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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 23

by Anna LaVerne

  “We will wait here. My Mother won't take long.”

  As soon as Echo finished his words there was commotion above us. I looked up to see at least fifty bowmen standing on the roof above us with arrows drawn. My attention was brought back to the door that we walked through.

  “My son! I am so happy to see you. I am only sad to see you had to bring your false Queen with you,” She sneered just like King Talon. I felt the fire in my belly start to spark. She was tall, slim, and as dark as night. Her eyes were a deep clear amber. Her dress was more of a black toga with a gold clasp at one shoulder leaving her other bare.

  “Mother, this is my flame and my wife, Queen Vera of Elmora.” The dark Queen laughed at that and my fire started to burn. It was taking my full concentration to keep my anger and magic contained.

  “What do you want Echo? You have betrayed your family by choosing her.”

  “You know as well as I, that one can not choose their flame. End this now and come with us peacefully. Trust me it is easier. Vera and I wish you no harm.”

  “Ha! I am not leaving my home.” She rose her arm to motion to her elves with bows.

  My fire released in that moment burning each wooden bow to ashes. The Queen of Ter sucked in a breath of stunned air. The bowmen were frozen in fear. I still hadn't spoken a word.

  “Fire magic. Only the Faerie have fire magic," The Queen of Ter murmured.

  “Oh, didn't you know? The High Queen of Faerie is my twin sister.” I sent a sweet smile back to her, “I am the High Queen of Elmora. You and King Talon don't remember me because King Ramsey used an amulet to stop my powers, took me to the Human Realm, tortured me and left me for dead. You know who King Ramsey is right?”

  She nodded back at me and then turned. She was going to flee. Not on my watch. With a swish of my wrist I filled the doorway with earth. Walking up to her with Echo by my side as soon as my hand landed on her arm I reached out and grabbed Echo as well. Closed my eyes and took us to the war room at Castle Bluff. It is a long trip feeling like you are stuck in a dark endless tunnel for at least an hour. I could feel the Queen next to me panicking. Screaming. It was the worse hour of my current life. Finally we landed in the war room.

  Everyone was still there. There were plates of food scattered over the planning table. The Queen had fallen back onto the floor weeping. “I didn't picture your Mother being so weak Echo.” I shouldn't have said it, but anger is turning me into a nasty bitch. He loved his Mother, the anger in me from missing Garrik is making me cruel.

  Rose stepped forward and helped the dark Queen to her feet. “Queen Maria, it will be okay. Vera will not harm you.”

  “Queen Maria. I guess I hadn't known your name until now, but it fits. You will be safe here. I will leave it up to Echo to find you suitable rooms and security. Can't have you using shadow magic on my guards,” I sent her a sweet smile as she went and stood next to Rose.

  “Next line of business. Do I tell King Talon I have his precious flame, Or do we surprise him on the battlefield?”

  “If you tell him he is likely to kill Prince Garrik.” Sir Tomilson spoke up.

  “You think so? Even if I have his Queen?” I shook my head and walked straight back into the crystal room and placed my hands over the crystal.

  “King Talon, High Queen Vera of Elmora here. I have your Maria, Queen of Ter. Now we are even. Every scratch you give Garrik I will give Maria two of them.” I sent the message.

  “Now we wait. Can someone bring me my own plate of food?” I asked as I walked back into the war room taking a seat at the head of the table.

  I took a deep breath. I had no idea what time it was all I knew was that I was exhausted. There is no time to sleep. I have to get Garrik back. I have to finish this thing with King Talon so our world could move on in peace. I have so much to remember and to learn. So many places to go. I had only been to Median and Ter. My time in Ter was incredibly short lived. I do miss Tindril and Garrik's parents. “GARRIK's PARENTS!” I jumped up from my seat before my food could arrive.

  “Tomilson! I am being a bad daughter I have to go talk to King Rew and bring him here! Echo keep watch on your Mom. No one touch the crystal any message that comes through I want to hear.”

  I reached out grabbing Tomilson's hand squeezing it tightly. I loved this man. I closed my eyes and pictured us in the sitting room outside of the Tindril war room. No one was in the sitting room when we appeared. There was a bottle of elf wine on the table. I quickly poured myself a glass downing it all in one swoop.

  “Vera, it will be okay.” Tomilson put his hand on my shoulder.

  “I know I am on the brink of losing it all. I have this fire in the pit of my stomach just waiting to lash out.”

  Tomilson reached out and pulled me into a tight embrace. He pushed a stray strand of hair out of my face kissing me on the top of my head. I wanted to stay there and ignore all of our problems even though I knew I could never forget Garrik. I pushed out of the hold. Stood up tall and walked into the war room. The King was there with his long gray hair flowing down his shoulders.

  “Vera!” he ran toward me pulling me into a big embrace.

  “We will get him back. I vow to get him back.” I said into his chest. He petted the top of my head.

  “I know daughter. I know. It will be okay. I am going to come with you back to Castle Bluff. I have been waiting for you to arrive.”

  “I am so sorry I should have come sooner. We need to hurry to get back. I am waiting for a message from King Talon. I may have kind of kidnapped Queen Maria.” He released me with a thunderous laugh.

  “Oh Vera! Brilliant! Come with me to the solar. I have my things waiting there and you can reassure my wife.” I gave him a meek smile. As much as I want to express an emotion I knew I couldn't. I was using all my strength holding everything in. I felt Tomilson's hand rest on the small of my back as he followed me out of the war room in Tindril. We walked down the long hall that my temporary quarters were in. I loved this palace. It will be nice to have the King running everything at Castle Bluff. I am a poor head of house, especially when I know zero about running a castle. My mind wondered as we walked and before I knew it we were in the solar.

  “Vera!” Garrik's mother ran towards me. Her face was white and shaken. She was not coping well with the news.

  “I knew you would come to us soon!” Her cold clammy hands grabbed onto my arms jerking me into another embrace. These people were my family. They loved me and I loved them. I am feeling like a failure every moment I am around them. I should have never let Garrik storm off. I should have tried harder to make him happy.

  “You did all you could do.” Tomilson's comforting voice sent into my head.

  King Rew stepped in. “I am sorry, but we really should hurry back to Castle Bluff.” He stepped forward peeling his wife off of me and hugged her hard. “We will be back soon enough with our son. I trust you to make sure the last of the scouts are sent to Oklahoma.”

  He bent forward and peppered a small kiss on her forehead before releasing her and placing his hand on my shoulder. Tomilson had his arm wrapped in mine. I attempted to send Garrik's mother one last reassuring look before we were off. I am pretty sure it looked more worried than confident.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  When we returned to the war room at Castle Bluff only Echo and Finley were still there. The crystal was dinging with a message. The King and Finley were engaged in greetings. I was not able to focus on what they said. I had a sense of dread weighing heavy on me. Each ding of the crystal made that weight heavier. Ignoring the war room I turned and walked towards it scared of hearing the message on the other side. How will I react? How will King Talon react. Will he call my bluff? Will he hurt or kill Garrik? There is only one way for me to find out. King Talon's voice rang out in cool collective anger the moment my hands touched the crystal.

  “False Queen,” He spat, “You broke our contract for that I am taking Garrik's ring finger. One Finger for everyday
that you have my flame!” I could hear scuffling in the crystal and then a loud THUMP and Garrik scream. It was as if it had just happened for me. I screamed for his pain. It is only a finger, but what kind of man would Garrik be if he ran out of fingers. I was not giving Queen Maria back. There is no way. I could feel the tears escaping down my cheeks. Could I handle sacrificing Garrik's hands to keep the upper hand? No. No. Of course I couldn't.

  “Tomilson, Echo.” I said turning to face Garrik's father. “We are going to go get Garrik.” I then turned to hug King Rew. “If we are not back before then, meet us in Oklahoma. We will be there and I will have your son. I promise you.” I spoke with more confidence then I felt.

  “You can find him my Queen. If I was able to find you, you can find him.” Finley spoke and I knew he was right. I knew I could find him. Though I wasn't sure where. “You can teleport anywhere into the Human Realm, but you can not teleport from place to place within the Human Realm. I suspect that is where you will find him. Otherwise you would have easily tracked him if he was here in Elmora.” I nodded at Finley.

  “Thank you," I backed up grabbing Echo and Tomilson by the hands. “Focus on Garrik. Picture him and think of him alone.”

  I allowed my body to think of nothing except Garrik. I could remember him in my old car in college. The smile of his lips that curl up slightly when he teases me. The smell of rain and fresh turned soil. I breathed him in. I could see him on the bow of his boat at twilight as we floated down the Missouri River. The moment I knew he was a part of me and I am a part of him. I could feel us lift into the nothingness that we float while moving from place to place. This time a string pulled at my navel. We were entering another realm. I continued to focus on Garrik. I remembered him sitting on my bed in my little studio apartment. The feeling of disbelief I had as I stared at him. He searched for me for years.

  I felt another tug on my navel. We were entering yet another realm. I felt panic rise in my throat but instead I renewed the focus on Garrik. It was cold. Where ever we were going it was very very cold. We materialized outside of an old gray brick building. It looked like the Human Realm, but it didn't feel like it. Panic started rising in me again. I knew this place. I spent years hiding from the spirits or people here.

  “Inferious. I would have never expected them to take him to Inferious. It is not safe here. There are lost spirits from the Human Realm and Hell.”

  I turned to Echo. “Hell? is this the land of the dead? I always saw spirits that hunted me were they from Hell? I could travel hundreds of miles to see the same spirits haunting me.”

  Echo shrugged his shoulders,“It is the land beneath the Human Realm. Barely beneath it. I imagine you would have accidentally crossed over a time or two. Many human souls end up floating here when they die confused. Any life that can see them acts as a beacon,” he paused, “Garrik is most likely in there,” nodding his head towards the dilapidated brick building. It looked like an 1800's style factory building with glass windows broken out. It appeared there were docks around back for loading and unloading supplies.

  “How would a building like that get here?” I asked confused.

  “Parts of the Human Realm bleed through. Generally area's that have lowered in vibration.” Echo answered.

  “I know nothing of this the realm but if they have guards there is no way they haven't spotted us,” Tomilson spoke up. He was right we are here for Garrik.

  “That is why he is here. No guards are outside because no one would have expected Vera to bring us through two realms.” Echo said.

  “Will my magic work here?” I asked as I reached for my gifts. Wind always came the easiest so it is what I reached for first. It responded,but it was dampened in strength. Snowflakes had started to fall. I reached for them pulling them to me. They responded slowly. I had magic that much was true, but it was weakened. If my magic was weakened I know everyone else would have a similar experience. “So, we should just walk in and fight our way to him?”

  Tomilson responded by pulling his sword, “Yes, that is as good a plan as any. Get him far enough away and realm walk him to the Human Realm.”

  “Okay, let us do this!” I said as I pulled my own sword. I knew King Talon was not here. This is only a holding space for Garrik. It was obvious his main forces were not hiding in Inferious. Garrik must have been moved here after his finger was removed. We walked around the back to the old docks. The wood was cold, frozen, but still fragile from the rot of summer. There were no stairs up to the brick platform. Tomilson hopped up with ease and then Echo came from behind to lift me to Tom. Tom grabbed me and pulled me up briefly squeezing me tight. I could sense that neither Echo or my Tom wanted me there, but there was no choice. They wouldn't have found it without me.

  Echo took the lead into the dark building. There was no light or sign of life. I sent out feelers looking for Garrik's energy. I couldn't get a good signal. A light flicker of teal on the top floor.

  “They have to know we are here. Garrik is on the top floor.” I sent out.

  “Shadow magic is going to be a foot. Tomilson stay next to Vera. Blend in the best you can.”

  With that we moved forward through an empty warehouse. It was dark. There should be a gray light filtering in through the windows and it did. Kind of. Instead it entered the windows and then was snuffed out by the unnatural darkness. I get it. Shadow magic.

  “Fuck this, I am done.” I put up a shield bright and strong around all three of us and marched through the warehouse daring any there to come attack me.

  “Vera stop they may have orders to kill Garrik if someone comes for him.”

  “They didn't even prep for us to come here. They didn't expect it or think it is possible and no one has attacked us!” I snapped back.

  “Come out come out wherever you are!” I taunted. We were directly below them now. We hadn't found stairs or an elevator, but what I could see was a faint teal flicker above me. I stepped back and reached my arms up to the hard ceilings. Wood and metal beams. I have no idea how many are up there only that Garrik is one of them. I couldn't manipulate wood or steal like I could actual earth, clay, marble, and stone. We will have to find the stairs. I could bring down the entire building but I could not guarantee Garrik's safety. The frustration was giving way to the pit of anger in my core. The fire began to spark. I was angry at myself, at Talon, at all who have wronged me in one way or another. Most of all in this moment I was angry at the damn wooden floor that kept me away from Garrik. 30 feet above me was my flame. The sparks were beginning to rise up my body.

  “AHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed in frustration, in hurt, and in the pain that I knew my Prince Garrik was feeling.

  “Vera, you need to stop.” Tomilson my voice of reason. I heard him, but it was too late. Flames erupted outside of our shield and rapidly spread along the dust and the old half rotted wood floors. We were safe within my shields although it was getting warm. I urged the flames out and up the walls. Relief was pouring through me. This magic needed release and for it to release so strongly in the Inferious urges one to acknowledge how dangerous this could have been if released in Elmora. The flames had begun to move along the ceiling. I released my power over it allowing the flames to run their natural course. Smoke would have risen into the second floor by now. I sent my shield out searching for Garrik above me. The floor will collapse soon and I wanted to be ready to catch my first love.

  The fire was raging loud. I could not hear anything beyond the crackling and snapping at the wood and brick of the warehouse. My focus on the flickering teal flame above me never wavered. I couldn't get my shield through the wood floor to him, but I knew he was alive and that was enough. I saw the floors start to bow with the heat and one beam cracked and fell behind us. I heard people screaming with no clue who it was. Only that Garrik's area of floor had begun to fall. I couldn't see his body because of the amount of smoke. The wood bounced off my shield as Garrik's heavy body fell into it. Echo leaped forward to help catch him as he drop
ped. He missed, instead Garrik's lifeless looking body fell onto Echo's back bouncing off on to the floor. He was alive. I knew it because of the flame, but we had to get him out of here. I reached and grabbed his arms trying to drag him. Echo came forward taking Garrik from me as Tomilson grabbed his legs. We then ran towards the docks and out of the fast crumbling building. Never once did we see one of King Talon's Dark Elves, but we knew there was little chance they survived. Once outside in the cold Tom rolled Garrik over the edge of the Dock onto Echo's shoulders. I leaped over the edge landing next to him. Then we ran. I am not sure how far. Only that Echo was ahead of Tomilson and I and he was carrying my Garrik. The cold air piercing my lungs was a welcome relief.

  Finally we came to a stop. Echo carefully laid Garrik upon the ground and then collapsed next to him. I did the same and Tomilson followed. We were all on the ground in the Inferious still surrounded by my shields. I crawled over to Garrik and felt for a pulse. It was there, he was going to be okay. I ran my hands all over his body and tattered clothing. He looked like death. Pale with light bruises in varying degrees of healing all over his body. Elves heal rapidly, so I knew that he had been beaten brutally in the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours. I have lost all connection to time. I found his hand, the ring finger on his left hand was very much gone. Cursing under my breath.

  “I will kill Talon for this!”

  Echo blanched at my words. I looked up to him pleading with my eyes that he understood. I knew he did, but I needed some reassurance still. He gave me a nod and then Tomilson spoke.

  “We need to realm walk Garrik back to the Human Realm. I am not sure he would survive more than one realm at a time.”

  “I agree, but we know that there is a good chance that wherever we go we may have to deal with Talon's scouts. We know his army is waiting in the Human Realm near all the gates.”


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