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Obsidian Mask

Page 12

by Scarlett Dawn

  Mary smiled, nodding back. “I think I’ve seen you in the building. I work for Jericho Advertising. It’s right under your office.” She nodded down the table where Grigori and Ember sat. “I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them, too.”

  Mary also has a tendency to make people feel welcomed—again, a trait I wished I had, and Zane and she started up a conversation about a ‘wonderfully adorable’ café across the street where Mary had eaten lunch at. Zane actually laughed a few times, all of us staring as they hit it off instantly, quickly becoming fast friends. An odd duo to say the least. Zane had to be in his early thirties and was harsh and scary looking—still extremely handsome—while my cousin was still in her teens—almost out, and looked innocent of ever doing any wrong even though Lord knew she wasn’t so innocent.

  I think we all blinked at their easy interaction.

  Mary pushed her glasses up on her nose, grinning like the evil imp she could be. “You were sleeping in service today.”

  Zane choked on his drink. “Hopefully, the preacher didn’t see.”

  “Uncle James wouldn’t care…too much.”

  Everyone’s attention went to her hair.

  I barely bit back a curse.

  Not everyone in my family was cursed with my god-awful hair. Example—hers was very pretty whereas mine was…not.

  “The red hair makes since,” Zane mumbled.

  “Strawberry blonde,” Mary and I both stated curtly at the same time.

  That got a chuckle out of everyone, and I glanced at Daniil, who was watching me eat with relish. He was going to have to cut that shit out or everyone would know. Kicking him lightly under the table, he grinned but went back to eating. And I glanced up…and damn near growled.

  In every parish, there was one woman who was known as the ‘steeple slut.’ The woman who would fuck anyone, including the preacher, if she could. And like every other church, we had our very own. I like to call her a cougar instead of a steeple slut since it was more polite, but today, the cougar was checking out the newbies, and her gaze had landed on Daniil.

  Marissa was in her late forties, a brunette, big-boobed—which she flaunted in simple silk dresses that draped prettily over her voluptuous figure, big brown eyes—I was pretty sure she had some Hispanic blood in her, and big red lips. And today she looked as good as she normally did, every article of clothing and hair perfectly in place. She was also headed our way.

  Ember was opening Nikki’s milk box, but she must have seen my expression because she glanced over her shoulder. Her gaze was instantly caught on Marissa, and Ember glanced back at me, eyebrows raised. My eyes narrowed, and Ember started to grin, but Nikki grabbed her attention back.

  “Steeple slut alert,” Mary murmured quietly, also seeing what I was.

  “What?” Zane asked.

  “Guard the family jewels, gentlemen, unless you want them gripped in red talons,” Mary told him quietly before taking a sip of her root beer.

  Artur, Daniil, and Zane all stared at her…a little in shock. Probably because she looked so sweet, and this was a church. They hadn’t seen anything yet.

  Marissa was almost on them from behind, and I instantly looked around the room, catching Aunt Susan’s eye from where she sat clear across the room. My aunt must have been watching our table because she raised her eyebrows at me, and I nodded slightly. Reinforcements were going to be needed, but it would take her a while to get over here. Dammit.

  “Hello,” Marissa purred from behind Zane, Artur, and Daniil. Slowly, they turned after scanning Katie, Mary, and my faces. Daniil’s eyebrows were pinched, but he quickly cleared his expression before turning. They all stared. Normal reaction. She was that pretty. She continued, holding her hand out that didn’t hold her plate. “I’m Marissa Vasquez. I understand today’s your first day here.”

  Zane shook her hand, his gaze going to her red painted nails, and his lips twitched before releasing her hand. “Yes. Today’s our first day here.”

  Marissa gave him a winning smile, but she quickly shook Artur’s hand, her attention zeroing in on Daniil, who watched her with a relaxed air now that the initial shock of seeing someone like her here. She held her hand out to him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you.” Dear Lord, she leaned over to his eye level, putting her tits right out there on display.

  Ember wasn’t hiding the fact that this amused her greatly, and Grigori even looked tickled, watching and missing the fact that Beth stole one of his cookies…and Nikki quickly stole the remaining one.

  Daniil shook her hand, and it looked like he tried to take it back, but she gripped it, not releasing him. Daniil’s eyebrows rose slightly in a bored manner, but Marissa wasn’t to be put out and moved in closer.

  Mary started laughing abruptly, and Marissa stalled glancing at her.

  Me? Well, I was pissed beyond measure, these damn pregnancy hormones kicking in. I wanted to pummel her right here and now. Belatedly, I realized I was playing with my knife and quickly set it down before I did something too stupid.

  Marissa raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Mary, slowly letting Daniil’s hand slide out of hers. “What is so funny, sugar?” She let her eyes roam down Mary’s butterfly dress, her mouth pinching in distaste. “That new boyfriend of yours that your mother was telling me about surely doesn’t approve of that…that…thing you’re wearing, does he?”

  Mary grinned good-naturedly even as most stopped their conversation at the table to pay attention. I instantly started to spout off something just as rude, but Mary leaned over Katie, placing her small hand against my mouth, shutting me up, and saying herself, “Actually, he just enjoys me naked. All young and firm. But you’ve probably forgotten what that was like since it’s been so long since you were…well, young and firm.” She said this, all the while smiling sweetly at Marissa, who was starting to seethe. “But you’re right. He doesn’t really care for my sense of style.” She shrugged.

  Marissa’s teeth were clenched, and I started playing with my knife again. This was the Mary, who liked to come out and play sometimes. The fun one, instead of the Mary, who sometimes lost herself in her work becoming a true introvert. I smiled just as sweetly as Mary—as did Katie—at Marissa while the guys across from us stared. It was more than entertaining to see we had shocked these badasses.

  “Sounds like a dick, if he actually told you he doesn’t approve of your clothes,” I murmured in a sweet tone, ignoring Marissa now in hopes she would slink away.

  Mary pushed her glasses up on her nose. “He is.”

  “Doesn’t sound like a good relationship to me.” Katie’s eyebrows came together, also focusing on Mary.

  “It’s not good. And it’s not much of a relationship, either,” Mary stated factually, but her eyes went a little unfocused behind her glasses, and her lips curled.

  Zane chuckled, joining the conversation, saying, “The perks are that good?”

  “Yeah,” Mary stated. “He does this thing with his tongue…” She crooked her finger back and forth.

  I gawked, having déjà vu. “Tell me his name isn’t Tumas.”

  Mary snapped out of it, shaking her head. “His name isn’t Tumas.”

  “Quit being word for word.”

  “No. Really. His name isn’t Tumas.”

  I sighed. “Thank God.”

  My Aunt Susan arrived then, herding Marissa away.

  All three of us—Katie, Mary, and I—gave a small wave with those same sweet smiles on our faces as she left, scowling at us. I glanced at the table that was eavesdropping very poorly and stated, “Welcome to my church, people.”

  I wasn’t sure how we had all gotten here. One minute we were all talking after stuffing our faces—me more so than anyone else—and then next, my dad and mom had somehow procured an invite to Daniil’s house for a game of basketball, which my cousin Katie and cousin Mary had also come out for. I left the church with Katie and Mary, even though I could tell Daniil wasn’t thrilled about that, an
d we went to each of our apartments and changed for a game of b-ball. I stuffed a few extra things in my bag, so if I stayed the night again, I would have clothes for tomorrow—Monday, a work day.

  And now, I stood in front of a fairly furious Daniil, who was quietly arguing with me about playing while we stood in a freaking gymnasium that was built inside his house. He thought I should be sitting on the sidelines with Ember, Nikki, and Beth. Now, the girls looked damn cute in little cheerleader outfits, but I wasn’t about to sit out. I loved basketball. It had been one of the few sports I ever played growing up, and I wasn’t too bad at it. Katie and Mary were staring around the room wide-eyed—I had to let Mary in on the secret I was carrying since she wasn’t blind or stupid—and they were pointedly ignoring us. My parents were going to be here at any minute, so we needed to end this conversation quickly.

  I said, “I’m playing. Get over it.”

  Daniil’s cheeks flushed, and he took a step in closer, his bare chest fairly vibrating. “I will not get over it.” His hand landed on my stomach where I carried his child. “You’re pregnant. You shouldn’t be doing anything strenuous right now.”

  Katie and Mary came out of their shock of the room and its occupants, which held a shit load of handsome men, half wearing shirts and half not. They stared where Daniil’s hand was, taking in his size, and Mary blurted, “You better hope for a C-Section. Any baby of his is bound to be huge.” She cringed. “God, that’s gonna hurt.” She shivered visibly.

  “Butt out,” I countered, ignoring the fact that she was probably right and turned my attention back to Daniil. “No strenuous activity, huh?” I smirked. “Boy, that’s going to suck for you…or not suck so much…” I let that hang out there. Our bedroom activities were more strenuous than a game of basketball.

  Daniil stilled.

  I heard Mary and Katie snickering off to the side.

  “That’s not fair,” he said softly. “I can be gentle, unlike,” he jerked his head toward the court, “out there. They won’t go easy on you. We play to win, so anyone out there’s free game.” He pulled me in close, his hands sliding around my waist, and like an addict, I pushed in against him, wanting more. “Beth, I don’t want you to get hurt. Or our child.” He was whispering against my neck, lightly kissing me.

  “Oh, for shit’s sake,” Katie mumbled, and my eyes snapped open. I hadn’t even realized they had closed. And God, he smelled good. Katie started yanking on my arm, but Daniil wasn’t letting go. In fact, his head lifted slightly, and he stared at her. It was scary enough that she let go of me, but she cleared her throat, saying, “It’s a proven fact that women who regularly exercise while their pregnant have easier child birthing experiences. Elizabeth has played basketball at least once a week since she was young. This is nothing new to her body. It’ll be good for her.”

  “Did I ask for your opinion?” Daniil asked quietly. Damn violently.

  “Daniil. Be nice,” I hissed when Katie stood stalk still. I pushed out of his embrace. I couldn’t think straight as he seduced me with words and his body. Cunning man. Damn him. “I’m playing. And I’m done talking about it.”

  “Beth, I don’t want you doing this,” Daniil all but ordered.

  “I do it here, or I go and do it somewhere else,” I said stubbornly. He wasn’t going to start bossing me around. I was my own damn person. “Your choice, big boy.” I patted his chest, which felt like heated steel. Mmm.

  “I don’t want you hurt,” he tried again through clenched teeth, his hands in fists, looking pretty pissed off.

  “I won’t get hurt,” I told him easily. “Come on. Let’s warm up together.”

  He crossed his arms, standing there like a statue, his gaze furious.

  I shrugged and glanced at Mary and Katie, who were staring at him wide-eyed. “Let’s go warm up since it appears, I don’t have a partner.”

  Daniil growled behind me, and suddenly, I was off my feet and he was carrying me like a baby toward the court, whispering in a hiss, “You know this isn’t easy for me, and yet you continue to provoke me.” He jaw clenched. “Why?”

  I sucked in air and gripped his neck, staring over his shoulder where Katie and Mary were running to catch up with us, their expression startled. “I’m not trying to provoke you, but you aren’t going to order me around. I don’t want that kind of relationship. I’m not the sit back and do what I’m told kind of girl.”

  Daniil gripped me tighter, stopping where spare basketballs were placed. “I don’t like this.” That was all he said, but he really didn’t need to say anymore.

  It looked like he needed a little reassurance. Not because he was bossy, but because he was genuinely worried about my welfare. If it had been any other reason, I wouldn’t have been so nice, but I offered, “I promise not to overdo it. I know when to stop. If I get tired, I’ll take myself out of the game.”

  Daniil’s eyebrows came together, and he puffed out a breath staring down at my face. “If anyone harms you, I can’t say that I won’t hurt them.” He shrugged when I glared at him. “I’ll deal with your differences, but you’re going to have to deal with mine.”

  I glanced over his shoulder and saw half the group was his kids. He wouldn’t harm them. The others—Zane, Bas, Brent, Cole, Peter, and Stash—all looked like they could take care of themselves just fine. I nodded. “All right. Deal.”

  Daniil’s curled me, lifting me further, placing our noses an inch apart. “Don’t get hurt.”

  I patted his cheek. “I won’t. Now let me down.”

  His nose crinkled, and he stalled, but eventually, put me on my feet...and I instantly dumped my bag, grabbing a ball and raced around him, dribbling between Zane and Mary, who were laughing about something, twirling and barely missing Cole who was taking a shot, and jumped, shooting. Swoosh! Bea-u-tiful.

  To say the game was physical and brutal would be something of an understatement. Brent and Cole weren’t exactly nonchalant in their dirty playing against Grigori—who, oddly, seemed to relish in it. And Chloe and Eva were damn violent too on the court on offense or defense. Luckily, Katie and I—who were always playing against them—knew a few tricks of our own. I was just blatant in my brutal plays while Katie was graceful like the dancer she used to be when she went on offense, hiding it better. Now, poor Mary got paired against Roman. I wasn’t sure how that happened, but she was getting pissed being thrown around like she was. She played just as often as we did, but Roman was just as big as his dad and his other brothers, so she was getting the shit kicked out of her on the court. Daniil was paired against Zane, and Artur was paired against Stash while Bas and Kirill and Peter subbed in, each one of them fine players, going for this game as if the victory was a gold medal in the Olympics instead of just dinner.

  My parents were sitting with Ember—who looked pained next to them—while they spoke to her between cheering us all on, seeming thrilled to be here. Daniil and everyone had greeted them warmly when they came in. Even though I knew my parents were still on the hunt to figure out who I had slept with from this group, they were relaxing back as they tormented Ember. I knew there would be revenge involved, and that thought stalled me, wondering if my bag was still where I had dropped it. My hair products were in there.

  And I should never have gotten sidetracked. I was only slightly winded, and hardly even sweating even though the play was brutal when I was slammed into from behind. I grunted, seeing the ground coming fast, and threw my arms out…and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, whoever had rammed into me, going along for the ride. But, before we hit the ground, the guy—had to be a guy by the solid body—twisted in mid-air, taking the ground on his back with me on top of him.

  The impact still jarred me, and I lay there for a second, staring at the ceiling as the play came to a halt, tennis shoes squeaking on the floor as everyone came to a sudden stop. I had enough sense to roll after that pause though and get off whoever had taken that cruel landing. I stared down at Roman, his eyes shut, and his b
ody limp.

  Oh…shit… I started shaking his shoulders as everyone came running over, their initial shock wearing off, making Daniil’s rush to us look normal. “Roman! Roman! Shit!” I shook him harder, but I was pulled back—gently—by Artur, who took my place, both he and Daniil kneeling next to Roman and trying to wake him. I stared down at Daniil’s unconscious son…and started bawling.

  God. Damn. Fucking. Hormones!

  Eva sighed, putting her arm around me and hugging me tight. “I hate pregnant women.” She sighed but kept soothing me.

  My mom’s quiet, oh so quiet voice said from right next to us, “Why did you just say that to my daughter?”

  I heard Roman groan from the floor, waking, even as Eva stilled with me in her arms. Apparently, Mom had rushed over, too, which meant…Dad asked, “Elizabeth, what did she mean?”

  I froze, and it felt like my tears froze, too, in sudden fear. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

  And then… it was like I was the ping-pong ball during a vicious volley. Suddenly, I was ripped from Eva’s embrace by my dad, and my mom—who hadn’t done this in years—grabbed me by the ear, ignoring my shrieks as they both started hauling me away. One holding my arm, the other pinching my ear. And it hurt like hell.

  I was the ping-pong ball again when, in mid-holler, I was torn from their hold and lifted into the air, and pressed back against Daniil’s chest.

  He yelled at my parents in Russian and held me around the ribs, but his other hand was feeling my arm where my dad had gripped me, bringing my arm up, and inspecting it. I could even see the bruise starting to form there, and Daniil growled, dropping my arm, pointing at them and slashing his hand through the air, still shouting at them in a language that neither they or I could understand.

  I had seen the shock on their faces for only a brief second before a wall of Daniil’s kids slammed in front of us, their backs to us, staring at my parents. Or glaring from what I could see from Eva’s face at the end of the line. Hell, Roman was even there, apparently fine from our fall. Daniil brushed my hair back and started inspecting my ear, rubbing it and continuing to blast my parents with his language.


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