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Obsidian Mask

Page 21

by Scarlett Dawn

  “Mmm-hmm.” I nodded, touching his face.

  He leaned into the touch, opening desire-filled eyes.

  “This communication and compromise thing may be new to me and a royal pain in my ass,” he murmured, thrusting slowly all the rest of the way in, “but the make-up sex is phenomenal.”

  I gasped, chuckling. “What are you going to do when the doc says no more sex, and we’re still arguing?” Because that was more than likely going to happen.

  He was still catching his breath, and he huffed, “Vodka.”

  I started laughing, and we both groaned. Then there were no more words. No words to describe what it was like having him so deep inside me, sliding so slowly and gently. I was a part of him. Like we were one individual bound together in pleasure and intimacy, our eyes never closing longer than a blink. Caught and tangled and thrust together against all other odds, two people somehow making one perfect unity.

  I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to walk away from him. Not because of the sex. Not because it was dangerous. Not because I was pregnant with his children. But, because of the look in his eye as we connected. It was all there. He got me. And he was beginning to fall in love with me. And I was beginning to fall in love with this overbearing, domineering, vain, violent man. We were… a match… somehow, someway… we were that one perfect harmony.

  My breath caught as I got it, and Daniil smiled softly…and I remembered what he had said in that bathroom during my pregnancy test—and that’s the beautiful irony of it. He may not have been falling in love with me then, but he had known. All along, he’d known. He may not have liked it at first, with the whole nose-crinkling thing, but he got it a lot faster than I had. His damn experience rearing its ugly—okay, perfect—head again.

  “You knew,” I mumbled, even as I shuddered.

  He nodded slowly, kissing my lips, breathing against them, “Yes, I knew. But you only needed a little time to figure it out yourself.”

  “I’m falling for you,” I whispered.

  “And I’m falling for you,” he answered, staring into my eyes. His dark orbs were a looking glass into his soul, showing me every dark place…and every light place.

  I didn’t hide myself after that. Not that I was very good at that kind of thing in the first place, but every person holds a piece of themselves back, almost as a safety net. I didn’t right here in this stolen moment for us. I let him see, just as he had gifted me. I knew he saw vulnerability there. And even a little fear of the unknown, everything I tried to mask and hide.

  He blinked and held me tighter, kissing me just as softly as he was entering me, and I met each of his caresses with one of my own only for him. Together, with each thrust of his hips or a lift of mine, we eventually came together, our climaxes slow, explosive, and drawn out, a little earth shattering, I think, for both of us since I had never had a man love me so tenderly and thoroughly. I was fairly sure the experience was unique and new to Daniil, as well. Silent for some time afterward, we simply held one another. It was one of those perfect moments that everyone craves. And I memorized every bit of it, never to forget.

  After a short nap, and I, ahem, had a ‘little’ lunch, we played basketball with a smidge of coaxing from me. It wasn’t anything hard. We only played HORSE at first, since he was afraid I was going to trip or something. Hell, I had no clue really, but he was worried. So, I kept it simple so he would see I wasn’t going to die right then and there now that we knew we were having triplets.

  After he beat me in HORSE.

  With a fucking granny shot.

  I gently coaxed him into an easy game of one-on-one, using half the court. I didn’t want to do full court, because I sure as hell wasn’t in prime form for that against him. Never would be, but I didn’t let on about it. He played light against me, pretty much playing grabass.

  He beat me again. Asshole.

  It was relaxing and fun. The simple side of him that just enjoyed life and being fit. I learned that he liked to rub in his wins just as much as I did. I would like to think I took it better. Although, since he fell on his ass laughing at me one point, I wasn’t so positive.

  While dinner was being prepared, no one home yet from work, we watched a movie in the living room that was weird as shit. It was Daniil’s favorite from Russia. That gave me a chance for a little catnap. Which I woke up to him laughing—I seriously didn’t get what was so funny with the show when I glanced over—and then rubbed my eyes and snuggled in closer to his chest, going back to sleep.

  He whispered my name and nuzzled against my neck.

  Mmm. Not really a bad way to wake up.

  …and to the smell of meatloaf. God, could it get any better?

  I rolled on top of him, not even caring I was still in my grimy shorts and shirt from basketball, or that he was either, and kissed him flat out, running my hands up under his shirt to his hot, hard pecs. He made a surprised sound, grabbing my hips, saying, “Beth… wait…”

  “Yes, please wait,” Eva said dryly from my left.

  I yelped, my head shooting up in that direction.

  The whole damn family standing there, ready to go into the dining room. Including my parents. And Nikki and Beth.

  “Oh, Christ.”

  Dad crossed his arms. “You really need to quit saying His name in vain, sweetie.”

  “Mommy, what are they doing?” Nikki asked, pointing at us.

  “Er…,” Ember stuttered.

  Nikki and Beth stared at her with wide innocent eyes.

  “Wrestling,” my mom interjected easily.

  “Oh.” Beth blinked, also pointing. “Is that how Elizabeth got that bruise on her neck?”

  Nikki’s mouth opened in a wide “O” and she said hurriedly, “That must be how mommy got hers on vacation.” Beth dropped her arm, and they both looked up at Ember. Nikki continued, “Were you wrestling with Grigori when you got yours?”

  Ember’s mouth dropped and her cheeks pinked. She glanced at Grigori, who was also decidedly uncomfortable…I couldn’t believe it…with flushing cheeks. He cleared his throat, running his hands through his hair, and then nodded to the girls. “Yes. She got it while we were wrestling.”

  Both girls scowled, crossing their arms.

  Grigori froze like an ambush was coming.

  Beth declared heatedly, “We never saw your bruise.”

  Daniil chuckled under me.

  I quickly pulled my hands out from under his shirt and got off him, straightening my ponytail and shirt.

  Both little girls were ready to pummel Grigori.

  Daniil stood and moved to speak quietly with Kirill.

  Grigori cleared his throat, moving an arm up really slow. He hesitated with it half up in the air when Nikki took a step closer to him, his other hand instantly going to his crotch protectively. He glanced at Ember, who was now looking entertained by this, and he sighed, lifting his hand up the rest of the way and pulling his gray t-shirt’s collar to the side. Between his neck and shoulder was a fresh hickey. It was how my first one had appeared, with tiny teeth marks around it, but smaller…Ember size.

  I bit my cheek to keep from laughing.

  The girls oohed and awed over it, even giving each other high fives. Nikki cheered, “Mommy’s lasted longer. She beat him.”

  Beth nodded, giving her mom a thumbs up. “Good job, Mommy.”

  Ember was positively tickled, her shoulders shaking. “Thanks, pumpkin.”

  Daniil clapped his hands. “And on that high note, let’s eat.”

  Staring down at my meatloaf, macaroni, and fries, I debated my options. I wasn’t sure which to start with first. My fork hovered over one, and then the other, pretty much going in a circle around my plate slowly. But…sniffing the air…my gaze shot to the right. There was…mmm… something good. I could smell it.

  Standing, I walked down to the end of the table, taking delicate, covert sniffs until I stopped in front of my mom’s plate. I stared. Oh! She had green bean casserole on her pl
ate. My gaze went to my dad’s plate. He had some, too. A quick, thorough scan of the table didn’t show that sitting in the middle.

  I stood there like a zombie. I stared at my mom and dad’s plates. Considering the situation. Dad must have brought that home with him from church. Something left over from any given event there during the evenings. And since he hadn’t put it out for then there must not be enough for everyone. It would be rude…

  I pointed. “Can I have that?”

  Fuck rude. The FOOD WAS SINGING TO ME.

  I suddenly realized how quiet the room had gotten since I wasn’t lost in my own thoughts. I wasn’t sure how long they had been silent. I did know they were probably all staring at me, so I turned my back to the table, whispering to my parents, “The green bean casserole. Can I have it?”

  My mom’s mouth pinched and her chin started quivering, but she nodded. “Go get your plate, sweetie. I’ll put it on there.” She reached over, lowering my dad’s hand where I stared since he had a bite paused right in front of his mouth…of the green bean casserole. Now my green bean casserole.

  I gulped and nodded, walking back clear across the table. I kept my eyes averted from everyone and grabbed my plate, and quickly walked back over to my parents. I turned my back on the frigging silent table again as Mom scooped out both of their portions onto my plate, and I pointed when she missed some on hers. Her body started quivering, but she scraped her plate and added the little bit to mine.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled, my eyes glued to my plate as I walked back over to my seat. I don’t remember my mom saying you’re welcome because the green bean casserole was singing a soulful tune. It was saying Mine! All mine! And God, it smelled and looked great.

  Licking my lips, I sat down and instantly grabbed my fork…and after that, things got a bit blurry.

  I knew my fork was ripped out of my hands.

  The soul tune screamed in displeasure.

  And then, somehow I had a knife in my hand.

  …and it was aimed at Daniil.

  “Papa…I think she wants her fork back,” Eva stated slowly.

  I blinked into Daniil’s clear eyes. And dropped the weapon, hearing it clatter to his plate.

  “That needs to be tested,” Daniil said calmly and slowly. “Then you can eat it.”

  Sucking in a harsh breath, I nodded.

  Slowly, he took the plate, and I watched avidly as my green bean casserole was taken back into the kitchen.

  “She’s worse than I was,” Ember stated cheerfully, and I glanced her. She toasted me with her wine glass. “Congrats. You take the cake for cracked preggos craver.” She grinned, taking a sip. “And it’s only just beginning.”

  I would have flipped her off, but her kids were sitting right there, and I had already pulled a knife on Daniil in front of them. Ember smiled at me evilly, but it changed as she looked down at Nikki and Beth, saying, “Elizabeth’s pregnant. Sometimes pregnant women do crazy things around food.” She glanced at me, and back at them. “So guard your cookies.”

  I watched Nikki and Beth each take their cookies off their plates and stuff them in their laps. I glared at her. Thank you for that, bitch, I told her with my eyes. And her eyes just laughed right back at me.

  And then, I stilled, sniffing the air. And my gaze snapped to the left, past Daniil, who I couldn’t quite bring myself to look at yet. I watched the door to the kitchen, and about three seconds later, it opened, and my plate was brought back out.

  “Her nose is better than yours,” Eva muttered to someone.

  “It’s just the hormones,” Ember stated, sounding miffed. “I’d like to see her do that when she’s not pregnant.”

  I stopped listening after that because my green bean casserole was placed back in front of me. I glanced around for my fork…and remembered Daniil had taken it. I actually debated eating with my fingers for a few moments, but I heard him softly clear his throat. Timidly, pathetically, I peeked up at him. I had held a damn knife to him. The man I was falling for. Ashamed didn’t even begin to describe my emotions.

  His eyebrows rose mockingly, and he twirled the fork between his fingers. I knew what he was doing, trying to get a rise out of me to pull me out of my funk, but I honestly didn’t feel like it. I just wanted to erase that instance. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out, and I closed it clearing my throat, feeling my chin start to tremble as I whispered hoarsely, “I’m sorry.”

  His eyes instantly softened, and he bent over. “If you think having a knife pulled on me, which you seriously need to learn how to hold properly, hurt my feelings or scared me, then you need to pay better attention.” He placed the fork down on my plate.

  My hand went to it immediately, but I breathed through the soulful tune and looked back up at him. “I’m still sorry.”

  He kissed my crinkled forehead. “I know. Now eat.” He grinned against my skin. “I’ll make sure cook makes some of that every night, just in case.”

  I stabbed a green bean and watched myself hold it up to his mouth, my hand trembling a little with the action. “You first.”

  He shook his head slightly, his lips curling. “No.”

  I scowled at the trembling fork. “Take a bite or I’m going to have the cook put it down the garbage disposal.” Dammit, this was a kind gesture; he had better damn well take it. This was better than a simple worded apology.

  His eyes darted all over my face.

  He opened his mouth and took my offering.

  And his nose crinkled.

  I shook my head. “Well, that means more for me.” I dug in…and heavenly choirs sang. I groaned, and disregarded everyone as I inhaled each and every last bite of it. I eyed my plate when it was all gone, wondering if anyone would notice if I used my finger to get that last bit in the crevice of the china.

  Ember started snorting on the other side of the table.

  My eyes flashed to her.

  She shut up abruptly with the laughing, but she mumbled, “Yeah. She takes the cake, all right.”

  Brent and Cole showed up right when dinner was being cleared out, apparently working late, to pick up the girls. It was an interesting scene when Nikki and Beth told them about the crazy pregnant lady and how they had to hide their cookies. That was a real special moment for me. They also told Cole and Brent all about the bruise Grigori had from him and Mommy wrestling—with Mommy being the victor. The girls talked so fast I could barely keep up, but Brent and Cole didn’t have any issues understanding, holding the girls in their arms and glancing at Grigori.

  The looks were not exactly friendly.

  Grigori just nodded to them, trying to be cordial in front of the girls. But it didn’t seem to help Brent and Cole. Behind the girls’ heads, their heated glares even turned on Ember before they left. I was a little surprised since I had heard from Daniil, who seemed to keep up on everyone, how they’d been regular tomcats out on the town since that first dinner here and the resulting argument.

  Ember was quiet in the face of their fury, her eyebrows pinched. Only a few seconds after they left the room, she quickly stood. “I’ll be back in a second.” She jerked her head at Ruslan. “Come with me, please.”

  Grigori’s eyebrows snapped together. He stayed where he was, watching her hurry out of the room. Pretty much like the rest of us. My parents, quiet like the rest of the table’s occupants, just watched.

  We all heard Ember say loudly, “Brent. Cole. Hold up a second.” A pause, and she said, “Ruslan, could you take the girls outside?”

  We all stared at the doorway, hearing the girls retreating footsteps, although Ruslan was damn silent. The front door opened and shut.

  “Why are you mad at me?” Ember asked, her voice shaking. “I’ve apologized so many damn times for what happened when you left. So what did I do now?”

  The coffee mug in Grigori’s hand shattered…and he didn’t even seem to notice the hot liquid spilling over his hand or the fact that he had cut himself.

  Cole growled,
“You think we didn’t see the look on your face today when everyone started talking about the triplets?”

  “What?” she croaked.

  “You want another baby, Ember. We aren’t blind,” Brent stated heatedly. “You think this is easy for us? You think we didn’t fucking dream of having more children with you? All that time we were alone, praying for the fucking day we could come back to add to our family?”

  It sounded like Ember choked.

  “And now we’re here. Our dreams are shattered. And when you have another child, it will be with him. Not us!” Cole practically shouted.

  There was a heartbeat of silence, and it sounded like Ember was crying softly, quietly saying, “He’s not ready for children.”

  Grigori stilled completely.

  Cole laughed coldly. “So you’ve already talked to him about it. I should have known.”

  There was another silence, and Brent said quietly, “No. She hasn’t talked to him about it. She read him.”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know,” Ember stated heatedly, her voice still hiccupping. “I won’t be having any more children, so you two can quit with the damn looks, all right?”

  Silence. For some time.

  And then, Ember asked, “What? Why are you looking at me that way?”

  Cole cleared his throat and said, “You want more kids. We want our damn family back together. If he’s not going to give you what you want, we will.”

  “What?” Ember asked, sounding stunned.

  “Come back to us. Quit being scared and open your heart again. And we’ll give you what you want,” Brent said softly. “I know what it’s like to be frightened, Ember. But, we were good together once.” He paused, chuckling. “No, twice. We can be good together again. And we all want more children. You read him. If you say he doesn’t want children, then he doesn’t. We do.” He paused, his voice going even softer, a little wistful, “Christ. Another Beth or Nikki. I would love that.”

  Grigori was damn near panting, and sweat was breaking out on his forehead, but he still wasn’t interrupting them. He sat there. Listening as if his life depended on it.


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