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The Hot Spot

Page 5

by Niobia Bryant

“Don’t move,” he pleaded. “I don’t want to come yet.”

  Zaria lightly bit his shoulder. “You better not. You talked way too much trash to go out this early.”

  Kaleb looked down at her. “Oh, you got jokes, huh?” he asked, liking that she was playful and sexy all at once—but there was a time to play and a time to get serious.

  Kaleb grasped her waist and then sat back on his haunches, jerking her hips to pull her buttocks up onto the top of his upper thighs, her legs dangling over his bent arms. The move surprised her as she sat up with elbows pressed into her bed.

  “Whoa,” she said, looking at him like What’s coming next?


  Kaleb lifted his buttocks off his haunches as he worked her hips and buttocks up and down, sending his dick against her clit and her G-spot with each rhythmic thrust inside her walls.

  Zaria’s eyes glazed over as she bit her bottom lip with a moan filled with every bit of pleasure she felt. “Oooooh my,” she whispered, enjoying the feel of him as she watched the muscles of his chest, abs, arms, thighs, and buttocks flex with each slick and concentrated movement.

  His eyes took in everything about her, missing nothing. The pleasure on her face. The fast beating of the pulse at the base of her throat as she let her head fall back. The way her hard brown nipples pointed toward the ceiling as the soft flesh of her breasts bounced up and down. The sight of his fingers digging into her hips. Her thick thighs spread wide. Her swollen clit, pink and glistening, freed from her brown hairless lips. The sight of his hard inches gliding in and out of her core.

  “Damn, it’s good,” he moaned, closing his eyes as he let his own head fall back.

  Sweat coated his body during the workout, but he was relentless, going from a slow and easy rocking motion to faster, quicker, and deeper thrusts filled with his strength and spurred on by her moans and purrs.

  “Kaleb,” she gasped.

  His lips pursed at the feel of the spasms of her walls against his length as her core filled with a burst of heat and moisture. He knew she climaxing, and he looked down at her, his own face filling with a fierce determination.

  “I’m coming,” she gasped, her elbows collapsing from underneath her, causing her upper body to lightly flop down onto the bed.

  Zaria felt a tiny explosion burst inside of her until she felt as if she were floating on air. He continued to pound her hips down onto his hardness, her buttocks lightly slapping against his upper thighs. Her loud and rough cries floated to the ceiling as she allowed her climax to control her. To free her. To complete her. “Yesssss,” she cried out.

  Her release pushed him over the edge into his own.

  Kaleb stiffened as everything inside of him exploded. His movements became uneven as he fought for control as his release froze his body and made the tip of his member sensitive.

  With a few final and hard thrusts, he grunted, completely spent.

  Their panted breaths filled the air as their bodies went lax.

  Kaleb freed his member and then shifted to sit on the edge of the bed, pressing his elbows against his knees as his head dropped to his chest. He felt completely exhausted and spent. He wanted nothing more than to climb into bed and sleep. And then he wanted to awaken and have more of her.

  But it was her house . . . and her call.

  Zaria swallowed a lump in her throat as she looked at him. She reached out with a still-shaky leg to nudge his back, already feeling sleep consume her.

  Kaleb looked over at her with sleep in his own eyes.

  “Come to bed, Kaleb,” she said softly, wanting his hard and warm body beside her.

  “Be right back,” he said, rising to walk to her bathroom.

  Moments later, her toilet flushed.

  He walked back into the room, his body just as beautiful but his member now limp but still impressive, even at rest.

  It took all her will to raise her arms—which felt like dead weights—to applaud him as he climbed into bed and pulled her body back against his with a chuckle.

  Soon, both of their soft snores filled the air.

  Late Saturday evening, Zaria stirred awake with a little moan. She frowned a little at the cool drool spot against her face. Damn! She wiped around her mouth as she sat up in the bed.

  Kaleb stirred in his sleep with a little grunt before he went right back into a light snore. His body was sprawled out, one leg hanging off the bed and the rumpled sheet barely covering his stomach and privates.

  Zaria smiled as she wiped her makeup-free face with her hands. She understood his fatigue. They hadn’t left the house once. Just hours upon hours of leftovers, lounging, and lovemaking—or rather lustmaking, because Zaria wanted no part of any kind of love from a man.

  She crept out of bed, leaving Kaleb reluctantly behind as he snorted and turned over onto his side, causing the sheet to fall and expose his caramel back and buttocks to her.

  Kaleb was sleeping like an oversized baby, and this time she deserved the applause. During their last sexual escapade, she had taken the lead with a reverse cowgirl ride that left him literally begging her to stop.

  Zaria did a little dance as she made her way to the bathroom to quickly brush her teeth, wash her face, and pull a ventilated brush through the tangled ends of her weave. She fought the urge to apply light makeup before lighthearted steps carried her out of the bathroom. She checked to make sure he was still hibernating and then danced her nude body into the living room to see if she had any messages on her answering machine.

  She had turned off the ringer on her landline because she wanted no interruptions this weekend. She’d asked him to spend the weekend with her and he’d agreed. Chitchat with her daughters or her best friends—Chanci and Hope—would have to wait until she finally kissed him good-bye tomorrow.

  Zaria fully intended to enjoy herself with Kaleb and their intense chemistry. Then she was going to send him and every inch of his skillful dick happily on his way and get back to enjoying the second half of her life—which was turning out to be way more fun than the first half. Way, way more.

  “Good morning.”

  Zaria looked over her bare shoulder to find Kaleb leaning against the door frame of her bedroom. She licked her lips and allowed herself to take him all in. He had nothing to be ashamed of.

  Even though she was proud of her own body, she still sucked her stomach in a bit before she turned to walk over to him. She loved how his dick hardened, lengthened, and rose from its resting position as he watched her like a hawk. “Why are you up?” Zaria asked as she neared him and wrapped a hand around his heated, rigid tool.

  Kaleb’s hips arched a bit as she massaged the length of him between their bodies. “I had a headache I thought you could help me with,” Kaleb said, looking pointedly down at his erection.

  “Oh, you did, huh?” she asked, stepping up beside him with his heat still firmly in her hand. She continued into the room, pulling him around and behind her, leading him by his maleness.

  “I do,” Kaleb answered thickly.

  “Let’s see what I can do.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Early Sunday morning, Kaleb checked his missed calls on his cell phone as soon as he climbed inside his pickup truck. He called his foreman and let him know he wouldn’t be on the farm until later that evening. The calls from his mother he ignored and called Kade instead as he steered his truck out of Zaria’s yard.

  “Whaddup, little brother?”

  “Hey. Listen, I won’t be home until later on tonight,” Kaleb said as he pulled to a red light.

  Kade laughed. “One of the exes actually worked out?” he asked in disbelief.

  All of his brothers had advised him to leave his past in the past.

  Kaleb shook his head as if his brother could see him thirty miles away in Holtsville. “No, I . . . uh . . . I met someone new,” he admitted.

  “On your date with someone else?” Kade asked.

  “Kinda . . . but not really.” Once the light tu
rned green, Kaleb turned the truck into the parking lot of CVS. Summer ville had more amenities and stores than Holtsville and was larger in size. The two cities were neighbors, but one was Mayberry and the other was a mini-New York in comparison.

  “What happened?”

  Kaleb parked in a spot near the front of the store as he gave Kade the rundown on getting walked out on by his date and then meeting Zaria. “She fine, too, Kade. She bad as hell.”

  “Get the hell outta here,” Kade said. “Wait till I tell the brothers this shit, Mr. Ready to Settle Down.”

  Kaleb shut his truck off and climbed out. “No, I really do want to find Miss Right . . . but um . . . you know . . . I can still have fun until I do, right?”

  “Oh, most definitely.”

  He squinted his deep-set eyes against the blazing summer sun. “Just run interference on Ma. You know how she get if she can’t reach us—especially since I’m missing church.”

  “Got it.”

  All the brothers knew the drill. Their mother kept up with her children. Sometimes too much. They figured out that as long as one of the other siblings supplied some sort of detail on the whereabouts of the others, then she called off the dogs.

  Kaleb flipped his phone closed as he walked into the pharmacy. He walked up to the counter. “Excuse me. Where are the condoms?” he asked the thin petite woman in the red uniform jacket.

  “Aisle two,” she said, eyeing him up and down before she went back to stacking mini bottles of hand sanitizer by the register.

  “Thanks.” He patted the countertop before he headed toward the aisle. He grabbed a triple pack of ribbed Magnums, then thought twice about it and grabbed a twelve-pack instead. Just in case, he thought as he rushed around the store for deodorant and a toothbrush. Kaleb made his way back to the cashier.

  She rang up the deodorant. And then the toothbrush. She pointedly eyed the box of condoms and then looked up at him. “Ooooh . . . not the twelve-pack,” she muttered under her breath, her voice slightly squeaky.

  Kaleb pressed one of his hands on the counter as he looked away from her and then back down at her, saying nothing.

  “Excuuuuuse me, Mr. One in a Million, Hard to Believe, Who You Think You Fooling,” she said, turning up her lips before she scooped up the box to scan.

  What the hell? Kaleb eyed her. “Don’t be jealous on your man’s behalf,” he said.

  She looked comically aghast, pressing her hand to her chest and leaning farther back than Fat Joe. “Oh, I know you didn’t!”

  “Oh, yes, I did,” he said, mocking her voice, facial expression, hand press to the chest, and lean.

  Someone in line behind him giggled at the exchange.

  Kaleb slid a crisp fifty-dollar bill across the counter before he turned. A little old lady in the biggest going-to-church hat he’d ever seen tilted her head back to wink at him mischievously.

  “Ma’am,” he said politely with a nod before grabbing his bag and change.

  As he walked out of the store, he thought he heard her tell the cashier, “Whoever he headed to gonna need a good soak after it’s all said and done.”

  Kaleb laughed as he pulled out his cell phone. He dialed the number Zaria gave him before he left her house. It rang twice.

  “I’m on the way back. You need anything?” he asked, tossing the bag onto the seat.

  “Just you . . . back in bed.”

  Kaleb’s nature stirred.

  “I’m lying in bed thinking of you and the things I would like to do to you,” she said in a husky and soft voice meant to tease and tantalize.

  “Oh yeah?” he said, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot . . . quickly.

  “I thought I should wait for you, but then I thought why not get it ready for him. Set the scene. Stir up the mood. You know?”

  Kaleb felt his manhood stiffen and slide down between his thigh and jeans as he envisioned her naked in bed with her hands pressed to places he wanted to touch himself.

  She moaned into the phone softly. “It’s funny, when I was a kid, I hated cats. Now here I am stroking a kitty.”

  He trembled. “Is it wet?” he asked thickly, shifting in the driver’s seat as he drove as fast as safety and sanity allowed.

  “Very,” she said, then released a deep, purrlike sigh into the phone.

  Kaleb spotted a police car parked up ahead on the side of the road and forced himself to ease off the gas pedal. The last thing he wanted was to get stopped by the police with a hard-on.


  He looked into the rearview mirror, and as soon as he could no longer see the police cruiser, he gunned the gas. He stirred up dirt and pebbles turning into Zaria’s dirt-packed front yard.

  “This feels so good. Hurry, Kaleb, I need you inside me. Please hurry.”

  Kaleb put his phone on speaker and set it on the dash. “Get it ready for me,” he told her as he rose off the seat to unzip his pants and free his erection. It felt like hard heat in his hands as he took one of the condoms from the box and unrolled it down the long, curving length.

  “How do you want it, Kaleb? Where do you want it?”

  “I want you on your back with your legs wide open waiting for me,” he said, covering his erection with his shirt and the bag as he left the truck and jogged up the stairs to the front door with his phone in his hand.

  “Hmmm. Come get it.”

  Kaleb paused with his hand on the doorknob at the visual. He felt weak in the knees and anxious through his whole body. “I’m coming,” he told her, opening the door and closing his phone.

  He strode quickly to the bedroom, the sounds of her moans echoing in the air and hurrying his strides. He paused at the doorway, taking in the sight of her body on the edge of the bed positioned and waiting just as he’d asked. Without saying a word, he let his jeans fall to the tops of his shoes as he walked up to stand before her, eased her moist fingers out of the way, and entered her with one deft thrust that caused them both to shudder and cry out.

  Hours later, long after the sun had descended and their sexy seclusion drew to an end, both Kaleb and Zaria moved with slow reluctance. Their weekend was over.

  Zaria stepped in front of the mirror over her dresser as she tightened the belt of her silk print robe and then twisted her hair into a loose knot at the base of her neck. Her eyes shifted to take in his reflection as he dressed by her bed.

  “I know you’re ready to change out of those clothes,” she told him, turning to press her buttocks against the dresser as she watched him pull his beater T-shirt over his head and tuck it into his open denims.

  Kaleb looked over at her. “It was worth it,” he told her, sitting down on the bed to slide his shoes on.

  In that moment, she felt like she could watch him forever. That didn’t sit well with her. She was beyond the point in her life of being sprung. She’d made a decision to welcome him into her life for just the weekend. No relationships. No dates. No asking for more. It was what it was and it was over.

  That weird vibe between them was all out of their systems.

  She smiled a bit as he rose and walked over to stand in front of her. She took his hand and turned to lead him to the front door. She opened it wide and leaned back against it to look up at his handsome face.

  Kaleb leaned down to lightly touch her side as he pressed a lingering kiss to her smooth cheek. “I’ll call you sometime,” he said. His words landed against her skin; then he turned and walked out the door.

  Zaria was surprised at the sense of loss and regret she felt.


  From atop his favorite horse, Danger, Kaleb skillfully maneuvered the last of his cows into the paddock. Growing and maintaining lush pastures for the cows to graze all year long was a vital part of his farming. His cows needed great nutrition to produce milk, and waiting for green pastures just in the spring had been too risky.

  After lots of research and attending lectures by successful dairy farmers, Kaleb focused his energy on
ten different paddocks that he used to rotate the herds all year long. Increased natural nutrition for the cow increased his profits from the annual herd-milking average of twenty thousand pounds.

  Of course, there was more to the farm, like disposing of the waste not used for fertilizer, keeping the milking facility clean, keeping bulls to breed the cows for calves, and much more. Kaleb had a full staff of twenty employees who were as equally loyal and hardworking as he was a wellpaying, fair employer to them.

  “Lordan, can you finish this up?” he called out to one of his ranch hands, a twenty-year-old who had been working with him every summer since he was fifteen. He’d hired him on full-time once he graduated high school two years ago.

  “No problem, sir,” Lordan called back from atop his horse.

  Kaleb galloped across the flat plain toward the hub of his expansive farm. As he passed the milk parlor and then stopped in front of the metal stable, he saw in the distance that there was a car parked in front of his house, which was near the front of the property. He was too far away to recognize anything about it except its bright red color.

  Dismounting, he handed the reins to one of the teenaged stable boys working for him. “Make sure to wipe him down and get him some water.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He climbed onto his dusty Kawasaki Mule—a multipurpose vehicle that was like a combo of an ATV and a small pickup truck. Kaleb shooed away one of the stray dogs that had taken up residence on his ranch. He didn’t have the heart to take them to the pound, so he made sure they were well fed and took them to Bianca’s veterinary practice to have them checked, but he definitely wasn’t looking for a pet—not like Kahron, who had his dog Hershey riding shotgun everywhere.

  Kaleb checked the time on his cell phone. It was just after three. Usually he liked to pitch in right along with his staff, but he had some other business to tend to off the ranch. As he neared his house, he saw a woman on his porch. Her back was to him. She was tall and curvy with long straight hair.


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