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Obsidian Mask

Page 18

by Scarlett Dawn

  That evening, we all had dinner at the table—my parents included. Zane, Stash, Carl, and Anna joined our group, Grigori having called them to tell them the news. Everyone congratulated us, carefully staying on topic of a healthy pregnancy. I ate only healthy items, but sadly, plenty of them since I was starving again, and watched the reaction of our news.

  Daniil was still grinning. Grigori was watching Ember covertly with pinched eyebrows. Ember kept glancing at the sonogram photos with a slightly wistful yet confused look on her face. Carl and Anna were giving each other eyes and the same as Kirill and Chloe. My parents were still thrilled, but they were back to watching Daniil and me closely. Artur, Eva, and Roman were all arguing about what the sex of the children should be. And Zane and Stash were taking bets of said sex of the babies.

  It was a fun time had by all…until my phone rang.

  I rifled through my pocket, happy I was still able to wear regular jeans for the time being and pulled it out, answering, “Hello?”

  “Is this Elizabeth Forter?” asked a male with a heavy Russian accent who I didn’t recognize.

  “Yes. Who’s this?” I put a finger in my free ear to hear better over the racket everyone was making.

  The man chuckled. “So, this is the woman who got knocked up by Daniil.”

  I pulled my phone away from my ear, staring at the readout—unknown. Placing the phone back to my ear, I said, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Who is this?”

  “Oh, come on. Everyone’s seen the coverage by now online,” he purred. “Tell me. What’s it like getting fucked by the big bad boss man.”

  I glanced at Daniil. He was talking with Grigori, but again, as if he could feel me staring, he glanced my way, doing a double take at my face, his conversation abruptly cut off. As calmly as I could, I said, “Again, I have no clue what you’re talking about. And it’s really not fair that I don’t know your name since you know mine.”

  The table started quieting, seeing half of its occupants mute and staring at me. I licked my lips nervously and put the phone on speakerphone as everyone shut up sharply when Daniil snapped at them. The guy started talking again as I laid the phone on the table, “My name’s not really important. What is important is that you’re fucking Daniil, and supposedly carrying his child.” Daniil glanced up at Artur, jerking his head, indicating something. “And, seriously, I have a few colleagues who are jealous of you and want to know if his cock’s as big as what they’ve all heard. They say he can screw for hours. That he makes women scream until their hoarse from pleasure.” He chuckled low again. “Is that what he does for you? Is that how he got a good little preacher’s daughter in bed?”

  I tried not to look at my parents at the end of the table, swallowing nervously, and I barely noticed when Artur had jumped out of this chair, obeying his dad’s command, and raced out of the room. “If you’re going to ask personal questions like that, I would really like your name.”

  Daniil’s hand was gripping mine in a death grip, even as Artur flew back in the room, racing to me, and messing with my phone, hooking it up to some kind of silver device with a large touchscreen as the guy starting that sick purr again. “No denying it this time. So you are pregnant with his child. Interesting. He usually goes for the strong, beautiful type. Although, there are perks to the small, subtly pretty ones. You’re so fragile. Easy to break.”

  Daniil grip was crushing mine, and he glanced at Artur, who shook his head, his fingers still flying across the touch screen. Daniil gritted his teeth but motioned for me to continue talking even though I really just wanted to hang up on this psycho.

  I stated quietly, “I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about.”

  Psycho snarled, going back to his favorite topic. “Does he tie you up like we’ve all heard? And pour hot wax on you when you’re coming? Does he choke you to the point you almost pass out as he slams into you?”

  I closed my eyes, wishing my parents seriously weren’t in here for this. “You’re sick.”

  The guy chuckled. “Ah. He doesn’t do that to the good preacher’s daughter, huh?” He paused. “I could do that for you. Give you that pleasure-pain feeling of release. Would you like that, Elizabeth? Have the real power of Moscow between your legs?”

  My head snapped to Artur, way past done talking to this guy. Artur held up a finger, tapping a few more buttons…and then nodded. Daniil released my hand instantly, grabbing my phone, and taking it off speaker. He started growling in Russian into the receiver, his voice booming and explosive in the silent room. I jumped, and Eva put her arm around me, holding me as I stared wide-eyed at the table, a little freaked by the venom in his tone.

  And then, it hit me. What the guy said. Something was surfacing online. I jumped from the table, shaking my head, and holding my arms out when people stood, and raced from the room even as Daniil threatened—he had to be doing that with his tone—the guy over the line. Apparently, the psycho actually stayed on to shoot the breeze. Trofim was at my heels as I slid into the study and grabbed my laptop I left here on my previous visit. I panted, my belly past full, as I raced back into the dining room where Daniil was pacing and slashing his hand through the air, still hissing threats into the phone…until he closed it and chucked it across the room into a wall. And there went my work phone, shattered into bits. I wasn’t quite sure how I would explain that one, but I ignored it, sitting at the table and turning on my computer even as Daniil wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  He kissed my cheek and temple repeatedly, and I slapped at his face when he started whispering things in Russian, too busy for this right now. “I don’t know what you’re saying, but I get it. You’re sorry I had to put up with Psycho.” I jerked my head at my parents. “Go tell them you’re sorry. That kind of threat was really nothing new to me, but I’m sure they didn’t like hearing it.”

  “If that was nothing new to you, you’re quitting that damn job,” my dad shouted from down the table.

  I paused in mid-key stroke with everyone in the room doing the same, turning their attention to my dad who had just cursed and shouted at the same time.

  He stood, pointing at me. “I should have made you quit that job when Katie’s boyfriend beat you so badly you were in the hospital for two weeks.”

  Daniil straightened, clearing his throat, sounding a little more cheerful. “You may, or may not, like to know that gentleman met an unfortunate outcome while in jail a few weeks ago. I believe his funeral service was a few days later.”

  I blinked, turning around, and stared at Daniil. “You didn’t.”

  He shook his head. “No. I didn’t personally do it. A poppy seed did. Apparently, he was deathly allergic to them.” He shrugged. “Who knew something so tiny could be so dangerous.”

  I heard my mom muttering at the end of the table, and my dad cocked his head, staring deadpan and saying, “That’s terribly unfortunate. I’m sure he’s enjoying his time in Hell.”

  I turned my gaping attention on my dad just like Mom had. “Dad!”

  Dad raised his eyebrows slightly but changed the subject. “Sweetie, if those are the types of phone calls you get at that job, then you do need to quit. Your life is taking on a much more dangerous angle as it is,” he gestured to where my phone was laying on the ground, “to need any more added worries, especially since you’re relationship with Daniil, apparently, isn’t so secret anymore.”

  Mom murmured quietly, sounding a little shell-shocked, “You always wanted to become an author growing up, sweetie. Maybe you should listen to your father and take another profession. Writing a book sounds much more preferable than getting obscene phone calls.” She glanced at Daniil. “And I swear to God, if I ever hear about you pouring hot wax on my daughter or choking her, I will shoot you with your own gun.”

  I just about fainted. In fact, my eyes kind of crossed.

  “I can assure you, Mrs. Forter, I have never poured hot wax or choked a woman for their pleasure or mine. And I don
’t plan on starting it in the future,” Daniil stated smoothly, and then bent down whispering in my ear, “What did I tell you about the anti-gun coalition?”

  I swatted his face away. “You and I are going to have a talk about poppy seeds,” I mumbled, blinking at my computer and trying to focus.

  He kissed my cheek and went to Artur, who had re-entered the room, leaving sometime before I arrived back in here, watching his son plug the silver device into the laptop he’d gone off to get. I ignored them and started typing up my name and Daniil’s together, grabbing a piece of cheese from Daniil’s plate and popping it in my mouth, waiting for the search engine to finish.

  And finish it did. With too many damn hits.

  “Shit,” Eva muttered, leaning over watching what I was doing. She pointed. “Bring that one up.”

  I shook my head and scowled, clicking on the top one instead…the article was done by one Micah Olson. A picture of Daniil and I flashed on the screen. I gawked…because…it was of us on the golf course in Key West. It was dark, and you couldn’t really tell it was me because Daniil’s back was to the camera covering most of me, but you could tell he was locked in an embrace with my leg over his hip and hands in his hair. Jesus, Micah had been working this fucking story from the beginning.

  The next shot was of us standing outside my resort’s door, still in our obstacle course attire, and we were deep in a lip-lock with Daniil opening the door behind me, but his hair covered half of our faces—not the best picture. Then there was another shot of us, clearly me, staring blindly out the bus window, wrapped in Daniil’s arms with his chin on my head, clearly him, also staring blindly out the window. Another shot of us on the dance floor, getting down and dirty, both of us wearing expressions like we’d rather be in bed. And the clincher—a picture of Daniil and I leaving the building today—only hours ago—with my parents on either side of us, helping us to the limo, while we wore shaken expressions…with the name of the obstetrician business practice in the background on the building.

  “Oh, fuck,” I muttered.

  “Elizabeth,” Mom scolded.

  “No, Mom. This is definitely a fuck moment,” I managed to say.

  Eva nodded slowly, her eyes narrowing. “Papa, get over here. There’s another situation.”

  Everyone at the table froze at the deadly tone in her voice, stopping whatever conversation they were having with Daniil and Artur about the phone call. Daniil came over and I showed him the pictures. His jaw was clenched, and he hissed, “Scroll down.” He added, “Please.”

  I did, not really wanting to read the article. And…yeah…I really didn’t want to read it. And I seriously hoped my parents didn’t read it. I groaned a few times during it.

  Micah apparently caught Daniil and my drunken walk from the bar to the elevator but didn’t have his camera with him. That’s when the story started. He gave an in-depth description of all of our comings and goings throughout the event, apparently following us. And I had to give it to him—he had patience, unlike any other reporter I’ve ever known, waiting for the prime story. Like I had done with Grigori. A story that would boost his career. Us, separately entering the OBGYN’s office, and then the perfect picture of us leaving, leaving us all to come up with our own assumptions on why Daniil and I had looked so heart-stricken exiting the building.

  “You were…under the table at the club?” Eva sputtered.

  My lips pinched. Yeah, Micah had been very thorough. “Daniil, you done?”

  “Yes,” he growled, and I snapped the laptop closed.

  He started pacing, and in the silence, I asked, “Mom. Dad. Are your cell phones still off?” They normally turned them off when they sat down for dinner, so they wouldn’t be interrupted.

  Both said, “Yes.”

  “I wouldn’t turn them on anytime soon if I were you. There’s an article running about Daniil and me from a reporter that was at the resort.” I rubbed my temples, muttering dryly, “And he did a stellar job getting the story.”

  Dad sat forward, even as my mom’s face went blank, and he asked calmly, “How bad is it?”

  I whimpered. “Probably not something I would want you guys reading.” Honesty was needed right now. Micah had followed so well, he indicated each time Daniil and I had gotten it on, and his numbers weren’t wrong, or where it took place.

  There was a pause, and my dad cleared his throat. “Okay,” he cleared his throat again, “and there’s reference to the babies?”

  “Implied with a picture of the four of us leaving the OBGYN’s office,” I stated factually, trying to get control of myself.

  Dad sat back silently, and Mom whispered, “Well, James. We knew this was a possibility.” Mom stood abruptly and started pacing right along with Daniil. “I’ll be fired for sure, but that’ll give me the opportunity to stay by her side. Try to help her with the babies and keep her safe.”

  My heart sank. Mom loved her job. And they went into this because I had wanted to be with Daniil. Probably one of the worst people I could have picked for their professions—their livelihood. I started to tear up, and I mumbled shakily, “I can give up my apartment and move back home and help with the bills.”

  Eva slapped a hand down on my thigh, her expression turned fierce. “Do you seriously think Papa is going to let you guys go poor?”

  “Eva, hush,” Daniil ordered, placing his hands on my shoulders. “She should know this already.” He started massaging my shoulders gently and stated coldly to his children, “Get on the phone. We’ll need more guards brought over. Enough for Mr. and Mrs. Forter. I want another three put on Elizabeth. And at least ten more for the house. Two more limos. And I want construction on a house started on the property to the west of us for Mr. and Mrs. Forter. Cancel Elizabeth’s rental agreement on her apartment. Have all of her items brought here, along with some items from her parents’ house for them.” He paused. “And contact the Dr. Wisser and have him put Elizabeth’s files in a secure location offsite.” He released my stunned shoulder, barking, “Now, kids!”

  My parents were sputtering, just like me. He ignored us and his children, who all were on their cell phones now. Daniil pointed at Kirill. “You’re coming out of retirement. I’m going to need your services again.” Kirill nodded instantly with hardness in his gaze I hadn’t seen before, and Daniil muttered, “Hire Lion Security if needed.” He jerked his head at Zane, Stash, and Carl. “I want the asshole who called her found, and I want him here, in front of me—alive, within twenty-four hours. And any of those colleagues he mentioned if you deem them threats. Artur’s got the name and number. That’ll give you a starting point.”

  Dad managed to state in the pause, “I can’t accept what you’re offering.”

  Daniil walked to him, and they stood, staring at one another, and I had to listen hard through the noise around the table to hear Daniil state softly, “You’re giving Elizabeth and I a chance without interference. You and your wife are smart enough that you knew the consequences of our relationship. Take my hospitality and generosity. Elizabeth needs you. She loves you.” He paused, and stated calmly, “And, honestly, after that article, if you want to stay alive, you need to take it. My enemies won’t just come after her or me. If they see a weak point, they will strike there first. And you don’t want to be the weak point, trust me. No matter what, your lives will never be the same now. But…you already know this.”

  Dad was silent for a full minute, my mom standing slightly behind him, waiting for his judgment as he just stared at Daniil. And then, he leaned in and whispered something to him.

  Daniil’s lips twitched as he listened to my dad, his eyes dancing to me and twinkling before Dad pulled away. And he nodded, saying something back just as quietly, his face turned serious when Dad could see him.

  Dad ran a hand through his hair. “Well, I guess we can sell the house and stay here for a little while. But, whatever profits we get from it will go to whatever you’re planning for us. I won’t just let you give us a ho

  Daniil nodded respectfully. “If that’s what you want.”

  Mom sighed, apparently going along with whatever Dad agreed to. “James, the pews are going to be empty now.”

  Daniil chuckled. “I would imagine after that article, you’re going to have a full house filled with interesting…individuals…although you may have lost some of the old. I would start preparing your sermon. Lots of lost souls will be entering your doors.”

  Dad actually beamed. “I love a challenge.”

  Daniil grinned, smacking him on the back…and Dad actually kept his footing. “There is light in the darkness.”

  Dad chuckled, shaking his head, stating, “Just keep my daughter and grandbabies alive, and leave the preaching to the professionals.”

  Daniil laughed, nodding

  What. Had. Just. Happened?

  “Daniil, can I speak with you?” I asked loudly over the noise.

  He glanced at me, his face turning serious again, seeing my expression. “My study?”

  “Yes,” I nodded, grabbing another bit of cheese from his plate before walking out of the room, going directly toward his study…where we had spent a lot of our time working through our ‘issues.’ As soon as we entered, and he shut the door, I rounded on him, stating bluntly, “You didn’t even ask me if I wanted to move in here. You just assumed it because the world knows I’m carrying your love child, and because of some idiot calling me. I understand you’re freaked out. I understand I’m in danger and so are my parents. But, Daniil…you have to ask me instead of just going around barking demands like some damn alpha dog. The end result may be the same, but you still need to ask!” I heaved in a breath, having said that all in one go.

  Daniil leaned against the door, giving me room, my instant pissed off fury filling the room around us. “Beth, my sweet—” Daniil started to say calmly and slowly, but I cut him off.


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