Lost Worlds

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Lost Worlds Page 19

by Luna Lais

  "No!" Jimmy said. They all ran to the hole in the ground, and as they all peered in, sure enough, the portal was gone. The scientists scampered to the hole and began taking readings and examining it. Janie saw Jimmy and yanked him aside, away from the crowd.

  "What were you thinking?" she said to him.

  "You think I had something to do with this?" Jimmy asked.

  "Cut the crap," Janie said. "I'm not dumb. What did you do?"

  "Look," Jimmy said, "I had to collapse that portal. Something came out of it and I have it trapped out here now. If I left it go, more of them could have escaped. Chrissy, Cat and I have to find this thing and somehow stop it."

  "I believe you," she replied, "but you have to be careful."

  "I will," Jimmy said to her softly. "You know I always am." He motioned to Ron. "Ron, let's head to the Martz Center. Maybe something there changed too!" They both ran up the street to the Martz Center to see if indeed anything changed. But sure enough, nothing at all changed. The rubble still covered the area. As Ron looked closer and stepped through the rubble, Jimmy found an odd shaped rock. He looked at it, then quickly hid it away.

  "The awesome power it must have taken to rip this away from the building," Ron boasted, "it musta been incredible!"

  "Indeed," Jimmy replied. "Hey Ron, I'm gonna head back to the dorm. See you there?"

  "I guess," he replied. "I'm gonna check this out some more."

  "Sounds like a plan," Jimmy replied. He then began the walk back to the dorm.

  * * *

  Chrissy and Lauren teleported in as Jimmy was examining the rock under a microscope.

  "I always seem to miss the action," Lauren said.

  "Then stop going home to visit so much," Jimmy replied, still fixated on the rock.

  "What have you found out?" asked Chrissy.

  "It's a piece of that monster," Jimmy said.

  "What's so special about it?" asked Lauren.

  "Nothing at all," said Jimmy. "It's just a plain, ordinary run of the mill rock. But I know it was a part of the monster because the markings on the rock suggest it did not break, but was actually cut. And the marks on the sliced edge match up to my sword. I cut this from the monster, but there is nothing special about it. This confirms my suspicion that the rock form is merely a container for the essence of this creature."

  "So how do we find it, let alone fight it?" Lauren asked.

  "The Ultimate Power," Jimmy replied. "Ultimate Warrior can sever the soul from the body and destroy it from there."

  "But that would mean..." Lauren began to say. "Oh no...not that again."

  "It's the only way," Jimmy replied. Karen appeared before them, orb in hand.

  "I figured now was as good a time as any to drop by," she said.

  "Now who's perceptions are sharper?" Jimmy said to Karen. He looked back at Lauren and Chrissy. "We have to fuse, then within whatever time we have, we need to find the monster, sever its soul, and destroy it. Are you in?"

  "You know I won't let you down," Chrissy replied.

  "You know I won't back down from a fight," Cat said, agreeing as well. Karen began focusing the power of the orb, and the three crossed swords and recited the incantation.

  By the Orb of Light,

  May Wisdom, Power, and Courage unite

  Under the power of Triad!

  A bright light emanated from their swords, and slowly the light enveloped them as their bodies and minds merged into one being. As the light faded, their sword clunked to the floor. Karen fell to her knees, weakened from the power transfer.

  "You must find it quickly," she said. "Destroy the body, and the spirit will flee. Then and only then can the Triad power defeat it."

  "We feel his presence," their combined voices said. "He cannot escape Good...Truth...Life." Ultimate Warrior took off from the window and towards the center of town. They paused for a moment, then flew strait at the ground, crashing through it, and burrowing deep into the earth. Moments later, they burst from the ground, the monster firmly in their hands. They punched it, and sent it flying to earth.

  "It is impossible!" the monster yelled. "The Ultimate Power was snuffed out by the Master ages ago!"

  "Your master knows nothing of this world," they said as they charged their sword. In one quick dive, they smashed into and sliced through the monster. The monster exploded, and shrapnel was flung everywhere. Ultimate Warrior stood alone. Then a dark smoke rose from the rubble, and it started to flee towards the Learning Center. They took off after it. When it arrived at the site where the portal used to be, it stopped.

  "No!" it screamed. "My sanctuary! It is gone!"

  "As will you be!" shouted Ultimate Warrior, charging the sword with full power, and launching an energy wave that hit the smoke and dissipated it into nothingness. Suddenly the clouds parted, and as Ultimate Warrior set down and touched the ground with their sword, the ground healed, and the damage that had been done began to repair itself. As the last of the area returned to normal, the power flowed from them, and the three tumbled away from each other, covered in sweat, and barely alive. Chrissy, gasping for air, tried to speak.

  "I saw...something," she gasped. "I saw something...horrible...I couldn't control it..."

  "We...won," Jimmy eeked out. "The monster...is gone. I...there's nothing to be...worried about..."

  "No," said Chrissy. "It wasn't the monster...I saw something even more horrific...I saw what loneliness looks like..." Chrissy, for the first time in a long time, trembled in fear, crying.

  * * *

  In a world alien to these

  Another shall emerge

  To destroy all in combat

  Wisdom, Power, and Virtue

  But it is Wisdom that will possess them

  Power that motivates them

  Courage that wins for them

  And all that emerge victorious.

  The next day, the scientists and local authorities were still looking over the site, trying to piece together for themselves what had happened. Though most of the landscape had been healed by the Ultimate Power, there were still some things that needed to be put back to normal. Jimmy, as the Hero, had been working with the authorities to put back what had been misplaced, and repair the rest of the damage. As he propped up a statue that had fallen from its pedestal, he turned to see the girl he had seen the other day in the cafeteria...Rachel. She slowly approached him, and he wasn't sure what to think or say.

  "Hey," she said, looking into his eyes. "My name is Rachel. Ya know...I think you're pretty special. Thanks for saving all of us." She turned to walk away, but turned back for a moment. "Maybe someday I can see who's behind that mask?"

  "Someday," Jimmy said softly. She walked away, and Jimmy continued working, all the while thinking about what she would think if this mask didn't hide whatever she was so discouraged by.

  Chapter 24 - By A Wire

  * * *


  "By A Wire"

  Jimmy opened his eyes to see himself in a field of grass, with rolling hills as far as the eye can see. He looked down at himself, dressed in a golden buttoned down shirt and blue jeans, and realized where he was. It was then he looked around and heard a voice from the past he had vaguely remembered.

  "Virtue," it said, "do not be afraid. Many battles you have fought...and many are still to come. But you must understand the cycle."

  "I understand the cycle completely," Jimmy replied. "I understand where I am in this realm, and I understand how time flows. My own existence is finite, but my love and my courage is as infinite as the power of Life itself."

  "But there is more," it said. "You have seen the beginning and the end. But much hurt and suffering will follow before you find what you truly seek. The Evil One is coming...he has come, and he will come. Such is the cycle. His realm is that of terrors and nightmares. His very existence in the other realm puts our own in jeopardy...and puts the very cycle we are stuck in in jeopardy. The only thing that can keep the Evil One in chec
k is the power of the Avatars."

  "I will not let him pass," Jimmy replied. "The power within the swords, and within our very hearts, will let us claim victory."

  "You are the beginning and the end," it said. "You must understand, you are not like the others. You began this journey, and started the cycle. Because of this you have become my greatest legacy...and the fate of the world rests in your hands. Time means nothing to you as long as you search for the love in your heart."

  "I understand," Jimmy replied.

  "Then know this," it said. "Do not let his minions escape the realm and break the cycle. The war that is raging now between the dimensions is independent of the cycle. The great battle will come soon...and the Evil One will stop at nothing to prevent Fate from interfering in the events that are to pass. You set him free and began the cycle...and now you must be the one to stop him from breaking it before he can be handed his fate."

  "But how do I..." Jimmy said, but a bright flash of light brought him back to reality.

  * * *

  Jimmy sat up in bed, a bit startled, and ran his fingers through his hair. His mind was filled with the visions he had, and as he slowly turned his head, he saw his computer screen, and contemplated one thought.

  "All of the knowledge of the world is at my fingertips," Jimmy said, "but I still understand nothing." He got up out of bed and got ready to go to class.

  * * *

  As Jimmy walked down the stairs, as always, he ran into Ron.

  "They're having another convention in the cafeteria this morning," Ron said.

  "What is it this time?" asked Jimmy

  "National Convention of Computer Nerds of America," he replied. "Apparently there are alot of members."

  "Hopefully this means the college meets whatever quota it set for funding with this one, and we can finally get back to eating a healthy breakfast," Jimmy said.

  "Minus the milk," Ron added.

  "Clock tower?" Jimmy asked.

  "You know it," replied Ron. They continued down the steps and grabbed some snacks from the vending machines, leaving to meet at the clock tower in the center of the campus.

  * * *

  Jimmy and Ron approached the clock tower, and found Janie sitting there alone, sitting on the bench, looking through her notes. Jimmy approached her.

  "Mind if I sit here?" he asked.

  "Go right ahead," she said, never lifting her head from the book.

  "What's the matter?" Jimmy asked her. "You seem so engrossed."

  "I would think there would be more on your mind," she replied.

  "Why?" Jimmy asked.

  "Ron," she said, "do you think I could talk with Jimmy alone for a bit?"

  "Um," he said, "sure. No problem. I should probably get to class soon anyway. See yas there." At that, he walked away.

  "You know me better than that," Janie said to Jimmy. "Even I am trying to put two and two together over these monster attacks."

  "So many things are going through my head," he said. "The attacks are the tip of the iceberg. And it's not just the whole 'loneliness' thing bothering me either...it's the crazy dreams."

  "Dreams?" she asked. "What kind of dreams?"

  "I hear voices from the past," Jimmy said. "The whole cycle of life and time itself hinges on stopping whatever is causing these portals. My own feelings betray me...I'm afraid my dreams may betray me too. I feel like the whole world is against me."

  "You think too much," she replied. "You tend to throw common sense out the window. You are always the one telling me about trust...can't you take your own advice? Whatever this evil is, and whatever these visions are directing you to do, I trust that you will save us. You always do."

  "You always know what to say," Jimmy said. "And you're absolutely right. We'll figure this out one way or another." Jimmy leaned in closer. "That said, what have you found out with your research?"

  "Nothing," she replied. "I just wanted you to open up and talk." She smiled, and Jimmy smiled back.

  "Thanks," he said. The two got up from the bench and headed off to class.

  * * *

  Jimmy sat in class, trying to pay attention to what the professor was saying, but his head was still stuck in his visions, and trying to understand what they all mean. Just then, Jimmy caught something out of the corner of his eye. A purple flash of light from the window took him by surprise, and took his attention completely.

  Several rooms down, a portal had opened up. An essence had found its way out and into one of the computers in the room. Sparks began to fly as the monitor, tower, and other components began to combine and take on a humanoid form. When the process was complete, it turned around and smiled.

  "I'm free!" it yelled. "The Master will become again! I will pave the way for his return to this pathetic reality!" It burst through the wall and out of the building.

  Jimmy then noticed something else out of the corner of his eye...the walking, talking computer passing the window. No one else seemed to notice. Jimmy raised his hand.

  "Can I go use the restroom?" Jimmy asked the professor. The professor motioned for the door, and Jimmy got up and left the room. He stood outside for a moment and looked around, seeing people in the hallway. He went to walk away when he got a tap on the shoulder.

  "Hey," Lauren said.

  "Hey," Jimmy replied. "Did you leave cause you saw the monster?"

  "No," she replied. "Didn't you leave to go to the bathroom?"

  "No!" Jimmy said. "Why?"

  "Cause I had to go," she replied. "I always go when someone else does."

  "There's a computer monster on the loose," Jimmy said. "We have to stop it."

  "Can I go to the bathroom first?" she asked. Jimmy sighed.

  "Yeah," he replied. "Meet me outside." Jimmy ducked into an empty room and raised his sword.

  "Courage, be my strength!" The sword exploded with power, and the energy flowed around his entire body, bonding to his skin, forming the golden armor of the Avatar of Courage, transforming him into the Hero.

  Jimmy exploded through the wall and outside. He hovered in place looking around for the monster. All of a sudden, he was struck from behind by a cable and knocked to the ground. The monster walked up to him.

  "Virtue!" it screamed. "Did you think you had the power to defeat the Master and prevent the destiny of this pathetic reality from coming to pass?" Jimmy leaped to his feet and poised to strike. Then a blast hit the monster in the back. The monster turned, angry.

  "That's right!" Lauren yelled, hovering in the distance behind the monster as the Dragon Lady, pointing her sword at him. "I'm over here, ya oversized piece of junk hardware!" The monster lunged towards her, but she backed up, firing another round of shots at him. She pulled her whip and lashed onto its arm, and flung him away from Jimmy. Jimmy flew up to meet her.

  "Thanks," Jimmy said. "About time you showed up."

  "Not gonna let you steal all the fun again," Lauren replied. "I never get to see the action!" Jimmy activated the communicator on his TD.

  "Chrissy," he said, "another monster is attacking the city. We need..." They were hit with an electrical blast and knocked to the ground.

  "Your meddling in the Master's affairs will not be tolerated!" it yelled. It charged again, and fired on Jimmy and Lauren, but Chrissy appeared as the Dark Woman, deflecting the shot with her sword.

  "You may be faster," she said, "but I'm smarter." She channeled the electric blast through her sword and fired it back at him. It knocked him back, but only stunned him.

  "I'm open to suggestions," Jimmy said, his sword at the ready.

  "Me too," Lauren said, her sword up as well. Chrissy charged her sword. Then suddenly, a longsword pushed through the center of the monster and out.

  "I've always hated technology," Red said, withdrawing her sword from the monster, then slicing off an arm. The three charged and began slicing through the now disoriented monster. Jimmy stabbed the chest one final time, and it laid in a pile of busted sparking rubble.r />
  "That was alot easier than I thought it would be," said Lauren.

  "I'm just glad it's over," said Jimmy

  "Where has the essence gone?" Red asked.

  "Perhaps it dissipated?" Chrissy said inquisitively.


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