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Obsidian Mask

Page 29

by Scarlett Dawn

  “But,” I cleared my throat, just putting it out there, “Grigori loves you and you love him. And sometimes, in a relationship, it takes more time for one of the partners to adjust to wanting a baby. That’s a huge leap. And you and Grigori are just finally coming out together publicly. I would give him some time. Talk to him, yes, let him know what you want, but then give him time and space to figure out what he really wants. And, to answer your question, no, I don’t think he’s holding back from having children because you’re not his first love. First loves are a dime a dozen. He wants you. He’s made that abundantly clear. So, just give him some time…and yourself time for your life to calm down some. Both of you will feel better about whatever decision you make together.” I had decided at the last moment to keep my mouth shut about both of them being ‘in love’ with one another, remembering what Daniil and my mom had said about sometimes it’s best that people figure things out on their own. She would have probably started screaming at me, anyway, if I had mentioned it.

  Her cupid’s bow mouth was thinned so badly, I could barely see it, and I added softly, “And you can’t say that Grigori wouldn’t pick you over his first love if he were to come waltzing in those doors miraculously from the dead. You picked him over your first loves. Who’s to say he wouldn’t pick you, too? You’re only creating issues in your head that don’t need to be there. He wants you now. In this lifetime, Grigori has picked you. Understand?”

  Ember stared silently for almost five minutes straight.

  I stayed silent. Rotated my ankles a few times.

  Her breath caught. “Thank you, Elizabeth. I—” She glanced down at her feet. “I needed someone to talk with.”

  I smiled. “We all do sometimes. Someone that won’t judge and look at it from an outsider’s viewpoint. I’m here anytime you need me.”

  She grinned softly back at me. “You’re a lot like your father even though you may not think so.”

  I chuckled. She wasn’t the first to tell me that. I started walking backward, pointing at her. “Now I’m going to listen to the love of my life play music. In the meantime, get your shit together, and figure out a way to let Grigori know—without a doubt—what you want. Got it?”

  Her arms crossed. “I was only confused.”

  “And now you see the light.” I gestured grandly, then pointed at myself, grinning, “I. AM. THE. PREACHER’S. DAUGHTER. I know these things.” I pulled an Ember, laughing like Count Dracula.

  She snorted. “Not funny.”

  I laughed. “Oh, that was better than when you did it.”

  I turned on my heel when she opened her mouth again and exited quickly, enjoying getting the last word in. I almost ran smack into Daniil where he rested against the wall a few feet from the doorway. Eavesdropping.

  His eyebrows rose and his lips quirked, enjoying seeing me startled.

  I scowled. That only made his lips turn into a sexy smirk.


  He whispered, “First, I’d like to say that was beautifully put.” His head cocked. “And second, can you imagine what a kewpie doll would look like if they made one trying to glare?” My lips pinched because I got a visual of that and was pretty ridiculous. His grin increased, and he stepped forward, backing me up and down the hallway as he continued moving, and I tried to keep some distance between us. “It’s adorable as you can imagine. When you do that it makes me want to make you do it more.”

  Predictably, my scowl increased.

  He licked his lips still coming at me. “Yes. Like that. But now, you’re lips are all puckered up, and all I want to do now is taste them.” He didn’t hesitate. He lunged at me.

  I squeaked and turned tail, running.

  This was…us.

  I ran as hard as I could. Straight toward the music room, hearing him chuckling behind, taking chase. Oh, he could catch me easily, but that would take away all the fun. So, as I sprinted, he jogged lightly behind me.

  And then I turned the corner…Oomph!...grunting, I grabbed whatever I had just run into. Warm, hard arms enveloped me as my face rebounded off the hard chest I’d slammed into. Daniil cursed behind me, running into my back, pressing me even harder into…I tilted my head up…and blinked a little in confusion, thinking I had hit my head too hard and was seeing double. Until I noticed the pink streaks.

  Ah. Grigori. I’d just run into a half-naked Grigori.

  “Papa, what are you doing to poor Elizabeth?” Grigori asked dryly, a little smirk on his face.

  Daniil wrapped his arm around me under my breasts and stepped back from Grigori, taking me with him, Grigori’s arms dropping even as his shoulders started to shake. I glanced up and saw why. Daniil’s cheeks were beginning to pink. He cleared his throat and stated sternly, in a practiced fatherly voice, “That’s none of your business.”

  Grigori grinned outright and started to play with his tongue ring, making it peek out between his teeth. “Sure.” He snickered, shaking his head, but asked, “Have you seen Ember? She hasn’t come to bed yet.”

  Daniil was edging us around Grigori, apparently set on finishing our game out because he slapped me on the ass, pushing me forward a few paces, stating, “Front room last time I saw her.” Then he glanced at me, his hair blocking his face from Grigori and mouthed, “I’ll give you a head start.”

  I laughed, ignored Grigori’s amused look, and raced off.

  “You’re going to give me nightmares, Papa,” Grigori said from behind me, teasing his dad.

  I ran flat out and heard Daniil laugh, and it sounded cocky as hell. “If this gives you nightmares, then you better stay the hell out of the music room tonight.” Then, he shouted, “That’s all the head start you’re getting, my sweet!”

  And even though he was silent, I knew he had taken chase as I darted down another hallway because I heard Grigori groan loudly and dramatically, “Too much info, Papa.”

  “More like fair warning!” Daniil shouted, and he sounded damn close.

  I squealed and made my feet move even faster.

  And he caught me, anyway. Right when I entered the music room, slamming the door shut behind us. Yeah…well…I was pretty much naked in less than five seconds and had a death’s angel with shark eyes ready to devour me. But, instead of doing it instantly—as I was more than game for, he placed me on top of the piano and played me that song he’d promised me…before me made the keys bang in passion. Oh, yeah. I really liked the music room.

  Munching on my Fruity Pebbles the next morning, I stared at Ember’s pancakes. On top of them, as she played with her food in fidgety movements, was a glob of whip cream and strawberries. I had already eaten about five strawberries so that wasn’t what held my attention. It was that fluffy, sugar white goodness sitting on top of the crisp brown pancake.

  I swallowed my mouthful and scanned the table, spying the can of whip cream in front of Chloe. It held my attention as I took another mouthful and chewed. I dropped my spoon, standing and chewing, walking down the table. Again, my feet just moved me as I leaned between her and Kirill, bumping them only slightly and snatching it. Holding it protectively to my chest, I made my way back to my chair and swallowed down my mouthful.

  After sitting back down, I spooned up a big bite of cereal and then squirted a portion about the same size as my spoonful on top of the cereal in my spoon, then put the can back to my chest and licked my lips, staring at the heaven on a spoon I held.

  I groaned, opened my mouth extra wide, and took it in. And groaned again, closing my eyes. Heaven.

  “Jesus. I didn’t know her mouth could open that wide,” Eva muttered next to me, bringing me out of my food coma, and my eyes snapped open as I chewed.

  “I did,” Daniil whispered quietly, and I almost choked on my cereal, but luckily, only Grigori and I heard him because Grigori choked on his coffee and Eva didn’t puke right there on the spot.

  Daniil was eyeing my mouth with a gaze that needed to stay in the bedroom. We hadn’t done anything this morning becaus
e I had been sicker than a dog, puking my guts up, but it appeared Daniil was contemplating ways to fix our lack of fun this morning. Like right now.

  I cleared my throat and mumbled around a mouthful of heaven, “Daniil...” My parents didn’t need to see that.

  Daniil’s lips quirked and his gaze met mine. I could see the humor there even through his heated brown eyes. He thought I was being ‘adorable’ again. How nice for him.

  I started to scowl but stopped when Roman stated, “Papa, I think we need to have the piano tuned. I couldn’t sleep last night and went down to play, but it’s all off. It sounds horrible.”

  I blinked slowly.

  Daniil’s lips quivered.

  Oops. Looks like we messed it up a bit.

  Ember stated in choppy words, “That’s probably because someone was banging on it. I walked past there last night, and it sounded like a two-year-old was taking a sledgehammer to the keys.”

  Grigori made an odd gurgling noise.

  Daniil quickly glanced away from me, breaking the hold he’d suddenly had on my eyes. I quickly stuffed another bite in my mouth without whip cream this time. Daniil picked up his coffee cup, stating, “I’ll have to talk with the servants. Sounds like someone was trying to learn to play. I’ll call someone to have it tuned.”

  He sipped his coffee, looking calm and collected, and Grigori made that odd gurgling sound again. I glanced at him and willed him to keep it together. He looked like he was about to bust up, staring at his dad with wide eyes.

  Roman held his hands up about twenty inches apart, stating, “About this much of it is jacked. I don’t know if it can be fixed, but having it tuned will tell.”

  I was the one that stared wide-eyed now.

  My ass wasn’t that big…

  Was it?

  I glanced down at my lap, studying my hips.

  Christ. I didn’t think it was, but… I calmly and coolly—hopefully—set the whipped cream far, far away from me. And the rest of the box of cereal. Pure sugar. I didn’t need all that.

  Grigori lost it then, he was laughing so hard.

  Daniil’s hand landed on my knee under the table as everyone stared at Grigori like he was deranged. Daniil leaned over the table putting the box of cereal and whip cream back in front of me, giving me a look that clearly stated he didn’t think my ass was that huge. But still, I really didn’t need to eat all that. Er…my gaze got caught on the whip cream. Maybe just a little more wouldn’t hurt.

  Grigori bumped Ember in his hilarity, breaking my train of thought…because she was the only one not staring…and she jumped. Literally squeaked, too. Oh, Jesus. She was freaked.

  Grigori’s laughter cut off abruptly at her reaction, his face snapping to her. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” Ember squeaked again. “I’m good.”

  Grigori’s eyebrows slammed together, and he growled, “What’s wrong? You’ve been jumpy since you finally came to bed last night. I don’t even think you slept when you did.”

  Ember stuffed her mouth full of pancake, mumbling almost incoherently around her food, “Nothing’s wrong.”

  He lifted his hand and took hold of her chin, turning her face to his. She continued to chew calmly, but her hands were shaking next to her plate and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. She stared firmly at his nose—and it flared.

  Any conversation that had begun to slowly take place around the table, everyone multitasking with their eavesdropping, abruptly cut off when Grigori shook her chin—head—a little, hissing, “What the fuck is wrong? You’re acting scared shitless.”

  Ember’s fingers clenched on her silverware, which did stop the shaking, but pretty much confirmed his statement.

  As the seconds passed in silence, little sweat beads broke out of his face. “Are you going back to them?”

  Ember stopped chewing.

  Come on Ember. Be smart. See what was in front of you, dammit. The man loves you completely. And I knew why she was scared, too. She was planning on having that talk with him about making babies. That would freak anyone out.

  For the first time ever, there was hope in her expression as she swallowed heavily. Her regard relocated from his nose to all over his perspiring, but carefully neutral, face. “No. And don’t ask me that again, please. You should know by now I’m not going back to them.” She glanced up into his eyes, but she quickly dropped them when his eyebrows pulled together. “And you’re right. I didn’t sleep well. It’s making me jumpy.”

  Silently, Grigori sucked in a breath and he nodded, running his hand over her jaw to her throat, and back behind her neck. He leaned down and kissed her lips gently, whispering, “I won’t ask again.”

  Grigori was missing something. Something big that he couldn’t see from his elevated height. Ember’s eyes were hooded as she kissed him back just as gently, but I could see. Ember was getting ready to take the plunge by the set determination slowly filling her eyes. She cleared her throat, placing her silverware down, and turned in her chair to look directly at Grigori.

  He blinked, probably because he saw Ember’s face was serious. Like somebody died, serious.

  She took his hand and cleared her throat. “Grigori. You mean the world to me.” The table went silent. “I won’t ever leave you. No matter your answer to what I have to say.”

  She licked her lips in a nervous action, but she threw her shoulders back and kept going. “You’re the strongest, most incredible man I’ve ever known. That I ever want to know. You’re all I could ever want in a man.” She smiled softly, and it was timid and sweet, making my heart melt for her.

  Her cheeks pinked a little, and she hesitated, her breath hitching. She glanced down at where she held his hand, but she gradually looked back up at him. Her voice was strong when she stated, “I want to have a baby with you. And even though this is a typical girl comment, I’m going to use it because it’s true. I’m not getting any younger, and I would love for us to be parents together.”

  Grigori’s face was so damn blank, I wanted to hit him.

  She was trying. Really, really trying. Being honest. And she looked so damn hopeful…and sweet.

  Ember shut her mouth and waited to hear what he had to say. She was trembling. Yep, she was pretty damn scared. I probably would be too if I had just made that speech in front of everyone.

  Grigori breathed evenly for at least thirty seconds, staring into her eyes, and said gradually, in a deep voice, “I’m honored, honey, but I need a little time to figure out if that’s what I want, too. Children are such a huge step and so much responsibility. And, me being a father, I—” he licked his bottom lip, his expression breaking from his careful control, appearing decidedly nervous, “I’m not positive I’m ready for that.” He leaned down, touching the tip of his nose to hers. “But, if I did decide I want children, you would be who I’d choose to have them with. I love you, honey.”

  Ember’s cheeks stayed pink, and she nodded. “Okay. I understand you need time.” She cleared her throat, fidgeting with his fingers. “Just…um…think about it, will you?”

  Grigori’s lips twitched slightly until it turned into a soft smile. “I have been. Ever since Papa told us they were having triplets, and I realized you wanted more.” He kissed her lips. “Just a little time. That’s all I’m asking for to figure this out.”

  Ember’s mouth opened a little in shock, fully realizing Grigori had already been thinking about it. But danced away and a small, secretive smile played on her lips as she murmured softly, “Remember, it could be fun making those babies.”

  He grinned full out.

  I glanced away because there was just too much of Daniil in that carnal look he gave Ember. It weirded me out a little. I wasn’t sure I would ever get used to it. And it looked like, out of the corner of my eye, he leaned down, whispering something against her ear that I didn’t catch. Which I was happy for since Ember giggled.

  Daniil’s dad broke in, stating gruffly, “I think I need to stay here a bit longer, Dan

  I heard Daniil growl a little under his breath, but he said calmly, “You are welcome here as long as you like, Papa.” He leaned on the table. “As long as you understand the rules of my home.”

  Daniil told me that he had spoken to his dad. He hadn’t gone into detail about what the discussion was about, but it hadn’t taken a rocket scientist to figure it out. Daniil had laid down the law. And his dad didn’t take it well, but he was behaving for the most part.

  At least, in front of Daniil.

  Now, when Daniil wasn’t around, I still had to practically hide from the man since he was like a fucking bloodhound, tracking me down…to talk. And talk. And talk. Never-ending discussions about how the proper way things were done. Very—extremely—old and strict ways that he grew up with. They weren’t chats I wanted to have…or, from the way he was eyeing Ember…would put on anyone else.

  So, I asked her, “Ember, would you like to help me after work today at my dad’s church. Katie, Mary, and I are putting together a party for a couple celebrating their sixtieth wedding anniversary there this evening. We could use the extra hands.” I knew she got off around noon.

  Ember glanced at me in surprise, and I jerked my head slightly at Daniil’s dad. She took the hint fast enough and nodded slowly. “Sure. I think I can do that.”

  “I don’t have work. I could help, too,” Artur stated.

  Yeah. Mention Katie, and of course, he could. He paid attention to everything I said about her.

  “I could help, too,” Roman stated, wiping his mouth off. “Artur and I are both tall. We can help with things you women can’t reach since you’re all so damn short.”


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