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Swinging Strike (Cessna U Wildcats Book 1)

Page 21

by Kimberly Readnour

  “Boyfriend, Braxton.” He supplies as my voice trails off. He shakes Mia’s hand while I try not to swoon over hearing him say boyfriend. It isn’t real.

  The corners of Mia’s mouth lift to a grin. “Well, well, well. Aren’t you a handsome guy and exactly what the doctor ordered to put a certain someone in their place?” She gives me a wink. “Your name has been mentioned a few times.”

  My stomach drops as I suck in my bottom lip. Drake asking about me cannot be good.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Tension radiates off Cara. She gnaws her bottom lip the entire time we follow her brother’s girlfriend to the private suite, and I swear her face pales with each closing step. Whatever hold her ex-boyfriend still has over her doesn’t bode well with me. My girl needs to relax, not be stressed over some asshole who obviously didn’t treat her well.

  I grab her hand right outside the door and lace her fingers through mine. The gesture’s more for calming her down than anything, but I like the feel of her hand in mine. It feels…right. Her touch softens the flash of anger the thought of her ex causes and eases the lingering tension caused by her lying. Cara shifts those deep brown eyes toward me, and I’m struck by the mixture of heat and intrigue in her gaze.

  Leaning down, I whisper next to her ear, “Relax, Pole Girl. We’re facing this together.”

  A soft smile forms on those beautiful lips, and I want to finish the kiss I almost started earlier. “Thanks.”

  “Are you two coming?” Mia asks, looking over her shoulder as she places her hand on the doorknob.

  “Yeah, we’re right behind you.” Cara shoots me a smirk before slipping through the doorway.

  Once I duck inside the room, I come to a halt and check out my surroundings. Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into? I try not to gape, but damn. I’m in baseball condiment heaven. This suite has it all: full-sized refrigerator, two countertops with the makings of a taco bar, a salad bar, and a fruit bar, and plenty of seating. Kids sit at the bar as the adults congregate over by the glass wall overlooking the field. The adults. I double-blink as I gawk at half the Phillies infield: Zach Pritchett, Jax Carrigan, and Drake Gunner. Wait… Drake as in Cara’s ex-boyfriend Drake? Fuck me, no wonder she’s unimpressed with my moves if she dated the Phillies catcher.

  I neutralize my expression as much as possible, but I’m that little kid who met Barry Bonds for the first time. The last thing I want to appear is shocked. Being supportive to her is the reason for being here, not so I can fan trip or be jealous over some ex-boyfriend. Exes aside, that little boy inside me—the one who has always wanted to play ball—can’t help but be awestruck by the other guys’ presence.

  “I didn’t realize your brother’s old teammates would be here.” My tone is low, for her ears only. Before she can respond, all three players turn from the viewing glass and step toward us. Jax is the first one to reach us.

  “Cara, how’s California treating you?” The big guy reaches down and pulls her into a hug. She beams up at him.

  “Good. I love it out here.” Her smile is infectious, and I catch myself wearing a goofy grin. “Jax, this is Braxton Smith.”

  His smile drops as his eyes narrow. The climate-controlled room suddenly feels like a sauna. “Mia said you were bringing some guy. Is he treating you right?”

  “Of course.”

  “I don’t know.” The Phillies closer, Zach, every bit as intimidating as Jax, flanks Cara’s side. “We didn’t exactly approve of the last dickhead you were with.” He gives a pointed look to Drake.

  “Hey,” Drake protests.

  “Daddy said a bad word.” A little blonde-haired girl giggles to the other kids in the room.

  “You two play nice and watch your mouth.” The lady slaps Zach’s chest then turns to me. “I’m Lacey, this ogre’s wife. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “We’re just having fun.” Zach drops his voice. “Sort of. Cara is like a sister to us.”

  “I plan on taking good care of her.” I wink at Cara and tamp down the hopefulness bubbling inside me that her blushing causes. We’re not really together, not officially, but this feels more real than anyone I’ve been with. Hell, we’ve even had our first major fight. I clear my throat and offer my hand to Zach. “I watched you pitch the last out in the World Series. Awesome arm, man.”

  He flashes me an all-star grin. “Thanks, I make do. Yep, this guy passes.”

  Jax laughs. “You’re so easily persuaded.”

  “Not true. The guy knows pure talent when he sees it.”

  “Good grief.” Cara shakes her head and introduces me to Jocelyn and the children. After our exchange, a tall, dark-haired guy steps forward. Cara tenses beside me. I place a reassuring hand on the swell of her back. The move is more for her benefit, but the caveman inside me wants to beat my chest when Drake doesn’t miss the move.

  “Good seeing you, Cara.” The seductive way he said the sentence is hard to miss. His gaze rakes over her body, lingering a bit on my arm placement. I erase the gap between us and shoot him a look that clearly states she’s mine.

  “Drake.” The dismissive bite to Cara’s voice causes him to smirk, but she ignores him by turning toward the rest of the room. “Yo, what happened? How come you’re not preparing for this game?”

  A collective groan fills the air.

  “It was a long season,” Zach says.

  “This guy has the stats, but we missed playing with your brother.” Jax winks at her as Drake punches his arm.

  “Our losses had nothing to do with me.” He turns to look at Cara. “Missed you in the stands though.”

  “Hmm, I missed being home, but I managed to catch some real ball.” Cara’s quip has all the men groaning.

  “You wish, little girl,” Jax says and everyone laughs.

  Cara’s eyes find mine. “Let’s watch the guys take the field.”

  We step outside and then settle into our seats after the ceremonial first pitch and rendition of our national anthem. The glow to Cara’s face as she watches her brother settle behind home plate mesmerizes me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her look so beautiful, and I have to force myself to stop staring. There’s a buzz in the air. An energized thrill from the fans kicking back and anxiously waiting the start of the game. I take in my surroundings and let the fact I’m here sink in.

  This girl brought me to a freaking playoff game. And not just any playoff game but one between the Dodgers and the Giants. I can’t think of a better wild card game to watch than my team matched against their divisional rival. No one has ever gone out of their way like this for me. Sure, I basically crashed her party and forced my way here, but she could’ve denied me. She didn’t. And now, I’m here surrounded by Dodger fans while I root for the opposing team. I internally cringe. Yeah, I think I’ll keep that tidbit to myself.

  “Braxton, are you a big baseball fan?” Zach’s wife, Lacey, I believe, asks. She sits to my right balancing a soda in one hand and her son in another.

  “You can say that.” I’m not sure how much of myself I should disclose. A big part of my dream is to play ball with these guys on their level. I know I can hold my own, especially with more experience and practice. But, damn, I can’t get over being here with them.

  “Braxton’s more than likely going to be drafted this spring,” Cara says.

  “Oh, you play ball?” The slight accusation to Drake’s voice puts me on edge. Instinctively, I grasp the armchair tighter, but he dismisses me, focusing his attention to Cara. “You just can’t keep away from the ballplayers, huh?”

  The brightness in Cara’s eyes dulls. All commotion halts as everyone gawks at Cara’s ex-boyfriend.

  “Drake.” Mia hisses his name in a warning, but the damage is already done.

  “Trust me, she tried to stay away, but I’m relentless. I knew enough not to let her go.” I swing my arm around her shoulders and pull her next to me.

  Drake’s eyes narrow as he watches my every movem
ent. I’m not sure what pissing match he wants to get into, but I’m not going to be idle as he tears Cara apart.

  “What position do you play?” Jax asks.

  I flash him an appreciative glance and don’t miss his slight nod. “Second base.”

  He asks me a few more baseball-related questions, but I can’t wrap my head around the fact I’m talking to these baseball greats. These are the guys who came off back-to-back World Series Championships. They’re legendary. I want to pick their brains, but I think better of it. Instead, I focus on the conversation surrounding Cara.

  “Cara, how are the classes going?” Jax’s wife asks.

  “You’re actually studying?” Drake mumbles under his breath, which earns him a pop in his right biceps from Mia.

  What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

  Cara shoots him a glare before turning back to Jax’s wife. “This semester’s been great. I’m enjoying all my classes.”

  “That’s good. I’m glad transferring schools has worked out for you.”

  I get the distinct impression they have a perception of her not being dedicated. Don’t they realize the courses she takes and the track she’s on? She’s wanting to become a veterinarian, for fuck’s sake.

  “She’s doing really well. We have a bio lab together and are partners. We’re killing it with our experiments.”

  “Hmm, that’s interesting. Studying was the farthest thing from your mind when we were together. Maybe you’re not doing something right over there, college boy.”

  “Drake!” Mia yells. “What is wrong with you?”

  Same question I asked just seconds ago.

  I open my mouth to tell this jerk off, but Cara beats me to it.

  “You didn’t know me too well, now did you?”

  “I knew you well enough.”

  Cara’s eyes narrow, and before she totally goes off on him, I give her shoulder a squeeze. It’s a slight gesture to let her know I’ve got her back. She’s perfectly capable of holding her own—a fact that’s becoming more and more apparent—but I’d rather sever the communication between them.

  “Cara’s really smart. There is no doubt she’ll get into the veterinarian school of her choice.”

  There’s a flash of sadness followed by appreciation coating her eyes. Not knowing what could be upsetting her, I relax somewhat. The last thing I want is her mad at me for trying to defend her. It wouldn’t be the first time my tendency to be overprotective would kick me in the ass.

  “I didn’t realize you were wanting to become a veterinarian,” Lacey says. “That’ll be great to have someone to call when Pixie gets sick.”

  “You got a dog? What kind?” Cara asks while I take a sip of soda.

  “A dalmatian.”

  I almost choke on the drink. A large-sized dog was the last thing I expected her to say.

  “Who the heck names their dalmatian Pixie?” Drake asks the only question I’ve agreed with him on so far.

  Zach’s loud wince undoubtedly can be heard across the stadium. “Zoe.”

  A chuckle escapes Jax, but Drake says no more.

  “I think it’s sweet,” Cara says with a soft smile.

  The crack of the bat zips through the air, and I watch the ball sail out of center field. Everyone groans around me while I inwardly cheer.

  “You can yell if you want,” Cara says.

  “Don’t tell me you’re a Giants fan,” Mia says. Sneers emit from the guys as everyone turns to look at me.


  “Don’t give him a hard time. He grew up near San Francisco.” Cara comes to my defense.

  “I suppose you can root for whoever you want. Just don’t tell AJ,” Mia says with a laugh.

  “Thanks”—I give Cara a side-eye—“but I’d never openly cheer in front of my girl.” I have more respect than that for her.

  She settles back into her seat with a grin. I didn’t think it was that much of a revelation, but she looks as if I just told her I’d take a bullet for her.

  “Thanksgiving’s going to be fun,” Drake says as the next batter swings at an outside pitch. “Were you meeting us there, or are we all flying together?”

  “Where are you guys going?” Lacey directs her attention toward Mia, but Drake answers.

  “We’re all going to Hawaii. It’s a secluded trip.” His gaze lands on me. I bristle, my free hand clenching and unclenching. The thought of Cara being anywhere near this guy where sun, swimsuits, and relaxation are involved drives me insane.

  “I-I wasn’t planning on going.”

  “AJ said you’re too busy. Are you sure you can’t sneak away for a while? I know you have labs, but if you asked the professor, they may give you a reprieve?” Mia asks.

  “Yeah, you can’t miss the holiday with your family,” Drake says.

  “We’re working on a big project,” Cara lies and turns a pleading look toward me. “Biochemistry doesn’t rest.”

  “Can’t your boyfriend handle it for a week?” Drake asks.

  “I really don’t like you spending Thanksgiving by yourself,” Mia pipes up. Whose side is she working for here?

  “She won’t be by herself. She’ll be going home with me.” Jesus, why did I say that? Being all caveman-like is not acting aloof. The last thing I want is to be that guy. Jealousy and possessiveness are what earned me an ex-girlfriend back in high school in the first place. I won’t make the same mistake twice, but I can’t seem to help myself around this girl.

  “See, I’ll be fine.” She flashes me another appreciative look, and all that worry disappears. She clearly doesn’t want to go on that vacation and needed an excuse. And I sure the hell don’t like the idea of her spending the holiday with him or by herself.

  “Okay,” Mia says as Drake shifts his gaze to the game.

  The game moves to the ninth inning with the Giants down by three runs. The Dodgers’ closer steps on the mound and has a quick one, two, three outs.

  I groan, but the elation on her face takes away the sting from my team losing. But it also makes me want to see that satisfied look beneath me. God, this girl gets to me.

  “Are you ready to meet my brother?”

  “Now is as good a time as any,” I say with pure confidence and tamp down my excitement. But holy shit, I’m going to meet the AJ Gonzalez.

  Chapter Thirty


  “You survived meeting my brother.” The slight tease to my voice makes Braxton laugh. He’s driving me back to the dorm after spending time with AJ and all AJ’s crazy friends. I never realized how much I miss seeing the gang until today.

  “Your brother’s awesome. Even though I thought he was going to drill me with twenty questions.”

  “You’re lucky. He was in too high of a mood to be his usual overprotective self.”

  AJ gave Braxton the once-over when I introduced him. But after the initial meeting, they hit it off. I feel a little guilty letting everyone think he’s my boyfriend, but having AJ think it makes it ten times worse. I’ll have to call him later and explain.

  “I still can’t believe you didn’t warn me who he was.”

  “Sorry. I wanted to surprise you about the game, but outside Lexie, no one knew.”

  “Why so secretive?”

  This need to not divulge the true reason behind keeping the identities separate and wanting a fresh start causes my hesitation. He knows part of the story with Drake but not the parts that make me look pathetic. I skirt around the truth. “Back at my other school, people acted differently toward me. They’d want special favors. Autographs. I just…didn’t want to deal with that when I came here.”

  “That’s understandable.”

  “I suppose I made more of a big deal about it than necessary, but I wanted my own identity.” I say this, but who have I made friends with? No one except Lexie and Shannon. I’ve been so focused on school and keeping my heritage a secret I became invisible. I’ve gone from one extreme to the other, something I’m good at doing, app
arently. I’m not sure either is good.

  “I’m sorry your team lost. I know how much this season meant to you.”

  “Eh, it’s okay. As much as I wanted them to win, how could I root against your brother’s team?” His hand lands on my bare thigh and slightly squeezes.

  My mouth parts as tingles skate across my skin from his touch. The air charges with electricity, a mixture of heat and question. Does he feel it too? He gives me a glance, and I have my answer. He may not forgive me fully, but the desire is still there. This gorgeous, selfless guy still wants me enough to sacrifice his team.

  My mind retorts back to when Drake found out about AJ’s trade and celebrated in front of me. He didn’t hold back or think about my feelings. That’s what hurt the most. He never once cared about me personally. He never looked beyond my appearance.

  Braxton is nothing like him.

  Not only does he respect me, he stands up for me. All the talk about my intelligence and then rescuing me for Thanksgiving is something Drake would have never done. Braxton may not have been serious about inviting me to his dinner, but no one has ever come to my defense and put me first before. And that metaphoric act of declaration confuses me and delights me at the same time. Everyone sees my exterior—a drama causing pretty girl—but with Braxton, it’s as if he gets a deeper glimpse and sees the real me.

  “Thanks for going with me today,” I say, my words coming out in a choke.

  The corner of his mouth lifts slightly as a hint of embarrassment coats the sharp angles of his cheeks. My insides melt from his boyish grin, but this guy sitting beside me is far from a boy. His broad shoulders fill out the salmon-colored polo he wears with confidence even when standing out among a sea of baseball-jersey clad fans. My gaze dips to those big muscular biceps I may have enjoyed being wrapped around me and then to his large hand I’m fully aware still rests on my thigh. My eyelids flutter closed as I recollect my thoughts. The moment’s quick, but when I pull myself back to reality, I’m met with a stare so intense I feel it clear to the depths of my soul. Yes, this guy is all man and quite capable of turning me on as evident by the heat racing through my veins.


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