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Knight and Day (The Knight Erotic Trilogy, book 3 of 3)

Page 6

by French, Kitty

  Dylan widened his knees so she could move in between them. He closed his eyes briefly when she touched the first button of his shirt. He opened them again when she slid it free, reaching out to stroke his hand down her hair as she wordlessly finished unfastening his shirt and slipped it back off his shoulders.

  She’d seen his naked torso already, but it did nothing to deaden the effect of seeing it again, here and now. He had the body of a man who paid attention to detail. But not too much. Conditioned and tanned, sure, but without vanity. Perfect.

  His shirt hit the deck, and he slid forward on the chair and moved his arms around her until he had her held against his warm, naked chest.

  “You nervous, English?” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers. “You’re trembling.”

  “Yeah.” Kara bit her bottom lip and nodded, tentative. Then, without missing a beat, she added, “I’m nervous that you’re going to be a terrible kisser.”

  He laughed softly, so close she could taste him, so near she could smell him, that heady scent that seemed to short-circuit her brain.

  “We’d better find out then, hadn’t we?” Dylan held her chin between his thumb and fingers and tipped her mouth up to his.

  Slow. So, so slow, and agonisingly tender. He barely let his lips graze hers, once, then again. Oh God. Kara’s palms were flat against his chest, enough to feel his heartbeat pick up when she opened her mouth and touched her tongue against his.

  “How’m I doing here?” he murmured, smoothing her hair back from her face with both hands.

  “Not bad,” she whispered.

  “Not bad, huh?” Kara felt his smile on her lips.

  She realised a few seconds too late that she’d been hustled. He yanked her hard against him and lowered his head. This time he wasn’t slow, and he wasn’t tender. His mouth was hot and open over hers, and the sudden kick up from tentative to filthy had her body screaming for more. Sweet baby Jesus, his tongue. Kara heard herself whimper and couldn’t have cared less.

  The man was world class. If there were kissing medals, Dylan Day would get the gold.

  He hadn’t so much as touched her body yet, but she was closer to orgasm than she would care to admit. One touch. One touch, and she’d go.

  “Undress me,” she breathed, desperate to feel his skin pressed against hers.

  He pushed her hair away from her ear and sank his teeth into her earlobe as he lifted the hem of her dress. Kara raised her arms above her head and let him tug it up her body. It landed on the deck on top of his shirt.

  “Stand up.” The raw edge in his voice made her stomach flip. “I want to see you.”

  She stood for him. He moved to stand in front of her. Holding her hand, drinking her in.

  Standing up there on the roof deck of Dylan’s boat, illuminated only by the pinpricks of the fairy lights, Kara knew without doubt that sex with this man was going to change her forever. There was no question in her mind about whether it was a good idea. At this moment, it was a necessity.

  He lifted her arm high above her head and twirled her slowly around, a ballerina in a silent music box. Dancing without music, sultry and seductive.

  “So lovely, English,” he said softly, reeling her in against his chest. “You dazzle me.”

  He tipped her back over his arm and put his mouth against the hollow at the base of her throat, the heat of his denim clad crotch hard against the silk of her underwear. She gasped a little when he opened the catch of her bra. He slid his fingers beneath the straps on her shoulders, then paused to hold her close and smooch her lips a little more.

  “Lost your nerve, Sailor?” she murmured, knowing full well that he hadn’t, unable to resist the challenge. Dylan grazed his teeth over her bottom lip.

  “Once this comes off, we’re over the line,” he said, his mouth moving along her jaw.

  Kara played her fingers across the waistband of his jeans.

  “We were over the line as soon as I stepped onto this boat tonight.”

  “I’ve been over the line since the first time I saw you,” he said, and then eased her bra off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

  Kara’s whole body burned as he looked down at her breasts. Appreciation darkened his eyes to emerald glitter, and the low, intensely sexual catch in his breath told her all she needed to know. He was over the line.

  He touched her; took the weight of her breasts in his hands, sliding his thumbs over her nipples, slipping his tongue into her mouth. His hands were hot, his mouth hotter, the skin of his back hotter still. Searing. Scorching. She stroked him everywhere, and he dipped her backwards again to lift her breasts to his waiting, hungry mouth. His hand slid inside her knickers to mould her backside as he mouthed her bullet-hard nipples, one then the other, again, and then again.

  He lifted her off her feet as she straightened and she wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles together behind his back. Dylan held her easily in his arms, kissing her senseless as his fingers explored the silk between her legs. He had her desperate, unable to breathe with wanting him to push the material aside and touch her properly.

  “Let’s take this inside, English.” His voice cracked, raw and unsteady. “Let me take you to my bed.” His fingers pushed the material a little deeper into her. “Let me take these off for you, and kiss you here,” he thumbed her clitoris, making her moan.

  “And Kara?” he breathed, sliding just the tip of one finger under the material. “The boots stay on.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dylan jumped down onto the lower deck and turned to help Kara down after him, kissing her stomach as it slid past his lips, then lingering on her naked breasts because he couldn’t help himself.

  “Bedroom,” she said, lifting his head to hers. “Now.”

  He led her by the hand into the boat and lifted the trapdoor to the bedroom.

  She eyed it sceptically. “Really?”

  He looked at her, naked apart from her boots and lace knickers, her hands on her hips. The coolest cowgirl in the world. If she produced a gun from those itty-bitty lace panties and shot him right in the heart now, he’d die a happy man.

  “Really.” He waved his arm in front of him towards the hatch. “You first, or me. You choose. Either way I can promise you that I won’t look up your skirt.”

  “Cute, Sailor.” Kara put her head on one side, studying the options. “ You can go first and demonstrate.”

  Dylan turned and lowered himself down the hatch, proficient after the benefit of a few days’ practice.

  “Come down backwards, same as me. It’s easiest.”

  Her boots appeared first, followed by smooth, brown calves. She stilled for a moment when he kissed the sweet spot at the back of her knee, his hands already on her thighs, halfway between steadying and stroking. She dropped a foot down onto the next step, bringing her backside level with his mouth.

  He needed her to stop.

  “Hold it there one second,” he said, moulding her warm curves in his hands and letting his mouth drift over the strip of lace that covered next to nothing. She had skin like the velvet petals of a rose and the kick-ass attitude of the prickliest cactus, and it was turning out to be a combination that drove him crazy.

  She was turned on. The subtle movement through her hips told him so. She was offering herself, opening herself to his mouth. He pulled her panties to the side and slid his fingers into the heat between her legs, loving the way she gasped and rocked her hips a little harder. Fuck, she was wet and ready, and his every instinct was to drop his jeans and screw her there and then against the stepladder.

  He pressed his whole body against her legs, his mouth a breath away from her sex.

  He didn’t want to be a breath away. He wanted her spreadeagled on his bed.

  He pushed a finger inside her, dipping his head between her legs to lick where he’d stroked, laughing low when she tried to open her legs further to encourage him in. She was so close to coming, but she was also close to
breaking her neck. He didn’t want her to break her neck, because he wanted to screw her until she forgot her own name.

  He straightened and slipped his arms around her, finding her nipples and rolling them.

  “Get your ass down off this ladder and into my bed, English.”

  She slithered down, a bundle of curves and flushed skin in the glow of the bedside light.

  She paused for a second, her eyes flickering around the low, velvet-encased boudoir. He watched her, knowing what was going on in her head because he’d had that same reaction the first time he’d seen the place.

  She turned to him, then stepped in close and ran her hand over his cock, flicking open the top button of his jeans.

  She glanced at the low ceiling with a sigh of regret.

  “I guess we’ll have to save reverse cowgirl until another time,” she murmured, flicking open his second button.

  Dylan closed his eyes, but the image of Kara sitting astride his cock in just her cowboy boots stayed there anyway. His affection for the Love Tug waned rapidly with the realisation that it was never going to happen in this room, at least. She flicked a third button open and reached her hand inside, raising her eyebrows at the fact that he was naked beneath the denim.

  “You thought I was a sure thing, Sailor?”

  He shook his head. “Assumed nothing. Hoped some.” He dragged in a deep breath as she dipped down onto her haunches to push his jeans off, her face level with his cock. He could feel the heat of her breath, and he groaned out loud when she licked him from base to tip, raising her eyes to his as she opened her mouth and took him inside.

  If he lived another hundred years, he knew he’d never see anything as outright fucking beautiful.

  He let her slide her mouth over him once more. Twice. And then he stopped her, because if she’d got to three, he wouldn’t have had the self-control to stop her, and by four or five she’d have had him coming like a school boy.

  He pulled her up to a standing position, kneading her behind as he kissed her. She tasted of him already.

  “I want you underneath me the first time.” He backed her towards the bed, pushing her panties down her thighs. “And I want to see your face when I make you come.”

  She sank down as the bed touched the back of her calves, and he bent to help her get the scrap of lace over her boots.

  “I could just take my boots off,” she offered.

  Dylan shook his head and kissed her kneecap, tossing her panties aside. She was sitting on the edge of his bed, and she was naked. He parted her knees and knelt between them, rising up until he was eye to eye with her. Her mouth opened a little when he brushed the back of his fingers lightly over her sex, and he leaned in and kissed her.

  “You like that?” he murmured, doing it again, letting his fingers linger. Opening her, deliberate and slow.

  Kara rested her forehead against his, her breathing short and shallow, her eyes glittering. She was waiting for more, and he had so much more he wanted to give her.

  “So ready for me,” he said, sliding the tips of his fingers over her, knowing full well that she needed more.

  He groaned when her fingers curled around his shaft. She wasn’t playing fair either.

  “So ready for me,” she whispered, and he turned his hand over and thrust two fingers inside her, loving the erotic sound of her moan.


  His cock swelled harder at the sound of his name on her lips, making him reach for a condom from the drawer beside the bed.

  She nodded, breathing hard, taking the foil packet from him and opening it with her teeth.

  “Let me.”

  Protection had never been so sexy. She rolled it over his length with sure fingers, and he rewarded her by drawing delicate circles around her clitoris with his index finger as he traced her lips with his tongue. She kissed him back, her fingers twisting in his hair, her breath coming in short rasps.

  “Lie back, English,” he breathed, moving with her until they stretched out full length on the bed. She opened her thighs when he settled his body over hers, one thrust away from home. Her hand curved around his butt cheek, the other around the back of his neck.

  It had to be now. He pushed his hips down, his breath leaving his chest in a rush as his cock thrust into the warmth and beauty of her body. Blood rushed to his brain. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Her fingernails dug into his ass where she gripped him, holding him deep inside her.

  She opened her eyes when he smoothed her damp hair back from her face, and the trace of a smile crossed her kiss-swollen lips.

  “I know,” he said hoarsely, rocking his hips slowly over hers. “I know.”

  And then she wound those cowboy boots around his thighs, and all conscious thought left his head in favour of just feeling, and fucking.

  Kara wrapped her legs tight around Dylan, hardly able to breathe around the need to come. He’d built her up to this from the moment she’d stepped aboard the boat, and every thrust of his cock edged her closer.

  In the end, it wasn’t his cock that made her orgasm. It was his words.

  “I know.”

  He fucked her slowly, hard, and delicious, and when his hand snaked between their damp bodies to finger her clitoris, he said it again.

  “I know, beautiful girl. I know.”

  Did he know? Did he feel it too, that this was the fuck of a lifetime? She was boneless, ready to come, wanting it to go on forever because she’d never known sex could be so all-encompassing. He touched her everywhere. Between her legs. Inside her head. Every inch of her body shimmered on the agonising, delicious edge of orgasm, then his tongue slid over hers as he started to thrust faster, spreading her wide with his knee against hers.

  His fingers. His cock. His eyes. His mouth.

  “Fuck, Kara, oh fuck…” His eyes locked with hers as her body bucked beneath him. He lost his control watching her face as she came beneath him, his body responding with hard slams that sent her orgasm spinning out all the way to her toes and fingertips.

  She wrapped her arms around him and lifted her hips, dragging him deeper still, making him shudder with release as he came with her hips clamped tight against him. They fitted perfectly. A lock and a key.

  They lay for a while afterwards, her fingers lazy over the contours of his back, his lips smooching the curve of her neck.

  When she opened her eyes, the astral ceiling winked down at her. Sex-tired and content, a smile curved her lips as she smoothed a hand down the back of his head.

  “You made me see stars, Sailor.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “So how are we gonna play this thing, English?”

  Kara accepted the steaming coffee mug Dylan held out and cradled it between her palms, still naked beneath the sheets of his ridiculously comfortable bed after a scant few hours of sleep. She leaned her head back against the padded headboard.

  “Straight down the line,” she said.

  “I don’t want to put you in a compromising position with Sophie and Lucien.”

  She shook her head. “You won’t. They knew I was coming here last night.”

  “You told them?” He looked up from stepping out of his jeans, surprise in his clear green eyes.

  “Of course.” Kara shrugged. “Why not? I’m a big girl, they trust me to make my own decisions.”

  She didn’t go into the fact that she and Sophie had sat down for a good hour yesterday evening talking it through, debating whether Kara was really ready to let someone close again after Richard’s betrayal. Sophie and Lucien had scraped her up off the floor last summer and pieced her back together, a slightly more complicated puzzle than she’d been beforehand. She frowned a little, not appreciating thoughts of Richard intruding on her first Sunday morning wake-up with another man since their split.

  Placing her coffee down, she let the sheet fall to her waist.

  “Breakfast?” She smiled sweetly and raised her eyebrows.

  Appreciation flared in Dylan's eyes as he sat dow
n on the side of the bed. He tugged the sheet away, revealing her naked body to his greedy gaze.

  “The full English, sir?” she said, letting him look his fill.

  He moved closer to stroke her breasts. “You have a smart mouth.”

  “Do you like it?”

  He snaked his tongue along her bottom lip. “I like it plenty.” His hands tracked over her rib cage and settled on her hips. “I like all of you plenty.”

  His easy Californian accent softened his sensual words so that Kara found herself instinctively running her hands over the breadth of his shoulders, enjoying his body. “You’re not so bad yourself, Sailor.”

  “In the interests of honesty, I feel I should tell you that I don’t actually own this boat, and I’ve never sailed in my life.”

  Kara stroked her fingertips over his collarbones, unsure if she was relieved or disappointed that the Love Tug wasn’t a direct reflection of Dylan’s tastes.

  “I’m still going to call you Sailor.”

  “Good. I like the way you say it.”

  “Sailor,” she said, deliberately husky, letting her fingers trail down the definition of his stomach, enjoying the way his cock reacted with interest.

  “Did you offer me breakfast?” he said, sliding his hand between her legs. “Because I’ve decided what I want.”

  “Hmm. What might that be?”

  He opened her with his fingers, dropping his other hand down to explore her exposed sex.

  “You.” He kissed her shoulder. “This.” He concentrated his attention on her clitoris, and she parted her legs wider for him. “Now.”

  Dylan bent over her body and placed butterfly trails of kisses over her inner thighs, then lay down on his side, rolling her onto hers too. He rested his head on her inner thigh when she lifted her knee, and gave a small sigh of appreciation when she mirrored the position, inverted between his thighs.

  “I’m hungry too,” she murmured, wrapping her arm over his hip, holding him close and loving the sight of his cock so close to her mouth. He was the most tempting breakfast she’d ever had before her.


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