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Virtually Real

Page 14

by D. S. Whitfield

  Lucas called in his own staff.

  “That old fool, Eli has threatened to take away my authority in this project, but I know him well enough to know that that is an empty threat. He warned me of the consequences of the course we are on and that it will not be well for us.

  “Do not be concerned. I have it all under control. You stick with me and our reward will be great. Eli might think that he is in charge but I’ll take his place shortly you’ll see.”

  “Eli is still in charge at present, Lucas. We still find his restraints on what we can do and we know that what we do is only because he lets us,” spoke one of the junior attendees at the meeting.

  Lucas was annoyed. “Don’t ever let me hear you talk like that! It sounds as if you really believe that Eli is in control and will stay in control. I will not tolerate such belief. You must see only our team as in charge of everything: and me as the leader. Eli and his mates may try to interfere but we have the upper hand. Does anyone else wish to question where we are going?”

  Strangely no one seemed to find any objection!

  “Now that we have settled that point we have to determine our strategy for the final coup d’état.”

  Lucas and his team then set out to ensure that this time, unlike previous times; they would get complete control of the v-world and its people. ‘Control the v- people and you control the world’ had become his motto and rallying point. It was true. In the development of the v-world model the v-people had to be given a place intermediate between the real world and the v-world. They were, after all, only creatures of the v-world, but because of the special coding incorporated in their creation they did have an ability to ‘pick up’ what was happening in the real world. This was not always clear to them and most v-people were completely unaware that many of the thoughts and feelings that came to them were actually some of the interaction with the scientists of the real world.

  There was another aspect which Lucas disliked and that was that Eli had given authority and potential ability to the v-people to learn about and to control and adapt much of the v-world environment. The authority that Lucas himself acted on only came about because the first v-people abdicated their authority to him, and then this became the natural inclination of all those that followed. However some changed their minds, as Eli had allowed in the rules of the game, and they let themselves be associated with Y’shua and to have authority directly under that authority. This really annoyed Lucas and any v-people who changed sides became objects of his most vehement hatred.

  Lucas knew this and he knew that if he could gain sufficient control of the v-people they would completely reject Eli and his fancy ideas, and seek their own gain. This Lucas could easily handle. He had already had many v-people entangled in drink, drugs, sex and other pursuits that gave short term relief from relational pain, but long term degradation of self. Lucas loved nothing more than to see the self destruction of v-people. But he could also enjoy refined, intelligent, morally good, kind v-people as long as they were under his direct or indirect influence. They served as models and decoys to show how reasonable and good Lucas was at heart!

  And just as strongly he wanted the challenge of creating a utopia by controlling the behaviour of v-people so that they would form a ‘perfect’ society. He found it almost an aphrodisiac to have that kind of control; for from it he learnt lessons that would increase his own power and control in the real world. He had no love for the v-people, but he had a love for what he could learn and do through them.

  Lucas had decided that this was going to be an all out war, no holds barred, against Eli and it would be played out in the v-world. He would control, manipulate and learn everything he needed to know to out-flank Eli. If he beat Eli in the v-world he would surely beat him in the real world!

  Chapter 20

  The Dividing

  The virtual world

  Antoni was in full swing with Aaron. “Right Aaron you have done a good job. We now have the population of the whole of the Empire with us, we have a number of those Israelis siding with us and a number who believe your teachings even if they are opposed to us. We have Chou Ling Yi turning a blind eye, but we can’t trust him anyway. We are ready to take over Israel, her protection is gone. That prophet fellow, Jeremy Hilkiah has warned his nation so as to ward off their captivity through El’s intervention but to our credit he has been a lone voice.

  “Yes we are ready. Keep up the propaganda; keep up the rousing speeches and the religious fervour for our cause. Proclaim that when the last of the followers of Y’shua are destroyed then the reign of Nimrah will bring peace and prosperity. Crime will be eliminated, marriages healed each will enjoy the fruits of their work and there will be no exploitation one of another because everyone will have their full god-like potential realised.”

  “Thank you,” Aaron replied. “I will do as you ask, and I admit that I too am pleased with our achievements so far. I have a high standing as a prophet of Nimrah and you as the embodiment of the Nimrah spirit. We are doing well.”

  “As you leave ask my secretary to send in Ivan Kirchov my Chief of Staff – oh, and also Diane Artimis – I’ll need some PR for the next stage.”

  Aaron left Antoni. Although he had such a position of power and influence and could be as devious as anyone, he always felt some unease with Antoni. He was well aware that his power and position could disappear in a moment – and that would not be the worst of it. Antoni enjoyed exercising a sadistic bent in his character and could well take pleasure in devising some excruciating extermination. He would have to play very carefully his role.

  “Welcome, welcome Ivan,” Antoni enthused.

  For all his talk with Aaron, Antoni put much more trust in force of arms and a network of fear and informants to maintain control. The Nimrah religion was a very powerful tool. It provided an excellent source of spies who could permeate all levels of society. It had rigid rules and disciplines and would provide sufficient rewards just ahead in the future to keep many people believing.

  “Ivan I have called you here because I now want you to organise the biggest operation of your life. You are to mount a full invasion of Israel, you are to get as many other nations from within and without the Empire as you can, even a token force from Chou. This will give ‘moral’ weight to our action. And, and by no means least, you are to purge the whole Empire of all who believe in either El or in Y’shua: although many seem to believe that they are the same or at least of the same standing. Their spiritual influence stops the full potential of Nimrah from being realised. Any questions?”

  “Yes, your Excellency. Your request can be met. We can gain complete control over Israel, and we will purge the land of the defilement caused by these believers. But it will take much in the way of resources, and money. My current budget is sufficient for controlling the populations we now have. I will need more informants, access to the media, and many other things. In short I need more authority and that includes authority to commandeer men and materials, censor news, disseminate lies, and provide for arbitrary arrest and trial. We need to create a climate of fear, as well as making Israelis and Y’shua believers seemingly the cause of their fears, and therefore the objects of hatred, so that no enemy of the Empire will have a place to go. Do I get this authority?”

  “I will give you my signet ring. You have my delegated authority to act in my stead in all these matters. You will only be answerable to me – but make a good job of it.”

  There was just the smallest threat behind Antoni’s words and it was not lost on Ivan.

  “Now Diane,” Antoni turned to his assistant. “I want you to prepare the people. I will make a speech on the grave situation the Empire is in and how the believers in Y’shua are conspiring to overthrow the rightful government and how their influence is hindering the Nimrah religion and the release of its full potential. I will say how for a short time Ivan will be given full authority to conduct the war against Israel and to purge the land of the blight of believers of Y’shu
a and El.

  “I want you to follow this up with regular bulletins and proclamations. You are to use all the seduction your voice and personality allows, and it is good, and keep proclaiming the reasonableness and necessity of what we are doing. Is that clear?”

  “Yes it is your Excellency. I shall attend to this immediately. Shall I also indicate your complete support and faith in Ivan?”

  “Yes do that. Also keep contact with him and advise him on keeping the public confidence. He might be able to put fear in their minds but it is easier to manage if we have the affections of their hearts as well. Oh and one last thing: always keep me informed. You are to observe Ivan and his senior people and report everything to me, including your impressions and opinions. If you smell any rodents, any possible defection from loyalty to me by anyone, I must know. I will advise Ivan that you have full access to his staff as part of your role as our information publicist – I don’t like to use the term propaganda.”

  He said the last part under his breath but Diane caught the implication. She, like Ivan, knew that she could have tremendous rewards if she kept cool-headed. Working with Antoni was heady stuff, but very dangerous. He exuded power – and ruthlessness; radiated charisma – and coldness.

  After dismissing Diane, Antoni called in his wife.

  “You see that beautiful woman, her persuasive voice and personal charm. I am using her. You dear I’isabel are the only one I trust, and don’t worry I am not wanting to avail myself of her charms – it does not suit my goals. I want you to be aware of what she does. Help her have the confidence of many. Befriend her, but be ready to betray her if that proves necessary.”

  It was time Antoni needed some recreation.

  “Come,” he said. “Let us enjoy a time of sensual celebration.”

  He decided to relax before he called in Pierre to ensure that he too should watch and report on Ivan, Diane and even I’isabel herself. Then he would ensure that Victor Cabero would watch Pierre and report. There was nothing that could beat uncertainty to keep loyal staff, and provide the confidential information he needed to maintain control and power.

  Israel was becoming ungovernable as far as Judah was concerned. Opposition was growing, and more and more people were listening to his military commander Ab’shalom.

  Ab’shalom was becoming a threat and would take over the Government if he had half a chance. He was wooing and winning the crowds. He professed loyalty to Judah, but seemed to convey to people that he would do better – if he had followers to reinforce these concepts. Judah was at a loss.

  “What ails thee gallant leader?” Isaac ben Shur, a senior statesman in the Israeli Knesset quipped as he came in.

  “You know, you know,” Judah sighed.

  “Ah the people have deluded themselves to the point that they believe Israel is invincible, and that Ab’shalom is the only one who can deliver on the power and promises of the local version of Nimrah. Is that it?”

  “You know, you know. For every warning that Jeremy brings of what is happening there are ten others who say all is well and that Israel will prevail. We have never been so prosperous even as we prepare for war. I sense that I am about to be overthrown; that my belief in Y’shua will be sorely tested.”

  “So you think that evil will triumph, that deception will prevail, and the judgements of El will fall on us?”

  “You know that’s what I believe. El has to provide consequences and the self-centeredness of our people has grown to the extent that I cannot see any alternative. Perhaps after Antoni has humbled us we may turn back as a nation. It’s small comfort, but Antoni’s Empire will ultimately implode too. At present, for all his ruthlessness, Chou Li rules with the Confucian virtues imposed on his people – even if he does not always observe such high standards himself! That’s why I foresee the Eastern Empire eclipsing Antoni’s. But who knows many things can happen between now and then.”

  “Look Judah, no matter what your philosophising, the present issue is that you are in immediate danger of being deposed. I don’t think you can stop it. Parliament is a circus, and Ab’shalom is as close as can be to taking over. Your days are numbered and we have to find the best way to transfer power and keep some order. Anarchy is the only thing worse than outright dictatorship.”

  “You’re right again Isaac. I know I can no longer hold or persuade the Knesset. What do you suggest?”

  “The simplest and most orderly way is to dissolve Parliament and call fresh elections, but we don’t have time. Antoni has troops marshalled. He has sophisticated weapons programmed and ready. Now we can offer to form a coalition and include Ab’shalom as a co-opted member of cabinet.”

  “I’ll have to confer the authority,” Judah replied. ”Let’s do that. We may be able to salvage something yet.”

  Ab’shalom effectively took over the reigns of the Israeli government. He had such charisma and presence, and oozed so much confidence, that he had the support of most of the adult population and had nearly all the members of the Knesset under his control in one way or another. Those whom he would have as his ministers, he had sign undated letters of resignation before making the appointment. Those letters remained in a locked drawer, but ever ready to be dated and issued when Ab’shalom deemed it time. An old trick!

  Confidence and exhilaration permeated Israel. They had confidence in their abilities through the Nimrah religion; they had confidence in Ab’shalom to lead them to victory in spite of the odds; and finally some even had a deceived confidence that El would still be on their side.

  Ivan too, was confident. His confidence was not based on Nimrah, or Aaron Nawkish’s speeches, or even on Diane Artimis’s seductive words. No, his confidence was on the force of arms, the skilled technicians, and the utter obedience and loyalty of his army. Since the Magog war much effort had gone into beating the Israeli force-field shield. In recent times this was accelerated by the defection of some Israeli scientists. The defections, although few in number, removed many of the technological secrets that Israel had relied upon. Nevertheless, Ivan was not going to invade Israel without proper preparation.

  Many in EEMEC had a fear of Israel. Too many times in the past she had overcome overwhelming odds, and although Nimrah was embraced there were still residual sub-conscious beliefs that perhaps El did exist and would intervene on Israel’s behalf. Ivan knew that confidence or fear would make the difference between winning and losing – and that in the midst of battle, all soldiers are superstitious.

  He trusted few with his battle plans, but at last he briefed his staff.

  “Israel’s air defences are too good. Rocket launches will still encounter their shields and, as yet, we do not know how to counter the reverse-to-source instructions that the Israeli force-field imparts. But, we do know how it works, and where the space-time and energy generators are located. So our first step is to organise a covert commando operation deep inside Israel itself, and ‘take out’ those generators. We will not be able to get all of them. Israel has a fragmented intelligence regime, FI for short. This ... ”

  “How does this FI work and why don’t we have one?” quipped an interjector.

  “Israeli military intelligence comes from many sources, but everything is catalogued and filed in their computers. The heads of intelligence use super-computers with advanced meta-file search abilities to bring it all together, and to create a whole picture of moves and events. Only, no one person can have access to all information. The computers ‘fragment’ the integrated data so that only a team can see the whole picture by deliberate cooperation and sharing. This prevents any one person becoming too powerful and controlling.

  “We don’t do that because Antoni works differently and wants himself to be the only one to see all things. Israel’s method could lead to a coup, so Antoni believes, it is too much of a risk and will not allow it.”

  “OK. Go on Ivan. Where do we come in?”

  “We know enough to take out ninety percent of them. This will enable some rockets
to get through – provided a mass strike has been initiated.”

  Chapter 21

  The War

  The virtual world

  Antoni proceeded to conquer and was bent on conquest. He would be ruthless with Israel; he would be ruthless with followers of Y’shua; and he would be ruthless with any group or persons who dared oppose him in any way.

  The war with Israel was not going to be easy but he was going to win!

  In due time Antoni’s forces infiltrated Israel’s strongholds of technology and disabled the shield defences and the full force of Antoni’s firepower was unleashed upon a hapless population. Within a few months, Israel capitulated and Antoni marched triumphantly into Jerusalem.

  He was not pleased however. Many orthodox Israelis were still celebrating the very old traditional sacrifices and worship of El, who they believed was the God of their forefathers, and they were doing this in a temple that had been built after Israel’s previous victory. His anger fuelled a burning desire within him and brought his arrogance to new heights.

  He called Aaron.

  “Aaron, I want you to come quickly with me to this Israeli temple and I want the news media and the leaders of Israel to be present, and I want it done now! You have one hour to arrange everything. I will have no opposition from anyone. Do I make myself clear?”

  Aaron was startled at the vehemence behind Antoni’s command. “Yes your Eminence,” he replied. “I’ll be with you in forty five minutes and it will be done.”

  Sixty minutes later Antoni and Aaron entered the Israeli temple which was packed by jubilant EEMEC military generals and cowering leaders of Israel.

  Antoni strode up to the altar, tore the curtain from the most sacred place within the temple and stood in the inmost sanctuary.


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