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Agent Vixen Collection

Page 12

by Jay Aury

  Despite the fact the busty red head said it with all the warmth of the summer sun, Audra still felt a chill like ice had been dumped down the back of her shirt. Capria sliced the keycard against the reader and the door slid open with a hydraulic hiss.

  Beyond was a lab, transitioned through from the spa so seamlessly it was practically indistinguishable. But the machines, though of the same sterile white, were more complicated. They filled out the room. The whirligigs to mix chemicals. The pods like tanning beds. Men and women in white lab coats drifting through the room like ghosts, only the faint hum of machinery and the click of sensible shoes echoing through the halls.

  Despite herself, Audra was impressed as Capria led her down the same styled corridor. Glass walls separated the wide area into individual rooms. Some women were within them, lying back on surgical looking tables while the men and women in white coats checked them over. A few of the women were wearing strange pads like milkers on their impressive breasts, their eyes closed and expressions rapturous.

  “As you can see,” Capria said, “we put great pride in having the best facilities and researchers available. And I sincerely cannot wait for you to experience the procedure.”

  “Can you explain it to me?”

  “Oh, I’m afraid it’s all very technical,” Capria said lightly. “You wouldn’t understand half of it.”

  Audra slowly tightened her hands into fists.


  Two somethings of the size and shape of soccer balls enveloped Audra’s head. She found herself pulled back into the soft embrace of someone tall. A sharp, slightly intoxicating scent like some fizzy liquor rushed over her in a sudden wave. Her head snapped back in shock and found herself looking into a pair of sparkling baby blue eyes and a pair of pouty red lips. A mane of bouncy blonde hair even more luxuriant than Audra’s own framed the woman’s face.

  “Oh my gosh! Who’s your friend? She’s just the cutest!”

  Audra wheezed as those arms crushed her in a hug, then gasped as those same hands cupped her full breasts. “And her tits are just amazing! They’re so full and bouncy!”

  “I-mmmnnn,” Audra moaned as those hands expertly stroked her, tweaking through her top nipples suddenly fiercely hard.

  “Maxine,” Capria said, gesturing at Audra. “This is Jane Avera. She’s come for the treatment.”

  “Ooooh!” Maxine giggled, releasing Audra only to twirl her about to face her. “You’re just going to, like, love it Janie!”

  Audra managed to wriggle out of the woman’s arms, taking a few unsteady steps back. From a distance she managed to take in the woman and, to her shock, her attire.

  Standing slightly taller than Audra, the woman’s skin was a tanned bronze, and there was enough of it to show. She was wearing little more than a stringy bikini that just barely covered her nipples, leaving the rest of her massive breasts on full display, a thin V of cloth just covering her quim. Over this she wore a huge baggy lab coat and a pair of large rounded glasses. She looked like some renegade from a playboy magazine of the seventies with her gravity defying bust and nearly impossible curves.

  “Maxine is our top scientist. She’s the one who developed the treatment,” Capria said.

  “You’re joking,” Audra gasped.

  “Nope!” Maxine giggled, her breasts shaking with her laughter. Audra found herself staring at those mounds as if hypnotized. “One hundred percent me! And I just can’t wait to get started on you, Janie. We’re going to have, just, so much fun!”

  “Just the tour at this moment,” Capria said, kindly but firmly. “And Maxine? Don’t you have some work to do?”

  “Oh!” Maxine gasped, her blue eyes lighting up like two lamps. “You’re right! Duh! Almost totally forgot. Sorry Janie, I, like, gotta get back to work.”

  Before Audra could move she found herself again crushed in the voluptuous woman’s embrace. Breasts mashed together, surprisingly strong arms around her. “We should get together soon!” Maxine giggled, and Audra felt the busty woman slip something into her pocket.

  Then Maxine was gone, hips swinging like pendulums as she sashayed through one of the clear glass doors. Audra stood where she’d been left, staring, the woman’s overpowering scent lingering faintly on her clothes.

  “Shall we continue the tour?” Capria said.

  Audra turned back to the busty red head. Was that a touch of sharpness in her tone? “Oh,” Audra said, idly touching the contours of what Maxine had slipped into her pocket. “Of course. Let’s.”

  Dinner Delights

  Audra’s shoes clicked down the plain white hallway that ran through the interior of the building. Every guest had a small private residence dotting the island. She counted off the numbers as she went. She’d finally been given the card to her room after the whirl of the tour, one which, she noted, didn’t cover even half of the resort’s grounds. Such thoughts were high in her mind as she opened the door and slipped inside. Alistair was within, pouring some sparkling water into a glass, a plate of fruit, honey, and assorted other delicacies piled on the bedside table. Audra took a moment to admire the sight. He was wearing nothing but a soft blue bathrobe open at the front, revealing some tight swimming trunks, his firm abs and muscle taut chest.

  “Enjoyed the tour?”

  Audra sighed and threw herself back onto the bed. “Ugh! This place!”

  “I’ll take that as a no.”

  Audra rolled her eyes, crossing her arms behind her head and staring at the ceiling. “It’s not that. It’s a beautiful.”

  “Hm. It is very nice.”

  Audra nodded begrudgingly. Even with her youth and adult life having been spent in such a broad tour of locations as the Caymans, Hawaii, and cruise ships, there was something undeniably wondrous about the Isle of Mambo. The luxury and finery of the island mixed with the wild, untamed sea was like some forgotten paradise. She sighed. “Yeah. It is. But there’s just… something about it. It’s almost too perfect. You know?”

  Alistair glanced back. “Oh?”

  She pouted. “It seems stupid, I know. I always wanted a decent vacation that wasn’t interrupted with someone calling me to get whipped by a Nazi, or end up almost getting shot on a boat loaded with arms dealers. But there’s something about this place. I wouldn’t even need the briefing to know there’s something shady going on here.”

  Alistair was over by the glass doors and peered out and onto the rest of the spa. White tile gleaming, the sea a swash of blue on the horizon, the steps spiralling down to beaches shining like molten gold. “Agreed. And that’s why we’re here.”

  Audra sighed, humming in agreement.

  She heard him approach and glanced up into his handsome face. “Well, I might have something to relax you,” he said.

  Heat pooled in her stomach as she looked Alistair’s firm body up and down. She shifted her legs, the thin fabric wrapped about her in a makeshift skirt pleasantly shifting with her. “Oh? One of your world famous massages?”

  “If anything I do becomes world famous, I know I’m doing something wrong,” Alistair smirked. “Didn’t you say when we met in Germany that I didn’t show you anything new?”

  Audra fluffed her golden hair, watching him move to the plate of fruit with interest. “Hmmm. I seem to recall something like that.”

  He flashed a grin over his shoulder. “Well, let me see if I can change that attitude. A special something, just for you.”

  Her eyes flashed. Desire spread through her in a lazy heat. “You do know,” she said, snapping open her bra, her rich, full breasts spilling into the daylight, capped with firm pink nipples, “I’ve been all over the world, and experienced flavours from every corner of it. I doubt anyone has something new to show me.”

  “Humor me,” he said, picking up a squeeze bottle of honey.

  “I suppose I could,” she said, tugging free the knot of her tropical skirt. The thin fabric fell away, baring her thong. “Just because I’m such a kind person.”

nbsp; Alistair moved back to her, shrugging off his robe, baring his muscle hardened body. He planted a knee on the bed and climbed up beside her.

  “Should I turn onto my back?” she said with a flutter of her dark lashes.

  “Though your ass is truly a thing of beauty, I have something for your front today,” he said.

  She giggled, but there was a husky note to the sound. A note of expectant pleasure and simmering desire. “Mmm. Well, don’t keep me waiting.”

  Alistair grinned as he leaned over her. He held the honey over her breasts and gently squeezed. Audra gasped as the cool, thick fluid touched her mound, her breasts trembling with the strange sensation as he leisurely drew a spiral across her flesh, finishing with a small dollop on the very peak of her quickly hardening nipples. He leaned in, meeting her burning blue eyes, and with long, playful strokes of his tongue, began to lick up the honey.

  Audra swallowed thickly, biting her lower lip to stifle the moan. The sensation was a delight. His tongue gently stroking the sensitive flesh, leaving shining trails on her creamy skin as he teasingly circled her hardened nipple, closing in on it, and the bastard! Slowing down the closer he came. His tongue ran over the gooseflesh bumping her skin, his breath hot and oh so wonderful on her sensitive breasts.

  She gripped the sheets, fingers twisting the soft fabric, not daring to move as he grew closer. Closer to the tall pink buds. She was fairly shaking with eager anticipation as he at least reached the end. He met her eyes, his tongue playfully swirling about the pink of her areola.

  “F-fucker,” Audra gasped.

  He grinned, then suddenly engulfed her teat with his hot mouth.

  “Ah!” she gasped, hips twitching as his tongue swirled, devouring the honey and lapping about the hardened nub. A sudden coolness made her twitch as she found him painting her other breast with the honey in the same teasing pattern.

  He pulled his lips up, her nipple shining with his saliva. Then he moved to her other breast and repeated the process.

  But, with a twist.

  “Nnn!” Audra gasped, hips lifting as his finger traced the groove of her pussy through her thong. The thin fabric pressed into her cunt as he playfully stroked her, his tongue torturing her with its journey around the mountain of her breast, drawing ever nearer the peak.

  “Ah. Ahn… D-damn you Alistair,” Audra moaned. “That’s not… not fair…”

  He chuckled as she trembled, pleasure snapping through her like firecrackers. He reached her nipple and lifted his lips, let his tongue slide out and flick her peak.

  “Ah!” Audra gasped.

  He dipped down and sucked. And the moment he did, his finger pressed against her cunt.

  Audra cried out, hips rising as her orgasm swept through her in a sudden wave of pleasure. Alistair stroked her pussy through her thong, even as it dampened with her juices, his teeth grazing and tongue twisting around her aching nipple.

  At last, as she came down, panting from her height, he lifted his head, smirking at her. “You’re delicious, Audra,” he said.

  Audra flushed deeper and swatted at him. “You ass!”

  Alistair laughed, and her breathing deepened as he slid down her body. His teasing fingers hooked in the V of her thong and pulled it away. For a moment the fabric adhered to her dampened pussy, then it came off with a faint sucking sound, Audra kicking it away to land somewhere in the corner. She parted her legs as he moved between them, and only then did she notice he had a ripe plum in his hand.

  He dangled the fruit over her quim and gave it a squeeze. She groaned softly as the cool juices dribbled onto her mons, drooling over her lower lips. “Ohhhhh Alistair! You’re going to ruin the sheets!”

  “I’ll leave a big tip for the maid,” he said, hooking her legs over his shoulders as he pushed between her shapely thighs. “Besides, I plan to do far worse before we’re done.”

  “What oooooh!” she gasped as Alistair licked at the hot flesh around her cunt, devouring the sweet tang of the plum, closing in around her fluttering pussy before delving his tongue deep into her hot box. “Ooooh Alistair! Yes! Mnnn! Yes! Right there. Ah! Ooooh f-fuck!”

  She shuddered and trembled, pleasure rippling through her as Alistair devoured her box. His tongue was so hot and so delightful within her. Even better when he found the familiar pearl of her clit and began to torment that buzzing bead. Her breath heaved through her, her pulse racing so fast she could barely distinguish the individual beating of her heart.

  “Oh. Ohhhh yes. Yes! Ah! Ahn! Lick me! Lick me Alistair. Oh… o f-fuck! C-cumming!” she wailed, ass tightening as she came. Alistair greedily continued to lick her, tasting her juices as she trembled around him, her inner walls clutching at his teasing tongue.

  She came down heavily from that height. Alistair released her, letting her hips fall limply from his shoulders. He tossed the squeezed plum into the trash and she grabbed his hand, pulling it to her mouth. Her eyes met his, smoky with desire and teasing lust as she sucked the juices from each of his fingers, tongue playing over the digits.

  Alistair grinned, his eyes burning as her tongue swept his finger clean. When she was done Audra released his hand, tongue flicking the tips of each finger once more, her eyelids low with lust.

  “How was that for something new?” he asked

  Audra laughed throatily. “Mnnn. Something for sure. But I think you have some more to do.” She reached between his legs and traced the shape of his cock pressing against his swimming trunks. “Mm. Those must be tight. Let’s get them off,”

  Alistair chuckled and slid down his shorts. Audra’s eyes glowed with delight as his cock came into view. She reached down and stroked him, a thrill racing through her as she heard his breath hitch and deepen.

  “Oh,” Audra smirked up at him, her fingers running down his shaft to the root, cupping his balls and gently fingering the sensitive orbs. “He looks so alone out here,” she breathed, fingers gliding back up his shaft, guiding it nearer her slick cunt. “We should put it somewhere nice and snug.”

  “That has to be the worst line I’ve ever heard,” he said.

  She huffed. “And what would you say?”

  “Hmmm,” he hummed, and suddenly he was leaning forward. Startled, she fell back onto the bed, staring up into his brown eyes and tumbled hair as he hovered over her. His arms planted beside her, caging her with his lean, strong body. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled the sharp scent of his sweat and the pleasant tang of the plum. “I think,” he said, leaning in nearer, “I’d say I want to fuck you until you can’t stand for the rest of this mission.”

  Her heart clenched with a sudden, tender thud. For once, she was lost for words. “O-oh,” she breathed, staring into his eyes. “That might cause some problems…”

  “You know,” he said, his lips an inch from hers. “I’m finding it hard to care.”

  He kissed her. She moaned, eyes lidding as her arms wrapped about him, pulling him closer. She gasped as he pushed, his cock sliding into her, stroking her tightening cunt with tender slowness. She yielded her mouth, her tongue surrendering when his found hers in a brief struggle. His hips began to move, leisurely fucking her. She moaned into his mouth, her own, shapely hips rolling to meet his thrusts. Her breasts shining with his saliva pressed against his chest.

  The sun was setting, the crimson glow spreading across the beach and into their room. Illuminating their joining as they moved together, lost in the tender call of their pleasures.


  It was cold.

  Audra woke. She did not wake slowly, as some might, but all at once, her full faculties about her. A necessity in her line of business, where her subconscious might register the creak of a floorboard or squeak of a window opening, all the warning she might before someone tried to stick a knife in her.

  But it wasn’t a new presence that woke her, she realized at length. Rather, it was the lack of one. She sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes as she looked at the space beside her. Empty, the sh
eets faintly disturbed.

  Audra pursed her lips a little. How the hell did Alistair do that? To be sure she was a bit exhausted after their bout of lovemaking, her cheeks heating with the memory of his tongue on her and his cock within her. Even now she felt the heavy, sluggish sensation of sated pleasure. But still, she should have registered him getting up. What? Did she have to handcuff herself to him?

  “Probably just pick the locks,” she mumbled to the empty room, recalling the first time she’d done that. Again that brief smile and warm flush of remembered pleasure. She sat up, climbing out of bed. Naked still, her full figure outlined in the moonlight, she noticed a slip of paper folded on the pillow beside her. She picked it up, opening it.

  You looked too lovely to wake. Went for a walk about the grounds. So beautiful out there I thought I might take in the beach.

  She folded the paper back up, frowning faintly. It was code, obviously. So, Alistair had gone out to take a look around the island? Likely some of the closed off areas noticed during the tour. Well, that was alright. Audra had dismissed much of the competition between her and Alistair after that night on the Market’s boat. She knew her strength, and pretending they were the same as Alistair’s was idiotic. His skills were in subtlety and subterfuge. In infiltration and quiet (or not so quiet, she thought, recalling the explosions at Castle Hammerstein) sabotage.

  And hers? She smiled as she dug out her purse and reached inside. She was the beauty. The face that men couldn’t resist.

  She flicked out the keycard Maxine had slipped into her pocket, its plastic varnish shining like silver. Audra smiled.

  And maybe not just men…

  Night’s Work

  The waves beat against the shore with a dull thumping sound. The cliffs below were jagged as rotting teeth, the water foaming around them to form a treacherous approach.

  Above, projecting out of the rocks, was the main office of the Mambo Spa.

  And below, working his way up the ragged rock face, was Alistair Smith.


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