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Lost Worlds

Page 9

by Luna Lais

  "You have to go to sleep now," he said. "Good night!" He threw some sort of powder over Jimmy, but Jimmy simply waved his hand back and forth to clear the dust and keep fighting. Baffled, the man ran at Jimmy and managed to get in a lucky shot, clubbing Jimmy over the head. Jimmy staggered backwards, but was otherwise unharmed. Jimmy charged his sword and took another swing at him, but he re-established that forcefield, blocking him. He started to laugh‚and something inside Jimmy snapped.

  "You will let her go!" Jimmy yelled, as he charged his sword once again. He ran at the forcefield and swung with all his might. The swings were fast, and each one was blocked repeatedly until finally the field buckled and dissipated under the pressure. With the rage filling his heart, he swung with all his might, slicing off the man's head, spinning around one hundred eighty degrees, and coming to rest on one knee, sword to the ground. The man's body flopped to the ground, then exploded in a flash of light. The wind from the blast rushed past Jimmy, and something inside him became satisfied. The staff fell to the ground, and the orb fell from it. The wind began to wake people up from their sleep‚.and slowly, daylight broke. As it did, Jimmy gathered the orb and the staff, and he used his TD to teleport to Chrissy's house.

  * * *

  Jimmy appeared at Chrissy's house just as she was emerging from her bedroom. He held his sword in front of him, and the armor around him melted away to reveal his true form.

  "I take it you didn't sleep well," she said to him, stretching. "But it looks like you got the job done."

  "This time," Jimmy said. "What do you make of this?" Jimmy gave the staff and orb to Chrissy.

  "This orb," Chrissy said, "is the Orb of Wisdom. No wonder the Sandman was able to look into everyone's mind and manipulate the dream worlds. It's remarkable I was even trapped with so much control there." She closed her eyes. "I can feel the energy. Lauren will need this."

  "Is she ok?" Jimmy asked nervously.

  "She's fine," Chrissy said. "She is confused, but fine. The only way we are going to get past this is to let go of it, Jimmy. No matter how much it hurts." She looked up and met Jimmy's gaze. "Just as in my dream, with the defeat of the Sandman, our wounds healed, and we were able to escape the dream altogether. Legandria continues to amaze me." She opens up the dusty old book and it almost reads itself.

  The maker of dreams

  Brings nightmares to the world

  To take it over with fright

  But Virtue can stop him

  His restless spirit calling

  And in the end shall conquer the night!

  "I guess it's a good thing I was having a rough night," Jimmy said, almost sarcastically.

  "Everything happens for a reason," Chrissy said to him. "Believe me when I tell you this, Jimmy. Don't be afraid of your destiny." Jimmy was still hurt by what Lauren had done to him, but in the end, he knew Chrissy was right.

  "You're right," he softly replied. "No one should be afraid of their destiny‚.instead, they should embrace it."

  Chapter 13 - Like Everyone Else

  * * *


  "Like Everyone Else"

  "Why can't I just be like everyone else," Jimmy said to himself as he woke up the next morning. "Normal relationships and normal feelings. Why do I have to be treated so differently‚why do I have to be so different?" He slowly got up from the bed and got changed into his clothes for class. He picked up his stuff and walked out the door and down the stairwell.

  "Hey Jimmy!" a voice called from below. It was Ron, and he was waving. "Come here a sec." Jimmy walked down the other flight of steps to meet Ron in the pit.

  "What is it, Ron?" Jimmy asked.

  "Just wanted to warn you that the cafeteria is closed for a health inspection," he replied.

  "So they finally found out about the milk?' Jimmy asked.

  "No," Ron laughed. "The college had an influx of new transfers, and the college is looking into possible renovations." Jimmy nodded. "Bunch of us are meeting at the clock tower. Wanna come?"

  "No thanks, Ron," Jimmy said. "I need to get to class a bit early anyway."

  "Suit yourself," he replied. "You're always welcome."

  "Thanks," Jimmy replied, and continued on his way. He just couldn't shake the feelings he was feeling, and how hurt and upset he was over what Lauren had done to him.

  * * *

  Later in the day, as Jimmy was walking back to the dorm from class, he began thinking again. His mind was racing‚.and he felt like he wanted to run. His feet moved to the rhythm of his raging heart, but he wasn't watching where he was going. Just then, someone else who wasn't watching where they were going bumped into him, and they both fell to the ground, papers scattered everywhere. Jimmy began scrambling to pick them up.

  "Are you alright?" he asked her, genuinely concerned. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

  "No, I was the one not looking," she replied. Jimmy looked up at her. She was about five foot eight, long blonde hair curled at the ends, and very pretty. She looked back at him and smiled.

  "My name is Jimmy," he said with a bit of a stutter.

  "I'm Amy," she replied. "You want to sit in the cafeteria and have dinner with me?"

  "They're open?" Jimmy asked.

  "Yeah, they finished whatever they were doing in there," she replied. "I think they're serving some sort of chicken."

  "Good food for a change," Jimmy said with a laugh. They walked together to the cafeteria.

  "I'm originally from Pittsburgh," Amy said to Jimmy as they sat down at a table. "My dad died when I was really young. So for a long time, it was just me and my mom. She's done everything she can for me. I feel bad that I left her there to come here to go to school, but she supports me in every way." She took a bite of her food.

  "You miss it there?" Jimmy asked.

  "I do," she replied. "But maybe there's something that could take my mind off it." She smiled at Jimmy, and he smiled back. Little did she know how much she was making him forget about his own pain.

  * * *

  Later on, Jimmy and Amy left the cafeteria. The sun had just set, and they were walking past the college book store. She then stopped for a second.

  "I'm going to go in for a soda," she said. "You want one?"

  "Yeah, sure," Jimmy replied.

  "Two sodas coming up!" she said with a smile, and she went into the book store. Jimmy stood by and waited, whistling to himself. Finally his mind wasn't being occupied by the drama and negativity that was bringing him down. Just then, he heard a noise in the bushes. When he went to take a look, something jumped out at him.

  "You will do nicely!" it said as it tackled Jimmy to the ground. He kicked her off with all his might and rolled to his feet. He pulled his sword and held it up.

  "Courage, be my‚" he said, but was interrupted by a kick to the gut. She tried to swing again, and Jimmy blocked her with his sword. He tried to get a free chance to raise his sword again, but she kept him occupied. She tried punching him, but he was able to dodge it, grab her arm, and kick her in the side. He turned and knocked her over with a roundhouse kick. He went to hold his sword up again.

  "You win this time, Hero," she said before vanishing. Jimmy stood there for a moment, resheathing his sword, thinking. Whatever it was, it was slender, agile, and deadly. Just then, Amy came out of the store with both sodas.

  "Here you go," she said, handing him his soda. She seemed to be breathing heavily.

  "You sound so out of breath," Jimmy said, taking notice.

  "They were raffling off an exercise bike," she explained. "I was trying it out." Jimmy chugged down the entire soda. "You seem pretty out of breath yourself."

  "Nah," Jimmy replied. "Just really thirsty. Maybe we should return to the dorms and get some rest."

  "Miner Hall is a long walk from here," she replied. "Why don't I just come back to your dorm. Can relax and talk more."

  "Alright," Jimmy replied. If he wasn't thinking in the moment at the time, about how int
riguing this situation had become, he was at least thinking of Amy's safety‚.especially with whatever that was that attacked him still on the loose.

  * * *

  They walked into Jimmy's room, and he shut the door behind them. He turned on the TV, and he sat down beside her. After a moment, she looked at Jimmy.

  "Would it be ok if I, ya know, used the restroom?" she asked.

  "Go right ahead," Jimmy said with a smile. She quietly opened the door and left the room, heading for the wing's restrooms. Jimmy slid back on the couch and relaxed. But no sooner did he start to relax, then that monster appeared. Jimmy pulled his sword again.

  "Who are you?" Jimmy asked. "And what do you want?"

  "I am Cassandra," she replied. "I am a breed of Lycan far superior to any on earth‚.and my master wants your blood!" She charged at Jimmy, but Jimmy was able to block her claws with his sword. He pushed her back, but her eyes glowed red, and she charged at him again. He fell backwards and used his feet and her own momentum to flip her over him and head first out the open window. Jimmy got up and went to the window, only to see she was gone. He closed the window, and then closed the curtains. Just then, he turned around and saw Amy coming back into the room.

  "I thought while I was out I'd run downstairs and get a few more sodas for us," she said, seemingly out of breath once again.

  "Good idea," Jimmy said. He was thirsty after that ordeal. They sat down on the couch and watched some TV.

  * * *

  Hours passed, and Amy got up to take the empty cans to the trash. When she came back, she sat really close to Jimmy. She turned to him, and their eyes met. She leaned in and began to kiss him passionately. Jimmy couldn't help but melt into her, wrapping his arms around her. She climbed on top of him, kissing him harder, and he could feel his own heart racing‚.then slowing down. But something was wrong‚.his heartbeat became slower and slower‚.and he began to lose consciousness. As he slowly faded off to sleep, he could see her sit up, her eyes now glowing red, whispering to herself.

  "Soon the master's plan will come to pass," she whispered, and Jimmy completely passed out.

  * * *

  Chrissy was deeply engrossed in Legandria. The script began to leap off the page at her.

  A hidden beast attacks Virtue

  An enemy behind her they know not yet

  Wanting to destroy all life

  Virtue's love comes to his rescue

  Though he know it not

  She will end his pain and strife.

  Chrissy suddenly stood up, as if she knew something was amiss. She pressed a button on her communicator, trying to contact Jimmy, but got no response. She contacted Lauren instead.

  "Lauren, you need to come quickly," she said. "I think something may have happened to Jimmy."

  "What do I care?" asked Lauren. "If he's in trouble, let his precious Red save him!"

  "For all I know, she could be the one causing the trouble," Chrissy said. "Please Lauren, do this for me, if not for Jimmy. We're a team, remember?" Lauren let out a sigh.

  "I'll be right there," Lauren replied. "I'll meet you at the hallway by Jimmy's room." At that, Chrissy raised her sword.

  "Wisdom, be my strength!" The sword sparked to life, and the silvery light entangled with the dark clouds which surrounded her entire body. The light fused with her body, covering her in the silvery armor of the Avatar of Wisdom, transforming her into the Dark Woman.

  Chrissy reached to her wrist and activated her TD, vanishing in a flash of light.

  * * *

  Chrissy and Lauren, fully transformed, appeared at Jimmy's door. They wound up and kicked down the door. There, they saw Cassandra on top of Jimmy, ready to slice his neck open with her claws.

  "Hands off, bitch!" Chrissy yelled.

  "Yeah," Cat said. "No one's ripping his head off but me!" Lauren charged her sword, and as it caught fire, she swung, and a wave of flame energy blasted Cassandra off Jimmy and out through the window. Chrissy and Lauren went out the window after her. Chrissy pulled her lance and went in to attack, but Cassandra was quick, and managed to grab her and throw her across the sidewalk and into the side of the building. Chrissy fell to the ground. Lauren charged in with her sword, but Cassandra dodged the attack easily and used the momentum to send Lauren flying across the field. Just then, a flash of light appeared in the sky, and a streak of red headed straight for Cassandra, knocking her backwards, skidding across the grass about a hundred feet. The form got to her feet and dusted off her long tight red dress.

  "Shame on you, little mongrel," Red said with a chuckle. "You dirtied my gown. Should I smack you with the newspaper?" Cassandra snarled, as she became less and less human and more like a werewolf‚finally showing her lycan traits.

  "The Queen of the Five Kingdoms is the servant of the almighty," Cassandra snarled. "Not the servant of the Triad, or that boy! Rutan and I started this long ago, and the master wants me to finish it! You will not get in my way!" Cassandra went to attack, but Red pulled another orb from her dress. Her hand waved in front of her, and water came from nowhere and surrounded Cassandra.

  "What is the meaning of this?" she screamed.

  "The Orb of the Elements," Red replied. "Your powers are no match for my sorcery!" She waved her other hand, and a gust of chilling wind froze the water around her, encasing Cassandra in ice. Red ran quickly to Cassandra, and reached both her hands out, clutching Cassandra's head. Red's eyes changed color from the hazel to a glowing blue.

  "Open your mind to me you filthy dog," she muttered as the electricity flowed between them. "I‚am‚.in‚.control‚.the darkness within me‚will stay locked within me‚." Red held on for dear life. "It's time you left her, Cassandra‚.LEAVE HER NOW!" Lauren got up in a fit of rage and ran at Red. As she swung, Red broke the hold, and an explosion sent them all flying. Red was nowhere to be found, but the orb lay in on the ground next to Lauren's hand, and further away were two bodies‚one being that on an unconscious Amy, and the other, Cassandra, struggling to get to her feet.

  "I know now," Chrissy said. "This is what Legandria was trying to tell me! The Lycan was more than just a beast, but a demonic spirit as well!"

  "Ponder all you want, Wisdom!" Cassandra yelled. "Your past, present and future have been sealed by the Master, and in time you and the entire Triad will be destroyed!" At that, Cassandra vanished in a flash of light. Lauren grabbed the orb and slowly got to her feet. Chrissy helped her up. They both went over to Amy, who was coming to.

  "Are you ok?" they asked.

  "Yeah," she said. "How did I get here?" She held her head, then looked up at them. "You're those superheroes they've been talking about on the news! Wow!"

  "What is the last thing you remember?" Chrissy asked. "Do you know our friend, Jimmy?"

  "I don't know who you are talking about," she replied. "All I remember was walking to class this morning‚.that's it."

  "Maybe you should run along back to the dorm," Chrissy said. Amy nodded, and began to run in the direction of her dorm. Lauren looked over at Chrissy.

  "Are you alright?" Cat asked Chrissy.

  "I'm fine," she replied. "I hope Jimmy is ok."

  "He can take care of himself," Cat replied with a sneer.

  "You can't spend the rest of your life angry, you know," Chrissy said to her. "You will both need to coexist somehow."

  "Just because we're a team doesn't mean I have to like it," she replied. She activated her TD and vanished. Chrissy shook her head and flew up through Jimmy's window, and walked over to him. She focused on her sword, and her armor melted away, transforming her back to normal. She gently shook Jimmy.

  "Jimmy," she said. "Wake up." She touched his forehead, and a spark jumped from her hand to his forehead. For a split second, she felt the hurt‚she felt the pain and the sorrow. It wasn't her sadness, yet she started to cry. When Jimmy finally stirred, she wiped back the tears, and Jimmy's eyes fluttered open.

  "What happened?" Jimmy asked.

  "That Amy wa
s possessed by a demonic lycan," Chrissy replied. "Oddly enough, Red saved you and split the demon from Amy's body."


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