Squirrel Inc. (Denning)
Stalk, George, Jr.
Story capture: description and challenge of; strategies for enhancing
Story examples: British Telecom; Cirque du Soleil; Global Consulting; Greenwich longitude; infant delivery/bubbles story; infant pneumopericardium; JetBlue; Pakistan; Titanic; Xerox E053 error message; Y2K; your life or identity; Zambia
The Story Factor (Simmons)
Story/stories: abstract and tacit understanding through; Aristotle on the ingredients of a; communicating organization vision through; corporate culture formed through; covert and agreed; covert and contested; definition of; emerging leadership discipline of narrative; future; group learning through exchange of; internal and external aspects of; leveling and sharpening of experience using; overt and agreed; overt and contested; the performance of; “poorly told,”; presented as inherently valuable; sharing knowledge through; springboard; success/positive and failure/negative; user. See also Narrative
Storytelling: Branding in Practice (Fog and colleagues)
Storytelling: expanding experience through; inauthentic; interactive leader connecting through; intersection of leadership and; as leadership tool; as marriage of narrative and analysis; minimalist; as the missing sixth discipline; as performance art; persuasion through; transformational change and role of; what is new about. See also Communication
A Storytelling Catalogue: Aristotelian guidelines for stories; avoiding frequent mistakes using the; creating integrated narrative tapestry using
A Storytelling Catalogue narrative patterns: branding your company; communicating who your are; fostering collaboration; leading people into the future; sharing knowledge; sparking actions; taming the grapevine; transmitting values
Storytelling performance: delivery element of; description of; preparation element of; style element of; truth element of
Storytelling ROI: emerging microstudies on impact of storytelling; impact on implementing change; narrative is foundation of organization brand; storytelling is an amplifier; talk is work
Strategy: as business model; for enhancing story capture; examining possible innovation paradox solution; as future story; for nurturing collaboration; for resolving the innovation paradox
Strunk, W.
Style: being comfortable with your own; description of; different types of style; leadership; Lou Gerstner's example of
Style characteristics: avoiding kinds of hedges; being yourself; keeping your storytelling focused, simple, and clear; presenting story as something valuable in itself; voice of conversation model of
Style types: raconteur; reflexive, self-conscious academic; romantic; stand-up comedian
Success stories: compelling future stories as being; infant delivery/bubbles; infant pneumopericardium; pitched battle over change and use of; power of failure and
Sull, Donald
Sun (London newspaper)
Supply chain management
Swift, Jonathan
Systems thinking
Tacit understanding
Talking About Machines (Orr)
Taming the grapevine narrative: description of; using humor to kill a rumor; JetBlue story as example of; organizational need for the; pitched battles beyond the usual grapevine; removing cause of negative rumors and criticism using; template for; understanding driving force behind the grapevine; World Bank experience with
Team management
Teams: collaboration patterns of; description of; encouraging own story of; geographically dispersed; naming; self-organizing; taxonomy of collaboration in. See also High-performance teams; Work groups
Technology: collaboration facilitated through; communication using new; customer use of; firm purpose facilitated through; leadership skills related to; modern leadership trends accentuated by; storytelling to embrace new
Templates: branding narrative; for creating story of who you are; future story; nurturing collaboration; saving knowledge of departing staff; springboard story; for stories to tame the grapevine; transmitting values narrative
Thatcher, Margaret
360-degree awareness
Tichy, Noel
Timing of personal story: difficult decision and; during first encounter; when coaching and counseling
Titanic story
Tom's of Maine
Toy manufacturers
Transcribing stories
Transformational change: creating safe environment for; problems with Gary Hamel's approach to; seven principles of innovation and; solving the innovation paradox for; storytelling role in; systems thinking and the learning organization for. See also change; Innovation
Transformational leadership: communicating who you are as; lack of conceptual clarity of theories on; Lou Gerstner as; storytelling to persuade. See also Interactive leadership; Leadership
Transmitting values narrative: aligning structure with values in; avoiding moralizing in; description of; distinguish different types of values in; on ethics in action; finding values within the; using minimalist approach to; using parables to illustrate conflict of values; process and benefits of; telling story about someone you admire; telling timeless but believable story; template for generating
Truscott, James
Trust: as ethical value component; knowledge sharing and need for; narrative for building; stories on importance of
Truth: assuming possibility of telling the; authentic stories reflecting the; expressed as you see it; as storytelling element
Tunnel-vision perceptual style
20th century marketing model: one-way communications of the; shifting marketplace impacting the; stories of the customers using the; stories of the firm using; stories of the products or services using
21st century marketing model: base brand narrative on your values; characteristics of; communicating the brand internally; communicating brand narrative within firm; defensive interventions by people with people communication; passion as driver of; proactive interventions by curating the conversation
Twitter: Ford's “Fiesta Movement” on; “Motrin Moms” protest movement (2008) on
Tyco: efforts to repair battered value system by; “Guide to Ethical Conduct,”
Tylenol crisis story (1982)
United Airlines
Uplifting ending
U.S. embassies bombings (1998)
U.S. National Public Radio
User stories: description of; planning work of change through
User Stories Applied (Cohn)
U.S.S. Cole bombing (2000)
Values: collaboration based on shared; collaboration facilitated through shared; distinguishing operational from espoused; distinguishing personal from corporate; establishing through action; genuine ethical; hardball strategists; of the pragmatists; robber barons; three basic components of. See also Organization values
Van der Heijden, Kees
Verifying stories
Victim stories
Virtual communities
Virtual teams
Vision: defining; future stories as expression of
Vision narrative: description of; how to tell a compelling future story; linking future story to listeners' current mind-set; natural tendencies to create; stories that communicate; template for crafting future story for; why we tell future stories and
Visual aids
Voice of conversation model
Von Braun, Christoph-Friedrich
Wack, Pierre
Wall Street Journal
Ward, Victoria
Watson, Tom
“We Shall Fight on the Beaches” (Churchill speech)
Web sites, employee stories
Weinberger, David
ch, Jack
Wenger, Etienne
Western audiences
What's the Big Idea? (Davenport and Prusak)
White, E. B.
Whitewater investigation
The Wisdom of Teams (Katzenbach and Smith)
Wiseman, Richard
Wolfensohn, Jim
Work groups: collaboration patterns of; community component of some; description of; taxonomy of collaboration in. See also Collaboration; Teams
Workplace beauty: interactive leadership appreciation of; neglect of
World Bank: alleviating global poverty goal of; “the Denning problem” at the; establishing values through action at the; getting extraordinary results from team at the; knowledge management goals at the; narrative to build collaboration at the; narrative transmitted values at the; narrative uncovering reasons for managerial misdirection; neutralizing gossip and rumor at the; Pakistan springboard story told at the; public enterprise reform and knowledge-sharing by; respected outsider used to tell the story at the; stories passing on corporate culture at the; Zambia story of
World Trade Center attacks (2001)
World Trade Center bombing (1993)
Wright brothers
Xerox Corporation: E053 error message story of; Eureka program of
Y2K stories
Your life story. See Identity stories
Yousef, Ramzi
YouTube: on Dave Carroll's broken guitar; Ford's “Fiesta Movement” on; JetBlue use of
Yukl, Gary
Zambia story: linking the change idea to the; narrative common to Pakistan and; “Paw-Paw” Pinkerton's criticism of; retold using minimalist approach
Zax, David
The Leader's Guide to Storytelling Page 39