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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 21

by Anna LaVerne

  Chapter Twenty-five

  I awoke laying in tall summer grass. The wind was caressing my face and pulling at the tendrils of my hair. I took a deep breath inhaling the smell of honeysuckle. I looked around and could see it growing up and around a fallen tree. I am still in my night gown. Is this real or a dream? The sun is setting casting a red light over me.

  “Red sky at night is a sailor's delight," I repeated the words I heard my human mother say every time she saw a red sunset.

  “You are dreaming,” Came a voice behind me. I twirl around to stare face to face with a woman who looked so much like me. She was porcelain white and had iridescent wings as well, but the rest of her was like looking in the mirror. She was also very short with curves in all the right spots. Her eyes were a deep green with a ring of gold. She had a round face that sloped to a little chin with a wide mouth. She was me. She laughed a sweet laugh. I hope I didn't sound like her.

  “We are not the same. We are very close to the same. I am the High Queen of Faerie,” She said with a little bow. “I have been looking for you for a very very long time sister.”

  “Sister?” I was so confused, “I am an elf not a fae.”

  “There is so much more to both of us than elf or fae. Like your Garrik, I had hunted for you, however I have been searching for centuries. I went to war with the elves who betrayed you and killed many of them, but I never found you.”

  “I have heard so many different reasons for the Fae Wars. I was told King Ramsey wanted to expand to Faerie.”

  She nodded, “I am sure he did, but he never made it here. We went there to find you. I felt you were gone. We went to war and many elves and some fae died. Our lives are valuable thus we signed a treaty. I sat here waiting for you to come back to Elmora. I could feel your energy it was just too faint to follow.” She paused. I decided this was worth hearing. One thing I have learned since coming to Elmora was that there was truth in dreams. The fae version of myself continued.

  “I felt when your power was released. I waited anxiously following you around a realm above. Only getting small glimpses of your progress. Then one night I saw you step into Faerie and I knew you had returned for certain. My sister had come home.”

  “Faerie is not my home. Elmora is.”

  “Yes Vera, you are right Elmora is your home, but so is Faerie. All the upper realms are in fact. You can travel up one more to the realm of the Gods. Nothing is stopping you, as that is also your home.”

  “I am not a Goddess.”

  “Baby steps Vera, I came to you in your dream because I felt your powers heighten. You are in full power. It has been multiple incarnations since you have returned to your full self. It is because of your rebirth. I will not let you forget who you are again. Know that I am here and when you need me I will be with you in Elmora. Together we will have justice for what was done to you.” Before I could wake up I had questions.

  “What about the amulet? That blocked my powers?”

  “I took it back during the wars. There is no more amulet in Elmora.” She started to step back into the trees.

  “Wait, what is your name?”

  She turned to face me her wavy dark hair bouncing around her shoulders. Her eyes flashed gold with love, “Besa. High Queen of Faerie, your twin.” with that she was gone.

  I twisted in my bed, Echo was gone. I thought back on the dream I had came from. What were the chances it was real? I could hear talking in the sitting room. I climbed from bed grabbing my robe moving silently towards the door.

  “Damn it Garrik! This is who she is. She is pure power. This is not something she can stop. Didn't you see how happy she was surrounded by wind? She was beautiful, perfect and thrilled.”

  “I know Echo. I only worry because power corrupts and she has power that would rival any in all of the realms. Including Faerie. I worry over her.” Garrik replied.

  Tomilson cleared his throat, “No offense, but I don't think she needs us to worry or even protect any more. She needs us to love. Our love makes her strong and the moment doubt crept in she was broken. I am going to embrace her power and return it with my devotion.”

  Tears were creeping back into my eyes. “Goddess, you know I love her too. I am just so scared for her.” Garrik slammed his fist down on the table. I took it as my cue to walk in.

  When I opened the door and stepped in they all turned to look at me. I could feel the air stir at my feet. It seems now that the elements have been unlocked I am going to be walking wind. Everywhere I go a gentle breeze, like Besa.

  “Tomilson is right. I don't need you to worry. I don't need you to protect me. I need you to be my lover, my friend, and my husband. I think that there was some higher power who knew I needed help after my rebirth. That I needed strong dedicated men to stand beside me loving me and giving me strength to be all that I can be. My heart broke the moment I sensed fear. I need to know that you know you have nothing to fear. I am the same Vera with a little something extra.” The breeze picked up and tickled Garrik's face. I sent him a playful wink.

  “My looks have changed, my gifts continue to evolve, my belief in who I am has ebbed and waned. I understand it has all happened so fast. Even I have moments when I look in the mirror. I wasn't recognizing myself, but now, now I know this is who I am. I can not stop the wind, the water, or the earth from moving around or beneath me. The energy of Elmora is entwined with my own. I am sorry I have grown and evolved so fast. I only ask that you give me a chance. I will make a conscience effort to not go on any more power trips. I have felt I had something to prove these last few weeks. Now I know I have nothing to prove. People will only have to see me to follow.” I knew the words I spoke were true. There was no doubt in them.

  “Now, who is going to get me some dinner in here? I would be the happiest woman in all the realms if you could get me some smoked ham and elf wine.” All three of them laughed. Garrik stepped forward and gave me hug.

  “I am sorry I have my worries my little Vera. Please give me time to adjust.”

  “We are immortal Prince Garrik, we have nothing but time. I am glad you are still here, love”

  I took a moment to use the restroom while we all waited for dinner to arrive. I took a hot shower in silence. I had a lot to think about, like do I tell the guys about my dream? I am pretty certain it wasn't a dream. I have a sister, do I tell Finley? I don't think it is good to keep secrets anymore. I need them to trust me, therefore I need to be honest. I have to tell them. I have a lot to accomplish, and once this war is over I know my job will not be done. It will take a lot of work to reform the kingdoms to their original borders.

  I turned off the shower dried my body and didn't even bother with the night gown. I slipped myself into my robe and threw a towel on my head to dry my hair. The food had arrived the moment I entered the room. We all sat in silence and ate. It was a little awkward. I began to talk with a roll in my mouth in the most unlady like way possible as usual.

  “So, I may have some news. I had a dream.” Everyone stopped eating. Garrik dropped his fork to the plate. I didn't remember him being so temperamental.

  “I met a lady in Faerie in my dream. Her name is Besa. She is like me, I mean she even looks like the whitest version of me with shiny iridescent wings. Anyways, she is the High Queen of Faerie and she says she is my twin. We are sisters. High Queen of Faerie and High Queen of Elmora.”

  “It will never stop will it? I love you Vera, but when does the revelations stop? When can you just be Vera?”

  “I am Vera, I will always be Vera, and I am your flame. I will always be your flame. This is only one more thing Garrik. She gave me more information. She said that the Fae Wars were not about King Ramsey's greed. She said it was her coming to Elmora to search for me and punish those who turned against me. A treaty was created when too many lives were lost and there was still no sign of me. She also said that during the war she took the amulet back. King Talon has no working amulet.”

  “Now that is good news
,” Tomilson lifted his glass. Echo followed. Garrik was still pouting.

  I continued to eat in silence. There was nothing more I could do or say today. Tomorrow morning we will meet in the war room again, and I will ask Finley some more questions. I knew I could not rely on everything Finley said, but I also knew he couldn't straight out lie to me. I still was having a hard time wrapping my mind around the implications of who I am. Who I have to be, who I have no choice in being. Garrik is having a hard time coping, but he isn't in my body. I am, and I am coping better than he is.

  “You are stronger than he is.” Echo.

  I looked up at him wide eyed, “If you are in my head is Garrik?” I looked to Garrik who was showing no signs of hearing my thoughts. Tomilson grunted and shook his head no. Great, so Tomilson was in my head to.

  “It appears that Garrik has pulled away a little bit. If he listened he would hear,” Tomilson sent.

  Ouch. That was another zing to my heart. The one man who knew me better than anyone else is pulling away from me. My other half, my flame. My first flame. My chest felt heavy as I began to have a hard time breathing. Trying to take shallow breaths as not to alert anyone to my oncoming panic attack. I took my energy and put a little barrier around myself. Garrik sensed it. I knew he couldn't see it. Instead he saw my ward as some kind of an insult, because he stood and exited the room. No idea where he went. His loss. I was still struggling breathing. I pushed my chair out from the table and stormed out of the room. I had to get out of my robe and back into the water. Water has always made me feel better.

  Ah, my chest hurt. Calm Vera, Calm. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out. You are not weak. You are a strong capable High Queen. I dip my toe in the the round bath that was heated like the one in Tindril. I also noticed that instead of flowing outside it had two rectangle holes cut in both sides. One side drained the excess water while the other side had a current of water pushing through it. Not as pretty as Tindril, but it created the same effect of constant fresh water. Focusing my attention on the bath allowed me to calm down. My nerves were still on edge and I was shaking.

  This water was too warm. I needed to dunk myself in cool water. I needed to feel that stun of cold water shocking my body back into itself and then I can calm the tensed muscles in heat. When I was a kid I would jump in a pool then get out and climb into the hot tub. This was only at a friends house that had both or the one time that we stayed in a hotel. I dropped my ward to feel the energy better. Tipped my toe again and willed the water to cool to what I figured was seventy to seventy-five. I couldn't tell how deep the pool was instead of climbing in I hopped over the edge in a section that did not have seats along the wall. It was deep. Over five foot. I dropped under the water and came up gasping. Perfect effect. As my breathing picked up from the shock of the cold I closed my eyes and felt warmth ebbing away from my body into small pool. Soon there was steam floating around the bathing room. I was floating on my back, naked in the hot water with a clear head. Just existing.

  I came too when I heard muffled voices and the door open. I opened my eyes and chose to continue to float. I could tell it was Echo and Tomilson. Both men walked around the pool, both men were naked. They climbed into the bathing pool to join me. I sat up from my floating position. This area of the pool was a bit more shallow allowing the water to stop at my shoulders. Echo's muscles rippled as he stepped down into the water that stopped mid stomach on him. I ran my hand up his chest

  “Thank you for being here. Both of you.” I looked over to Tomilson who had also entered the pool. Echo pulled away to the bench on his side as I moved into Tomilson who didn't waste a moment covering his lips with mine. I leaned into him a small moan escaping from me. This is so good. I never imagined I would want to share myself with two men at the same time until now. Now I wanted to dabble in the strength of our bond and feel both men touching me, watching me, reveling in me.

  I turned back to where Echo's sitting. I swam up between his legs where his monster length is beginning to protrude from the water. I rubbed the palm of my hand on the tip as he bent over claiming my lips, groaning against my mouth. I pushed away to return to Tomilson, except I didn't have to move as Tom was moving up against me. His hand came up brushing my hair from away from my neck. There was a brief moment where I felt the cool air caress my skin before Tomilson lowered his head and began to kiss on my neck. His hands massaged my shoulders.

  Echo's hand caressing my breasts, his thumb moving back and forth over my hardened nipple. I begin to rub him in return. He threw his head backwards and groaned pushing his self up towards me with need. At the same Tomilson had lifted me up by my hips floating in the water. I used my water talent to push the water out and way from us making everything more comfortable and freeing Echo's piece from the water completely. Tomilson moved kisses down my back to my ass pushing his fingers up between my legs.

  I took that moment to take Echo into my mouth. Slowly at first, only the tip, as my hand worked up and down. I felt Tomilson's length against me from behind. Instead of putting me down he lifted my legs back grabbed my hips and pulled himself into me. I gasped briefly letting go of my hold on the man before me. I never once took my eyes off of Echo. I wanted to watch him enjoy what I was doing to him while I felt Tomilson moving within me. I took Echo deeper as Tomilson moved harder. The crescendo continued to build.

  I could feel the magic wanting to release, but I was holding on. I didn't want to destroy the castle, but with each thrust of Tomilson I was losing control. He had pushed me up onto Echo who was lost in what my hand was doing to him as I laid my head on his chest. I gasped for air with each thrust Tom pushed in me. At the same moment I could feel the sparks working with my hand up and down in time with what Tomilson was doing. It was too much for Echo as he exploded onto my breasts holding my head to him as close as he could. Soon after Tomilson was falling over the edge and there was no way for me to hold on. I let go relief pouring through my body, eyes closed I saw nothing but stars. I felt the bathing room rumble and all the water slosh back into the pool. I didn't destroy the castle. I may have made it rumble and the water to move a bit. That was nothing compared to the relief that washed through my body.

  I dipped myself back into the water briefly before Echo reached down lifting me out. Tomilson came over to me with towels. They went to work drying me off. When they were done Tomilson carried me to my bed. The bed I was supposed to be sharing with Garrik. Instead Tom Tom laid me in the middle, climbing in after me. Echo climbed in the other side. Here I was in bed being cuddled, caressed, and protected by two of the strongest most loving men in Elmora. I still missed Garrik. He should be here with me too. I began to silently weep praying that sleep found me before my two remaining men would notice. That is exactly what happened. I found myself falling into the deep dreamless sleep my body truly needed after such an eventful and emotionally draining day.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  I woke the next morning before both of my men. I didn't know if Garrik had returned, and if he had did he sleep in Tomilson and Echo's room? I climbed out of bed and went to my wardrobe selecting a simple white wool dress lined in velvet for comfort and warmth. It was long sleeved with a simple and modest V neck line. I grabbed my sword belt strapping it to my waist. I no longer felt safe without a weapon on my hip. Even in a dress I felt compelled to being prepared.

  Echo and Tom were still sound asleep. I crept over to their bedroom to see if Garrik was there asleep as well. Empty. To make it worse it appears the bed's hadn't even been slept in. I know for a fact that whoever cleans our rooms always waits until we are out of the rooms. I could also tell it was still early. I walked out into the sitting room, the guards haven't brought any food for us yet. I haven't met many of the castle staff here, so I didn't even know who to ask if they had seen Garrik or not. I decided I needed to go out and about to find him, but I guess I needed to wake my other two men first. Imagine if they awoke and found me gone.

  “Garrik can you hear
me?” I sent out around the castle grounds hoping that he would take the time to listen. I took a deep breath and sent out some energy feeling the area for his teal flame. Nothing. Something was starting to feel off, and I am one to trust my instincts. I ran into my room.

  “Echo! Tomilson! Wake Up!” I yelled at them. Both of them shot out of the bed with insane speed ready for a fight. They were both still naked and looking for the threat.

  “Garrik never came back. I can't feel him anywhere near. Something is wrong and I want to go look for him.”

  “He is in the Human Realm. He often goes there to sort his thoughts you know that.” Tomilson said.

  “Please both of you, go put clothes on. I have a bad feeling right in my gut. I am asking that you help me or I will go about looking on my own. I will be waiting in the sitting room.”

  I turned on my heels and walked into the sitting area to the front doors. Opening it I saw Killian and Gregory standing watch, “Have either of you seen Garrik this morning?” They both shook their head no. I sighed a big exasperated breath. I knew this was going to be the answer I get everywhere I looked this morning. He most likely was in the Human Realm and I intend to go find him.

  “Can one of you have someone bring me breakfast to the war room?”

  “Yes, my Queen. I will go see to that right now,” Killian said with a bow. I nodded to him and Gregory and headed back to the sitting room. On cue Echo and Tomilson entered from the other room dressed in simple warm clothing. They were still stunning. I had to bring myself back to task and even felt myself try to blush a little bit. These men make me unravel even when I was distracted and worried sick.


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