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Forever More

Page 19

by Rachel De Lune

I park in my usual spot and make my way up to the apartment.

  The heavy wood door shuts behind me and I move to switch the lights on, but the switch doesn’t work. I wiggle it a few more times, trying to force them into working and hoping it was just a fluke the first time, but no. They aren’t working.

  My sigh echoes in the dark hall as I pull out my phone to use as a torch. I walk tentatively over to the kitchen and try the lights, but still nothing. When I walk down and into our bedroom, there is a single candle burning on the side dresser. Beside it, there’s a handwritten note.

  Drop everything and strip. Kneel in the centre of the rug. Sebastian.

  I immediately drop my bag to the floor. I take off my coat and boots, followed by my dress, shirt and underwear. My heart beats fast and sends quivers of excitement through my body, making me wet. His command, his control over me, is a complete turn on, and despite everything, my submission sexually has never wavered. I now know how good it is when I let go, what giving over that control can release inside of me.

  The rug is positioned away from the candle and I walk to it and kneel down patiently. Sebastian won’t rush this, so I try to relax. This will play out how Seb wants it to. My acceptance will make it better.

  “Very nice, Isabel. I want you to wait for me, just like that.” His voice is distant, but his command is solid. I have butterflies in my stomach as a result of the adrenaline building in my veins. I try to relax once more, to block everything out of my head, but I’m finding it hard. My imagination is running away with itself. All the experiences Seb has shown me fire through my mind. “I know how you like the dark, Isabel. Do you like my surprise?”

  “Yes, Sir.” My breathy voice sounds sexy, matching how I feel.

  “I’m going to try something new with you tonight. I’ve always wanted to do this, but I need you to relax for me, sweetheart.” His words hit the pit of my stomach and I try to stop the anticipation winning. I feel his words on the back of my neck. He kneels behind me and brushes the hair off the back of my neck before kissing along my shoulder. He replaces his mouth with the tips of his fingers and caresses my skin. He lays a large bath towel in front of me. “Crawl onto your front for me and lie down on the towel.” I lean forward and do as he asks. I turn my face to the side. I can’t see much. The only light in the room emanates from the candle, which throws shadows of grey flickering shapes over the walls.

  His palms start at my shoulders and run down each side of my spine until he reaches my bum. He squeezes and moulds me, instantly making me needy. “So beautiful, Isabel.” With his lovely words, his hand smacks down on my flesh.

  I gasp, but the initial sting fades quickly, replaced by the warming of my skin. He continues to spank me and I begin to squirm. He knows how much I like it when he does this to me. The reaction is guaranteed. I start to relax, the heavy hits sending pleasure coursing through me with each strike. “Lie on your back and stretch your arms over your head.” I moan as I roll onto my back, unhappy about giving up one of my favourite treats. Sebastian is kneeling over me, his chest bare, with just his trousers on. I can see he has something in his hand but I can’t make out what it is. “Don’t move.” I’m excited about what he’s about to do and the anticipation bubbles through my veins. I’ve learned that the greatest rewards come when I follow his commands.

  He pulls my right ankle to the side, then repeats with the other, so that he’s kneeling between my legs. The object he holds comes into focus now, a flogger, the fronds falling around his hand. He sweeps the tassels slowly and teasingly across my stomach, up to my breasts and down my arms, back across my stomach and down my legs. I know the fronds will connect with me—my body is tensed, ready—but I don’t know when. The wait is as exciting as it is nerve wracking. He continues his slow torturous trail across my body again and again.

  “Please, Sir, please.” I need to feel more than this light caress. I want to writhe under his touch, but he hasn’t asked for that. I want to please him, and that means I must control myself to show him I can obey. Oh, god, I’m going to snap soon if I can’t move. The tension in my body makes my legs shake. “Please, Sir, let me move.”

  “Not yet, Isabel. Keep still.” With his words comes the first strike of the flogger across my breasts.


  “Shh, sweetheart. I want to hear the flogger against your skin.” I moan, but as Seb continues, I keep the erotic sounds of my pleasure in my head. The flogger warms every inch of my skin. Sebastian isn’t punishing me, he’s loving me with each strike. My body begins to pulse with his rhythm. “You’re a beautiful pink all over. Now, are you ready?”

  Yes. God yes. Please fuck me, touch me. Make me come! “Yes.” He’s not touched me, yet the flogger has melted me.

  “So eager, Isabel, yet you don’t know what I have in store for you.” A sliver of fear ices my blood. I’d assumed that this was what he was planning—commanding me to restrain myself, to keep still and quiet. He slowly rises to his feet and leaves me on the floor. My heart is beating a fierce staccato, but I trust him.

  I can’t make any shapes out, but I do see a change in the light. Sebastian returns and resumes kneeling between my legs, holding the candle in his hand. It lights his face and I can see the dark intent in his eyes. “Do you trust me, Isabel?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Good girl.” With that, he tips the candle and the first drop of wax hits my chest. The heat spreads out as soon as it lands, the initial pain giving way to a warmth that is soothing. He tips again, more wax this time, creating a line down the centre of my chest to my navel. Panic blooms and I cry out, not able to contain the pain from the heat. Just as I get used to it, the heat dissipates into my skin and the panic recedes. The added danger to what he is doing has my palms sweating. My mind is battling over the knowledge that Seb would never do anything to hurt me and the potential pain that he holds in his hand. He pours more wax onto me. Different places each time—my hips, my thighs, my chest again. My body is ridged and tense, getting used to this new feeling of being bound by my own will and fear. It makes me feel naughty and sexy and desired.

  Each drop makes it easier to enjoy the pleasure that is left burning on my skin. The hot wax registers but makes my pussy ache and tests how much longer I can hold still.

  Just as I’m expecting another flash, Seb pauses. He puts the candle next to me and gently traces the lines the wax has made with his fingers. It multiplies the bliss and stirs tremors through my muscles. The wax has cooled now and my skin feels tight. His touch is light and gentle, ramping up the growing need for a release within my core. Watching him makes me want to beg for more.

  “I love your skin, Isabel. I love watching what you will do to please me, to obey me. Do you like the wax?”

  Do I like it? His question makes me think, and I don’t want to. I just want to feel. “Yes, I do,” I purr and my reward is a punishing kiss. I’m trapped between him and the floor and I feel small and delicate, completely at his mercy. I surrender to his assault and let this new sensation fill me up. He’s tied me and bound me in so many ways, but he’s never restrained me just by his command before. It’s heady. “Please, Sir. I want to touch you.”

  “Not yet. I’m not quite finished.”

  I groan, but try to focus my body. He straightens on his knees and picks up the candle. He drips wax along a similar path as last time. This time, it’s less shocking and more pleasurable. Each drop spikes a pulse through my body ending in the centre of my core. I close my eyes and surrender completely to Sebastian, no longer anticipating or judging the pain.

  The drops get bigger, splattering my skin again and again. The flash of heat forces me to cry out at the edge of the pain. Is this too much? When is he going to stop? I need to slow down. I open my mouth to say ‘yellow’ when Seb thrusts two fingers inside of me and I almost convulse on the spot.

  “Yes. Oh god, yes.” I’m already on the edge, the building of my orgasm suddenly on fast-forward to the cres
cendo. Hot wax drips over my nipples just as my pussy clenches around his fingers. The pleasure and pain mingle as my body shatters. I come violently. My hips buck and grind into Seb’s hand. “Yes… oh, yes.”

  I feel weak, drained, my body still shuddering from the orgasm. My mind is shaken from the sweet torture. Seb withdraws his fingers and blows the candle out. I relax on the floor, a happy sigh escaping my lips.

  “Oh, Isabel, I do hope you’re not too comfortable there? I’m rather pleased with you. Seeing you come for me, welcoming the mix of pain and pleasure, has made me fucking hard. I’m going to fuck you. I don’t think we’ve christened the carpet yet, have we?” Before I know it, he’s pulled my legs around his waist and sunk himself to the hilt.

  I moan in pleasure, my oversensitive clit and pussy giving in to his desire. He starts to thrust, hard and smooth, pulling my hips closer into him. His weight presses down into my shoulders. He pushes harder and harder. His hands grip me forcefully. My body begins to quake and my pussy tightens with each stroke. I need to let go.

  “Isabel. I. Want. You. To. Come.”

  I bend to his will, my body surrendering to him. It doesn’t take long for my climax to peak, sending ripples through my body. I reach my crescendo, heat flooding through my very being. He follows me and cries out my name before he stills.

  “That was amazing. I’ve wanted to play with wax for a long time and you responded so well.” We both take a moment, coming down from the high.

  “Come on, we need to clean you up.”

  “Can we put some lights on?”

  “Maybe. Later we can light some more candles.” I can’t see him, but I can hear the smile in his voice as I break out in giggles.

  Everything is perfect.

  Work is going really well, although Mark hasn’t come through with the promotion he mentioned to me. I’m still working on the client side and progress is good with the campaigns he’s already handed across. The strategy behind the social media campaigns is more exciting and interesting to me, and I’m showing that I’m good at it. I certainly would welcome the increase in pay.

  Seb has been home the last few weeks and hasn’t had to go away for work. We’ve established a slightly less intense means of staying in touch, and he’s backed off the 24/7 submission for now. He is making up for that in the bedroom, but I would never complain about that.

  “Hmm, what’s for dinner? It smells wonderful.”

  “Pasta pescatore. It should be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Shall I set the table?”

  “Sure.” I start setting out the placemats and find an open bottle of wine in the fridge. “Izzy, your phone’s ringing,” Seb calls.

  I rush through to the lounge to grab my phone.


  “Hi, Ms. Fields, this is Mr. Osbourn. Do you have a minute?”

  “Um, sure. Is everything alright? It’s rather late.” Well, it’s 6:30 p.m., so at least it’s after work hours.

  “I’m afraid that Mr. Fields hasn’t withdrawn his defence of the divorce. I’ve received the full details of his answer to the divorce petition. I’d recommend that we still apply for the decree nisi and ask for a case management hearing for the court to decide if it should be granted.”

  “He told me he wouldn’t object.” My heart sinks.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Fields. He’s sought legal representation. At this point, I can only tell you that a court date is likely soon and I’ll be in touch regarding the preparations. There will be some forms to sign as well as some additional information required to proceed with the decree nisi. I’ll email you the details.”

  “Thank you.” That’s all I can muster. After I hang up, Why? Fat, ugly tears spill from my eyes as I contemplate the battle ahead of me. I wanted to be free. I thought I’d be able to start my life again with Seb.

  “Izzy, I’m dishing up.” My appetite for food has gone.

  “Sweetheart, dinner… What’s wrong?” Those words, in his concerned, chocolate voice, make the tears fall harder. I hold my breath and brush my wet cheeks, hiding my tears before I look up at him. He immediately drops to the floor in front of me and wraps me in his arms. “Baby, you need to talk to me. What’s happened?” His voice holds an edge that wasn’t there a moment ago and it’s what I need to pull myself together.

  “Phil is still defending the divorce and I’ll have to get the court to get the decree nisi and that’s if they agree with my case,” I muffle, holding back more tears. Seb’s body freezes around me before relaxing back and pulling me tighter. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want me to still be married.”

  “That does not matter. I fell in love with you while you were married. I’ve waited for you all my life. A little longer won’t hurt. I want to help, though. Who have you got looking after the divorce? I’m happy to put you in touch with my legal team who can help you with any preparations for court.”

  “No, it’s fine. Mr. Osbourn is good, he can’t help that Phil’s being a vindictive snake. I just wanted this to be over. “ I take a few deep breaths and blink away the last of my watery eyes. As much as his words help, I need to resolve this myself. I should have been brave enough to get a divorce before starting things with Seb. I move out of his grasp and sit back in the chair.

  “You don’t have to do this on your own, Izzy. Let me help you.”

  “What can you do? He’s contested the divorce and I need to wait for a court date. Mr. Osbourn didn’t state on what grounds he’s contesting, but he’s going to send me all the details.”

  “Okay, but please, let me help you if you need it.”

  “I need to do this, Seb. This is my burden and my way of getting closure. Don’t you see? Until I’m divorced, he is still in my life, and I hate that.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to fight it alone. We’re a team, a partnership.”

  “Yes, but this should have been over before I started anything with you. Let me put it right. I need to make it right.”

  “It doesn’t matter that you’re still married. I know you love me and you’ll be mine soon enough.”

  Fatigue grips my body and I can’t face arguing anymore.

  “Come on.” Seb pulls me up and leads me to the kitchen. “Eat. It should still be warm. We can talk later.” He sits me down and I proceed to poke at my food.

  After a few bites, I put my knife and fork down on the plate and gulp down a large glass of wine. I know that’s the last thing I need, but at the moment, I don’t care. Seb is silent through our meal, but I don’t miss his eyes trained on me.

  I’m already in bed before Seb joins me. He’s been quiet for the rest of the evening and my mood hasn’t improved. Seb walks into the room and stands by the door. His posture is tense and I can tell, just by looking, that he isn’t going to come to bed and sleep. He closes the door and leans back against it, making sure to make eye contact with me as he does. It sends a slight shiver through me, like an unspoken word between us.

  After everything that has happened this evening, this was not what I had in mind. However, within these four walls, I am at ease with my submissive nature and want nothing more than to please Seb.

  “Take off your nightdress and lie on top of the covers with your arms stretched above your head. Hold them there. Don’t move. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I hurry to move into position, my heart kicking in at the tone of Seb’s voice. I relax into the bed, letting my worries of a moment ago sink away. My breathing is the only thing I can hear in the room, and it further adds to my building anticipation. I keep my eyes on the ceiling, refusing to let my curiosity win over Seb’s command.

  “You’ve had a lot to think over tonight. I’m going to take that away from you. Stay in this room with me. Keep your mind on me and everything I’m going to do to you. Do you understand, Isabel?” His words are hypnotic.

  “Yes. I understand.”

  He takes that as his cue to wrap his hand around my ankle. He pulls me down
the bed and then pushes my legs wide, bearing me to him. I cling to my wrist, keeping my arms above my head. This will be my focus. My own self-restraint is what Seb will be testing, I’m sure of it.

  His hands roam up my legs, forcing my legs wider apart. I look down my body, past my rising chest, and watch as he focuses on my waiting pussy. He’s not gentle. His lips close over mine and he sucks hard before releasing and starting his assault with his tongue. He presses it along my seam and licks until he finds my clit. He flicks, then stops. Flicks, then stops. He only gives me a moment’s pleasure before taking it away, but it still has the desired effect. I lift my hips as he pulls away, trying to keep our contact.

  “Stay still. I won’t tell you again.” I groan at his warning. Seb’s already brought me to the level where I want to thrash and pull against my self-imposed bonds.

  Seb moves his attentions up my body, trailing wet kisses across my stomach and up to my breasts. I immediately feel my orgasm fade away. He bites down on one nipple while pinching the other. The pressure sends pulses of tension through my limbs, but I resist arching off the bed. My breasts grow hot and sensitive as Seb continues to lavish them with his version of pain. I can feel my pussy weeping in protest, feeling desperate for attention.

  “You’re beautiful, Isabel. So responsive to me. You submission is such a precious gift.” He stands to shred himself of his clothes before pressing his body against mine. He’s flush against me, his erection pressing into my thigh. He bites my throat, licking and sucking at my pulse, and pinches my nipple. Everything he knows will get me to move—to break my self-imposed bonds—he’s trying.

  My whimpers grow stronger and the sound of my pleasure is echoing around the room. My legs are ram-rod straight, tensing to keep from moving, and I’m sure I’ll have bruising around my wrists as I hold my arms in place. Do not move, Izzy. Show him.

  Finally, Seb lifts up over my hips and positions his cock at my wet pussy. “The only words I want to hear from you are ‘yes’ and ‘sir’, understand?”


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