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Obsidian Mask

Page 6

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Why didn’t you tell him?” I complained, knowing I was going to have to write this piece. My new—annoying—conscious telling me it was the right thing to do.

  “Because I only found out a week ago. I didn’t expect them to…” She waved her hand at her mouth, her eyes like ice. “The only thing that stopped me from kicking her fucking ass then was the fact you had proof I could send to her husband. I’d been trying to figure that out anyway, and you provided.” She bowed her head. “Thank you ever so much.”

  She waved with her free hand, still holding her pants up as she opened our doors, stepping into her room. “I want that bitch shown for what she really is—a lying, selfish gold-digging, cheater. No one fucks with my partner like that and gets away with it. Remember to be at dinner.” She slammed her door shut.

  Katie and I both stared at her door.

  Katie whispered, “I don’t think she even knows she’s in love with Grigori.”

  I shook my head, completely struck dumb. “Nope. Me, either.” I couldn’t tell Katie she had said she would never be ‘in love’ again. But it was painfully obvious she was head over heels for Grigori. “You better get ready. We’ve got a fun filled day out on the sea planned.”

  “Yeah us!” Katie mumbled sarcastically, rolling her pointed fingers in the air in mock celebration. “Sounds like a blast.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Sure does.”

  And it sure…had not been. Walking to the restaurant dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers with my duffle and purse slung over my shoulder, I knew I was underdressed. I just wanted to get this story and go to bed. I zigzagged as I walked, still feeling the rolling sea under my landed feet. I swallowed hard. I didn’t puke on board, but I had spent the entire time occupying one of the bathrooms just in case. It was awful. My parents even felt bad for me.

  Only about half of the group was sitting at a large table inside an emptied out restaurant. Ember said they ate privately for dinner, but I hadn’t expected the black-tie affair. I really was underdressed. Must be nice to have that kind of cash flow to order everyone else the fuck out so they weren’t bothered. I didn’t even have to give my name to the guard at the door. I’d not seen this one before, but after one glance at my hair, he opened the glass door for me. I slipped inside, Least Ugly following a few minutes later.

  He had gone on the cruise too since it was a public cruise. It was more than weird to see him out of his black fatigues and in a pair of shorts and Bermuda shirt trying to fit in. Honestly, he did somehow, my parents not even giving him a second glance on the crowded boat. It was mind-boggling though.

  Brent, Cole, Zane, Stash, Peter, Lev, and Ember were already seated, sipping on what looked like red wine—nonalcoholic, of course—and I swallowed hard again, feeling the bile rise. The nonalcoholic wine was fucking gross, and the thought of it made my stomach twist even more. They paused, dressed in their finest. All of them in black, of course, since they didn’t realize there were other colors in this world. They watched me wobble my way to the table.

  Ember’s eyebrows snapped together. “Have you been drinking?”

  I snorted, plopping down next to her and pushing my bags under the table. I let my head thump down on the table. “I wish.” I lifted a hand, and put my pointer and thumb an inch apart. “Little boat.” I waved my hand grandly. “Big ocean.” Then I made my hand and arm do the wave. “Makes for a bumpy ride.”

  Stash chuckled, setting his glass down. “Not a sailor, I take it.”

  I moaned and my stomach turned. “It’s safe to say the ocean and I do not agree with one another.”

  Zane mumbled, “Why aren’t you resting? I’m sure your editor gives you sick time.”

  “No, he doesn’t.” Best to keep it at that. “Just nudge me when everyone else gets here.” I shut my eyes. And groaned.

  I felt like shit.

  “You mean Daniil, right?” Brent asked, sounding amused.

  I waved my hand blindly. “Whatever.”

  They snickered, but I concentrated on my feet and butt and the side of my face, where they were firmly planted on non-moving objects. It helped. But only a little. When a hand landed on my forehead, I moaned, “Are they really here already?” It had only been a minute.

  “I was already here,” Daniil murmured softly. “I was in the restroom.”

  I wrinkled my forehead under his touch. “I hope you washed your hands.”

  The conversations at the table cut off, and then they started chortling.

  “Of course, I did.” Daniil petted my hair back from my face. It felt good soothing a few of the wrinkles from my forehead, so I kept my eyes closed and let him continue. He sat down in the chair next to me, still stroking me. He asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

  “I got sea sick on the boat my demonic parents dragged me on.” I hadn’t told him what I was doing today, figuring Least Ugly had probably already done that. Plus, when I had paused to actually call him, I stopped myself since it seemed a little off to have to check in with someone who was just my lover. It was even more bizarre that I had thought to do it in the first place since I had never done that before.

  Gently, he started massaging the back of my neck. “Why aren’t you in bed, then?”

  I groaned, not wanting to talk anymore.

  Zane helpfully supplied, “She said her boss doesn’t give her sick time.”

  “Really,” Daniil clipped in an irritated tone, his hand stopping its caress. I waggled my shoulders, letting him know to keep going. He did, his touch soft and gentle, but he was clearly pissed when he asked, “What kind of fucking asshole doesn’t give his employees time off when their ill?”

  Ember murmured softly, “Probably not the best time to be having this conversation when she’s not feeling well.” Thank you, Ember, for saving my ass since my editor did, in fact, give me time off. “Plus, everyone else is arriving.” She nudged me as I had asked. But much harder than she needed to in my ribs.

  “Bitch,” I mumbled, pushing up off the table and swallowing hard. I wiped the sweat from my forehead. She almost pushed the puke up. “You’re so not sleeping in my bed tonight.”

  She smirked even as the table went mute, gawking, the others just coming through the door. “We’ll see about that. You didn’t even know I slipped in with you and Katie last night. I could sleep there and be out without you even knowing.” She patted my cheek cheerfully.

  “Evil bitch,” I griped, taking a large drink of my water. I glanced down as Daniil wrapped an arm around my back, pulling me in closer. He placed a long, red colored velvet box in front of me with his other hand.

  “I got you a little something,” he whispered in my ear.

  I stared. And slowly picked up the box. It was heavy. “What is it?”

  Daniil brushed my hair behind my ear. “Open it and see.”

  The group entering was loud and rowdy, no one actually—for once—paying attention to us. Except for Ember next to me. She had gone mute, blatantly staring at the box, her hand at her throat where she wore an interesting necklace that probably cost a fortune, but the silver was shaped like skulls, the eyes diamonds—large ones. Not really my cup of tea, but morbidly beautiful nonetheless.

  Slowly, I opened it, and…just about fainted. Inside was the most beautiful black and white pearl necklace I had ever seen. Fumbling the gift, as I literally slumped, Daniil tightened his hold on me. He caught my hands under the box, keeping both it and me steady. The pearls were enormous and it would wrap around my throat a few times over.

  “I can’t accept this,” I murmured. It was too much.

  “Nonsense. It’s yours,” Daniil stated calmly. “I know you like jewelry, and I made sure not to get you earrings.”

  Ember nudged me—softly—whispering fiercely, “Take it. It’s fucking gorgeous. Light and dark. Like the two of you.”

  Yeah. Like I hadn’t already understood that.

  “Butt out,” I mumbled, closing the lid before anyone else could see. I peer
ed at Daniil straight on, ready to argue with him. I stopped and stared. Groaned. “Jesus. It’s not fair.” I let my head fall against his suit jacket covered shoulder. “You look amazing. And I look like shit.” Understatement.

  He had tied his hair back from his face, and all of those sharp angles were on full display, his eyes even more intense than normal. His suit was tailored to fit his large body perfectly. He looked like a million bucks while I sat here looking like a pile of dog poo.

  A sweaty, disgusting pile of dog poo.

  He kissed my damp forehead, brushing my hair back. “Is that a thank you?” His next words were hesitant. “Or do you not like the necklace?”

  I clutched the box to my chest, suddenly wanting them as I had never wanted any other materialistic item before. “No, I love it. I’ll keep it. Thank you.”

  “Running a little hot and cold tonight, aren’t you?” Ember asked.

  “Butt. Out,” I griped loudly, feeling very much irritable. Thank you, boat ride.

  She held her hands up, a small look of surprise on her face, which she quickly banished, glancing out toward the door. Her mouth dropped open, asking in a hushed whisper, “Is that your parents coming in?”

  “What?” I squeaked, pushing off Daniil.

  But…no one was there.

  Ember snorted with amusement. My stomach rolled.

  I was very tempted to puke on her.

  She scooted her chair closer to Stash, watching me closely, no longer laughing.

  “Leave her alone, Ember,” Daniil stated gruffly, pulling me back against him as the rowdy group took their seats. He leaned over my head. “And I wouldn’t suggest coming into her room tonight unless you’d like to sleep in a bed with Beth and me.”

  Ember’s face turned ashen before she quickly looked away, playing with her necklace.

  I patted Daniil’s leg with my free hand, still gripping the necklace box with the other. “Thank you.”

  “That was mean of her when you’re not feeling well,” he griped quietly, practically pulling me off my chair into his lap. “Are you sure you can’t go lie down?” His expression turned brutal. “I think I should talk to your boss.”

  I stared. “You do that and I’m going to shave off your hair in the middle of the night.” He may be one scary motherfucker, but he was very much vain. His feet, perfect hair, and grooming proved that.

  Grigori snickered across from me where he was sitting.

  I glared at him, not in the mood for everyone fucking eavesdropping.

  I blinked, though. Staring. “Jesus, you two are fucking identical.”

  Ember snorted but didn’t say anything, keeping her trap shut.

  Grigori was dressed exactly like his dad, his hair slicked back and in a tie, too. I doubt they had planned it that way, but the only difference between them was a few more laugh lines around Daniil’s eyes when he smiled, and Grigori’s sporadic braids and hot pink streaks. Other than that, they could be damn near twins.

  Grigori’s lips twitched, and I swear, he glanced Ember’s way before he started to turn toward Roman—oddly, ignoring Zoya on his other side. But he stalled in the movement, his gaze slamming back to Ember. He stared. At her throat…or…I glanced at her…the necklace. He was staring at the skull necklace. He cleared his throat, saying quietly, “I like your necklace.” Honestly, I think those were the first nice words I had heard him say to her. And it was like half the table heard it, too, and started leaning in toward them. N-O-S-Y G-R-O-U-P.

  She touched it, glancing down like she could see it even though it hugged her neck like a choker. Her voice was soft and faltering. “Thank you.” Grigori stared at it a moment longer before turning his attention to Roman—away from her—just as Ember looked up, her mouth open to say more…but she closed it gently, seeing he was no longer paying attention and her gaze fell to the table. Her hands landed on her lap where it looked like she was gripping them in a vicious hold. And, I swear, she looked like she was about to cry for a heartbeat before she sucked in a breath, and her face turned cold.

  Remote, no emotion showing.

  Scary in itself how closed off she became within one heartbeat and the next.

  I felt Daniil stiffen against me, and he muttered something under his breath in Russian, turning from Ember to glare at his oldest son. And while he did that, a little bit of the bitch fell off Ember in my mind, seeing her vulnerable and hurting. My gut started talking to me again—and I began to put everything I had heard together like I did a story.

  They had been lovers. Brent and Cole came back from the dead. Their relationship had obviously ended by Brent and Cole’s return. Grigori said he had given her what she wanted…but…maybe she didn’t want it. What woman doesn’t want a man to fight for her when she cares for him? And what man wants to be dumped for someone else when he cares for the woman? Grigori was cold and furious toward her.

  My gut instinct was telling me I knew why now.

  And sadly, for them, Brent and Cole hadn’t missed that little exchange, finally catching on that Ember had been with Grigori before their return. Their eyes flashed as they stared, seeing what I had seen. They were now staring at Grigori, completely ignoring Carl and Anna’s attempts to distract them. Zane and Stash were sitting mutely, their expressions neutral as they looked at their best friends. Obviously, all four of those individuals knew what was going on.

  A looked passed behind their eyes that had me silently sucking in a breath.

  Daniil felt it, glancing down at me, and then followed my gaze. His entire frame turned rigid, and he reached behind his back—for a gun—just as Brent and Cole, with that same death-like expression in their eyes, started to stand.

  I wasn’t sure what possessed me to do it, but I was a sucker just like anyone else when it comes to love. Ember’s heart didn’t belong to these two. Her heart belonged to someone else. Even if she was going about getting her love back in extremely weird ways—ways she didn’t even understand. I blurted, “Cole! Didn’t I see you in the Ocean Restaurant the other day?” Half the table went quiet. I sounded a little frantic. My burned story was going to work for this situation.

  Grigori got a decent view at what he had been missing behind his back before Brent and Cole froze, their deadly gazes turning toward me.

  Understandable shock rocked Cole for a second, but he quickly covered it with believable confusion. “What are you talking about?” They were both standing, but they hadn’t moved yet.

  I waved my hand, the simple motion making me feel ill. I swallowed. “I’m pretty sure you were in there. I was picking up some silverware from the hostess area in the corner, and I could have sworn I spotted you.”

  Brent’s expression didn’t change as he glanced at Cole, his brows furrowing.

  Perfectly. Played. Perfectly played, Mr. Terrance.

  “Ah.” I waved my hand again. “Maybe it was someone else.” I glanced behind them, seeing the waitress coming out of the backroom. “Cole, you should probably sit down and not intimidate that poor waitress. She looks the timid sort.” Luckily, she really did.

  Brent sat, staring at me. “You’re very observant.” Contradictory, since the argument was that I hadn’t actually seen Cole in the restaurant, but I could work with it. Cole, on the other hand, just picked up his glass and sipped, watching me.

  “Yes. I am. And I have a perfect memory of events. It’s what makes me so good at what I do.” I paused and forced a tiny laugh. “What do you think, Cole? You’ve seen my work. It’s usually front page material, yes?” He didn’t need to know if I still had the photos and audio. He just needed to not kick Grigori’s ass for something that happened while they were dead to the world.

  Cole sat and took a hefty gulp of his drink. The only indicator anything was amiss. “Yes, it normally is, Ms. Forter.” He said no more to me but turned, giving his order to the waitress. Ignoring everyone as if he hadn’t just been threatened to have his picture posted on the front page of a paper. Tonguing his best

  No one knew. Only me.

  War heroes. Brent and Cole.

  It would ruin them.

  Ember’s eyebrows were together. “Did I just miss something?” She was utterly baffled at the possibility.

  I snorted quietly.

  Daniil kissed my forehead, a silent thank you for stopping the gunfight.

  I whispered right back, “Only that you and Grigori’s past love life is no longer a secret.”

  Her whole body stilled, and she breathed shallowly. “For some reason, I think I owe you a thank you.”

  My lips twitched as much as they would in actual humor. I wanted to ralph in her face. “You’re welcome.”

  She nodded once curtly and went back to conversing with Zane next to her as if nothing was wrong…except her shoulders were extremely stiff.

  Daniil ordered his food, and I ordered a chicken noodle soup and some crackers. That seemed like a safe bet to me. I closed my eyes and didn’t care if I was rude. I was waiting for a story to fix the one I had done the night before, and that was all. The conversation continued around me, Daniil speaking to Artur about Black City, the club he ran and owned. Artur asked him about issues he needed some advice on. I learned through their dialogue Daniil might be fierce-scary, but he was extremely business savvy. Hell, I didn’t even understand some of the financial aspects that he spoke of, or the employment laws here in the United States he referenced.

  When the food arrived, the scent of Grigori’s crab wafted through the air.

  I just about puked in my mouth. “Jesus. That smells awful.” I was being ill-mannered, but it just blurted out. And his food smelled like the boat did I had rocked on all day.

  “Smells awful?” Ember asked, taking a big bite of her pasta that didn’t look so bad.

  “Yeah.” I breathed softly, focusing on my soup. My chair felt like it moved under me, even though I knew it wasn’t. I was never going on a damn boat again.

  Daniil started rubbing my back, and I slurped at my soup—until I spied the big piece of wheat bread on his plate. I didn’t even ask. I just took it and bit into it with relish. I swallowed it down with the Sprite he ordered for himself.


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