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Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project)

Page 21

by Arlin Fehr

  Kont looked to his left, and saw the form of Ahaki, lying motionless in the sand, a pool of blood staining it. She was missing part of her throat. Kont looked up and saw more blood around the Shakla’s mouth.

  Kont felt a chill run through him. He lost any thought of his own discomfort. He looked away.

  His eyes landed on Dykyn’s form, thrown further across the plaza by the blast, but his eyes open and staring. Kont followed his gaze and saw it was on Ahaki’s body. He looked back at Dykyn, and tried not to think of what was going through the mind of the young man.

  Shakla reached the Archway, and the plaza disappeared.


  ‘All that is broken, leaves pieces...’

  -From the Wisdom of Zug Twill


  Azra was helped down from the Graath by Gentle Current, and he started to walk slowly along the ocean floor. They were near land, and the light from the sun above was visible through the ripples.

  They had followed something in the water that was completely undetectable by Azra.

  ‘Child of Sky, we have arrived,’ Gentle Current said.

  ‘Where are we?’ Azra asked.

  ‘We followed a trail of essence to here. Survivors of the island’s disaster came here. The essence started near the sunken island upon the sea,’ Gentle Current explained.

  ‘There was a trail from the ship, to here, from something?’

  ‘A current of distress. It goes to here.’

  Azra nodded and walked closer to the shore. Gentle Current grabbed his hand and stopped him. ‘Caution Child of Sky. Nehhom will wait beneath the waves. When you return to the sky, remove the essence of sea from yourself.’

  Azra pointed at the blob of material around his lower face that let him breath and talk underwater. ‘I have to take this off when I get above?’

  ‘Yes. Do not lose it. You will need it to return.’

  Azra nodded again. Gentle Current let go of his hand and he walked the rest of the way out of the water.

  The air felt good on his skin as the water fell away. He was sopping wet, and he felt a chill from the air. He tried to take a breath but couldn’t. He remembered the glob on his face, and reached up, pulling on it. It stuck to the hairs of his beard, causing him to wince as he tugged at it. It finally came away, and it stuck to his left hand.

  Azra took a moment, and summoned his powers, generating heat from within. It took the chill off and he felt more comfortable and at ease.

  He looked around the desolate land. It was a harsh, rocky, land, with short thick bushes scattered some distance further from the shore. The shore itself was a lower sandy bar, which lead to a raised, rocky, section.

  Waves lapped around his feet as he stood.

  There won’t be anything on the beach. The water would have taken care of that, Azra thought.

  He started towards the raised ground. When he got higher up, he stopped and looked back over the beach. He spotted a few pieces of wood that looked like planks.

  Probably part of the ship. What am I even looking for? John would be better at this sort of thing than I.

  Frustrated, Azra closed his eyes, and cleared his mind, intent to finish his search with Mahgic.

  His awareness left his body, and he surveyed the area with eyes of Mahgic. Everything had a slight haze to it – an indistinct quality around it. It was unlike what he usually experienced while looking like this. He raised his awareness higher, and noticed something to the north. He focused in that direction. It was like a vast fog. He moved closer, but found it difficult to progress, like moving through water. Even though he could still move forward, it was a fruitless pursuit, as nothing was visible; everything being lost to a thick fog-like state.

  He opened his eyes, back in his body, and looked to the north. Nothing odd seemed to be in that direction, but something had definitely been very strange.

  I may have to travel that way on foot. I’ll need supplies to do so, he thought.

  Azra turned and walked back to the shore. He walked into the water, pausing long enough to reapply the blob of material that would let him breath.

  Gentle Current was waiting for him.

  ‘Did you find what you seek?’ Gentle Current asked.

  ‘No. I need to travel further inland and look for something. I’ll need supplies.’

  ‘We can go to more Children of the Sky. You can acquire what you need. Small colony is not far, there is one within its lands that is known to us. She is friendly to the Nehhom.’

  ‘Let’s go. Also, I notice your use of the speaking stone is improving.’

  ‘The longer it is used, the more used to the listener it becomes. Time wastes. We must depart.’

  They moved towards the Graath.



  Vosco’s ship was making good time back to the hide out. Kia was still uncomfortable with the thought of helping the man, but she didn’t want to leave the area, in case Azra turned up.

  Her companion, the snake, had been strangely quiet lately. Normally it made its presence known any time someone got near, but right now it was just draped across her shoulders, watching quietly.

  She’d almost grown used to it.

  ‘Princess Kia,’ said Ty, Vosco’s right hand man, ‘would you like something to eat?’

  Kia looked back at the dark-skinned man. He had half a loaf of bread and a bit of cheese – part of the supplies they’d picked up at port.

  ‘Yes, thank you.’

  Kia took the food and started to eat it absently. Ty stood next to her on the bow of the ship.

  ‘What’s next for you, Princess?’

  ‘Please, just call me Kia.’

  ‘Very well, Kia, what’s next?’

  ‘Go hunt a sea monster,’ Kia said, looking out over the coast that was in the distance off the starboard side. ‘And after that, go find my Uncle.’

  ‘And if you can’t find him?’

  ‘Then I’ll go hunt a certain snake,’ she said with venom.

  ‘Is that what you’d normally do?’

  ‘No, but I’m tired of other people fighting my battles for me. I’m tired of waiting for other people to solve my problems.’

  ‘This is a good start, Miss. You’d learn a lot from Vosco, if you give him a chance.’

  ‘That’s what I’m afraid of.’



  Kont lay on the ground next to the still inactive Archway. Shakla stood in his fullest, imposing, height, and seemed all the more terrible and powerful, despite his missing arm, marred body, and the ring of soldiers surrounding him with weapons drawn.

  It had taken everything within Kont to stand up and rip the focus crystal from the Archway after they had stepped through. Shakla had been consumed by his battle, and seemed unable to recognize friend from foe.

  Two armoured soldiers lay unmoving against the far wall of the Archway chamber, having been thrown there by Shakla’s wind Mahgic.

  ‘By order of King Shanti you are to stand down!’ one of the men barked, brandishing a spear in Shakla’s direction.

  Kont laid there, the crystal resting on the floor next to him, clutching his injured hands against himself. The act of pulling the crystal had been blinding, but the thought of having the Mahgic users of Sallock hot on their heels had motivated him.

  He was less sure if he was safer here though.

  Shakla’s mouth hung open, slime dripping from his open jaw, mixed with blood from his open wounds along one side of his face.

  The soldiers stood tensely in their circle. Shakla was breathing heavily, though hadn’t attacked any more. His eyes were darting around.

  With a ragged, wet sounding, breath, Shakla dropped to his knees, and slumped forward in the dirt, unable to hold himself up anymore.

  The soldiers moved quickly and tied him up. One of them rushed towards Kont.

  ‘That was quick thinkin
g to pull the crystal from the Archway.’

  ‘I didn’t want to risk being captured, not after what Shakla did,’ he said, gesturing to the prone figure of the Sorcerer with a nod of his head.

  'We had to reestablish the link to Sallock after the Archway unexpectedly shut down.'

  'The sorcerer destroyed the Archway that you had linked to,' Kont said tiredly.

  ‘Is this really the beast that King Shanti was working with?’

  Kont nodded. ‘He is, but I fear we’ve got more than we bargained for.’

  ‘Why are you here anyway? The King didn’t say anything about another person.’

  ‘I’m with the Sorcerer, and his associates, though my being here wasn’t part of the plans.’

  ‘Did you come from off world too?’


  ‘Why are you with them then?’

  ‘I guess... I got caught up in the moment.’

  ‘No, I mean, why are you following the Sorcerer and his associates?’

  ‘I have my reasons,’ Kont said quietly.

  Kont was helped to his feet, as the soldiers dragged Shakla off, leaving a trail of blood along the stone floor. The Sorcerer was still breathing though, but at least wasn’t intent on killing indiscriminately anymore.

  That was a good sign, Kont supposed.

  He couldn’t shake the hateful, focused, eyes of Dykyn though; nor the thought of Ahaki’s pitiful fate.

  He hoped he could be done with his part in this madness soon.



  Darkness Lurking

  ‘There has been an incident on Antia... I have just been informed. Dykyn was injured... I will go and investigate... do not worry, my King, my Queen, your son is precious to me too... I would not see anything happen to him...’

  - Thyryn, the Royal Vizier of the Paltian Royal court, addressing the King and Queen of the Paltian Empire, after he was informed of the troubles in Sallock


  Jahnyz stepped out of the Archway plaza once again. This time she was wearing good robes, and had cleaned herself up. Her friends were safe in Minna, and she had explained to the King, as best she could, the situation. He had requested a chance to think, and plan a course of action. Jahnyz was all too willing to oblige. She had wanted to go back to Sallock and try to track down some information from Kont.

  She hadn’t expected what was waiting for her though. As soon as she stepped through the Archway, she was surrounded by white robed people, all facing her with their hands raised. There were forms covered in blankets in the Plaza, and sand was everywhere. Some of it was stained with blood.

  ‘Don’t make any sudden movements,’ one of them ordered.

  Jahnyz froze in place. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘The Sorcerer, Shakla, escaped from his cell.’

  ‘Is he still here?’

  ‘No. We tried to stop him, but he was assisted by someone within Sallock.’


  ‘We don't know. We need you to come with us until everything is under control.’

  Jahnyz just nodded. Four of the white-robed Wyzards fell into around her, and started her towards the central tower.

  ‘Did anyone get hurt?’

  ‘Twelve people were killed, including a member of the Council, and three people were injured and two are unconscious right now. We are treating them before we try and get any answers from them.’

  ‘Wait... a Councillor was killed? Who?’

  ‘Mistress Ahaki Dahn.’

  Jahnyz felt like she had been struck. She stopped walking, and one of the men bumped into her.


  ‘Mistress Ahaki Dahn was killed trying to stop the Sorcerer Shakla,’ one of White Wyzards repeated.

  Jahnyz stood there for a long moment, as the apparent power of the Sorcerer filled her mind with terrible, dark, thoughts.

  The guards urged her along, and she continued forward, ghostlike.

  Once inside, she was lead to another chamber. Inside this room there were more of the white-robed Mahgic police of Sallock, and some people lying on beds. Jahnyz recognized one of them as Dykyn. She rushed over to him, pushing aside from the guards.

  Dykyn’s forehead had a cut on it, and he was awake, staring mutely at the ceiling. His eyes solid red eyes were like smouldering pools of hate. Jahnyz placed her hand on Dykyn’s. He looked at her, almost blankly. Jahnyz saw his jaw clench.

  ‘Dykyn,’ Jahnyz said, feeling more concerned than she thought she could. ‘Are you all right.’

  ‘He killed her,’ Dykyn said in a dark voice.

  Jahnyz nodded. ‘I know,’ she whispered.

  ‘That lizard scum bit out her throat, like she was just meat. She was already beaten. He did it anyway! She couldn’t even stand anymore!’

  The look of utter hopeless hatred that filled Dykyn’s face made Jahnyz shiver. She gently ran her hand against his cheek.

  Dykyn’s face twisted in disgust, and he snarled, ‘He paralysed me and forced me to watch. He made me helpless... I was too... weak. I was useless.’

  He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

  Jahnyz squeezed his hand, trying to offer some comfort.

  ‘It’ll be okay,’ she whispered.

  ‘It’s the second time in my life that I’ve been at the mercy of a lizard...’ His eyes flashed open again and he stared at Jahnyz. ‘I’ll never be that helpless again,’ he growled. ‘Shakla will die by my hand... I promise you!’

  ‘Oh, Dykyn,’ Jahnyz whispered and she leaned forward, laying against him, holding him.

  ‘It’ll be okay,’ she whispered again, ‘it’ll be okay...’

  It felt like she was lying.



  If it please the jury, I would like my first acknowledgement to be towards God. I am grateful to him for my talents.

  Next up, and probably a frequent repeat, I have my parents. Without whom, I would not be who I am. Rock on folks.

  My good friend, and the Ravania Big Cheese himself, Aaron Smith, gets a special mention this time. Every time he lets me play in the Genesis Project sandbox, bad things happen. But he calls them good, and then we make a book out of them (More GP books from me later!), plus he was very instrumental in the very fabric of this book, weaving it into the Genesis Project lore with a master touch, and helping me gain a little something extra in my storytelling.

  My lovely niece Kara, though the book is already dedicated to her, gets another mention here. She was Azra's first fan, and I hope finally getting to read the rest of the book doesn't change that. Which I'm certain it won't.

  Jonothan Ross, another dear friend of mine, also gets mention. He has been ever supportive of my efforts in writing, and seems to genuinely enjoy what I do. Either he is delusional, or I'm doing something right, either way, I am greatly appreciative of his support.

  My lovely girlfriend Fabienne must also be mentioned. She's been very supportive of me writing in general. I hope when she reads this she enjoys it.


  Arlin Fehr lives in British Columbia, Canada, where he spends most of his time working and planning our stories.

  At some point, Arlin was under the belief that beards equalled magic (or rather Mahgic) power. As a result of this belief, he began to grow a beard. Unfortunately, it did not translate into an ability to throw fireballs from his hands. This was unfortunate.

  Instead of being disappointed by this, Arlin chose to write a book about a man who could throw fire from his hands.

  You have just finished reading that book.

  Ravania Entertainment

  Ravania Enertainment is an independent entertainment dedicated to the art of storytelling. If you enjoyed this book, come check out some of the other titles available. Or find out more about the authors!

  bsp; Arlin Fehr, Azra of the Burning Sands (Genesis Project)




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