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Page 19

by Poncho Threetrees

  Americans will continue to be the most lied to people on the face of the earth far into the foreseeable future. Also, their naiveté seems to be so powerful and unshakable, that they can never recognize truth or lies, even if they jumped up and bit them on the ass.

  In the end, I feel that America is succeeding in breeding the soul out of the people, and its not just America and it’s not just Americans. It appears that all of the nations are doing the same things, and the people are, generally, of the same fate. The only possible difference is that other nations have a citizenry that has a greater percent of its people awake than the U.S.

  It is as if there is a battle, not just between the government and the people, but actually, between Good and Evil. In this battle, the Good is so weak, feeble, effeminate, and ineffectual; and the Evil is so strong, effective, and organized, that it seems that only a miracle could break Evils hold.

  It seems like this battle is more of a Spiritual Battle than just for power, wealth, natural resources, Israel’s paranoia, etc. After all, how much more of these things can the rulers of the world amass? They already have enough for themselves and their descendants for the next million years. There must be some other purpose. There must be something diabolical and dark, beyond lust after material and worldly goods. What good is money, power, or resources in themselves? Things are just too sick for it to be otherwise. The rulers are too evil, and the people are too “Good” – in the sense of naive, innocent, loving, and so on. Something else is going on that is far sicker than we can know. Could it be that the elites are doing what they do, and ruling as they rule, out of a love of evil. It is not just that they are psychopaths, it’s that they are sadistic.

  It’s almost like we are living in a world like the movie “The Matrix”. There is some reality beyond the “Game” that everyone is playing. It is especially interesting to see how perfectly evil and psychopathic the rulers are, and how perfectly docile and ineffective the vast majority of the people. If there is one flaw in the system, one fly in the ointment, it is not in the rulers, it is in the people. There is some small spark of knowledge that things could be different. There is some recognition that there could be another order, goal, and outcome. This may be the eternal chink in the armor of the State that some future David might come along and use to defeat the Goliath State. Maybe it might be more appropriate to say that there may be some Moses that will come along, with his bag of tricks, and lead the slaves out of their bondage of love for the state, and into a promised land of wakefulness, where they do not have to spend their lives toiling to build monuments to the religion of the greed of their masters. They will be lead to their own land where they can live under the religion reason and truth.


  WL: It sounds like there might be some truth in this “Religion” thing. It’s as if the people are like the followers of a religion, and the rulers are the charlatan priests, manipulating the congregation for their own benefits. It’s as if the term “Religion” more closely fits the way the people think and act, rather than just patriotically, and certainly not rationally.

  PT: There are all kinds of religions. Three of them seem to be the most important in the current world we live in. These are “Americanism”, “Arabism”, and “Zionism”. These three seem to have the most important effect on the people in the world today.

  Americanism is the religion of 99% of the population of the U.S. It appears to be “Christian” to the untrained eye. True, it does espouse some superficial principles of Christianity, like worship of Jesus, forgiveness of sins, and so on, but these are not the real important core beliefs.

  Americanism, the religion, holds as its core principles, that America is the best nation on earth, and that it is absolutely unthinkable to not adore it with your whole fiber of your being. You can criticize it, seek to change it somewhat, distrust its politicians, and so on, but you can never question its basic principles of governance, or the moral correctness of its systems and institutions.

  You can believe that the Republicans or the Democrats may be ruining the country, but, if you don’t believe in the two party system, you are a heretic. You can believe that the current government is corrupt, that bankers are thieves, that corporate executives are greedy, but you cannot seek to put in another type of system. You can only “Tweak” the current one, or replace it with one that is basically the exact same thing. You must be willing to give your lives and the lives of your children to defend this country, and must love it above anything else.

  As one might imagine, with this type of paradigm and unquestioning fanatic love and devotion, nothing much is likely to change. Things will be able to go along as usual. This religious fervor pretty much insulates the powers that be, and their wealth, power, and actions. The only thing that the elites have to worry about is continuing to hold the hearts and minds of the people in their grasp.

  With this type of pre-cognitive principles coloring their thoughts and reason, is it any wonder that people have noted that an American talking about morality is like a cat walking on its hind legs. It may not be done well, but you’re amazed that it can be done at all, and it’s a constant source of amusement.

  Along with this Americanism, is another elemental religion that also guarantees the continued ruthless destruction of the world, freedom, and justice. Zionism, both Christian and Jewish, has such a hold on the hearts and minds of the people, that Israel will continue to hold this nation and the world in its paranoid, apartheid grip. To be American is to be Zionist.

  One religion that feeds into the paranoid and racist ideological madness of the Americans is Arabism. This is the culture of the devotion to the pre-Islamic tribalism of the primitive peoples of the Islamic world. Their petty bickering, competition, and jealousies lend themselves perfectly to the propaganda war that demonizes them, and provides the boogiemen for the western propagandists. They can never see that their actions cause more bigotry against their whole nation and race. They will never defend each other against this bigotry, because they are only too happy to see it directed against their neighbors and enemies. Muslims don’t need enemies, or propagandists working against them, they have each other, and their hotten tot clergy. Every time some “Macho beats his wife or kills his daughter, he plays himself and his race into the hands of the Wests bigotry.

  The fact that the Muslims and Arabs are eternal martyrs and victims doesn’t help. They will be the last to question 911 and the rest of the false flags. They will be the last to speak up and question. They have a learned helplessness that paralyses them.


  The following anonymous letter is a good summary of the current gun grabbing games that the elites are playing:

  “…You can’t fight the government with guns. It’s too late for that. The people let it get too powerful, and their fellow citizens too weak (Minded).

  I like listening to some of these guys talk about how you shouldn’t give up your guns to the “Gun Grabbers”. They think they need them so that when the government comes for their guns, they can defend the Constitution and themselves. What assholes. I would love to see one of them pull out his guns when the pigs come knock, knock, knocking at his door. His life expectancy will be just about as long as it takes for the first of 5 or 6 dozen bullets to rip through his chest. If anyone wants to “fight” the government, use a pen or a lawyer.

  The only retards that are looking forward to a collapse or revolution are the red-necked morons who think they are going to lead the rest back to the good old days.

  The hell with the gun laws. I don’t care what they require. My guns are not registered – I don’t even know if they are legal. I buy my guns from private individuals.

  The best policy is to have unregistered guns and your story straight. Guns are for defense against drug addicts, robbers, and thieves, not governments or cops. Those criminals are too well organized and backed up.�

  PT: I think he’s right. I would only add that, as I said before, it’s time for the more liberal – and normal – people to man-up, and arm themselves, against the “Compassionate Conservatives, pigs, the criminals in government”. The main thing that’s needed though is still to wake up the sleeping beauties of this world, and get them with the program.

  Stop your filthy whining about gun grabbers. They will never do it as long as there are red-necks. It’s just a diversion to get your minds off of what the government is really trying to do – screw the people more than they already have.



  Michael Parenti

  Edward Said

  Cornell West

  Howard Zinn

  Pamela Yates

  Seymour Hersh

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  Chris Hedges

  Norman Soloman

  David Ray Griffith

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