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Bear it All (The Hidden Pack)

Page 6

by Gracie Meadows

  “It’s okay, man, really. We will be fine. I think we will take her home with us tonight so the three of us can talk. Plus, we have to work tomorrow and find some help at the bar. It’s small, but it’s ours and we have a great business. Maybe all of you can meet us there tomorrow,” Grey suggested. He was doing his best not to drag his mate out now and keep her safe, but he knew she was safe within this house. Soon the steaks were done and all of them gathered around the tables and living room. It was comfortable conversation, which included them telling them about their time in the military.

  When the clock started to tick past ten at night, he could see Cece was getting tired again and knew the day was wearing on her.

  “I think we need to get you home, love. We can see your friends tomorrow.” He went to lift her and was shocked when she agreed without any complaints. He could only smile when her friends hugged her and she told them she would see them tomorrow at the bar and could call anytime. Sam followed behind and was happy Tiny was staying there and had taken their truck to Becky’s house.

  The ride home was quiet, and as they approached the house he saw the reason why. Cece was asleep in the passenger seat. He couldn’t help but smile at the trust she had instilled in them both already. She had shown them she could look past the hurt and shit she had been through and find something good to hang on to. He was in awe about her.

  Sam opened the door while he carried his little sleeping beauty. She didn’t make a sound, just snuggled closer to him as the night air sent a chill through the air. Sam once again ran inside and opened the front door. He didn’t need to say anything about which room they were going to place her as they took her right into the guest room she had slept in the previous night. As he laid her in the middle of the bed, it bothered him how uncomfortable she looked.

  “Do we change her or leave her clothes as is?” Grey didn’t know the protocol on this.

  “Um, well I hate sleeping in pants, but she might feel better out of her friend’s clothes and into something clean. I can grab a t-shirt she can sleep in.” Grey nodded as Sam went about gathering things for bed. Grey removed her sweatpants that were entirely too long for her, and the giant sweatshirt that belonged to Becky. Once she was laying in the bed, he took time to admire her. She was simply beautiful. Not wanting to be a complete pervert, he tried to avoid her breasts, but he couldn’t help notice how perky they were, even for being small. He was a breast man, and hers fit just right on her frame.

  “I got the shirt and a bottle of water in case she wakes up and gets thirsty.” Grey lifted Cece up and Sam pulled the shirt over her.

  “Dude, did you grab an extra-large for her?” He looked and the shirt once again swam on her, looking like a dress hitting the bottom of her knees.

  “No, actually that’s a medium and from my high school days. She is just so damn tiny,” Sam chuckled. Grey had to agree. Not wanting her to wake up alone he wasn’t surprised when Sam started to undress and crawled in next to her on the left while he did the same on the right. Clicking off the light he realized two things right away. One, they needed to look at a larger bed other than a king, and two, sleeping next to his mate never felt so right.

  Chapter Nine

  Sam had woken early and wasn’t able to sleep anymore. Part of it was because his brain was over processing everything that happened, and the other was because with Grey and Cece in the bed, his ass was falling off. He went to the kitchen and started some coffee. It was only five in the morning, but he enjoyed the morning quietness of the house. He pulled out his laptop to try to get some work done. He wanted to make sure that today’s delivery was set up, he had a large party coming in tonight who had a flavoring for a certain type of Vodka. Everything looked in tack and then he went on to his next issue, since it was too early to check stocks with the market closed right now, he pulled up the website for custom made beds. He was on a hunt to find them something they all could sleep on. Granted every bed in the house were king size, it wasn’t really intended for two sleeping bears and their mate. He smiled at the thought, his mate. Never in a million years would he had pictured her to be the way she was. He admitted she was stronger than she gave herself credit for. Cece had to deal with her brother and his abuse while finishing school and working. Not to mention her crazy friends, and yes, he could say they were crazy. All of them had their own personalities. As he clicked next on the list of beds, he heard someone coming down the stairs.

  “What are you doing up? Is everything okay?” The sweet sound of Cece made him stop and look up. She was standing there in front of him like a vision. Her hair tousled from sleeping, dark glasses hung off her face and she was wearing nothing but his shirt as part of it hung off her shoulder. He had so much he wanted to say about her beauty and inner strength as it shined through, but all he could muster up was, “Hi.”

  “Hi, yourself. You okay? I didn’t mean to kick you out of bed, you know I could have slept on the couch so you could have had the bed.”

  “Oh, baby girl, it didn’t matter if it was the couch or bed, I still would have snuggled next to you anywhere, and it was worth it.” He smiled at her and her shy smile flinted across her face before she walked over to him at the computer.

  “What are you working on?” He watched as she looked at the bed selection he had up.

  “We can’t all sleep in the same bed, and the two of us are way too big for a king. A friend of mind told me about this site, so I am picking us out a new one. Wanna help me?” He held his breath waiting for her to balk about not sharing a bed with them and storm out, but he was shocked when she pulled a seat next to him and sat down.

  “I don’t like this one. The bed reminds me of a grandma bed, but this one is nice with the darker cherry wood.” He watched as she floated across the screen clicking and shifting things around. Sam knew right away she had great taste, but even if she didn’t, he would have gotten anything to see her smile.

  “You know you’re taking this a lot better than you did yesterday.” And like that he inserted his foot and her smiled faded.

  “It’s not that I didn’t think you guys could do better, but I also know that Xandria has a messed up way of always being right. It’s annoying really. Now that I know Billy isn’t my blood and you guys are stronger than he is, I am not going to be his pawn or punching bag anymore. I can process everything a lot better than most people, guess that is in my nature of being a damn Keeper, though I admit the name sounds like I train bees or something. But fate is fate. I am just sorry you both are suck with me.” He watched as she lowered her head in shame. He really was confused. She must not see herself clearly because he knew she was amazing, and most importantly—his.

  Cece knew what he was thinking, okay so maybe she didn’t, but she needed to say it regardless. Fate was a bitch but that didn’t mean she had to be one to them. After all she was the one hitting the jackpot of all jackpots with two amazingly hot bears who were tender and strong. But it wasn’t fair they got stuck with her. She was frumpy, uncoordinated, plain, geeky, and not someone people rushed to when it came to anything remotely sexual.

  “Cece, look at me.” Doing what he asked she looked up at Sam and was shocked to see him actually mad. Shit, what’s he going to do to me? She blanched and held still. In her mind she knew he was nothing like Billy, but it was a natural reaction to be afraid and wait for the blows to come. “First you need to know I would never hurt you, it disgusts me when a man puts his hands on a woman, second, fate wasn’t cruel or mean, if anything, I need to give my thanks to the great Luna who gave me, us, such a gift. Never would I have thought I had a mate like you. Someone who is strong, mentally and physically to deal with what you have for so long. You did it not to protect yourself, but your friends. You have a heart of someone so pure and kind. And you are perfect the way you are.” He moved closer and placed his hands on her waist. “Your red hair is all tousled.” He leaned in smelling her at her neck. “Your intoxicating scent, reminds me of fresh honeysuckles.�
�� As he continued talking, he started placing feather light kisses along her jaw from one side to the other. “You have the sexiest grey eyes, which hold so much information and mystery about them. And this little body of yours. Well, baby girl, you may hide it from others, but I have seen it and it screams to be touched, to be admired, and kissed inch by inch until nothing is left untouched. I want so bad to stick my cock into your sweet little pussy and never leave.” She gasped at his words and he took that moment and pressed his lips to hers. Cece did everything to hold still, but Sam wasn’t having any of it and moved, pushing his computer to the side before lifting her up and on the bar area.

  Relying on pure passion, she grabbed onto his hair, holding his head to hers. His overly long hair hung partly in his eyes, which made it easier for her to hold on to. Sam moved one of his hands up her bare leg making her spread her thighs so he could position himself between her legs. She moaned as he deepened the kiss. Never in her life had she been kissed like this. He was demanding, yet gentle not to scare her.

  “Do you know what you do to me, Cece. How hard you make me. My poor cock is about to blow just thinking about the ways I wanna take you. The need to taste your sweet juices drives me nuts with need.” To prove his point he thrusted his erection into her sex. She did her best to hide her desire, but when he did it twice more, she couldn't hold back her whimper. She felt like a wonton creature of the night. She needed him as much as he seemed to need her. “I can smell that you want me too. I bet your sweet cream is dripping for me, wanting my tongue to lap it all up, making you cry out and beg me for release,” his voice had changed and seemed to deepen with sexual need. Sam moved, grabbed the hem of the shirt she was wearing and lifted it up and off her. “You are so damn hot. Fuck, babe, I just want to fuck you something bad and then do it over and over again.” She couldn’t help but look down at what he was talking about. Her breasts were normal size to her, but maybe he would think they were too small.

  “I just got to have a taste of these amazing berries.” As his slid his hand over one breast his head lowered down on the other as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Shit, holy mother of Mary, how could that feel that good. Her whole body was shaking with an unknown feeling. “Let go, baby, and come for me.” Sam moved to the other breast and repeated the same action and she screamed out his name while a wave of pleasure flooded her senses. She held onto Sam’s head while she panted, trying to slow her ragged breathing, but it seemed he wasn’t done while he moved his hand down to her stomach making his way to her panties.

  “I see you are having breakfast.” Grey smirked as he came into the kitchen. It seemed that Cece and Sam were playing while he lay alone in the bed. She was sitting on the bar panting as Sam’s hand disappeared between her legs. She gasped and looked at him. She looked shocked, aroused, and confused. “I gotta have a little taste too.” She seemed to relax a little while Sam started making small circles beneath her panties. As he got closer he took her lips with his while he palmed her breast. He had been wanting to do that all night, especially with her snuggled next to him. The feel of them were soft but firm. Her soft moans and whimpers made him harder than a teen watching his first porn movie.

  “Damn, baby, you’re so damn tight,” Sam said, and then it was like a light switch went off with her. She sat straight up and tried closing her legs, but pushed Sam’s hand away and stopped kissing him.

  “Cece, you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine, really. I umm, can I have a shower or something.”

  “Sure you can, love, but you need to let us know why you freaked out like that. Did Sam say or do something wrong?”

  “No, he didn’t, really it’s not Sam.” Suddenly realization hit him, but he needed to know for sure.

  “Cece, how many men have you been with?”

  “Wait, what, what are you talking about, and I’m not going to answer that?” she sputtered, and then just like that Sam picked up on it as well.

  “Are you a virgin, baby girl?” At that, she looked down avoiding all eye contact and nodded.

  “That’s not a bad thing, love, if anything, it just means so much more to us. It means only Sam and I will ever be with you. But we need to slow down, your first time needs to be special.” Grey suddenly felt like he won the lottery. His mate was untouched by any other, and male pride filled him. They would be her first, last, and forever. Kissing her nose, he helped her down and covered her up.

  “I’m sorry, I should have said something sooner.” Again she took the blame for everything. It was time she learned some things just happened and no one is to blame.

  “Cece, I want you to understand I am not mad, not in the slightest. I do however, want to make sure that you are ours forever, because when we take your virginity, we will claim you as well. No holding back. That will be it. So for right now, we will just let you shower and clean up. I have to head into the next town to pick up a new light bulb for the bar, I can get you some new clothes. Sam and I will make some breakfast while you clean up.” That seemed to calm her down some and smiling, she left the kitchen and headed upstairs.

  Once she was out of sight he turned to Sam, “How the hell did we get so damn lucky?”

  “I don’t know, man, but I tell ya what, I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to make her upset. Maybe I should talk to her or something. I mean I thought she might be inexperienced, you know with the whole crazy brother thing, but I never would have guessed that she was a virgin. I just know it’s gotta be right. She deserves it to be right.” Grey watched as Sam drank his coffee, looking at the stairs as if the things would be able to provide him with the answers needed.

  “Dude, look, I’m not going to sugarcoat it and say everything is going to be peachy, but the reality is that we can’t be pussies about this. She is our mate, she is our everything, and I would rather die than disappoint her or make her sad. So, my plan is a slow seduction. What’s that weird word people used way back when, you know the one where you did the song and dance?”

  “A courtship?”

  “No, woo, that’s what we need to do, we need to woo our mate. Lay it out for her to get used to us, get to know us better. Let’s take sex out of the equation and make her happy. She deserves to be pampered. I’m gonna take her shopping to get her some clothes, then you can meet us for lunch. But I say order the bed and have it overnighted, or next day. Because I may love you like a brother, but I can’t sleep that damn close to you again,” he chuckled. They both chit-chatted while they made breakfast to start the day.

  Chapter Ten

  “Greyson, it’s too much. I just need a few small things, and I can get my clothes from my house.” Cece was starting to get tired of shopping. It seemed everything she went to pick up he would smile, but would suggest something else. It wasn’t that he was discouraging her to change her style, but she knew he wanted her to dress, well like normal people. She had grown up with a possessive brother and she had to always blend into the crowd and not stand out.

  “I told you, I got this. Please just let me spoil you this time. Besides, the clothes at your house got destroyed during the incident. So please, baby, just try on some more and get what you need and want.” He kissed the top of her head and pushed her back to the dressing room with an arm of clothes. For a man, she was shocked at how much fun he was having shopping for her. It actually made her smile. The sales woman came over and helped unlock the door.

  “I have to say you are a lucky woman to have found a catch like that,” the woman said.

  “Oh, really. Thanks.” Cece didn’t know what to say. She had never had anyone say she was lucky before.

  “Honey, can I be honest about something.” Suddenly Cece wasn’t sure she wanted to know what the woman had to say, but nodded as she looked at Grey walking around looking at weird belts and scarves.

  “I would wear something more form fitting. Do you mind if I pick some things out for you. Your man’s got good taste, but he doesn’t know how to dress a woman.�
�� She looked at the sales woman and realized she too had no idea how to dress like a woman. She agreed and the woman practically jumped with joy before taking the clothes she had in her arms away from her and pushing her in the dressing room. She sat down and waited until the lady knocked and opened the door.

  “First, every woman needs to start with good basics. You need to have a good bra and panties. You can be sexy and functional. I brought you some that seem your size. Try them on and let me see how they fit. I think I have the right cup size.” Then she left. Feeling a bit off, she did as asked looking at the sexy lace black panty and bra, and the dark green one. Liking the color she went green and was shocked at how comfortable it was and how it fit. She was always a simple cotton person you buy two in a pack. But as she looked in the mirror at herself the woman came in.

  “You look amazing and I am so glad I got the right size. Now that you know you have a body underneath the grandma undies, it time you move on. Here are some jeans and shirts.” Outfit after outfit the woman had given her just about everything in the store and was pleasantly surprised that it all fit.

  As she walked out of the fitting room, she kept on the panty and bra, but pulled the tags and smiled when Grey was looking at her.

  “Did you find things, love?” He went to grab everything she had in her arm and headed to the cashier. She wanted to blush when the cashier started unhooking the bras and Grey looked at her with a smile that would light up the Vegas sign. “I see you got something for me too.” He winked at her. The sales lady told him the total as he handed her his card while he took the bags. Once paid, they headed out the store.


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