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Safe Guard (The DeLuca Family Book 2)

Page 18

by Amy Reece

  “Chrissy, love.” He tipped her chin up, forcing her to look at him. “Of course I want that. And I want it with you. Rest assured I’ll be asking sooner rather than later.” He kissed her softly. “You know you tend to babble when you’re nervous, don’t you? It’s kind of adorable, especially since you’re usually so tough and badass.”

  She laughed self-consciously. “Only with you. Sorry, but it matters, and I got burned last time.”

  “Not a problem. I’m just grateful you haven’t pulled your gun on me yet. How many?”

  “How many what?”

  “Kids. I’m curious, since I come from a large family.”

  “Oh. Well, not six. I don’t know how your mother did it and kept her sanity. I was thinking more like two or three.”

  He chuckled and hugged her. “Two or three sounds perfect.”

  “Good. Whew. I feel better and I’ll stop talking about it now, because your life must be flashing before your eyes.” She had to give him props for not freaking out on her. He’d been a bachelor for a long time, and it couldn’t be easy to contemplate such a huge life change. She also didn’t want him to feel pressured; she’d needed to know there was hope for a future with him, though.

  “Not even close, sweetheart. I’m feeling nothing but contentment right now. And hunger. Thank God,” he finished as the doorbell rang. He kissed her nose and jogged out of the room, returning moments later with a giant pizza box. “Here we go: half Hawaiian, half pepperoni and green chile. Can you grab the wine and some glasses, hon?”

  They ate on the sofa, making a fair dent in the pizza and polishing off the bottle of pinot noir. Then Hugh took her upstairs to bed.

  The morning sun was beginning to lighten the bedroom when she pried her eyes open. Golden brown orbs stared back at her from the edge of the bed. “Morning, Bob.”

  “He’s excited you’re here. Me too.” Hugh scooped her back against his large frame, spooning with her as he kissed her shoulder.

  She sighed happily and wriggled against him, enjoying his groan. “I can tell.” She rolled over and kissed him. “As much as I would love nothing more than spending the day in bed with you, it’s going to have to wait. I have a ton of work. Can you drop me at my apartment?”

  “Of course. Why don’t you bring some stuff over tonight? I’ll clear out a drawer.” He said it casually, as if her answer didn’t matter. She suspected it mattered quite a bit.

  “That sounds great.” She kissed him again, letting her hand stroke across his delightfully furry chest.

  “Mmmm. If you keep that up, you’re gonna be late for work.” He let his own hand slip down to her bottom, where he stroked once, then swatted her playfully. “Get out of my bed, woman!” He threw back the comforter and pushed her toward the edge.

  “Tyrant,” she mumbled, but dragged herself away from the temptation his body presented. She dressed quickly in her jogging shorts from the night before. “God, I have to do the walk of shame in my running clothes.”

  He laughed as he stood to pull on a pair of jeans. “I’ll put some coffee on.”


  An hour later, she was fully dressed and in her own car, but she didn’t drive to the precinct. She’d texted Finn to tell him she had an early appointment and would see him later. She felt bad about the fib, but Ariana had insisted on total secrecy. She drove to the small motel on the outskirts of town, parked, and knocked on the door of room 20B.

  Ariana answered the door, opening it a mere crack with the safety chain engaged, then closed it. She reopened and stepped back to allow Chris to enter. “You weren’t followed, were you?”

  “No. And I did a quick recon of the parking lot. Nobody is watching. You’re safe.” Chris handed the other woman the cup of coffee she’d brought for her.

  Ariana’s hand shook as she accepted the cup. “For now. It won’t last. As soon as Alexandar figures out I’ve left—”

  “We’ll make sure you’re safe, Ariana, I promise. I’ve arranged for a safe house until the trial. Then you’ll go into witness protection.”

  “Do you really think I’ll last that long?” She laughed once, mirthlessly. “Adrian will find a way to have me killed. I know and I accept it. I was the one stupid enough to marry the son of a well-known mobster, after all.”

  “Why did you marry him then?” Chris had wondered since she’d first met the woman. Ariana wasn’t stupid; on the contrary she had a doctorate in microbiology and had been a successful research scientist until her marriage to Alexandar Argyros.

  Ariana shrugged and shakily sipped her coffee. “He was charming and swept me off my feet. It didn’t hurt that he was rich, either,” she added. “I didn’t know about his family until we were engaged, and by then it was too late. Alex would never have let me go.”

  “And now you’re pregnant.” She’d suspected it the first time they’d met. She’d slipped her personal cell phone number to Ariana before she and Finn had left, hoping she would call at some point. She finally had yesterday afternoon, insisting upon a private meeting in this crappy, out of the way motel. She’d told Chris she couldn’t bear to raise her child as a member of her husband’s violent, criminal family.

  Ariana nodded and angrily wiped away a tear. “I need to stay alive long enough to have this baby. I’ll do whatever you want to make that happen.”

  “I’m going to make sure you stay alive to be a mother to that baby, Ariana. Adrian Argyros does not have the kind of reach you think he does.”

  “You’re incredibly naïve, Detective Hart. But I know what I must do. I’ve brought all the records I could get my hands on and I’ll testify as much as you want. You just need to make sure the trial is after the baby is born. I won’t let any of them see me while I’m pregnant. They can never know about this baby. Did you bring the paperwork for me to sign?”

  Chris handed her the contract she’d had Lauren draw up yesterday. Contacting Hugh’s ex had been a difficult pill to swallow, but she was a professional and knew she needed to work with the D.A.’s office regardless of personal issues. “Do you have a place for the baby? I mean, in case…”

  Ariana glanced up sharply. “I’m working on it.”

  Chris flushed at being caught in her lie. She knew Ariana would likely not live long past the trial; the Argyros family would never suffer such a betrayal and they had enough resources to devote to locating her.

  “Here.” Ariana handed her the signed contract. “Is it happening today?”

  “Yes,” Chris said absently as she looked over the paperwork. “I’ll take you to the safe house and make sure you’re settled. Then we’ll make the arrests. I need your cell phone, Ariana, and all your credit cards. I’ve brought you a burner phone, but I have to emphasize the danger of calling anyone you know that Alexandar also knows.”

  The woman fished in her over-sized handbag for her wallet and cell phone. She handed Chris a handful of gold and platinum credit cards and an iPhone. “Fine. I certainly don’t want anyone else to suffer. I’m ready.”

  Chris nodded, admiring the courage of the woman sitting across from her. Would she, herself, have the kind of nerve to do what Ariana was about to do, all for the love of her unborn, unknown child? She thought about the difference between this kind of love and the callous disregard Lauren had shown for her own unborn child. She vowed to do everything in her power to keep Ariana safe, but feared she had very little ability to carry out this vow. “Let’s go.”

  She helped Ariana gather her few belongings and walked her out to her car, checking first to make sure it was safe. They made it to the safe house without incident and she got the other woman settled in with her protective detail. Then and only then did she make the other phone call.

  Chapter Sixteen


  He whistled as he let himself into his office the next morning. He had stopped by for bagels and coffee but was still the first one to arrive. He was setting up a platter in the break room when he heard Izzy arrive. “Hey, sis. In h
ere with bagels.”

  She paused at the door of the break room, a sheepish expression on her face. “What’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion. I just got up early and had time to spare.” He was going to make her ask, the little tattle tale.

  “Oh.” She sounded deflated and he had to turn away to hide his smile. “So, nothing happened?”

  “Like what? Oh, wait. I forgot to tell you…” He let his words drift away as he pretended to struggle with the lid to the cream cheese.

  “What?” She approached eagerly.

  “I got tickets for Lion King for Janey and me this weekend. You don’t mind if I steal her Saturday night, do you?” He bit his lip to keep from laughing at her crestfallen expression.

  “That’s it? You didn’t talk to Chris? She didn’t call you?”

  “Chrissy? No.” He frowned and pretended to think. “She hasn’t called me in nearly two weeks.” He turned and prepared a bagel for Izzy. “Here. You don’t deserve it, you little rat, but I love you anyway. You and Cara just can’t keep a secret, can you?”

  “So she did call you? Are you back together?”

  “She did not call. She came over. And yes, we are back together. Thank God. I was going nuts without her.” He took a huge bite out of his own bagel.

  “Ohh!” She punched him lightly on the arm. “We tried, but we had to tell Mel! It’s not my fault she tells Finn everything! And it worked, didn’t it?” She hugged him with one arm while holding her plate with the other. “I’m so happy for both of you!”

  “Yeah, me too. I’m going to marry her, by the way. Don’t get excited! I haven’t popped the question yet, but it’s coming soon.” He waited patiently while she squealed and jumped up and down. He watched her, so obviously thrilled for him and Chrissy, and wondered—for the millionth time—what had happened to her. He would love nothing more than to discover the identity of the man who gotten her pregnant then left her to raise Janey on her own. Someday he’d find out and he’d rearrange the bastard’s face for him. He couldn’t even countenance other, darker, reasons for her situation.

  “When? Oh, Hugh, this is amazing! I’m so happy for you!”

  “Try to contain yourself, Iz. I still need to ask and she still has to say yes. I don’t know why I even told you. You’ll probably squeal to her before the day is over.”

  “I won’t! I swear!” She took a bite of her bagel and rolled her eyes in delight. “Mmm, why are carbs so delicious?” She set her plate down and boosted herself onto the counter. “I repeat: when?”

  “I don’t know. I just got her back, and I don’t want to rush her into anything. Soon. That’s all I’m ready to say. I’m not getting any younger, after all.”

  “God, Hugh! You’re thirty-four, not sixty! And I’m thirty-two, so shut it about being old, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay,” he said with a short laugh. “I kind of thought I’d have my life settled before I turned thirty, that’s all. What about you, Izzy? Do you ever want marriage? More kids?”

  A shadow crossed her features, quickly replaced with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “We’re not talking about me right now.” She slid from the counter and threw her plate in the trash. “Don’t worry about me, Hugh. I’m fine. Really. I have Janey and she’s everything. I don’t have any regrets.”

  He put his arm around her and pulled her against his side. “Who was he?”

  She shook her head even as she hugged him back. “It doesn’t matter. Please stop asking me.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that, Izzy. You’re my little sister and I hate that I can’t fix this for you.”

  She laughed and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Why am I not surprised? It’s my life, big brother, and I’m happy. Let it go.”

  “Easier said than done.” He flinched as she punched him again. “Fine, okay. I’ll try. That’s all I can promise.”

  She kissed him on the cheek and escaped to her office.

  He blew out a breath and ran his hands through his hair. God, she’s a piece of work! He went to his own office and put in a few hours of work. Angelo Fiore had sent over the paperwork for the Amador purchase, so he printed it out and went over it with a fine-toothed comb. It was nearly lunchtime before he signed the document online and sent it back to Angelo’s lawyer. He stood to stretch his back and decided to swing by the precinct to see if he could sweet talk Chrissy into having lunch with him. He caught sight of a florist as he drove and made a split-second decision to pull in.

  “Are those for me? How did you know roses are my favorite?” Finn grinned and propped his feet on the edge of his desk. “It’s been ages since you brought me flowers, bro.”

  “Hilarious. Really. Where’s Chrissy?”

  “No idea. She’s still at her appointment, I guess.”

  “What appointment? She didn’t mention anything this morning.” He didn’t like the sudden clenching in his gut and tried to ignore it.

  Finn shrugged and removed his feet from the desk. “She didn’t elaborate. I figured it was lady-stuff and didn’t ask. This morning, huh? Does that mean what I think it means?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  Hugh rolled his eyes. “This isn’t middle school, Finn.” He reached into his pocket for his cell phone.

  Hugh: Hey, where r u? Finn said you had an appointment? Everything OK? Will you be back in time for lunch?

  He stared at the screen, but no response came; it didn’t even register that she’d read the text. He dialed her number, but it went straight to voice mail. “Goddammit! Where is she?” His stomach was full-on roiling now.

  Finn tried to reach her, as well, with the same results. “Shit! This doesn’t feel right. I gotta go.”


  “I’m thinking Angelo Fiore might have finally made good on his threat.” Finn looked grim as he checked his gun.

  “But I made sure he wouldn’t,” Hugh sputtered.

  “What are you talking about?” Finn demanded.

  Hugh told him about the deal he’d made with Angelo Fiore and the purchase of the Amador Hotel. “He swore he wouldn’t touch any of my family or, or—”

  “Yeah, well, that’s what you get for trusting a low-level mobster. I’ll call you as soon as I know anything.”

  “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! I’m coming with you!”

  “Hugh, I don’t have time…oh, fine. Let’s go. But you do exactly as I say! Got it?”

  “Hurry up!” Hugh shot the words over his shoulder as he headed out the door.

  Finn broke every speed limit on the way downtown. Hugh led the way into the office suite, having just been there a few days before.

  “Mr. DeLuca!” Fiore’s receptionist sputtered as he slammed the door open. “Mr. DeLuca!”

  Hugh sprinted past her and sent the office door crashing against the wall. “Fiore! Where is she?”

  Angelo Fiore froze, a sandwich halfway to his mouth. “What are you talking about?”

  Hugh rounded the desk and pulled the rotund man up by his tie. “If you have touched one single hair on her head, I will fucking destroy you!”

  “Hugh!” Finn grabbed his brother by the shoulders and pulled him away from the older man. “Let go!”

  Hugh let go reluctantly, but stuck his face in Fiore’s. “Where is Chris Hart?”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about!”

  “Stop, Hugh! I swear to God I’ll cuff you if you don’t knock it off!” Finn again pulled his brother away from Fiore. “Now get over there!” He pointed to the opposite side of the room. “Shit! Everyone just calm the fuck down!” He continued in a calmer tone. “Now, Mr. Fiore. Do you know where Detective Hart is right now?”

  “I have no idea! Why would I know where she is? We made a deal, DeLuca! I didn’t touch your goddamn girlfriend!”

  Finn stared at the man for several moments before approaching his brother. “I think he’s telling the truth, Hugh.”

  Hugh s
lid down the wall, his head in his hands. “Where is she?” He knew something bad had happened; she would have answered her phone otherwise.

  “I don’t know, but Fiore didn’t have anything to do with it. Let’s go.” He turned to address Angelo Fiore. “Sorry for the misunderstanding, Mr. Fiore. We’ll see ourselves out.”

  The man nodded stupidly, his necktie under his right ear.

  Finn helped Hugh to his feet and pushed him quickly out of the office. “Goddamn it, Hugh!” He waited until they were in the parking lot to explode at his brother. “You’re going to get me in a shit ton of trouble! We’ll be lucky if that asshole doesn’t file a lawsuit against the State Police! Calm down! Jesus!”

  “Sorry.” Hugh shook him off and kicked the tire of Finn’s car. “Fuck!”

  Finn unlocked the door and slid behind the wheel, leaving the door open. He checked his phone for any messages or missed calls.

  Hugh threw himself into the passenger seat and followed suit. Nothing. “Now what?”

  “I don’t know.”

  They sat, not speaking for nearly twenty minutes. Hugh felt like he might explode if they didn’t hear from Chrissy soon. Where in God’s name could she be? He was about to suggest they return to the precinct and have an APB put out on her when Finn’s phone rang.

  “It’s her,” he told his brother and touched the screen to answer. “Chris, where are you?”

  “Let me talk to her—” Hugh began, reaching for his brother’s phone, but was silenced when Finn shoved his palm in front of Hugh’s face and glared at him.

  “What? How did that—oh, my God! Yeah, I’ll meet you there.” He slipped his phone into his pocket and started the car. “She’s fine. Buckle up. I don’t have time to take you back to the precinct, but you will stay in the car, understand?”

  “Where is she?” Hugh growled.

  “She’s with the FBI. I don’t have time to explain right now, but she’s safe.” He accelerated quickly, causing the tires to screech as he pulled out of the parking lot.


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