Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 16

by Anna LaVerne

  “Tomilson, have you been to the area that Finley is in?” I asked

  “Yes, I have spent many years there training. In fact we were not going to go to Finley, but to Castle Bluff.”

  “Castle Bluff?”

  “Castle Bluff is usually where we hold winter court. It is a formidable castle that is very safe and secure. It is the safest place in Median to you, and the High Councilman has a home nearby.”

  “Do you think that we could teleport there through our bond? I can hear your thoughts, what if you sent me a picture of the place through our bond and I willed us there? It is worth trying right? Saves us time, saves us resources, and we are all kept safe. Once there I can return and bring someone back with me each time. Logical safe option.”

  The looks everyone was giving each other around the room made me chuckle, “Really, it is worth a try isn't it?”

  “Yes, I like that much better than traveling, but you need to practice before going so far. There are plenty of places near Tindril that you haven't been that we can test your theory out with. I want you to try with each of us.” Garrik said pointing to himself, Echo, and Sir Tomilson.

  “I too like this idea of yours, Vera. It solves many of our problems. I would also like to point out this is the magic that the High Queen had to be able to travel Elmora with ease in times of need. I am not sure if there are any consequences to using it though. I think you should be told about the communication crystals that every castle has. They are dormant right now, no one knows why. When they worked we were able to send messages to other castles and Kingdoms.” King Rew trailed off like he was remembering a better time.

  “We should practice tonight if it works then I will have the scouts that trained for Vera to head out first thing in the morning. They can meet us at Castle Bluff.” Garrik took over when King Rew became lost in his thoughts. Garrik was going to make a great King someday. I hope it isn't anytime soon.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Once a plan was in place me and my three Elf-men returned to my room. Where I promptly began stuffing my face with crackers, cheese, and olives that were left on the table for me. I assume by Tomilson. He never forgets to feed me. I miss the hearty foods of the holiday season though. Mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy and dressing. My grandma made the best homemade turkey stuffing. I know how to make it, but I highly doubted that Parsley would give me access to his kitchens. If I were to design my own castle I would give myself my own kitchen within my suites. Any time I wanted to cook my Human Realm food. Oh Ham, I want to feast on ham for at least a week.

  “Seriously, Vera if you want ham you only have to ask and tomorrow you will have a ham dinner.” Garrik listening in again

  “Do you think Parsley could figure out macaroni and cheese as well? I miss baked mac n' cheese.”

  “If you wrote it down he could make something close to or better.”

  “Deal” I said giving Garrik a little wink. “I need a paper and one of those quill things you use instead of pens.”

  “Let's practice first traveling first. Tomilson, you will take her first since this should be something you are able to do as well.” Tomilson nodded to Garrik as he walked over to me taking my hand and pulling me into him.

  It was only a few days ago that Tomilson couldn't even touch me without permission and now he is as close to me as either one of my flames. I knew if it came out that I was indeed the High Queen it is only Tom Tom who will get to go everywhere with me. Garrik and Echo are both princes and will have duties else where most of the time. Our lives will be challenging. I keep finding myself thinking of children. I know throughout my lives the two things I never had and always wanted was a flame and children. Now I have two flames, someday I know I will get to have kids. It must have been former human body biologic clock ticking. My elf body is barely an adult in the world of immortals. I have hundreds of years to think of kids.

  I began to pull myself out of my thoughts to notice Garrik and Echo staring at me. Damn it. I blushed. My old of body would have turned a deep crimson.

  “Can you guys at least try to stay out of my head.” I asked

  “I am sorry, Vera, but those thoughts are the kind we all want. Children are precious among the elven kind. It can take some couples a century before they conceive. It is nature's way to keep us from overpopulating when we do not age as other creatures. So, I can speak for myself I would love nothing more to have a child with you someday, whether you are the High Queen or not.” Garrik was teary eyed again. Such a sensitive guy.

  “I agree with the Prince's sentiments I would want nothing more than to have a child with you. We would make some gorgeous babies.” Echo sent me a wink that annoyed the other two.

  “I know we are not flames, so we will not have kids together and I am okay with that. Any child of yours I will still love as my own.” Tomilson looked down at me and gave me a gentle smile.

  “Okay enough with this talk of the deep future. We have to survive the present first. Where are we heading Tom Tom?” I asked.

  “We should go here.” Tomilson sent me a picture of plants. Like a farm, but it is indoors. I see rows of tomatoes, bushes full of beans, and bell peppers. It was spectacular.

  “Okay, I see it. It is a greenhouse.”

  “Yes, that is it,” Tomilson said.

  I closed my eyes around the detailed picture Tomilson sent me and dug deep for the energy willing us to be there. I felt a little something this time. It lasted for a brief moment.

  “Vera, open your eyes,” I did and it worked! Wow, it worked. This made my life so much easier. I breathed a big sigh of relief as I took in my surroundings.

  I was in the biggest glass greenhouse I had ever seen. It was getting dark outside so the light lanterns along the walls were beginning to glow. In the middle there were random light posts holding small lanterns that helped spread the light around the room. Rows and rows of vegetables. “Fascinating, Does this feed everyone in Median?” Tomilson laughed at that.

  “No this feeds Tindril and surrounding areas. There are three greenhouses in total not far from the palace. This winter they are being used to their full capacity. I am pretty certain that Tindril has the largest food supply on hand at any one time. Another reason why it is ground zero for training scouts. The Median Army.” I nodded in wonder as I took in all of the plants and the smell. This world will never stop amazing me.

  “We should get back. Do you think you could come here by yourself now that you have seen it?” I nodded a big yes still a bit overwhelmed for words at the moment. Tomilson pulled me into him and I closed my eyes taking myself back to my room.

  “We did it,” I said as we popped back into existence in my bedroom. Garrik was sitting on my bed. Echo was leaning against the wall. They looked angry. I could cut the tension with a knife.

  “Can you two not get along for ten minutes? What happened?”

  “Nothing, Tomilson can come with me to get the scouts ready to leave in the morning. We will have them wait for us on the fourth day outside of Castle Bluff. No need to scare everyone when we appear out of nowhere,” Echo said in gruff tone. I decided to let the situation go this time, but these guys have to learn to get along better. I can not worry about them being jealous or angry with one another.

  “Okay, sounds good. Thank you both. See you in the morning?” They both took turns giving me a big hug before they left the room.

  “Garrik, I want you all to get along.” I told him with my sad puppy dog eyes.

  “I know little Vera. We are good for the most part, just having a small disagreement.”

  “Not about me I hope.”

  “Not only about you, no. It will be okay. Want to try to take a trip with me?” When I nodded yes he told me to grab my cloak first that we will be going outside.

  Garrik sent me an image of an ancient knobby tree. It was as tall as the training tree, but was untouched. No one lived in it. Every limb on the tree had knob like growths and clusters of leaves causing it to
look mystical in the warm dark night. Beautiful. I held on to Garrik and reached for my power. Poof I felt the tug at my navel this time. Like when we realm walked.

  “Vera!” Garrik shook me to open my eyes. It was no longer winter. The sky was clear full of bright stars shining on us. The grass was dark green the tree was full of leaves. Everything appeared more vibrant than in Elmora.

  “This is what you sent me!” I snapped at him. I could tell he was on the verge of losing mind.

  “Vera, we are in Faerie. This is a big big no no. We are not allowed to travel to Faerie it is a main piece of the truce signed between the two realms.”

  “Okay, no biggie then. We will leave. This tree should be below us in Elmora, right?” Garrik nodded. I reached up and grabbed his hands. I was about to close my eyes when I saw a person in the distance in long flowing robes. I paused.

  “Vera you have to hurry.” I was under too much pressure to use teleporting. Garrik and I realm walked back into Elmora.

  “How did that happen?” Garrik was pacing beneath the same giant tree in the cold of Elmora's winter.

  “I am guessing it is because the image you sent me was summer, and somehow even though it is winter in Human Realm and Elmora it must be summer in Faerie.”

  “Good point. That was my mistake.” Garrik said wringing his hands together.

  “Why was it summer in Faerie? It was a mistake it will all be okay we are home in Elmora.” I reassured him after asking the only thing that was actually bothering me about the entire experience.

  “Because some Fae have power over weather. Their land mirrors ours but they can say no winter if they don't want winter.”

  “I have learned so much today. I think I need to rest. I am not sure if it is the teleporting, realm walking, or all that has happened today, but I'd love to take our talk to my bed.”

  “Good idea my little Vera.” He pulled me into his arms and kissing me on top of my head. I closed my eyes willing myself to the new bedroom I am being forced to stay in.

  Chapter Twenty

  Garrik was gone when I awoke. Echo was sitting at my tiny breakfast table looking like a giant eating a muffin. “What's up buttercup?” I asked as I sat myself up in bed. Echo gave me a sly sideways grin. I didn't even bother asking him what happened between him and Garrik last night. I have too much on my mind. “Where is Garrik and Tom?”

  “They are seeing the scouts out explaining to them where to stop and wait for us in a few days.”

  That was Echo. Short and to the point. I really didn't know much about him because of that. “Are you busy today?” Echo shook his head, “Not particularly. What do you have in mind?” Echo raised an eyebrow and ran a hand through his slicked back hair. He has no clue how sexy it is, I thought, as his eyes flashed. I guess he knows now.

  “Thought lurker!" I shouted. He smiled and then I continued, “Nothing in particular , I just haven't spent much time with you. Can you toss me one of those muffins?”

  “Chocolate or Blueberry?”

  “Blueberry. When it comes to muffins always blueberry, everything else always chocolate.” I caught the muffin before it hit me in the face.

  “We spent a lot of time together when you were in your coma. Garrik fell apart for a couple weeks. It was between Tomilson and I to take turns training and watching you. Garrik worried you would never wake or come back to us. I always knew you would and I wanted to be there when you awoke.”

  “Thank you for that. To be honest if it wasn't for the coma and unlocking my memories, I still wouldn't have accepted you. It shocked me quite literally when we first me. I didn't expect to have that connection to anyone except Garrik.”

  “It did the same to me. I saw you laying in bed. I sensed you were awake and said those hurtful things to spite Garrik. I knew it would set him off.” Echo shrugged. I get it. I would have done the same thing or even worse if I was in Echo's shoes. It must feel pretty shitty being bound to a kingdom for twenty-five years.

  “I know about you and Taryn. She was angry at me when she helped me get ready that night. Ultimately she said she would serve me but she wouldn't like it.”

  “She is a silly girl. She knew we could never spark being Dark and Light. I did end it abruptly which might have been why she took it poorly.”

  “Any woman would take you leaving them poorly, Echo.” I sent him a look hoping he knew how much I meant those words. I still had a lot to learn about Echo, but he seemed to be more like me then the other two Elf-men. I needed to use the privy and get dressed. I pushed back the covers and climbed out of the bed. “Do you think we can teleport somewhere today?”

  “Not likely if it is any place new. Garrik said it was no longer safe unless you go with Tomilson first.”

  “Oh, well he sent me a summer picture of a big tree that exists in both realms and so I took us to Faerie. It was dark and no big deal but it scared the crap out of him. As long as you send a picture of how someplace looks right now, I will be okay.”

  “You went to Faerie? Did anyone see you?” Echo had leaned forward in his chair resting his elbows on his knees.

  “It was dark and right before we realm walked to Elmora I saw a figure in robes in the distance. I am not certain he saw us and if he did I am sure they would have had no idea who we were.”

  “Be careful little Vera, the Fae are not ones to mess with and they will know more than you think. Garrik has good reason to be nervous. Get dressed I know a place we can go that is right here on palace grounds and private.”

  I liked the thought of that. I reached into my chest and pulled out pants and a plain dark brown tunic. I liked simple things. There are times when I want to look spectacular, but they are less often now that my body looks amazing all the time. I still scare myself sometimes when I look into the mirror. I look more like the old before dying me now than the human I was. I still have the same shape of face with my wide mouth, the same height, and my crazy wavy hair. My eyes are bigger now like an elves.

  I exited the bathroom dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my cloak. “So, where are we going? Somewhere other than your bedroom I hope?” Echo chuckled his deep manly laugh.

  “Oh come on now, you know you liked my bedroom." Echo smiled, "You will like This. Trust me.”

  “I do.” I grabbed a bunch of food off the table and folded it into a little knapsack. Echo was staring at me, “What? I am still hungry.”

  I walked over to Echo entwined my arm into his and waited for the images to come to me from Echo. I saw a circular wooden room with a wood stove in the middle. It was simple. I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments. When I opened them I could smell cedar. This entire circular room is made of cedar. The woodstove was warm, so I know this space is being used often.

  “Where are we? Are we in a treehouse?” I felt my excitement rising. Echo nodded.

  “This isn't like the ones people live in. The main purpose is to offer shelter to those working the lookout shifts. We have roughly an hour before the next shift arrives.” Echo walked over and opened the only door there. We walked out onto a balcony. The cold air hit my face. I put up a little protection ward to keep the wind off and extended it to Echo as well. The air smelled of smoke from the woodstove. The sky is the kind of gray that indicated that snow was on the way. A heavy snow. I walked out to the edge and saw how high we were. We are in the training tree!

  “Yes, do you like it?” Like Echo even needed to ask that.

  “I love it! I have wanted to come up here since I first saw the training facilities.” I know he knew that. He probably heard my thoughts once when I was staring up at the massive tree. I looked out to take in the scenery. There was a long open field that had rolling hills. There were random spots of giant piles of hay with horses standing around eating. We must be looking out over the area with the stables. It felt like home. I missed the smell of hay and the horses. I even missed my mom. Although we were not on best terms I know she must have noticed I was missing by now. I have missed
Thanksgiving and Christmas is any day now.

  My heart broke at my selfishness for choosing Elmora. I didn't really have a choice, deep down I knew I had to come here. It is where I am meant to be, but it still isn't fair to the woman who raised me to be strong, independent, and resourceful.

  “It is okay, Vera. Garrik visited her while you were in your coma.”

  I snapped my head around to look at Echo,“What do you mean?”

  “Garrik said he went to the Human Realm to clear his head and saw a missing person poster of you. He knew you couldn't return with your new looks. He sent scouts in to track all those who knew you and wiped their memories of you. Then he sent your mother a large sum of money. He told us it will be enough to never have to work another day in her life. I am surprised he hadn't told you.”

  I took in Echo's words and processed them. Garrik would have worried that it would anger me, but I know he did the right thing. I couldn't have gone back as I am, and I couldn't have had them worry over me never knowing what had happened. She may think I was crazy but she loved me as any mother loves their child. It is no fault of her own that she didn't understand how to be a loving mom. I do not blame her for that. I still loved her even if she no longer remembers me. I remember her.

  “He did the right thing. It wouldn't have been fair to leave her there worrying herself sick over me.” I knew he was right, but the pain of it still hurt. I was staring out across the cold fields with tears creeping from my eyes. I shook my head and wiped my tears away. I didn't want Echo to see me as a silly weak girl with tears.

  “I would never think of you as weak, your soul has been through more than anyone. Death would have been a blessing to you at one point.” Echo paused a moment, “This is not the best time to say it, but I don't trust the High Councilman Fin. Something doesn't feel right.”

  I brushed off Echo's concerns. “I remember he is the one who saved me. Why don't we talk about something else while we have the time? Tell me about your Kingdom and your Father.” I sat down outside on a balcony in a giant magical tree that overlooked a horse field. I opened up the food I brought with us wishing I had the foresight to have brought elf wine as well.


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