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Lost Worlds

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by Luna Lais

  Crickets chirped as evening took hold, but inside the brick dormitory at Bane University, the only sound to be heard was the violent clicking noises of a computer keyboard at work. Behind that keyboard, a man sat putting his theory to virtual paper, and trying desperately to finish his latest project. He thought, perhaps, this could be an invention to benefit all of mankind, or perhaps just enough to provide a thesis on. Either way, his knowledge of the technology and a thirst for the unknown drew him to press on with his quest. In the end, what he would do would indeed change mankind forever‚just not the way he thought.

  "With some fine-tuning," he whispered to himself, "I could precisely calibrate the destination vectors to teleport the individual to an exact moment in time."

  Indeed, he was working on a device that would allow someone to travel through time. As he picked up the object, he pondered the miniscule controls, modeling that of a simple wristwatch. He slowly put it back down and began working feverishly on the computer, the display flashing by as schematics were drawn, and links to various government websites were displayed. His knowledge of computers had reached a point that he felt the possibilities were limitless‚and he made every attempt to make sure his project was a success. However, his concentration broke for a moment with a knock at the door.

  "Jimmy," the voice called, "they're serving dinner in the cafeteria. You coming down?"

  "I'm not really hungry at the moment, Ron," he yelled from his seat.

  "Still working on that project?" Ron asked. "You still haven't told anyone what it's about."

  "And I still won't," Jimmy replied. "Everyone will see it when it's ready. Enjoy dinner."

  Ron shrugged his shoulders and continued down the hallway to the stairs while Jimmy continued working. He picked up the wristwatch again and began tinkering with it. Momentarily, he would look over at the screen, comparing the design to the schematic displayed. He tinkered with the tiny device intently. Through his deep concentration though, a sound from outside‚a loud bang‚caused him to jump. In doing so, he inadvertently touched a button on the device. All in the matter of a second, a flash of light enveloped him, and he was gone.

  * * *

  He awoke to a strange place. He looked up and saw a rock ceiling above him, and when he sat up, he saw cold steel bars before him. Looking all around him, this wasn't a modern jail cell, and he wasn't totally aware of what had just happened. He tried to pinch himself, thinking perhaps he was unconscious‚that this was all a dream. But much to his dismay, it wasn't. He got up and looked through the bars.

  "Where am I?" he yelled. A guard down the hall walked up to the cell and peered in at Jimmy.

  "You can't even tell what a dungeon looks like?" he scowled. "Appearing out of thin air, speaking in tongues, wearing strange clothes‚you should have been executed on the spot, witch."

  "I'm no witch," Jimmy replied.

  "You won't see a pardon from the king," he said. "Your execution is at dawn. I'd enjoy my last meal if I were you. And pray the Creator forgives you for your treachery." The guard walked away, and Jimmy quietly pondered what had happened. He walked over to a small barred window and looked outside to see that indeed there was no modern civilization out there‚but a castle wall, and vast nothingness as far as the eye could see.

  "No," he whispered to himself. "I can't possibly have‚" He looked on his person, but could not find the wristwatch. It was more than apparent to him that indeed, the device had worked, and had accidentally sent him back to another time, the day and year of which he was not aware. He walked over to the door of his cell and stooped down. He began to study the lock intently. The lock was indeed primitive, and the mechanism behind it basic. He searched himself again, and luckily found a paperclip. He bent and twisted it from its shape, and began using it to work the locking mechanism. Once he was able to open the door, he waited for the guard to fall asleep, and he made his escape.

  He made his way down several corridors before coming to an open area. He saw a man talking to a guard.

  "Where is this going?" the guard asked.

  "Korocho Village," the man replied. "We have no use for the excavated dirt here, but I am sure they could use it to construct more mud dwellings for peasants there." The two walked in another direction and vanished from sight. In this golden opportunity, Jimmy ran to the cart and dove into the pile of dirt, covering himself with the cloth that has been covering the wagon of dirt. In time, the man came back for his cart, and he and his mule pulled the cart from the castle grounds, and out into the trails that would lead to the village.

  After a short time, the cart suddenly stopped. Jimmy heard the man get off his seat and walk into the woods. In this rare opportunity, Jimmy came out from beneath the cloth and scurried into the woods himself. In running, however, he tripped and fell, rolling down a steep hill. He came to a rest at a big rock, where he slowly faded from consciousness.

  * * *

  He awoke to the smell of a leaf being held beneath his nose. He opened his eyes with a flutter to see a young boy standing over him. Jimmy looked up at the boy, perplexed.

  "Are you hurt?" the boy asked.

  "No," Jimmy replied. "Do you know where I am?"

  "You are near the village of Korocho," he said. "You look hurt. I think you should see the elder. He'll know how to help you." Jimmy had no reason to distrust the boy, and he did need help, so he followed the boy back to the village to speak to this "elder".

  * * *

  As they wandered through the village, people stared at Jimmy, and rightfully so. He was a stranger. The boy swiftly led him to the elder's hut, and allowed him to enter. The elder spoke with his back to Jimmy.

  "You've finally come," he said with a sigh. "I've been expecting this day for quite some time." He turned around and looked Jimmy in the eye. "I am Susira, the village elder. Please, have a seat at the table. We will talk over dinner." Jimmy carefully sat down, and Susira began preparing the meal.

  "Where am I?" Jimmy asked.

  "You are where you need to be," he replied. "I believe the real question you want to ask is WHEN are you."

  "How did you‚" Jimmy began to say.

  "As I said," he replied, "I've been expecting you. Sit and eat." Susira began to serve the food, then sat down at the table himself. "Perhaps a history lesson is in order. Have you heard the saying, 'History repeats itself.'?"

  "Of course," Jimmy replied. "There are events so profound in history we are doomed to repeat."

  "The world is ever changing, young one," said Susira. "The passage of time is the only constant. But you‚you are the variable." He took a bite of bread. "Man is said to control his own destiny. But how can you change time itself? The answer is not in your school books or even in the object you used to come here. The answer lies within yourself."

  "I don't understand," Jimmy said. "Changing history requires‚"

  "History is already written!" Susira scolded. "Your presence here is proof of that. It's making sure everything happens as it should‚that is the hard part." He took a sip of water. "Thousands of years ago, the world was created to reflect the love and honor of the Creator. But like all good things, there had to be balance. An evil force was unleashed upon the world, and those that carried out the greater good began to fall. It was then the magic of the ages merged with the temper of the knights. Three swords were forged that day‚swords that would unleash nearly limitless power to the knights that wielded them. The first of those was tempered from flame and ice. Only the mightiest of dragons possessed the will to empower it. The consort of an Immortal Dragon imbued the sword with her very life force, allowing the wielder to honor the flame, and wield limitless strength. Becoming the Avatar of Power, the first knight became known as the Dragon Lady."

  "The second," he
continued, "was tempered through extreme skill and magics. Every tiny imperfection in the blade was purposefully made, and in its hilt the power to transfer knowledge. The wisest elder's ashes, and her spirit, honed the blade, and in turn, imbued it with her power. The wielder became the Ruler of the Realm of the Mind, and Keeper of the Storms. Becoming the Avatar of Wisdom, the first knight became known as the Dark Woman."

  "The third is more complicated," he said. "As I said, evil clenched the land. Heroes emerged from all lands to fight in honor for their villages, and died for their cause. It was the wish of the Creator and all mankind that their sacrifices would not be in vain! The blood of these heroes, and the spirits that continue fighting in eternity, were used to forge the third and final sword. The blood itself linked the swords to their wielders‚.their blood was theirs, and vice versa, forming a magical bond that would tie every generation of heroes together. Their courage and heroism would give the wielder the power to do what they failed to do‚destroy the evil, once and for all. Give them invincibility where they were vulnerable. Grant immortality to correct the flaws of their own mortality. The wielder became the Hero of Legend‚the "Hel Flame". Becoming the Avatar of Courage, this first knight became known as simply "Hero".

  "What does it all have to do with me, and why I'm here?" Jimmy asked.

  "You are the descendant of the First Knight," Susira replied. "The reason you are here is no accident. Fate brought you here to finish what was started many many years ago." He got up from his chair and walked over to a corner. He picked up an object and brought it over to the table. He carefully unwrapped the cloth that it was hidden in, to find it was indeed a sword. Susira carefully unsheathed it, and showed it to Jimmy.

  "THIS," he said, "is the Sword of Courage. Within you are tremendous energies and limitless powers waiting to be unleashed, and this sword will allow you to use that power. By holding up the sword and reciting the incantation on the hilt with courage in your heart, it will transform you into the Avatar of Courage itself, The Hel Flame. No mortal power can stop you from defending the defenseless, and bringing virtue to the meek. The only weaknesses the Hero has are the demons within himself."

  "What demons?" Jimmy asked.

  "Human emotion," Susira replied. "Man thrives on emotion. It drives us to do what we must. But the Hero of Legend is weakened by his own emotions. Love, jealousy, anger, hatred‚.strong emotions will weaken the armor around him, and make him vulnerable. You must never let your emotions control you, lest you be struck down."

  "Even if this were all true," said Jimmy, "I still don't understand how I can be related to all this? The only thing I am sure of, if none of this is a dream I'm stuck in, is that I need to find what happened to my time band and return to when I came."

  "You were captured," Susira replied. "The object that you seek is in the King's throne room. But there in itself is another issue. The King himself‚is not what he seems."

  "What do you mean?" Jimmy asked.

  "A long time ago," he continued, "the land was divided, the people equally divided in religion over the evil that was covering the land. When the Swords of the Avatars were forged, the king had his most powerful sorcerer constructed an orb of tremendous power‚one that would be entrusted to the Queen to protect her and assert her authority, and the lands united in what would be called, 'The Five Kingdoms'. But the evil corrupted it, changing her into a monster capable of ultimate destruction. The Avatars, or 'Triad', as we call them, were able to stop the nightmarish horror, but their victory seems to have been short lived. The evil force has driven the spirit from our king's body, and now tries to rule these lands himself. One day he will bring about the end of time‚but first he must find me."

  "You?" Jimmy asked. "Why?"

  "The Sword of Courage," he replied. "He knows the Triad can stop the Evil One himself. He knows I keep it safe, and has been burning down villages and raising their dead trying to find me. But he didn't count on one thing‚.you."

  "All I know is that I have to return to my time at all costs," Jimmy replied. "I seem to be doing more damage than good tampering with the past."

  "All this is what was supposed to happen, young one," Susira said. "You are not trained yet. You don't have the means to face the demon within yet. But in time, you will become the most powerful Hero our lineage has ever seen. And in trusting you with the sword, you at least have the means to get the object you seek." He cleared the table, and began walking into the other room. "I suggest you get some rest, young one. With a little training, you'll be ready to set out on your journey." At that, Susira went to bed, and Jimmy rested his head on the table.

  * * *

  Jimmy woke early in the morning, unable to shake the dreams he was having. He got up, grabbed the sword and sheath, and quietly left the hut, determined to set off on his own to get back the Time Band and return to his own reality. Susira woke some time later, and in turn, found both Jimmy and the sword gone.

  "Just like him," he whispered to himself. "No patience. I only hope he has the same courage he did."

  * * *

  Jimmy managed to backtrack and find the castle he had escaped from. The huge structure stretched far into the sky, and seemed overwhelming. But he didn't let that stop him as he quietly waded through the moat to the outer wall. He waited for the draw bridge to lower, as another cart was sent out of the castle, and he was able to slip past the guards into the courtyard. He found his way into the castle itself, and into the hallway adjacent to the throne room. He quickly hid as two guards passed by him out of the room.

  "The King ordered our troops to slaughter everyone in Korocho village," one said to the other. "I'm starting to think he's going too far‚making these abominations."

  "Better than being turned into a mindless slave," the other said. "And what about the prophecy?"

  "Tales from a fool," the first said. "No one can stand up to the power of that beast and his bloodthirsty army." They continued walking, and Jimmy snuck into the throne room.

  Once inside, Jimmy crept over to the wall near the throne. On the wall was none other than the Time Band. He reached to grab it, then suddenly felt the breath of something on the back of his neck. He turned slowly, only to get ripped from the ground and thrown across the room. He struggled to his feet and looked up to see an enormous beast standing before him, razor sharp teeth glistening, ready to tear him limb from limb.

  "Who are you?" he snarled. "Wait, you're that boy the guards arrested the other day for heresy!" He picked the time band off the wall. "I assume this is what you came back here to find? Well‚the only thing you'll find here is your own demise!" He went to lunge at Jimmy, but Jimmy unsheathed the sword and instinctively swung it at him. The blade caught the beast's arm, and forced him to drop the time band. Jimmy rolled out of the way and lunged for the band. The beast lunged as well. Jimmy hit the button on it and a flash of light enveloped him‚.

  Jimmy awoke back in his room. He looked down at the time band. It was slightly damaged, but proof enough that whatever just happened to him was definitely not a dream. He slowly got up and looked in his hand, seeing in it what was once the sword, seemingly shattered. All that was left was a shard of it attached to a worn hilt. He breathed a deep sigh before suddenly hearing a familiar snarl behind him.

  "I told you this would be your end," the beast said as Jimmy turned around. Jimmy instinctively slashed at him with the remains of the sword. It nicked the beast in the face, and he cried out in agony. The sword fragment glowed, and transformed into a golden ring with a heart-shaped jewel in it. Jimmy's hand, for a split second, turned solid, as if encased in fluid-like metal, then returned to normal. In his stunned state, Jimmy reached his hand out in front of him, and the ring glowed. The beast shielded his eyes and backed away.

  "The old man passed the Sword of Courage to a simple boy?" he asked aloud. "Is THIS the prophecy the Master has babbled about for centuries? No matter. Without the sword intact, you cannot defeat me! I may not be able to come
near you‚.but there are many who can!" He raised his arms and began chanting. Jimmy turned and bolted down the hallway and the stairwell. He ran into his friend Ron.

  "Ron!" he yelled. But he quickly ducked when a seemingly possessed Ron threw a sink at him, apparently from the cafeteria kitchen. Jimmy dodged him and continued running. It was apparent that everyone from the dorm had become mindless slaves being controlled by the beast, and their objective was clear‚.to stop Jimmy.

  Jimmy bolted down the street as fast as he could, trying to get away from his attackers. Looking back, he didn't see his friend Mike jump out in front of him. Mike grabbed Jimmy by the neck and lifted him off the ground, throwing him across the street into the grass. Jimmy staggered to his feet, and watched as Mike crossed the street after him. He noticed a ring on his finger similar to the one he had, only the gem was yellow, in the shape of a tornado. Jimmy remembered at that point Mike's love for country music. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his Walkman. He hit the play button and turned it up as loud as he could. The music caused Mike to pause for a second‚and even dance. It seemed the mindlessness of the people was not as complete as he thought. In the confusion, Jimmy pulled the ring from Mike's finger and continued running away from the approaching mob.


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