Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 13

by Anna LaVerne

  “I am Vera. I am sad. I have lips. I have legs. I have Garrik, Echo, and Tomilson. I have life. I am Vera.” The words roll over and over in my head. No more images, no more torture, just a constant reminder to my soul that I am someone. I am not nothing. I was and am someone. I don't know who Vera is. It is who I am, and I have people I love and people who love me.

  “I am Vera,” I felt my lips saying. Arms there are warm strong tingly arms wrapped around me. Sparks, I feel sparks on my head. “I am Vera,” I say out loud again.

  “Yes, you are Vera. You are my love, my heart, my flame. Please wake back up we are worried.” the voice has magic in it. I can't say no to it. I try hard to open my eyes.

  Open. Open. Open. I will them over and over again to open. Sparks. There are sparks in my eyes. Gold sparks.

  “Vera, sweetling, it is time to wake up,” I heard a deep voice and a massive hand caressing my cheek. Open damn it! My eyelids felt so heavy. They drifted half open then plopped back closed. Try again. And again. Finally someone lifted me up to a sitting position. A cup was put to my lips and I sipped. Lips I have lips. Eyes I have eyes. I am Vera. My eyes opened.

  I was wearing the same dress I fell asleep in. My room was full of people again. Garrik was holding me. Echo had the cup that I just drank from. Tomilson was leaning against the wall with a worried look on his face. Taryn had a tray of food, and Rose was standing at the end of the bed. I must have been out for awhile again.

  “How long was I out for this time?” I croaked.

  “Two days” Tomilson replied first.

  “Damn, I am sorry. I couldn't bring myself to wake. I am sure this won't keep happening.”

  “Toby thinks we need to get you outside. We need to keep your body busy so you don't forget you have one.” Rose said in a very matter fact way.

  “I agree with him. You need to go bathe, eat, and then we are going to put your body back to work and head to the training facilities.” Garrik told me. It wasn't even a suggestion, it was an order. I didn't argue. I went into the sitting room with everyone following me. Taryn had set her tray down on the table. Mmmhm potato soup with a biscuit and a side of tomato cucumber salad. I dig into the soup, forget salad. I have never been a big salad eater. How do they have fresh food during winter anyways?

  “Greenhouses. Duh.” I look up from my food and flash my eyes at Garrik. I love that Elf-man but he is pushing my buttons. Tomilson, bless his heart he brought me a cup of coffee. Echo poured me a glass of elf wine. Garrik continued to sit there and stare at me. Rose sensing I wasn't going to eat my salad reached in and ate it for me. Rose is turning more into a sister than an Elven Councilwoman. It felt perfectly natural for her to be in there.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Once fully stuffed I bathed then went to get clothed. I was pleasantly surprised when I entered my room to find an outfit of leather on the bed. Not the sexy kind, but the functional kind like the guys wore.

  “PANTS!” I shouted and jumped on the bed. I felt like a schoolgirl being told it was a snow day. It was Tomilson who laughed the hardest.

  “It took a lot of convincing of your men, but I finally got them to understand in times of trouble pants were more practical even for a Princess. There is snow on the ground and if you needed to run a dress would just get in the way.” Of course leave it to Tomilson to be the thoughtful prepared one.

  “I love them. Thank you Tom Tom!” I gave him a huge hug. He blushed crimson. We may not have a spark, but maybe he sees me more than a brother sister relationship then I thought. I pushed the thought out of my mind and pushed them all out of the room.

  The pants were a soft tan lined with a fleece material to keep them warm. The tunic was cut similar to the men tunics. The difference was embroidered cuffs that had a V cut to them for style. Mine also had a collar on it. The colors were green and gold like my eyes. I felt the need to pull up my hair for the first time in ages. My little elf ears were adorable. At the foot of the bed were fur lined dark brown leather booths that went to my knees. I fastened my leather belt to my waist and headed to the door.

  “How do I look?” I asked as it opened. Echo reached for me picking me up and kissing me before I could even realize what happened. Holy Hell electricity rushed through my body. I need to pull away but I couldn't until Echo was done. He sat me down. I felt my face flush and my eyes were flashing. I looked at Garrik with a pained face. My poor Garrik. He gave me a sad smile and nodded his head.

  “It is okay, my little Vera. If he didn't pick you up and kiss you then I was going to. I give my blessing, because I don't think me fighting it would be good for any of us.”

  I ran to Garrik and threw myself up into his arms. He kissed me every bit as hard as Echo and it was glorious. Why do I have to go train tonight? Why can't I just stay in my room with the two Elf-men and maybe Tomilson. I knew it was night because the sky in the bathroom. I wondered if they planned it like this. “Did you want me to wake at night?”

  “Less people to see you at training.” Tomilson said. I nodded. Made sense.

  We all walked out the Palace together. The air was crisp and smelled of smoke from fireplaces all around the Palace. The number of tree house in the training tree had doubled. The view of it was majestic and bright. I stood there taking every inch of it in, and then noticed everyone was staring at me. “What?” I asked, “Can't a girl admire beauty?”

  “You are glowing with the lights, Vera.” Garrik’s words had me dropping my eyes to my hands. Yes, they were indeed glowing. Great. If someone hadn't seen me leave the palace they have for sure seen me now. No blending in when your body reflects like. I am like the reflectors on bikes. Couldn't hide even with my gifts that help hiding. Shit. I rolled my eyes and stomped the rest of the way to the training tree.

  Opening the door expecting my regular old empty training room. “FUCK” I screamed in my head. I walked right into a training session. A full on training session. They were practicing with wooden swords. An entire room of people turned to stare at me. “What the fuck Garrik , Echo?” I sent to them both. Eyes flashing gold. I could feel it and control it now.

  “Princess Vera, we didn't think you would come if we told you, but we wanted you to watch people train.” Tomilson faltered and Echo took over.

  “We thought hand to hand combat would work your body. So, when you sleep you would still be able to feel it and you won't forget you have one again. Your body would be too sore to forget”

  “Valid point Echo. Toby. Garrik. Sir Tom. Don't ever lie or trick me again.” I ordered. I felt magic in my words. Persuasion. I rock. I used persuasion. Yeah! Take that!

  “We can hear you Vera.” I look up to see Garrik staring at me and Echo laughing a thunderous laugh. Well at least one of them has a sense of humor. I turned back to the room. All of the recruits were on the ground kneeling before me with heads bowed. Confusion swept up over me.

  “Toby made sure the only recruits here would be the most loyal. They are all here to protect and serve you. All of them felt a calling like Sir Tomilson.” Echo said as he motioned to the men and women on the floor. Eleven of them. That means I have twelve protectors. Not counting Echo and Garrik.

  “What do I do?” I sent Garrik mentally tugging at him to deal with this for me.

  “Thank them Vera.”

  “Why are they called to me?” I plead with him. Garrik nods his head. God bless that man.

  “The Princess Vera expresses her deep gratitude to each and everyone of you. She says she is excited to get to know you all and train together!” I grabbed a hold of Garrik's arm.

  “Yes, it means the world to me.” I felt magic laced into my words again. That can't be persuasion. I just wanted them to understand the depth of my thanks. Everyone of them looked up at me with wide eyes and faint smiles. They all stepped back against the wall.

  “Princess you can go behind those reeds and put on your training tunic. “ Echo said. It was now clear that Echo was the head trainer of our group. I
did as he said. My training tunic was thinner material and white.

  When I came out Echo was watching two elves practice with wooden swords. Garrik came over and handed me a wooden sword. I felt the weight of it and how my hand felt on the handle. I have held one of these before. Maybe not this body, but my soul is familiar. I swung the wooden sword around in my arm to get a feel for it and then everything suddenly changed.

  I was on a hill with the wind blowing in my face. The iron stench of blood drifted through my nose. I was moving down the hill as people were running at me to kill me. I twisted and flipped one guy over my back. The next came I parried his steps with ease ending behind him. I jammed my sword into his back. I could feel his heavy body on it. I had to use my foot to kick into his back to pull my sword free. It was small and silver with a doe and stag on the handle. A man screamed as he tried to attack me from behind. I drop to the ground at the perfect time in his attack. My sword slicing his stomach open. His blood gushing all over me. More were coming. I was soon going to be over run and it appeared like I was all alone with no one to back me up. My eyes flashed open. Only a minute had passed. The same two elves who were sparring was still sparring.

  Garrik was staring at me again. “I know how to use a sword, and I am good at it.” When I said the words I knew it was true. My body didn't need to relearn something my soul knew how to do deeply.

  “Maybe we should take it slow, little Vera. You need to re learn the basics.” I was annoyed by his not taking me seriously. For thirty years no one took me serious. I am serious and they will take me that way.

  “Tomilson, It's our turn. Let us spar.” Everyone stopped what they were doing. Echo spoke up

  “Princess, you should observe a little first. It is not as easy as it looks. It takes time to learn.”

  “No.” was all I said as I stepped into the circle for sparing. “Tomilson, now please.”

  He nodded to me and grabbed a wooden sword. He had removed his tunic while I was getting changed. Tom Tom was ripped. He was packing at least a ten pack. I also knew next to Echo he was the best. I twirled my wooden sword in my hand getting the feel of it again and then crouched down into my fighting stance. His eyes narrowed as he adjusted his stance to match mine. I began to circle, Tomilson was matching my steps. He was waiting for me, but that is not how I work. I was taller in my past life, but I was still smaller than most. I used my opponent's momentum.

  There it is. Tomilson stepped in and made his first move. I easily deflected it. He smiled. God he was sexy too. What is wrong with me? I want all of my men. He moved in, again I deflected dropped under his elbow twisting him behind him so fast. I hit him behind sweeping his feet off of under him. Tomilson landed on his back. I looked up to see Echo with a huge grin.

  Tomilson jumped back to his feet with the speed and grace of a cat. He engaged me again. I matched each swing he made. He matched each of mine as well. I was sweating. Tomilson was good, and I was no longer certain I was going to beat him. Each move was causing me to drift into the rhythm of the fight. I could hear myself grunt, feel myself breathe, and was able to anticipate every move Tom threw at me. I saw an opening and I took it. I launched myself between his legs when he attacked came up standing behind him. As he turned my sword was already at his neck. I bested Tomilson. He dropped his sword and then dropped to his knees. At my feet. Oh not this crap again. I wanted to reach down and try to lift him up but I knew I couldn't because It would be frowned upon.

  He sat there for a minute then rose. I saw something new in his face tonight. Admiration, respect, and love. He walked close and whispered, “You are full of surprises my Princess.” Tomilson gave me a wink. He must be feeling what I am feeling as well.

  “I need more.” I declared. My body hadn't felt so invigorated since the last time Garrik and I made love, over eight weeks ago. My body was craving this training. I needed to fight.

  Echo stepped forward and took off his shirt. He was solid as a rock. His body had a slight glisten in the light reminding me of my own. Echo is more than three times my size. He would be tough. Like with Tomilson, my mind seemed to leave my body. I was able to anticipate every move. Going through the motions felt amazing. Due to Echo's pure size we ended in a draw both out of breath and spent. I was done. I needed that work out more than any of them could imagine. Sir Tomilson took over to continue the training of the recruits while I went behind the reed to change my tunic.

  As soon as my tunic was off I felt warm tingles slide around the front of me. Kisses sending little shocks along my neck and my back over the raised scar. Garrik.

  “That,” kisses my neck, “Was,” kisses the other side of my neck, “So,” turns me around to face him, “Sexy”. He brought his lips back down to my breast. I gasp and tried to pull his head off of me even though it felt so fucking good.

  “They may hear us.” I reasoned.

  “Then be quiet” he countered. His hand was undoing the button on my leather pants. His hand pushed down into my folds as he grabbed a hold of my neck again sucking on it hard.

  “Garrik. I don't know if I can be quiet you're killing me.”

  “I will silence you,” His eyes darkened as he claimed my mouth. With one hand he held my head with his other he pulled my pants off.

  “Shhhhh,” he said as I gasped. He pushed me up against the wooden wall. It was cool on my back because it was freezing on the other side.

  His pants were gone. What kind of ninja is Garrik? He picked me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around him. I could hear the recruits sparring less than twenty feet away on the other side of a flimsy reed wall.

  “I missed this my lil’ Vera,” His lips claimed mine again as his cock slid into me. I stopped kissing to gasp, but he kept pushing with his lips to keep me silent. Thrust after thrust I was loosing it. I was pushing off of the wall bucking against him the best I could matching his thrusts. Garrik pushed me over the edge and as an orgasm wrecked my body he shoved his hand over my mouth. He kept pushing. Three thrusts later he had spent himself inside me. I held on to him tightly looking up and over his shoulder. Up on the balcony in the dark I saw gold eyes flash. Echo watched it all. I wasn't embarrassed at all. Instead I was turned on again, but I had to get dressed. I sent the golden eyes a wink as I slipped out of Garrik's loving arms.

  After getting dressed we slipped outside into the cold and began to head back to my room. I know I had only awakened hours before, but I was already tired again. I didn't want to sleep for two days again.

  “Do you think we could go to the stables? Would we run into anyone there? The winter air and smell of horses feels like home to me. I want to hang out there a minute or two.” Garrik bent over and kissed me on my head.

  “Yes, that is a good idea.”

  The main stable barn was giant. There were small lanterns down the center of the alley up on the rafters of the barn. The barn was wide enough a full size carriage would fit down the center. There were stalls with a single horse in each one. All of them seemed to be sleeping. Most with their asses to the door and their feeding troughs. A few had awoken with the lights and began eating a midnight snack of hay. The barn appeared to be roughly twenty-five stalls deep. Which meant it held fifty horses at least. There were a couple larger stalls that held two horses. Teams for pulling wagons. Half way down the stables was a washing station and the tack room. We sat down on a bale of hay that was still bound and left in the alley. I took a deep breath and processed the smells. I could live in a barn. I pretty much did as a human child. I leaned into my tall Elf-man as we sat there in silence. He had leaned up against the wall of the barn and I leaned into him. I didn't mean to but I drifted off to sleep again. No dreams this time. Sex and fighting seemed to do the trick.

  Chapter Seventeen

  This time I awoke being carried to the palace in the arms of a broad chested man. I felt electricity coursing down my arm reassuring me it was Echo. He didn't notice that I was awake.

  “Where is Garrik?”r />
  “War room. There was some commotion by the Saint Louis gate. Tomilson and I found you both in the stables. I agreed to take you to your room.”

  “Shouldn't we go to the war room as well?”

  “No I don't want to hear if it is my father. This is not a war I would want to be any part of.” His words hurt. I didn't want to hurt this man. I don't like seeing him so torn.

  “I am sorry.” It was all I could think to say. I knew he was a man who wouldn't care about apologies. Especially since he made his choices. It is all I had to say. He was still holding me at the entrance of the palace.

  “Don't be Vera, I chose you. I chose this, and after these last eight weeks or so I wouldn't ever change my mind.”

  He sat me down and with his hand on my back sparking like crazy as he guided me through the door. Echo followed me up the steps. Once we made it to the top something felt off. The lights were not lit. Echo grabbed me and pulled me against the wall.

  “Shhhh Vera. This is Dark Elf magic.” his words shot through my head. My heart quickened. They must have thought I was still in a coma.

  “Saint Louis is a diversion.” I shot back. I could feel his nod even if I couldn't see it.

  “Imagine yourself blending into the wall. Be careful not to let the moonlight hit you through the windows. You glow.” Echo was guiding me with his magic, our magic.


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