Virtually Real
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Lucas hated that. He sensed that if he could not get the better of Eli soon that his own fate would become like that which he had inflicted on many v-people himself – only for a much longer time! He would redouble his efforts to get control of the v-people, and by that means, the project itself. Perhaps he could out-smart Eli… His constant thought was, I will be like him and have his power and control yet.
The virtual world
Moesh Jacov arranged an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Judah ben David.
“Judah, I know everything is peaceful at present and all the nations treat us cordially, but we both know that there is an underlying hatred for us just beneath the surface. In my prayer time recently I have felt that Y’shua is warning us of impending danger. My interpretation is that the King of the North and the King of the South are plotting our demise yet I have no proof.”
“Well our intelligence agency, Mossad, had just reported that Antoni Meschiac and Chou Ling Yi have recently met in New Zealand on a supposed holiday together,” replied Judah. “They only had their security guards and one or two trusted officials. We could not find out any more but we think it strange. Those two distrust and dislike each other although they pretend otherwise. I’ll take note of your insight.”
“I would advise you to be very wary. I know we have come safely through the last two wars but I have an uneasy feeling that what is happening now is a greater threat. You keep yourself humble and do not let yourself be flattered or feel proud. We are dependent on walking with Y’shua for protection.”
“Yes I know. But don’t worry we have a good security force and our armed forces have better technological weapons than any other nation. Others may have greater numbers but our weapons and the discipline of our troops will be more than a match.”
“Judah. I know you are a believer but sometimes I wonder if you put more trust in the blessings and protection we have been given, than in El himself. Be careful; be very careful.”
And so the warning received by Moesh was conveyed.
Chapter 10
Although both Chou Yi and Antoni had no belief in Y’shua or El, they were aware that what were called ‘spiritual influences and forces’ could be harnessed and used for their own purposes. They each, in their own way, had total faith and trust in what they believed to be their own abilities. Any spiritual help they did get they believed was under their control and would never master them. And they were both aware that it was dangerous ground on which they were walking!
There had been many examples from history that showed that ‘a deal with the devil gives the devil the deal.’ Hitler was one example, they recalled, who had dabbled in this realm and did not make it to final victory. They knew the stakes were high but their lust was higher.
Of course none of this was public knowledge in the v-world and they certainly did not share it with each other. But neither were they averse to having religion for their populations.
In both the European and Chinese empires the respective leaders had seen to it that there was a state religion that had suitably charismatic leaders to keep the people in thrall. After all such a device can be used to give apparent legitimacy to many things a leader may want to do! It exhorts the people to follow sound moral behaviour, even though they cannot achieve it. It provides a vehicle for informants and enables manipulation of opinion. It appealed to the populace with its verbal emphasis of peace, love and respect which were desperately longed for commodities. It was indeed opium.
Europe had opted for what it called Nimrah for its state religion and China as a variant of it called, in translation, “the way of the noble man.”
The irksome thing was that many, but not all, of the followers of Y’shua refused to be part of these state religious systems and such was the strength of belief that even persecution and torture had no effect – in fact it often seemed to generate more believers. This was not helped by the teachings coming out of Israel. Although apostate, many in Israel encouraged trust in Y’shua and fearlessly proclaimed the existence of El. There was almost more division between believers and non-believers than between the two super-powers! Such division could not be tolerated for long.
The real world
Lucas was with his team. He had realised that they needed to know more of his plans and receive some encouragement so that the v-people following Y’shua would not be their undoing.
“I want you to observe carefully how we now have the world leaders, Antoni Meshiac and Chou Ling Yi firmly under our control. The team section working on these v-people are to be commended for the skill they brought to bear in locking in the delusions these two v-people have – delusions that they themselves are completely and absolutely masters of their own destiny. Even through illness and other trials this delusion had been kept. Well done! But do not let your guard slip!
“I know that there is a point at which even Eli will give up on some of the v-people and hand them over to whatever else has captured their miserable hearts. Even so it has been known for some v-people to change at the last minute so the power of our lies has to be kept up continuously.”
“But what about these followers of Y’shua in the nation of Israel?” someone queried.
“Ah, Israel. If it wasn’t for that nation being of special concern to Eli we would not have the current problems and we would not have followers of Y’shua. These have to be eliminated but first I will explain something to you all.
“Eli gives warnings to the v-world and its people. Unfortunately he still has control of this project but we are making progress. We may be able to corrupt and delude the v-people, and we can affect their circumstances and environment within limits. However Eli still has the final say and determines the limits of what we do. He will also impose what he calls his ‘judgements’ or consequences on the v-people who are living. If he sees that they are becoming too corrupt he will reduce their influence or even cause their destruction. He still has the final say as to who will die, how and when; but he seems so far to let us have a free hand to deal with the v-people who give allegiance to us. We must be careful to make full use of the liberty Eli has given us to wrest control of the project from him.
“Eli also has the uncanny knack of recognising potential to change in the v-people. How many of you have sown a good crop of corruption and deception into a v-person, had him thoroughly under your control only to find that at some point they recognised their situation, they recognised that their life would be judged and came under conviction of that hateful, interfering influence of Eli? How many were snatched from our grasp because one of the followers of Y’shua spoke to them at a fortuitous time?
“I will explain something. Right from the start, when the first v-people chose to have the knowledge of good and evil as part of their genetic codes and they rejected what Eli calls the true way of life, we had, by their abdication the right to provide the ruling influences in their lives. All of them start out being led by a self-serving ego. Some are drawn to try and do good according to their own eyes and some are happy to do evil for self gratification. Y’shua followers call it ‘sin’ – but I hate that word and I want you to belittle it as much as possible.”
Lucas began to show his loathing and detesting of v-people – especially those that would not come under his control.
“But you need to know this,” he continued. “Once a v-person recognises that they will be held to account for all the evil and selfish acts they have committed, recognise that that is what they are actually like in their nature and have a fear of the final consequences, then, Eli can speak to them because they will want to hear.
“Eli will show them what it is to be forgiven and, by simple trust, they will have their inner nature changed to desire the ‘right’ way of life – I despise that. Eli calls it ‘life’ but it is illogical. Eli’s way is for you give away what you have and in return for a promise of greater blessing – in his time in the future.” He spat these words out.
Some thought to themselves that because of Eli’s reputation of total honesty, integrity and faithfulness in honouring his word, then it was likely to be true.
Lucas went on, “If we are to get all the v-people under our control this is what we must do.
“First get them to keep their minds on how good they feel or how bad they feel but under no circumstances be specific. Sow the thoughts that they deserve better or need to keep what they have without regard for anyone else. Make them think only of themselves – there is no room for the ideals of selflessness unless it is to our cause.
“Second. Ridicule the whole idea that this Y’shua is of any significance. Establish other minor religions and even influence some to be great and noble leaders who live (apparently) exemplary lives. Anything that will confuse, belittle or corrupt the whole notion of Y’shua. This means that you will have to work on those who do follow Y’shua and get them to compromise their trust of him. Get them caught in all the old tricks. Keep pressure on their lives and the promise of release through sex, money, power or anything else. Although they have been set free from the power of what they call sin, many still have a strong liking for the pleasures of it and resist complete surrender to their Y’shua.”
“That’s all very well Lucas, but we all know that some will stick with this Y’shua and that will upset your plans,” spoke a bold voice.
“So far I have not vented my full fury and anger in this matter but the time is now short and we have to completely destroy all followers. This includes all of Israel’s citizens except, of course, those who are totally under our control. Then there will be no reference point for the v-people to think that their lives can be any different from what we want them to think. Oh yes; they will have free will. They will be free to choose the variety of deceptions we will present to them. They will be free to choose those!”
“Well how are you going to do this Lucas?”
“Remember they have a scripture in their book which says in effect that we ‘will make war against them and conquer them’.3 They believe those to be inspired words so we know that if Eli caused them we can act on them.”
“But what?”
“That book also says that Y’shua will directly challenge the inspirer of wrong-doing and will destroy him. You seemed to have been outwitted by Y’shua previously, how will you get the better of him this time Lucas?”
“The last time had to be allowed because we were replicating what had happened in human history. That is why we have this Y’shua v-fellow now. It fitted my purposes to allow Eli to do this so that the apparent experiences of human history would be properly built into the code systems of the model. We are now at the stage where, no matter what Eli might have persuaded these wretched v-people about Y’shua and about the book you refer to, we are now in control. We can experiment and out-work the virtual world future to suit us.
“I want the best specialists in this field to monitor every action, every influence of both Eli’s team and our own. We are to observe trends very closely and make adjustments where needed so that our purposes are fulfilled. Take no notice of what Eli may have written and his pretence to determine the final outcome. All of you must work hard to discredit Y’shua and this book in the v-world, because unfortunately once these v-people start to believe it they become sensitive to Eli’s influence and we lose those who would otherwise be ours.
“I want each of you to study all those v-people under your influence very carefully. Especially I want you to persuade the believers to compromise. Let them think that breaking minor traffic rules, cheating on their Government, a little lie or cover up won’t matter. As they say ‘softly softly catchee monkey’. Each transgression draws them away, lessens the influence so that they live a lie to what they may teach others. Destroy their credibility gently, so gently that they do not even notice and gradually they will accept the influences you put into their minds. They will even think they have come from that Y’shua fellow himself.
“Yes we will be more than a match for them. We have seduction and lies down to a fine art so that nearly all of the v-people can no longer tell what truth is. They used to know the influences of truth but by gentle compromise they will lose it and become ours.”
“But we still won’t get them all Lucas. And like that Y’shua those we get killed still seem to influence others. How do we overcome this?”
“Fear, disillusionment, discouragement, false understandings, compromise their moral values, tiredness, busyness and endless things that must be done, slander, endless accusations, false friends, torture, immediate doubts if Eli does influence them. Wear them out and make Eli’s influence seem unreal, hypothetical, and not practical. He is always asking them to trust him – well undermine that trust until you can get them to do what you want.”
“But Eli still seems to stick with them unless they no longer care at all. How do we handle that?”
“All we have is the intensity and subtlety of our attacks. Let our cords be gentle until we have them completely tied. I know that they will have the ability to choose but we can make this less and less free for them. We must win. Any doubters here will be dealt with. Go!”
3 The Bible: Revelation 13 verse 7. See also Daniel 7 verse 21.
Chapter 11
The virtual world
Although Antoni had a fondness of women his love of power was stronger. Anyway women were attracted to the power he held and so he had the best of both worlds. Apart from the obvious physical comfort they could provide, he knew that they had a perspective and intuition that, properly harnessed, would be invaluable for ensuring his power was not usurped by any over-ambitious youngster.
He had gained his own position through lies, deceit and intrigue and was going to ensure that anyone else who thought to upstage him would be quickly found out.
Unusual for the times in which he lived, Antoni’s wife of 32 years, I’isabel, had continued to live with him and was his main confidant and source of intuitive sensitivity for opposition, intrigue and anything else that might threaten their position. The fact that, on her jealous insistence, not a few innocent people had been cruelly put to death did not matter to Antoni. It was better to have ten innocent people killed than one potential usurper to go free! She had wit and charm, exuded warmth and had a seductive sway over men. She used her feminine arts to great effect – not in the least in keeping Antoni from straying too far. She knew how to let Antoni think he was having his way when she was getting hers!
On his part Antoni was not averse to chasing younger women. I’isabel accepted this and Antoni, in his own way, honoured her.
Although she as a v-person did not know it, Lucas was proud of the work he and his partners had done to get I’isabel established in the v-world.
“What do you suggest is the best way to remove Y’shua followers and Israelis from this world I’isabel?” Antoni asked, following a particularly pleasurable time together.
I’isabel thought for some time. “The best way to get Y’shua’s protection removed is to seduce and lure them into quietly forgetting him. Get them preoccupied with their own thoughts and feelings and away from this Y’shua. Let them become wealthy, make things easy for them, facilitate the satisfaction of every sensual desire that arises in them. Do not bring them any sense of guilt or shame but step by step inoculate them against the teachings of this Y’shua that they now hold so dearly. The faith they now have in him will fade away and they won’t even notice. Then, Antoni, you can increase the hold of your power and ruin their influence for what they call good.”
“You know I hate to see these underlings enjoy themselves. I loathe giving them anything but trouble, persecutions, deprivation and any other misery that’s possible.”
“Yes but look. Israel has hugely successful agriculture, trade is in her favour and her scientists and advisers are held in high regard even if we all secretly hate them. What they believe about this Y’shua does actually hel
p them, and I suspect that El may be looking after them.”
“Don’t bring him into the picture. My help comes from myself. But I am intrigued by your views. You really believe that wealth, prosperity and the good life will bring the demise of these people that hardship and military action won’t?”
“To go against them now with an army will do no good for you. If they do lose, and you manage to kill them all, their spirit will draw many of your own subjects to turn to this Y’shua. They will see that you have no regard for them, or even for what appears to be right, and they will have nothing to lose.
“No! Lure them to become despicable in the eyes of many, then you can attack and your subjects will be in fear of you.”
“Ah I can vent my hatred of them in due course. But how to begin the process I’isabel?”
“We move on several fronts at once. I will arrange for a steady but inconspicuous inflow of women who will seek to seduce their men away from their wives. I will sow ideas that certain previously abhorred sexual acts are actually OK and that it is a normal behaviour for some of the population to be like this. This will take time but gradually what they call lies will replace what they call the truth. On your part see to it that their trade goes well and that all their citizens have more than enough to eat, and have idle hands that will want ways of being entertained. Don’t take this Y’shua head on whatever you do.”
“As always you give sound advice my dear one,” he said affectionately. “But what do I do about those others who follow Y’shua and don’t belong to Israel. They only make up five percent of our population but I can’t get rid of them. What do you suggest for them?”