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Shifters and Secrets: GRIMM Academy Book 1

Page 23

by R L Medina

  My eyes flew to his. “What? But you locked Javi in when we left him.”

  “No. We just shut him in, hoping they’d leave him alone.”

  Anger stirred inside me. He could have been an easy target. Pushing away the thought, I racked my brain to come up with a way out. There had to be something we could do.

  “I’m going to set up an ambush and get them from behind.” Javi strode forward toward the breaking wall.

  “We don’t know what’s coming through. An ambush might not work,” Grayson shouted at him.

  Javi didn’t respond.

  “Javi!” I hissed.

  He disappeared into the dark.

  Fear rushed through me. How many were coming? If we took them all down by some miracle, how many more would come through? The prison was filled with monsters and there were only five of us.

  I glanced at my bracelet, hoping for inspiration. If my tio was linked to me, could he find us? Would it be in time?

  “I knew this was going be suicide.” Brady’s voice bounced off the walls.

  “Then why did you come?” Grayson snapped at him.

  Brady fell silent. I bit my lip, trying to decide if I should follow my cousin or stick with the others. My heart beat wildly, echoing in my ears.

  Before I could make up my mind, chunks of the wall flew to the ground, leaving a gaping hole.

  They were through.

  Shiloh’s light revealed three bulky, hairy forms. Their yellow cat-like eyes blinked back at us. My heart slammed against my ribs. Shifters. Of course, it would be shifters.

  The memory of my recent attack and Manny’s face flashed in my mind. I shuddered, pushing away the images.

  “Three. We can take them,” Brady said.

  “Hold your fire. Wait for my signal,” Grayson ordered.

  Growls came from the shifters as they stalked toward us. A gun fired behind them. Javi. They whirled around, surrounding him.


  We ran forward to help. Guns fired, the bullets striking monster flesh, but it didn’t stop them. Javi was knocked to the wall with a loud ‘crack.’ Fear shot through me.

  The next second was a blur. Bullets flew. The creatures roared. Brady and Shiloh were struck to the sides, leaving Grayson and I standing.

  Grayson’s flashlight, the only light we had left now, swung around the room as he continued to fire. I couldn’t see the others, but the sound of a struggle made my stomach churn. Were they okay?

  Two shifters advanced toward us, fangs out and eyes narrowed. Grayson reloaded and shot them each, point blank. They didn’t even flinch as the bullets struck them. Just like Manny.

  “They should be dead!” Fear laced his words.

  He lowered into a defensive stance in front of me. We were going to die. Panic swelled inside me.

  One of the shifters leapt at him, tearing him away from me. I screamed and raised my knife. The flashlight clattered to the ground, plunging us into darkness.

  A rock-solid body collided with mine. I slashed and kicked, trying to connect with something. Adrenaline pumped through me as my body went into defense mode. The blade cut into flesh. A hiss echoed. Something hard struck me across the stomach, knocking the air out of me. The knife was swiped out of my hand, the metal clanging as it hit the ground.

  Two pairs of yellow eyes glared at me. “Come,” one spoke.

  I gasped.

  “It’s time to come,” the other one added, his voice low and gravelly.

  Fear spiraled inside me. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “You won’t come willingly, then we will bring you.”

  They grabbed me too fast for me to react. I struggled out of their grasp, desperate to free myself.

  “Let go of me!”

  One hefted me above his shoulder as if I weighed nothing. Fear and anger spread through me.

  “Rose!” Javi’s panicked voice echoed.

  My head bounced as they took off. “Javi!”

  Dizziness swept over me, I clenched my eyes shut. My ears rang as they ran. Too fast. Too fast for the others to catch up. I flailed, kicking with all my might, but the shifter’s grip was like steel. There would be no escaping.

  “Stop! Where are you taking me? Put me down. I’ll walk.”

  They didn’t listen.

  Pain blossomed in my head. Questions raced in my mind. Why were they bothering with me when they had a chance to escape the prison? Where were they taking me and why? Nothing made sense.

  “Tell me where you’re taking me,” I demanded.

  “Prisoners,” one grunted.

  “Go right. We’ll avoid them,” the one carrying me answered.

  A chill crept over my skin. These shifters weren’t prisoners—they’d come specifically for me.


  My head spun as they darted down a dark hall. I pounded my fists against my captor’s back, but he showed no sign of feeling it. Rage uncoiled inside me. I was so over being imprisoned and attacked.

  “Wait. Vampire.” My captor halted.

  I winced as my head bounced against him. The smell of sweat and fur filled my nose, making my stomach roll.

  “Human? What are you mutts doing with her?” an accented voice spoke.

  My eyes widened. It was the vampire from before.

  The shifters snarled.

  “Mind your own business,” my captor answered.

  Air whooshed in my ears. I glanced up to find the vampire standing before me, his face dimly lit in the moonlight.

  The shifters spun around, making my head spin once more.

  “You know she’s a Luna Negra witch. I don’t think her coven would appreciate you… eating her.”

  My heart leapt into my throat.

  The shifter laughed. “We don’t plan to eat her.”

  “We were hired to bring her back. Back to the coven.”

  I sucked in a breath. The witches.

  “Hired? Since when did your kind take jobs from witches?”

  “Since they made an offer too good to refuse.”

  “Shut up, Kyle,” my captor snapped.

  Kyle? What a strangely common name for a monster.

  “And what was that, Kyle?” the vampire pressed.

  What was he doing? Was he going to stop them or not?

  “Stay out of our way, bloodsucker,” my captor snarled, moving away.

  Air swooshed and a roar echoed beside us, but I couldn’t see anything in the dark. Did the vampire attack? Hope flared inside me. I started kicking and punching as hard as I could, determined to get out of the iron grip.

  Something struck him, making him bend and loosen his hold on me. I struggled, renewing my efforts to get away. He hissed, dropping me to the ground.

  I scrambled to my feet and started running. I glanced back to find the two shifters attacking the vampire. Guilt filled me. He saved me. I couldn’t just leave him. I squinted against the dark, looking for a weapon.

  “Not as slow as you thought we’d be, huh, vampire?” one of the shifters sneered.

  He hissed. “What did those witches do to you?”

  “Made us stronger and faster.”


  The shifters laughed. “No. Something better.”

  I stood listening, my heart racing. There was nothing I could do for the vampire, but I didn’t want to leave him.

  Before I could decide, light flooded the room, making my eyes burn. I covered them, trying to adjust to the brightness. Voices surrounded us. I blinked away the pain as everything came into focus. Guns fired and shouts echoed. I threw my hands over my head and dove away from the sound. When the shots stopped, I lowered my trembling hands and looked up. A group of armed men and women surrounded the shifters and vampire. One man stood off to the side, his dark eyes drilling into me.



  “Get them in cells. Now,” a woman’s sharp voice commanded.

  The guards rushed forward. In a blur, the shifters and
vampires darted away. Someone chanted something and a guard came forward. She slammed a round object on the ground. The whole room trembled. My ears popped. I moved back, not knowing what the hell was going to happen next.

  As one, the guards advanced, shouting a string of words at the creatures. The vampire dropped to his knees, clutching his head. He glanced up, murderous eyes meeting mine. I could almost read his thoughts. If he hadn’t tried to save me, he would have been long gone before the guards came. He would be free.

  I watched as they surrounded him, my heart dropping to my gut. His pained hiss made me cringe. This was my fault.

  The shifters were still standing, snarling at the guards. Guns fired at them, the sound deafening as they struck flesh. They staggered under the attack but wouldn’t fall. Whatever the GRIMMs had done made them slower, but the bullets did nothing to them.

  “What the?” One of the guards stared, stunned.

  “What are you doing? Take them down,” the woman snapped.

  More chants echoed and more guns fired. The shifter’s bodies jolted and jerked under the onslaught. A bright orb landed between them, exploding into a burst of colors. They fell to their knees, snarling. Spots dotted my vision and a dull ache started in my head.

  “Use the net,” the woman shouted.

  Three of the guards rushed forward, throwing a giant chain-link net at them. The shifters roared as the metal fell on them. More guards advanced—ten of them to hold the net down as the creatures struggled. A loud sizzling sound echoed in the room followed by the pungent smell of burnt flesh.

  Bile rose in my throat. I looked away, unable to stomach any more.

  Tío strode toward me, mouth drawn into a thin line. I could read the silent fury in his eyes.



  His eyes snapped to my bracelet. I stiffened. Was he going to use it? Here in front of everyone? My fists clenched.


  “Come,” he commanded.

  My legs moved toward him against my will. I glared at him. I stood obediently by his side.

  “Get them in the cells,” the woman directed the others.

  The shifters roared and snarled as the GRIMM dragged them away. The vampire’s gaze flicked to me as they led him out.

  Just as they left, another group of guards entered along with familiar faces.

  I sighed in relief as Javi, Grayson, Brady, and Shiloh were escorted in. They were bleeding and bruised, but alive.

  Javi stood straight, his eyes bravely meeting his father’s. I winced. Poor Javi. He was about to get it. We both were, but unlike him, I didn’t care what my tío thought about me.

  Tío motioned him over. He obeyed.

  “Javier. Rosa.” His words could cut through stone.

  I steeled myself. “Before you start yelling at us, Javi needs a doctor.”

  His eyes snapped to Javi. “What happened?”

  Javi’s ears reddened. “Fairy bite. But I already drank the antidote.”

  Tío’s face hardened. Even I flinched at the look of disgust on his face.

  “The prison is secured, Warden,” a guy interrupted.

  The woman nodded. “How many dead?”

  “Twenty prisoners. Ten wounded.”

  A chill went up my spine. Twenty.

  “You notified the headmaster?”

  “Yes, Warden.”

  She nodded at the guy and turned back to us. “I trust you will deal with the students?” Her eyes narrowed at us.

  Tío straightened. “Yes, Warden. They will be dealt with.”

  Javi and I exchanged glances. Translation: there would be hell to pay.

  The warden led the guards away, the prisoners in tow. Though I was staring at the back of the vampire’s head now, I couldn’t help but picture his piercing eyes. Guilt needled me as I thought of the lonely cell, we’d found him in. How long had he been there? Was he truly as innocent as he claimed?

  Tío towered over us. “You will return to the school with me. To begin with, you will serve detention every day this week and complete the extra written assignments for each class. Should the board vote to suspend or expel you, you will comply.”

  Brady scoffed. “They’re not going to expel us. We’re the top students. Well, except for Rose.”

  I glared at him. Thanks for that.

  “I’m the president of House Dragon,” Brady continued.

  “No, you’re not. You gave up your position,” Javi interrupted.

  “Enough. You three will return to campus at once. Report to the headmaster first thing in the morning.” Tío pointed Grayson, Shiloh, and Brady toward a glowing portal that appeared.

  He turned to us. “You two will come with me to the house.”

  My hackles rose. “Why can’t we go back to campus?”

  Javi shot me a dark look. I threw back one of my own. If he wanted to stand there and take the unfair punishment, fine, but I wasn’t going to lie there and take it.

  Before I could say more, Javi caught me by the arm and hissed into my ear. “Stop. Before you make it worse. We can deal with this at home.”

  Grayson noticed our exchange, his eyes narrowing on Javi’s grip. Concerned about me? I yanked out of my cousin’s hold and fumed at both of them.

  I didn’t need their concern.

  Brady smirked. The ass. He was probably going to get off scot-free with his dad being the headmaster.

  “Glad you’re finding this amusing,” I shot at him.

  His smile widened. “Oh. It is amusing. Extremely amusing.”

  Anger curled around me. One minute he was helping us and the next he was back to being a royal douche?

  “Enough. I will not tolerate any more of your hysterics.” Tío’s eyes flashed. “You three. To campus. Now.”

  My mouth snapped shut. Rage burned inside me. He was using his control again to make me comply. I shot him daggers with my eyes as my body straightened like a pin.

  Oh, it was so not going to end like that.

  “Wait. Give the portal another minute. It’s warming up.” One of the guards stopped the others.

  Javi winced, catching Tío’s eye.

  “Let’s deal with that fairy bite. Javier, come with me,” he commanded my cousin.

  Still burning up from Javi’s lack of assist, I ignored his guilty look as he walked off.

  I just saved your life. Some thanks I get.

  “Portal’s open. Go on through.” The guard waved at the others.

  “Well, children. I better get back to my party.” Brady saluted us and sauntered off.

  My eyebrows shot up. Just like that he was going to go back and party? Anger pulsed hot and bright. My skin flushed and the bracelet shocked me, making me gasp.

  “Are you going to be okay, Rose?” Shiloh bit her lip.

  I nodded, trying to reassure her without being able to open my mouth. She followed Brady, glancing back at me before disappearing. The remaining guards were busy, looking at their strange devices and talking with each other.

  “I hope this means Cassiano won’t be expecting me for practice,” I grumbled.

  Surprise filled me as the words tumbled out.

  “I… I’m talking.” I scanned the area for my Tío.

  Did he release his hold?

  Grayson paused in front of the portal and glanced back. “What?”

  I flushed. “I… never mind.”

  His eyes flicked to my bracelet. A frown marred his perfect face. “Is that a compulsion ring?”

  I fingered the thin silver band. “Yeah.”

  Anger flashed in his eyes. “Did your cousin do this to you?”

  “No. My uncle.”

  The anger didn’t leave his face. “Compulsion rings are not for GRIMMs. They’re used to detain criminals.”

  “I’m not a criminal.”

  “What is it for?” He glanced around and moved closer to me. “Are you in trouble… Do they make you… do things?”

  My face
turned scarlet. “No! Gross. It’s not like that. I didn’t want to come here with them or become a GRIMM.”

  He was still frowning. An awkward silence filled the space between us.

  “Then why didn’t you opt out then?”


  He folded his broad arms across his chest. “Opt out. It’s for people who have the sight, but don’t want to be a GRIMM. They tag you to check in with you every now and then. To make sure you’re not targeted or causing trouble. But you’re free to live your life.”

  His words punched me in the gut. “So, you don’t have to take the final test to leave?”


  The room grew silent. Rage unfurled inside me. How could Javi not tell me? His betrayal cut me to the core. We were supposed to be family.

  Grayson’s face softened. “For what it’s worth, I think you’d make a great GRIMM, but it’s not something anyone should be forced into.”

  I snorted. A great GRIMM? Who was he kidding? I’d succeeded at getting myself attacked twice and almost kidnaped. What part of that said GRIMM?

  He leaned closer. “If leaving is what you really want, I can help. We can go to the headmaster together.”

  “And what is he gonna do? He already knows about the compulsion thing.”

  His eyes widened. “He knows?”


  “No. That’s impossible. He’d never allow this. It was hidden. If any of us had seen it before… we… would have stopped it. It’s not right. You should have told someone. You should have told me.”

  My cheeks flamed at his intensity. I couldn’t help but feel flattered, but I had no reason to. It was obvious Grayson was the kind of guy who would stick up for anyone.

  “Look, even if I tried, I wouldn’t have been able to say anything. But I think it’s broken now.”

  “I’ll go to the board. They have to know what your uncle has done. This is criminal.”

  Hope lit inside me. Was this my chance at freedom? I glanced at Grayson out of the corner of my eye.

  If you leave, you leave him behind too.

  Woah. Where did that thought come from? I stifled a groan. Somewhere between the coffee and saving me from a vampire, I had fallen for this guy.

  I met his eyes. Anger shone in them and the intensity of that handsome face made my heart race. Yeah, totally and utterly fallen for him.


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