge of the cliff.

  Alistair sighed, and looked back up the road. Back to where, rising out of the darkness, towers cut a sharp outline against a near full moon.

  Castle Hammerstein.

  Shaking his head, Alistair Smith popped his neck and dusted the smoke and soot off his stolen uniform. He looked back down to the men racing about to fetch rappelling equipment to check the crash site. Turning, he began to walk through the dark forest. He flipped out his phone, listening to the squeal of tires race away through the dark as he dialed a number. A moment passed, and the ringing stopped.

  “Yes?” an old, tired voice crackled from the other end of the line.

  “Director?” Alistair said. “I want to make a request.”


  The scotch tasted like piss. The air smelled like cheap tobacco and frankly, the décor was so gaudy demolition could only improve it.

  Audra Antoinette was not a woman easily put off. She’d once spent a week living in an attic in order to drop onto a mark when he inevitably came to check his listening equipment. But if her contact didn’t show up soon, she was going to start breaking things.

  Her dark cocktail dress shimmering like it was stitched with diamonds, Audra turned in the stool and leaned back against the bar, sipping her drink leisurely. Over the rim of the tumbler she took in the casino floor, with all its flashing lights, chatty conversation and general woes and cries of success. The Rhine valley was beautiful country, and Audra chafed at being unable to see more of it. Of course she might have, had she been able to enjoy more of her vacation. But no. Apparently G7 needed her for a mission. And when the clandestine arm of NATO called, you answered. So instead, she was stuck in Rullenburg, a small spa town situated near the mighty Rhine river, seated in a casino, while people with two much money and too little sense impoverished themselves of the former. She sighed. Maybe she should freelance. God knew enough people would love to hire her. Her breasts swelled her dress and her firm bum, toned by years of training, stretched the fabric appreciatively. She was a beauty, and knew it, and used it to excellent effect.

  And she used it often these days. G7 didn’t field too many agents, but among them Audra was counted one of the best. Though she had skill with a gun and seduction, one of her major assets was the network of contacts she had across the world. Contacts she’d often called in for favours to perform jobs no one else could have. Just recently she’d foiled a bid to sell top secret Pentagon data to the highest bidder. She shivered a little, smiling fondly as she remembered the affections of two men on that mission. The hefty but experienced arms dealer Raphael, whose touch had been deliciously instructive to her own body, and Alistair Smith, arrogant and brash, even after she’d drugged him, tied him down and fucked his brains out in payment for his assistance.

  She sipped again to hide her grimace. She’d earned her vacation after that. She’d been enjoying the affections and mansion of one of her older contacts, a wealthy Swiss banker who loved the feel of a woman’s legs around his head while he delicately licked her out. She’d been near orgasm when the Director called, and still felt the tingling disappointment of that tryst cut short. Not to mention the Director had been oddly cagey about this job. His reluctance could mean most anything, but she doubted it was good. Just go to Rullenberg and meet with a contact, who would outline the further purposes of her mission. She knew G7 was a clandestine operation, but honestly. A little extra info wouldn’t have killed him.


  “Well well. Hick! What’s a lovely thing like you doing all alone?”

  Audra turned slowly to find a man deep in the throes of inebriation. His collar undone, his jacket stained with what she dearly hoped was mustard but smelled more like urine, he smiled vaguely in her direction. Audra smiled back coldly. “Just having a drink,” she said, raising the tumbler in demonstration.

  “Need some company?”

  She looked him up and down. “Not even a little.”

  His grin fell. With a twist of his lips he shrugged irritably and rose, abandoning the seat beside her to stagger towards the dice tables. Audra sighed, leaning back. She was in no mood to play tonight. She put down her drink on the coaster, and paused.

  There was a piece of paper under her glass

  Her eyes shot about the room but both the drunk and anyone else who might have slipped it to her were gone. Carefully, Audra pulled the note free and unfolded it.

  Table 3. Rose Cravat.

  Audra crumpled the paper and as circumspectly as only a spy can, she looked without looking at table 3.

  There were a number of people there, but only one with a rose red cravat. He sat at the head of it, leaning back, holding a number of cards before him in leather gloved hands. He was of average size if maybe a little sharp at certain angles, and his oiled back hair, though severely out of date, suited him. His sharp, smug features had the distinct Prussian Junker look. God, the moron was even sporting a gleaming monocle at the end of a golden chain.

  “Count Victor von

  Audra froze. Her eyes slipped to the bartender. “Mother fucker,” she muttered under her breath.

  Alistair Smith didn’t smile through his fake mustache. He was far too good for that. But his eyes laughed merrily at her and her anger as he dutifully wiped clean a glass. “Sorry,” he murmured. “Couldn’t help myself.”

  Audra frowned deeply and glanced into her drink. “If you slipped something in this…”

  “Please. What do you take me for?”

  “An asshole.”

  He shrugged broad shoulders. “Fair enough. Anyway, Victor von Hammerstein. He owns a castle near the Rhine proper and has interests in the local manufacturing bodies along the valley. And has been keeping some very unusual comings and goings lately.”

  Her eyes flicked back to the Count. “What do you mean?”

  Alistair snapped the lid shut on a cocktail shaker, his voice just audible over the shakka shakka as he rattled it. “Midnight visits on a personal helicopter pad. A stock of very loyal, very armed guards always about. And some very peculiar shipments running directly to his estate.”

  “I was on vacation,” Audra noted testily.

  “And how better to spend it than at a German chateau?”

  She scoffed. “You’re the master of disguise, aren’t you?” she said. “Why aren’t you sneaking in?”

  Despite his skill as dissembling, Audra was just as good at reading people. And so she caught the flash of annoyance in the twist of his lips. “His men are… very good. I managed to slip in on a shipment of materials being brought into the estate but was spotted. There’s one I would watch out for. Savage looking asshole. Bludghost. They call him the Dog at the castle.”

  “Bites, does he?”


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