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Obsidian Mask

Page 10

by Scarlett Dawn

  Ember ran her hands through Grigori’s hair, turning her head and kissing his temple. He groaned a contented sound and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as she ran her fingers lightly up and down his bare muscled back. She asked slowly, “Did you seriously just give me a hickey on my neck?”

  Grigori twitched, and then raised his head to stare down at her neck. “Um…yes. It’s big, too.” He flipped his hair so it wasn’t hanging in his face, tilting his head and staring at her. And I could clearly see his face that way. His cheeks were flushed and his lips were swollen—I firmly ignored any familial resemblance—and his lips twitched. He smiled full out, something I never saw him do unless he was with her or her kids. But this one was a bit different. It was a little devilish. “You’re mine. I don’t want anyone else coming near you.”

  Ember tapped her nails on his back, eyeing him. It took her a bit to comment since her gaze seemed stuck on his mouth. “So were going public with this? We’ve never done that before.”

  Grigori sucked in a breath, and then shrugged casually. “Just about everyone knew we were having sex before. It seems pointless to hide it again. They’re all fucking peeping toms, anyway. Half of them have actually seen us together.” You can add me to those numbers. He kissed her when she gasped at this info, but his face had hardened when he lifted it back. “Especially, now.”

  “You mean because Brent and Cole are back,” Ember clarified. “You want everyone to know because of them.”

  Grigori stared her down, his cheeks turning even pinker as he became upset. “I hate worrying or being jealous… Can you blame me?”

  Ember studied him and lifted her hand, running a finger over his pinched lips. “No. I can’t blame you. And I understand. I’m good with it. Plus you took care of anyone who would come after us in Moscow. We won’t have that to worry about.”

  His eyebrows snapped together. “You never know about that. You’ll still need to be careful.”

  Tilting her head more, she kissed his lips. “We’re public then.”

  He nodded against her lips, licking her bottom lip, his tongue ring glistening in the bathroom light. “Yeah. We’re public.”

  I hurried down the hallways with my luggage over my arm—my hair was a damn mess since I was never able to use the mousse when my hair was wet—and I glanced at my watch. I was seriously running behind. Daniil had called the room to check on me when I finally made my way back into after Grigori left and Ember jumped into the shower. I praised God she had done that. Otherwise, I’d probably still be in there where I had heard her opening and closing drawers, packing her stuff.

  I hit the lobby. The group was waiting in the back like normal. There had been only a few minutes before our ride was supposed to be here, so I quickly checked out, giving my rental keys to the guy behind the counter. The same guy as the time before, and the time before that. I smirked at him, saying, “Still out of alcohol?”

  He glanced at—yep—my hair, and nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Boy, that just sucks,” I said cheerfully. Walking over to the group, I sat down next to Daniil, unsure of how we were supposed to behave in public. I didn’t lean into him, but I did turn my head and whisper, “You’re going to see some fireworks shortly.”

  He tilted his head down, his hair hiding his expression from everyone else and his eyebrows rose. “What do you know that I don’t?”

  My lips twitched, and I jerked my head softly to where Grigori was entering the lobby. “Just watch.”

  His eyes darted all over my face, and then his attention snapped to his son, his gaze assessing. Grigori didn’t look any different, so it wasn’t obvious. But Daniil took my word for it and kept his attention on his son, who sat down on the arm of a chair that Artur was sitting in, starting a conversation with him.

  Ember entered. She was dressed like normal. She wore her usual drab colors of gray cargo pants, a gray thermal with a tight black t-shirt over it with boots. Her socks were her only color and they were bright yellow, only showing over her boots about an inch. Her hair was down, and when she made her way over to us, Grigori stood and walked straight toward her.

  She stalled, her eyes widening. Grigori stalked like he was ready to consume her, his gaze intense. I, on the other hand, picked my camera up—I had it out ready for this—and put it to my eye. They were going public and my editor would kill me if I didn’t get this. I had to take the shot.

  I heard Daniil suck in a breath as Grigori stopped right in front of her and said something softly. Though she still appeared somewhat frightened, her eyes were huge, she softly smiled at him and said something back. Grigori’s hands lifted and he touched her cheeks. He ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it back.

  Vividly putting her hickey on display for everyone.

  The group stilled when he moved, but they were blatantly staring now.

  And…Grigori…bent down and kissed her. Right in front of everyone.

  I snapped my photo and put my camera away. Even though I knew there would be more to come. I didn’t have to get this next part. I actually felt a little bad for Brent and Cole.

  Ember and Grigori were a little stiff in the kiss at first—their first public kiss—but it swiftly turned into one hell of a tongue twister. Ember clenched her fists in his hair, and Grigori wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the floor and standing straight as her feet dangled. She wrapped her legs around his waist when he stuck his tongue down her throat.

  I had seen this all before. I glanced at Brent and Cole, who were standing shocked in place. Instead of charging Grigori like I thought they would do, Cole ran a hand through his hair, his face turning to ice, and rested back on his chair and started flicking through a magazine. Brent dropped his head for a few moments before turning from them and started speaking with Stash, who instantly responded in a soothing tone, filling in when Brent stayed quiet when he should have responded.

  Well, not what I would have expected.

  I wasn’t sure if they had really given up or if they were just biding their time.

  Daniil leaned back onto the couch, placing his arms on the back of it, his arm brushing the back of my head. Quietly, looking very pleased, he asked, “How did you know that was going to happen?” He was staring at them while Grigori put Ember back on her feet, even as reporters were starting to swarm them, the bodyguards doing their thing to keep them away.

  “Let’s just say, unfortunately, I was caught in a certain situation and saw a lot more than that.” I didn’t say anything else. I was going to try to erase the image of Daniil’s son getting it on with Ember. It just didn’t seem right.

  Daniil paused and then chuckled. “You saw him give her that hickey.”

  Rubbing my eyes, I grumbled, “And a lot more.”

  He laughed outright, deep and booming, turning and dipping his head down to where I stared at my lap. “Are you going to be all right?”

  I sighed, rubbing my eyes again before looking at his shoulder, mumbling, “The family resemblance is uncanny.” I paused and my own nose wrinkled. “Disturbing, really.”

  He laughed again, softer this time, starting to say something, but a flash blinded us.

  Startled, I jumped.

  Daniil stilled, then relaxed back against the couch, looking out at the person who had just taken our picture. I mimicked him, turning to see Micah Olson standing a few feet away lowering his camera. One of my biggest rivals in New York. I smiled—all fake. “Micah, I think you’re missing the action over there.” I jerked my head toward Ember and Grigori, who were answering questions.

  He smiled, imitating me now, and shook his head slowly. “You know, Slugger, I don’t think I am.” He glanced in Grigori and Ember’s direction. “Moreover, I already got the shot. I followed your lead and raised my camera when you did.” He smiled again and winked, nodded in farewell to Daniil, then walked away.

  I sat not saying a word. That picture was going to end up in some paper.

“Shit,” Daniil grumbled under his breath. “I should take care of him.”

  “Take care of him?” I asked slowly. “Do not tell me that means what I think it does.”

  He waved a hand, and then leaned his elbow against the arm of the chair, covering his mouth as he watched Micah walk away. “Not kill him, if that’s what you mean. I don’t always go the extreme route, especially where reporters are involved. They usually leave a fucking paper trail behind. It’s too much trouble.” I stared at him in shock as he glanced at Ugly Duckling and gave a tiny nudge of his head in Micah’s direction. The guard instantly moved toward Micah but stayed back, keeping an eye on him.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked slowly.

  Daniil sighed and straightened his pants, really relaxing as he stretched his legs. “The photo will be gone before he even goes to view it on his computer.”

  I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t agree with that. I knew what it was like to have a prime photo destroyed mysteriously. For a reporter, there was nothing worse, and sometimes, it only ticked them off more. I knew my lips were pinched and my eyebrows were glued together, so I kept my face averted from any reporters and Daniil. It wouldn’t be good to show emotion again when the press was around.

  Deciding quickly that it would also be best not to be seen leaving the lobby with them, I stood and grabbed my bags. Without a backward glance, I went outside to wait for everyone. Daniil didn’t try to stop me. He wouldn’t with so many people around. But Trofim was hot on my heels, not really helping the situation with Micah, who watched me leave.

  In fact, Micah followed me outside. I covertly gave Trofim a look, and he disappeared somehow before Micah saw him standing a few feet away. I blinked, glancing around, and decided he had slipped into one of the little nooks in the architectural design.

  Micah leaned back against the wall next to me and lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply before turning his attention to me. “You going to tell me the truth now?”

  “The truth about what?” I asked, staying out of his billowing smoke.

  “You and Daniil. He was laughing awfully loud at something you said. Looked pretty cozy for just screaming at him this morning.” He flicked his ashes, his eyes never leaving my face.

  “I had just told him I puked on Ember on purpose.” I shrugged, playing with my hair. “He found it amusing. Since he’s not someone I want to piss off—especially after being stupid enough this morning to yell at him—I gave him the full details. A little ass-kissing, you know?”

  “Hmm.” He took another drag. “You’ve become awfully chummy with their group when most of your work involves bashing them.”

  I leaned back against the wall, staring out at the cars being loaded with baggage. “You know the saying…keep your enemies closer.” I shrugged.

  “Dangerous enemies to be playing that game with.”

  “All in a day’s work.”

  He flicked his cigarette behind a chauffeur lifting a suitcase into a trunk. “Well, good luck with that, Slugger.” He smiled at me. And I knew instantly he wasn’t done with Daniil and me. He hadn’t believed a word I said. “See you in New York.” He waved and walked away, heading back into the lobby.

  “Perfect,” I muttered, kicking the wall.

  “Problem, Ms. Forter?” Trofim asked, appearing at my side, staring where Micah had been walking. “Do you need me to handle him?”

  I glared at the sidewalk. “No. There will be no ‘handling him’ just because he’s smarter than the other reporters here.”

  “It would be no trouble,” Trofim said softly. Honestly.

  “Look, Trofim, I don’t like violence. I don’t like shooting.” I interrupted him when he started to open his mouth. “Or stabbings, drowning, strangling, poisonings, or pushing him off a tall building…or anything else that I missed. I don’t want him killed. Understood?”

  His mouth pinched, but he nodded slowly.

  “Good.” My tummy rumbled. Trofim and I both glanced down at it since it had been louder than a jet engine starting. “Maybe you could get me something to eat, though.”

  Trofim grinned. “It’s a boy.”

  I glared, placing my hands on my hips. “Food! Not commentary.”

  His ugly smile only increased. “A definite boy.” He dug his cell phone out and started dialing. “What do you want?”

  I thought about that while he talked to someone inside since he wasn’t going to leave my side to get the food. “Maybe pasta, no meat on it. Some bread, no butter. Fries with a side of ranch. Some bacon with syrup.” I tapped my stomach. “A slice of chocolate pie with cherries on top. Oh!” I pointed a finger in the air. “And some Twizzlers.”

  He stared at me, then at my stomach, slowly repeating everything I’d said. I snapped my mouth shut because I had been ready to add a strawberry shake to that, but as he listed everything I wanted, it did sound a little off. Probably best to not gain too many pounds in the beginning.

  Driving to the private airport we would be flying out of, I tried not to be too embarrassed with the box of food in front of me. Daniil, his kids, and Ember sat in the limo with us, and they were all studiously trying to ignore me as I finished off the pasta, grabbing for the fries next. Daniil hadn’t said a word only smiled a little when the food was brought out at the last minute before the limo left the resort.

  Well, all except Ember, who grinned. “You know, when I was pregnant, I ate everything in sight, too.” Her eyebrows snapped together. “Well, at least until the twins got really big, then I just ate smaller portions, but all the time.”

  Eva, Artur, and Roman snickered, and then quickly cleared their throats. I was too busy stuffing my face with fries dipped in ranch to say anything, but Grigori pulled her in closer to his side, wrapping his arms around her stomach, murmuring, “I remember you had a thing for pickled eggs. Never in my life have I ever smelled something so foul. You ate them non-stop.”

  Ember’s cheeks pinked. “Funny thing is, I didn’t like them before, and I don’t like them now. It was only then.” She shuddered.

  Daniil’s hand snuck into my line of site and went for my food. I growled a little, and he quickly took his hand back without the goods. I cut it off, my eyes enormous.

  What the hell?

  “Papa, you should know better than that,” Grigori chided, staring at me and holding Ember close, like a content kitty cat.

  “It’s been a while,” Daniil murmured softly. He glanced at me, sheepish. “Sorry. I’ll get something later.”

  “No,” I squeaked, completely embarrassed, shoving the box of fries in his hand. “Go ahead. I’ve got plenty.” I dug out the bacon, ignoring how much I wanted those damn fries. Pulling out the bacon next, I turned my back on him a little so I didn’t take the gifted food back. “I ordered half the menu. I’m good.”

  Ember was chuckling. “It doesn’t get any easier.”

  “Wonderful. I’ll be a bottomless pit, crankier than shit, and I’ll get fat on top of it. I don’t know why more women don’t do it.” Then, I stuffed my mouth full of bacon slathered in syrup. Mmm.

  Daniil started rubbing my back, but I scooted farther away from him because I could hear him munching on those fries. Ember laughed in an uproar, her head falling back on Grigori’s chest. She said, “There’s all that, but the end result is worth it. When the doctor lays that baby in your arms, there’s nothing in the world better.”

  Grigori smiled softly. “I remember when Beth and Nikki cried for the first time. There really is nothing more precious than that.”

  I paused in my munching—briefly. “You were in the room when the twins were born?”

  They both nodded.

  Artur snorted, saying, “She had to have them by C-Section. Only one person was allowed in the room with her. It was a no-brainer who was going in there, but they didn’t let him in immediately while they got her ready. He was like a caged lion roaming back and forth in front of the door… wearing pink scrubs. It was hilarious.”
/>   “I didn’t think so,” Grigori growled.

  “You were awfully cute in those scrubs,” Ember teased, patting his leg. “I think my doctor had a thing for you.”

  Daniil and I stopped eating when his kids went silent.

  I stared as Ember’s red brows puckered.

  Grigori quickly said, “You obviously weren’t interested at the time. And you know I wasn’t a monk.”

  Ember’s jaw clenched, and she stayed silent.

  I chewed on a piece of bacon slowly.

  This was the first time I had ever seen Grigori frantic. It was kind of amusing.

  “Honey, it wasn’t while he was your doctor.” I damn near choked realizing Grigori was also bi. All of this information was gold. “It was afterward. He came into Blitz Club one night while I was DJing. It was only once.”

  Eva delicately cleared her throat.

  Grigori stopped and then amended, “Twice. I meant twice. That’s all.” He paused. “You and I were only friends then.”

  “Mmm,” Ember said through her teeth. “He was very pretty if I remember correctly.”

  Grigori’s mouth opened, and then snapped shut.

  He outwardly decided it was best to keep quiet.

  I kept eating in the silence. Daniil did the same.

  Ember sighed, breaking the silence. “Elizabeth, a word of advice. Make sure you have an ugly doctor.”

  It was in the early hours of the morning when I stirred from Daniil lying me down. I yawned and stretched, glancing around. “Where are we?”

  “My bedroom.” He began undressing.

  I only remembered being on the plane. Not the landing. Or leaving the plane. Or the car ride. I must have been out completely. “I should really be back at my apartment. I have to go to church in a few hours.”

  Unbuckling his belt, Daniil paused. “What time do you need to be there?”

  “Ten o’clock,” I grumbled, and rolled, staring around the room. The bedroom itself wasn’t large. The four-poster King size bed took up most of the darkly colored room done in mauves and deep blue hues. The woodwork was dark, but the woodwork along the ceiling was intricately carved with swirls and loops. There was a dresser in the same dark wood. A flat screen TV hung above it on the wall. There were two nightstands, with lamps on each with dark blue lampshades. Off to the right, there was a bathroom, to the left was probably a closet, and through the open door next to the dresser there was a large area resembling a living room done in the same deep shades. It appeared he had an apartment of sorts. Like back in the 1800s in England. Very posh.


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