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Swinging Strike (Cessna U Wildcats Book 1)

Page 23

by Kimberly Readnour

  But now that I have, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this girl.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Insecurities are a bitch. It’s only been one day since Braxton left my bed, but I can’t help but wonder if I made another stupid mistake. I’m good at those. I toss my phone on the table in front of Lexie and me and grip my cup. It’s Monday afternoon, not our usual Wednesday meetup at Captain’s Cup, but I called an emergency tea time before my three o’clock class.

  “Whoa, what’s wrong?” Lexie looks up from her phone.


  “Doesn’t look like nothing.” Her fingers fly across her keyboard before dropping her phone into her purse. “Sorry, Garret wanted to know where I was, but you have my full attention now.”

  I scan the seating area. A couple sits in the far corner out of hearing range and pays zero attention to us. I release a slow, steady stream of air, clearly stalling.

  “I’m guessing this has something to do with Saturday night. I can’t tell if it’s about Drake or Braxton.”

  “Drake was a dick, but I survived. And Braxton handled every jab Drake threw his way.” He really did compose himself well around him, which is funny, considering Drake is the one who’s older and playing professional ball. One would think he’d be the mature one.

  “Then it’s about Braxton? Was it awkward being around him?”

  “That’s the funny thing. It wasn’t.”

  “I’m confused. If it’s not about Drake or Braxton, what has you worked up?”

  “I slept with him,” I blurt out.

  A knowing grin crosses Lexie’s face. “And that’s wrong because…”

  “It’s the second time, and I’m worried I rushed things.”

  “Wait, you held out on me? When was the first time?”

  “The night of Garret’s birthday party.”

  “You didn’t tell me.” Her jaw drops which makes me feel a little guilty. Lexie’s like my only friend on campus besides my roommate. Shannon’s usually around, and I wasn’t going to disclose having sex with her brother.

  “If you recall, everything went to shit after that party. I never got the chance.” The door chimes, but I don’t pay attention to who comes in. “What if I did it too soon again?”

  “Did what too soon?”

  “Have sex,” I whisper yell. “I swore I’d never have a relationship based on sex again.” I want to bang my head against the table. It’s not that I’m ashamed because I’m not. I just want more. I want the bond to be real. Instead, I caved to my overactive hormones. Again.

  “I don’t think that’s what you’re doing.”

  “I suppose you’re right. We’re technically not in a relationship. Gah.” I smack my palm against my forehead.

  “You’re doing it again. You’re overthinking things.”

  “Am I though?”


  “You do have a tendency to overthink things,” a male voice says.

  My head snaps to Braxton. He’s walking toward me, staring at me with that cute dimple on full display. His expression makes it too hard to tell if he overheard me. No doubt he saw my mini freak-out. When he reaches me, he leans down and plants a soft kiss on my lips. He moves his mouth to my ear and whispers, “How’s my lover?”

  My mouth twitches. He so heard me. I don’t answer his question and ask my own. “What are you doing here?”

  “Garret needs to ask Lexie a question.”

  I force myself to greet Garret. He’s warmed up to me since picking Miller up, but there’s still a hint of tension between us. Or maybe, it’s just my lingering guilt. Either way, I don’t feel comfortable enough to stay. I push off the couch and grab my phone off the table. “You can have my seat. I have to get to class.”

  Braxton allows me to pass but steps behind me as if to follow. “I’ll catch you two later. Good seeing you, Lexie.”

  “You too.” Lexie shoots me a warning which rings loud and clear—stop overthinking. Her polite way of saying quit being dramatic.

  I head toward the door with Braxton following. We haven’t talked to each other since he left Sunday morning. I half-expected him to come up when his sister returned from her friend’s place, but he didn’t. He didn’t even text. I’m not going to admit that hurt. Okay, fine. It did hurt, but it shouldn’t have. It’s not like Braxton’s my real boyfriend.

  Sex doesn’t make it real.


  I don’t know where this self-doubt comes from. He obviously likes me despite what I did to him. Volunteering to keep me company Saturday and making sure I was okay proves he still has feelings for me beyond the physical. No matter how many times I try justifying our night by saying I have sexual needs too, it doesn’t negate the fact that I want something serious.

  With another baseball player.

  Damn it.

  “Is your class on the opposite side of campus?”

  “Huh?” As soon as he snaps me back to reality, I realize my pace is almost a sprint. At this rate, I’ll be way early for my class. I slow my pace.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were rushing to get away from me.” His voice is teasing, but there’s a hint of concern lacing his tone.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just… I don’t know. Nothing, I suppose.”

  He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. Bringing my knuckles up to his mouth he gives me a slight kiss. “We didn’t get a chance to talk yesterday.”

  “Shannon said you had a lot of stuff to do.”

  “Checking in on me?”

  “Not exactly. When she came back to the dorm, she mentioned you were complaining about all your work.”

  “I had a term paper to write among other things.” He erases the gap between us. His arms wrap around me as he plants a soft kiss on my lips. The gesture is brief but sweet. “It put me in a bad mood because I couldn’t see you. That’s the reason I didn’t call. I knew if I did, I would’ve caved. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I find you irresistible, Pole Girl.”

  Swoon, goes my heart.

  I really need to stop thinking the worst. “I’m kind of liking you, too.”

  “That’s good since you’re not getting rid of me.”

  My stomach flips. I like the fact he wants to keep seeing me. “I’m not?”

  “No. I was serious yesterday morning. The past is behind us.”

  How he can forgive me so easily baffles me. “Okay.”

  “Just don’t lie to me again.”

  “Not a chance.”

  He flashes me a wicked grin. “I know I have to compete with the playoff games, but I want to take you on a real date.”

  I love that he put my wants first. He knows missing a playoff game is unquestionable. I don’t know what I did to deserve him. Baseball player or not, he really does try with me. “I’d like that. What did you have in mind?”

  “We could go out to eat somewhere nice like Dida’s.”

  “No,” I say rather vehemently. “Anywhere but there.”

  “Don’t like Italian?”

  “Not a fan.”

  “Well then.” He gives my ass a playful swat. “I want to see this booty shake on the dance floor.”

  “Think you could keep up? With dancing, that is,” I tease.

  “I most certainly can keep up.”

  “Then you have yourself a future date.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you shake that ass for me.”

  “Cara?” Tryce says my name in a form of a question.

  Braxton backs away, sliding his hand to the small of my back. His other hand forms a fist he keeps at his side. Tryce glances at Braxton’s arm then back to me. A twinge of guilt seeps in even though it shouldn’t.

  “Can you give me a second?” I ask Braxton.

  With a half growl, half sigh, Braxton steps back.

  “Look, I’m sorry, Tryce. I didn’t mean—”

  “Save it.” Tryce looks between Braxton
and me before pinning me with a glare. “You know what I don’t get?”

  It’s a rhetorical question, so I don’t answer.

  “Why you would willingly choose to be with someone like him?”

  “What do you mean?” I feel so bad for not being up front with him, but I’m not going to let him diss Braxton like that.

  “He throws girls away like they’re trash. What’s going to happen when he gets tired of you?”

  I flinch, taken back by the harshness of his words. “I’m sorry if I led you to believe we’d be going out, but things changed.”

  He scoffs as he brushes past me. “I didn’t know you’d be like the others.”

  Like the others? Self-doubt flickers in my stomach, but before I tumble down the rabbit hole of insecurity, a streak catches my attention. My instincts kick in, and I grab Braxton’s arm to stop him. He’s seething.

  “Let it rest,” I say.

  “But he disrespected you.”

  “And you didn’t disrespect him by staking your claim?” I challenge.

  A low groan escapes his mouth, and he weaves his fingers through mine. “Fine, but if he gives you any shit, all bets are off. You don’t believe him, do you? I don’t go around breaking hearts. And I have no intention of breaking yours.”

  I let out a sigh. “I know he was lashing out. I didn’t mean to hurt him.”

  His body seemingly relaxes. “I know you didn’t. Some guys don’t take hints too well.”

  “I’ve noticed.” I look up at Braxton and blink innocently, thinking about all the times I tried to push away Braxton’s advances.

  “Okay, wiseass.” He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “You better get to class.”

  As we take off walking, he drops a bombshell on me. “Friday, we’re hosting the playoff game at our house.”

  “With your roommates?” Who hate me?

  “You’ll be fine. Everything worked out, remember?”

  I nod. I suppose sooner or later I need to make amends with the team. I was just hoping for much later.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  A big ball of fur greets me and about plows me over when I step into Braxton’s house.

  “Hey, boy. You came.” My hands automatically start rubbing Miller’s belly when he nuzzles up against my leg. “You’re growing so big.”

  “If you petted me like that, I’d be growing too.”

  “Ha, ha.” I shoot Braxton a smirk, and Shannon smacks him in the arm.

  “If you’re going to be gross, don’t do it around me.” Shannon scans the room, and when her eyes land on Noah, she smiles. She goes to take off toward him but stops short when a leggy, brunette sidles up next to him on the couch. Her face neutralizes, but I didn’t miss the hurt flashing in her eyes. I shelve that thought for later.

  “Garret went and got him. He’s bringing him back home tomorrow.”

  “I didn’t realize there were going to be this many people.” I glance over Braxton’s shoulder at the small crowd gathered on the sectional and surrounding chairs. There must be around twenty or so people.

  “Yeah.” Braxton scratches the back of his head. “Garret invited some of the guys from the team, and then they brought some girls…”

  Great, as if being here with the guys wasn’t awkward enough, I have to contend with Isabella’s posse. “It’s fine. I was just thrown a little. Lexie should be here in about a half hour. She’s watching her little brother and had to wait for her mom.”

  Braxton crouches beside me and tickles behind Miller’s ears. “He sure does like you. You’ll make a great vet, someday.”

  Unease twists my insides. I haven’t told Braxton about dropping my class and the probability of messing up my plans. As far as I know, he thinks I’m doing something else for the newspaper. I couldn’t bear him knowing Alan wanted more dirt on him. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and force a smile. “I have a distinct feeling Miller would like anyone who gives him attention.”

  “Hmm, I’m not so sure. He could be like me.” Braxton focuses his attention on Miller and doesn’t elaborate.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I only like your attention.” He lifts his lashes, and those sparkling baby blues darken with an intensity I feel clear to my bones. The hint of vulnerability mixed with desire is a toxic combination, and no matter how upset I am for dropping the class, all I have to do is look at him to know I did the right thing.

  Braxton chuckles from my lack of response and grabs my hand. “Come on. We have to watch your brother kick some ass.”

  “Damn straight.”

  After grabbing a couple of drinks, we make our way to the living room. There isn’t much room on the couch, but Garret scoots over enough for Braxton to sit. Before I can find my own seating, Braxton pulls me into his lap. That earns him, or maybe me, a few glares from a group of girls, including Pixie Girl from the bar the other night. Lovely. At least the minions’ leader seems to be missing. Thank God. I don’t think I could handle Isabella today. The one vying for Noah’s attention runs her hand along his arm and leans in to whisper something in his ear right as Shannon settles onto the floor across from the sectional. Shannon’s back straightens as she looks away and stares absentmindedly at the television. I fidget while trying to decipher her expression and whether I should go say something.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Braxton murmurs against my ear. The vibrations skim across my skin and send a current of want through my body. He runs his free hand along my side until it settles along my waist and then nestles me closer to him.

  “I guess nowhere.”

  “I like the sound of that.” His lips brush against my ear, and the barely there kiss turns my insides into a pile of mush.

  We remain sitting like this during the start of the game. Miller’s lying beside our feet, curled into a ball, resting his head on his paws without a concern in the world.

  “See, I told you that you have a way with animals.”

  “He’s a good dog.”

  “He’s settling in well at home. It’s actually a better place for him.” Garret flashes me a small smile. “We would’ve had to do something with him once baseball games start. Quit beating yourself up about it.”

  “Thanks, Garret.”

  Noah gave me a friendly nod on our way to get the drinks, so maybe the guys don’t hate me after all. Dalton isn’t here, but I don’t get the impression he cares what I do. I settle back to watch the game. The top of the third rolls around, and the Dodgers are down by a run with one out when AJ comes to bat.

  “Cara, look it’s your relation.” Garret smacks my leg and points at my brother. I blanch, wondering how he found out. Braxton’s hand stills against my waist. Braxton wouldn’t tell him. Would he?

  Noah pops up from the brunette’s neck long enough to see who Garret was talking about. “Hey, that’s AJ Gonzalez. He’s a wildcats legend. That’d be cool if you really were related.”

  “Totally. Then you’d be able to hook us up with tickets,” Garret says, smacking my leg again. Every wound-up muscle eases from his joke.

  “Shut up and keep your hands to yourself. Even if he was her brother, she wouldn’t owe you tickets.”

  AJ smacks a single, and I let out a cheer right as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I wiggle my ass to fish it out and Braxton tries to stop me.

  “Easy there, Pole Girl,” he murmurs against my ear. “You don’t want something to rise.”

  “Hmm, maybe I do.”

  He breathes in a sharp breath. “You’re killing me. There’re too many people here.”

  A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth but falls as soon as I read Lexie’s text.

  Lexie: Can’t make it. Mom has to work overtime.

  Me: That sucks. I’ll let everyone know. C-ya tomorrow.

  Lexie: Thanks. FYI, I’m never having kids.

  “Lexie isn’t going to make it.”

  Garret whips his head to me. “Why?”r />
  “She’s stuck babysitting. Her mom is working overtime.”

  His mouth flattens into a thin line, and he averts his attention back to the television where the next batter hits into a double play officially ending the inning. I suppress my groan, trying hard to not look like a superfan.

  When the next inning comes up, Dalton waltzes through the front door. The smile Shannon gives him makes Braxton’s entire body stiffen. But he’s not the only one who notices. Noah takes a swig of his bottled water, eyeing her the entire time. I don’t have time to dwell on them because Arizona cracks a home run. A collective groan sweeps across the room. Even Miller lets out a disapproving bark.

  Having nowhere to sit, Dalton pads over to the kitchen and grabs a drink before settling on the bench. Shannon stays focused on the television while Noah returns his attention back to the girl in his lap. Interesting.

  “I wish my sister wasn’t here.” Braxton nibbles on my ear, his fingers tracing small circles over my skin. I revel in the heat racing up my spine, his friend’s problems forgotten.

  “Mmm, why is that?”

  “Because I want to take you upstairs and fuck you. I’ve been dying to get back inside you.” He sweeps my hair to the side and exposes a shoulder. He plants a soft kiss, and then says, “I can’t wait to taste you again.”

  Shivers skate down my spine. “You’re going to have to wait a little longer.”

  “Go out with me tomorrow night.”

  “Confident my team will lose, huh?”

  He chuckles. “Let’s go dancing if there isn’t a game.”

  “You got it.” I push off Braxton’s lap and stand. “I’m going to get a refill. You ready for another?”

  He goes to get up. “I’ll get it. You’re the guest.”

  “No, stay put. I’m perfectly capable.”

  “Thanks, babe. I’m due for another then.”

  Shannon pops up off the floor. “I’ll go with you.” She flanks my side while Dalton makes his way into the living room. I don’t miss the silent exchange they give each other. “When did things get serious between you and my brother?”


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