Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 17

by Anna LaVerne

  “I don't talk about home often and I don't even know where to begin. I am the only Prince of Solas. My Father as you know is King Talon. My Mother is Queen of Ter which is another Dark Elf kingdom that bordered my Father's original lands. So, now Ter and Solas are one, but separate. My father bonded with my mother when he was still a Prince.” Echo paused again, “He is a harsh man. Very ambitious and my Mother is much the same as was my Grandfather, King Ramsey. He played a big part in the Elf and Fae War. He had this goal of his kingdom stretching throughout the realms. It was a foolish dream. The most dangerous men are the ones with big dreams. I never knew King Ramsey, rumor has it after so many of his people died he became soft, so my Father took over the throne.”

  King Ramsey, that name seemed to speak to me. It is like a piece of the big puzzle I just do not know where exactly it fits, “Where is Solas?”

  “South America in the Human Realm. King Talon now has control over the continent and a small area of Mexico. When a neighboring kingdom didn't have an heir he annexed it into Solas as well. The Elven Council did nothing to stop it. Now the balance of the world is shifting to my Father. He has the largest army, the most land, and arguably the most power. He has set back and waited to find a reason to take one of the power kingdoms to the north. You and I were the perfect excuse. He isn't coming to just kill you, he is coming to take Median for himself.”

  I felt sick to my stomach. Echo had hit me with some brutal honesty and then he hit me with more, “I told Garrik that you need to be apart of the war. You are not some flower to be protected. You need to know the ramifications of what King Talon is trying to do. Garrik and I are at odds over your involvement. He is desperate to keep you safe. Which I respect, but you are a warrior and will want a part and a say in how things unfold, because I know I would.” Goddess bless Echo knows me as well as Garrik, but in a different way.

  “You are absolutely fucking right I do, but I am fine to sit back a little bit longer until I get more answers in a few days.”

  The door behind us opened. I jumped to my feet faster then I knew I could and knocking my stash of food over the edge.

  “Found you, this is some useful magic!” Tomilson said with a grin.

  “Did I interrupt something?” My violet eyed man looked from Echo to me and back again.

  “No, we were having a serious talk about King Talon and the war that is brewing. You know super fun stuff like that. Wait. Did you teleport here?”

  Tomilson's face lit up into a huge grin that showed off his perfect white teeth. “Yes, I did. I thought of my Princess Vera and poof here I am.”

  “Brilliant! See I am now only a thought away from everyone at any given time. How much safer could I get?” I smiled at them both. “Now how do we get down from a giant training tree without magic?”

  “Allow us to show you,” Echo said as he began walking around the side of the tree house. We came upon a few stairs that stepped down to a rope bridge. We were so high up yet I felt safe. If my big man can walk over these bridges without them breaking then I should be able to do the same. The bridge crossed to another tree house and more steps down to another bridge. We descended gradually as we wove our way in and out of the branches on the tree. Finally we came to an area where every free branch had a house in it.

  “Barracks,” Echo said. I peeked in an open window. I could see that there were small beds along the wall and another bed mounted to the wall above it. Optimizing space. “What about bathrooms?” It is a legit question.

  “The community bathing houses are on ground floor. Up above there are compost toilets that break down the waste instead of washing it away.” Made sense. We were closing in on the main hall in the training tree. We entered it through a door at the very top and then wound our way down the spiral balcony. I worked my shadow magic to blend back into the shadows. I didn't want the recruits that were currently training to see me. It helped that I had a massive Echo and an almost as massive Tomilson to block their view as well. We made it to the door and back outside heading up to the palace. In three days I am going to magic us to the outside of Castle Bluff. I have no idea how long I will be there, what I do know is how much I am going to miss Tindril.

  Over the next few days I avoided the war room completely. Instead I spent time being given the wisdom of Queen Lyra and wandering the halls of Tindril. Parsley made me a ham and macaroni and cheese as my last meal. It was not the same, but it was close and still divine. I was also informed that Rose will be traveling with us to Castle Bluff which made me happy. It will be nice to have another familiar face in a new place.

  When the day of our departure rolled around, I didn't want to go. I knew I needed to meet Finley, but I had the gnawing feeling that I wouldn't see Tindril again anytime soon and that broke my heart. I couldn't even explain the feeling of dread that I had, but I knew we needed to get on with it.

  That morning I packed all my things away. Garrik, Echo, Tomilson, Rose, and the King and Queen met us in the war room for our goodbyes. Garrik explained to me that we will be going to a hill outside of Castle Bluff. We will then ride in so only our chosen scouts would see that we didn't make the full journey. Sure they will talk and word will get out, but it will be less startling to find out about it after the fact. We gave each other hugs and prayed it would work as well as we thought it would.

  “Okay Tomilson, you have seen the hill during winter. Please make sure you send her a winter image,” Garrik said. I know he hadn't told any one about our brief run into Faerie, so the only ones who knew were Garrik, Echo, and myself.

  Tomilson nodded and I felt the gentle push of images into my head. I could see it clearly, the road was loose colored pebbles instead of paving stones. When I looked out I could see a formidable castle perched upon a large steep hill, or small mountain. When I had the image I nodded holding on to Tomilson and Garrik. We knew I could travel two at a time. Once there I was going to return for Rose and Echo. Garrik said I would have clothing and everything there so I didn't need to pack a bag. I closed my eyes tight and willed us to the location Tomilson had sent me. It was minutes before I felt I could open my eyes again. I felt as if were pressed into a dark tuna can. My body felt pressure from all sides. Part of me started to panic. At that moment the pressure lessened and we arrived. It must have been due to the distance we had to travel.

  Upon opening my eyes I saw all of the scouts jump in surprise. I laughed knowing they knew we were coming, but they still were not prepared for what they had witnessed. I took a moment to look around to make sure I could find this spot again on my own. The trees were thick on each side of the road. They were bare of leaves, and the wind was cold, but there was no snow. I took in the image of Castle Bluff and how the road went down into a valley disappearing into the trees before emerging up a steep hill to the castle. Garrik gave me a deep hug.

  “Do you think you can make it here on your own now?” Tomilson asked as I pulled myself free of Garrik. I nodded and replied, “See you in a few minutes!”

  Closed my eyes and instantly felt the same pressure for what seemed like several minutes before it lessened and I was back in the war room. “How long did that take?”

  “Roughly thirty minutes. We were beginning to get worried” Echo said.

  “Okay, that means it takes about fifteen minutes to get there, and It isn't very comfortable. It must be how the magic works when traveling a great distance.”

  I hugged the King and Queen again and told them, “Thank you for everything, I am going to miss you in Castle Bluff”

  “Oh, daughter we will be joining you there before you know it.” Queen Lyra said as she released me from my big hug.

  “Okay, Rose. Echo. Are you ready?” They both reached out and grabbed my hand in answer. Rose was stunning as usual. Today she was dressed in all white with white hair. Closing my eyes I felt the pressure again. This time I had no nerves about it. I knew where we were going. When the pressure lessened we were all standing on the hill.

>   “It worked!” I was almost jumping in glee. We all made it to Castle Bluff without the long ride in the cold.

  One by one each of my men pulled me into a big hug. I ignored the looks on the scouts around us. They had not seen a relationship like ours before. Elves were only meant to have one flame. I had two flames and Tomilson breaking all the rules.

  “Before we head to the castle we would like to give you a gift.” Garrik said gesturing to Echo and Tomilson.

  “Oh no is it Christmas? I don't have anything to give you all.” How selfish could I be that I forgot to get my men a gift?

  “It is the eve of the Winter Solstice and you do not have to get any of us a gift. This is something we wanted you to have regardless.” Garrik motioned a raven haired scout, Sarah, I think is her name, to step forward holding a blanket. She handed it to Garrik who in turn handed it to me.

  “Go on open it.” Tomilson pitched in.

  I pulled back the blankets to find a perfect silver sword. It was simple, unlike the sword in my memories. I loved it so much. I couldn't even find words. I hope my face was able to convey my feelings. I felt tears at the edge of my eyes as I picked up the sword that was made for me. It had good weight, but was still lighter than one that Garrik or Echo would use. It was shorter as well. The balance was perfect. I gave it a good swing and felt my body purr in delight. Echo stepped forward with a dark brown simple belt and scabbard. Once I had it on I couldn't imagine how I went my entire life without a sword at my side. It felt right. This is where a sword belongs.

  “I can't even express how much I love it and how much I love all of you! Thank you!”

  After another round of hugs and kisses scouts stepped forward and gave us each a horse. Rose climbed up into the wagon with the now horseless scouts and we started off down into the valley.

  “We have about an hour ride before we are at the gates,” Tomilson answered my next thought. I looked up at Castle Bluff looming before me. It was a marbled color like a mountain that had been cut into. It was tan with black and red streaks. Truly beautiful. The trees we rode through were full of tree houses. This had to be the closest thing the elves had to a city. A thousand elves had to live within the valley of Castle Bluff. It was a sight to behold. My eyes were constantly wondering. I saw elves lining their rope bridges and peaking out side their houses to have a look at us as we passed.

  It was obvious who I was. I am honey gold colored and darker than everyone except Echo. I was traveling with Prince Garrik, Tomilson, Prince Echo, and a Councilwoman. There was no way anyone would not know I was their new Princess Vera. Some people bowed to us as we passed them by. It was fascinating. There was no big celebration or parade, yet everyone was coming out to watch us pass. The air smelled fresh of evergreens that were speckled through out the trees and smoke from the wood stoves. Each evergreen tree I saw was decorated with little colorful balls and ribbon. Christmas. Although they call it Winter Solstice I will always refer to it as Christmas in my head. Thirty years in the Human Realm has it set as my favorite holiday ever.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  We approached a bridge that led across a ravine to the main gate. Magic, my life has gone from boring and lonely to pure magic. The gates weren't even wood or metal, they were stone and they were as tall as the ramparts. When the gates opened they slid into the walls like the hidden doors inside Tindril. The courtyard was massive. Around the edges of the first courtyard walls were small buildings. People were busy working. I saw one person making swords and another fitting arrows into shafts. There was even a giant fountain where I saw women dying fabrics. We rode through without many looks.

  We rode through another set of ramparts and a smaller gate. The second courtyard was empty even though it was nearly as large as the first. We rode right up to the stairs where the entire castle staff was awaiting us. I dismounted my horse and then crouched on the ground trying to stretch out my legs. Garrik came over and lifted me from my position, “Now is that how you think a Princess dismounts?”

  I shot him a naughty look, “I guess I will have to mount you later to practice.” I heard a few elves around us snicker. Part of me feels like I should be embarrassed but to be honest I wasn't.

  I said goodbye to my faithful horse and headed up the steps. Garrik had my arm entwined with his while Echo, and Sir Tom followed close behind. The inside was every bit as elegant as Tindril. The stone of the walls are the same marbled stone on the outside. There are lantern lights stretched across the ceiling hanging from balls of holly and evergreens. “Christmas,” I said as I looked at the wreaths that also decked the halls.

  “Solstice tonight is Solstice Eve.” Garrik corrected me.

  “My Mom always said that Christmas Eve was the one night a year that the animals could talk. I would always go out the the barn and talk to them praying just once they would talk back. They never did.” I sighed at my memory as Garrik pulled me into him a little tighter.

  “There will be a ball tonight to celebrate. We are the head of Castle Bluff right now, so unfortunately we have to attend. I am going to have Tomilson show you to our rooms and I will be up shortly.” Garrik gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. I didn't know where Echo had gone off too.

  As Tomilson led me down an extensive maze of hallways we finally started up some stairs. “I am never going to be able to find my way around this place.”

  “You will it only takes time, it is made to be confusing for safety. It is harder to penetrate and easier to escape if it is penetrated.”

  “I have something I want penetrated.”

  What has gotten into me? Tomilson's eyes darkened to the deep purple they always do when he is turned on. We were still on the curved stairs when he pushed me up against the wall and claimed my mouth with his. Oh God I needed this. Tomilson picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me that way up the rest of the stairs and down a hall kissing me all the way to my room. I didn't even get a chance to look around the main room before we entered another room and then another. The bathing room. It was all the same warm marbled stone. There was a pool bath in the center very like the one in Tindril, however it lacked the waterfall.

  There along the side of the room was a giant stained glass window done in a mandala pattern. My Tom Tom carried me over to it finally setting me down. I started to get out of my clothes as fast as I could and he followed suit. Before I knew it I was back into his arms being carried around the side of the window. A shower turned on raining warm water down upon us.

  Tomilson pushed me back into the wall. My foot found a groove in the stone to hold soaps. I pushed my weight into it to hold myself up as Tomilson claimed me with his lips. He continued along my neck, down my breasts, and lower. He pulled my spare leg up over his shoulder as he lowered his head to taste me in my most sensitive area. I had one hand holding on to the wall and my other was holding on to his dark wet hair. Right when I thought I was going to explode he stopped, rose up and rammed himself into me. It was fast, it was rough, it was perfect. Moments later we both had our release. He stepped back handing me some soap. With a kiss he promised he would be back with a robe for me.

  I stood in the shower letting the warm water run over my body. The sex was great, but the shower was even better. My bones had been cold for the last hour or so that we rode, and now they were finally warm. Thankfully winter kept the dust, dirt, and grime to a minimum. As the water poured over my body I thought about all my men, and how blessed I am. I wasn't looking forward to the ball tonight, but I did look forward to dressing up. I never had the opportunity as a human.

  I reached up and turned the silver lever shutting off the water. True to form there was a robe and towels set outside the shower. The wall across from the door we came in was all windows. Clear windows that anyone could see in. Why would anyone do that in a bathroom? Then I realized it's because we were so high up no one would be able to see in. I looked out into the red sunset that was setting across a deep teal blue lake. The color of
water that was always displayed on postcards for the Bahamas. Castle Bluff, because it was a castle that sat upon a bluff overlooking a lake. A lake Finley lives across from. I dry off, wrap myself in the warm robe and exit the bathroom not knowing where I was going.

  The first room I stepped into was a small sitting room with a fireplace. It reminded me of the Queen's solar in Tindril minus the windows to the garden. There were two doors off of it. I chose the door to the right. I entered to find a room that had two smaller beds in it, another fireplace. Okay, I went through more than one room with Tom, so I walked and opened the other door in that bedroom. I found all three of my men sitting at a table in a giant open room with vaulted ceilings. The floor had a gold rug in the center with a large circle table on it. I guessed that the other door must lead to the bedroom I will be sharing with Garrik tonight.

  “You look refreshed,” Garrik always the one to pepper me with never ending compliments.

  “What are you boys discussing?” I asked while taking a seat at the table.

  “The plans for tonight and the plans for tomorrow,” Tomilson replied dryly. He kept his attention on a map that sat on the table. I could tell it was a map of the surrounding area.

  “Is everything okay?” Something felt off again. I was becoming tired of that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “There was an attack on a scouting post in the southeastern corner of the valley. We are not sure how they entered the area, what we do know is it is a small party. Two were captured and are being brought to the castle. I am not sure its safe for you to go to Finley's cavern tomorrow.” Tomilson looked up as Garrik insinuated I shouldn't go tomorrow.


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