Daddy's Girls

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Daddy's Girls Page 3

by Stella Andrews

  “Send her to my office—alone.”

  Snake shoots a warning look to Bonnie who just turns on her heel without a word. As she goes to get Ashton, Snake whispers.

  “You sure about this boss?”

  I nod. “Never been surer of anything in my life. I’ll find out what’s bothering her and then we will deal with it as only we can. Nothing is gonna get in the way of Cassie’s future. You can count on that.”

  Snake grins and I watch his eyes glitter dangerously. I laugh to myself. Snake loves what we do more than most. He’s my right-hand man and I trust him with my life. We were crewed together on many missions in the SEALS. We’ve done things that would make grown men cry and destroy them forever. The fact we continue to enjoy that little hobby is an added bonus for us both. Nothing gets past us and whatever problem that little darlin’ has is soon to be mine. They won’t like how I deal with my problems. I’m right, she’s come to the safest place for her – next to me.

  I wait for her in my office. Now I just need to persuade her to stay.



  Bonnie escorts us to Ryder’s office and I feel nervous and apprehensive. Just the brief moment I met him messed with my mind. I have never met anyone like him in my life. He sets me on edge and I’m not sure why.

  She leads us down a passage where we see Snake waiting outside a door at the end. He holds up his hand.

  “Only the girl, you’ll have to wait in the bar.”

  Tyler shakes his head.

  “No, I’m going in with her.”

  Snake looks at him with a menacing look.

  “I said, just the girl.”

  Tyler looks angry and I look at him with what I hope is a confident look.

  “It’s ok, Ty. I’m fine. Wait for me in the bar as they said.”

  I can’t bear the hurt in his eyes as he struggles to deal with the situation we now find ourselves in. This is all my fault, and it’s up to me to deal with the fallout. I smile shakily. “Honestly, it’s fine. I won’t be long.”

  Bonnie smiles at him sympathetically and nods towards the bar.

  “Come on, honey. I’ll fix you a large one.”

  I watch them head off and try to stem the nerves that have taken hold. I can do this, it’s just one man. I’ll be fine.

  Snake is looking at me with interest and I clear my throat.

  “I’m ready.”

  He flashes me a dark look and holds open the door. As soon as I step one foot in the room, it slams shut behind me.

  For a moment I just stand and stare. There he is, every bit as dangerous as I first thought. Why does he affect me this way?

  He watches me, silently staring and his face devoid of any emotion or expression. My heart hammers in my chest as I try to remain cold and aloof.

  He nods towards a chair in front of a desk, filled with papers and files. I try to walk steadily but feel my legs wobbling beneath me. He watches me intently and I try to look composed when I feel anything but. This man has such a power that surrounds him. He is menacing, forbidding and hard and so damn sexy it makes my heart pant.

  As I sit, I look anywhere but at him. I can’t because if I look into those eyes I would be undone.

  The silence is choking me. The atmosphere is intense and suffocating. No words are spoken, they aren’t necessary. We both know he will get what he wants. It’s an understanding lying heavy on the air that separates us. There is something about him that draws me close and wraps me up in the ever after. Is he my destiny? I know he is.

  Then he speaks softly.

  “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  I swallow and my heart races.

  “I can’t.”

  Once again there is silence. He moves and comes around to my side of the desk, perching on the edge in front of me.

  “I said, tell me what’s wrong.”

  I shake my head and he leans down and takes my chin in his hand and lifts it to face him. His eyes bore deep into my soul and I see the gentleness mixed with curiosity. He considers me for a moment and I try to shake off the feeling of his hands on me. It’s like an electric current that starts my heart beating once more. He raises his eyes.

  “I know why you’re here, Ashton. I know about your marriage and what you did to escape it. I know that you must have been desperate to agree to what you did. I don’t judge and I don’t feel. You did something brave that most girls would lack the courage to see through. What I don’t know is why you find it so hard to move on.”

  The tears fill my eyes as he speaks. He knows. He knows what sort of person I am. Weak, foolish and desperate. Not the person best placed to care for a child.

  He continues to hold my face and I try to distance myself from his touch. I can’t think straight with his hands on me.

  The tears escape and my lip trembles. I shake my head and pull away, saying softly.

  “You’re wrong about me.”

  He doesn’t speak and I turn away.

  “I’m not brave. I’m weak, foolish and easily led. All of my life I have been told to be something I’m not. I have tried to live up to my father’s expectations and become the perfect daughter he demands. He rules my life and dictates my future. My childhood was full of luxury laced with oppression. What daddy wants daddy gets. I have lived in his shadow all my life. My friends were chosen for me and my interests dictated. Strictly no boys allowed and schooled with girls. My future was to be the same. I was to be passed from one domineering man to another. The Virgin sacrifice that sealed a lucrative deal. I had no say in what was to happen, it was expected. The only way out was to run. I needed enough money to start again. I wanted to run to a place he would never find me. I wanted to take control of my life starting with my virginity. It was mine to give away not his. For once I rebelled against him. I would give away the prize that wasn’t his to give. I didn’t know that it would prove so hard.”

  I look to the floor and do everything in my power to drive the memory of last night from my mind. It’s too raw, an open wound with no time to heal. I’m not strong enough to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am broken.

  He says in a hard voice.

  “What else?”

  I gulp for air. How does he know I’m holding it back? He sees inside my soul. Maybe he’s the Devil, it certainly feels that way.

  I shrug. “Don’t you see. I failed at that as I failed at everything else. I couldn’t go through with it even with what it promised me. I wasn’t strong enough for that or to fight back. I can’t be that victim anymore. If I stayed it would happen all over again. I would be passed from one man to another and powerless to defend myself. I’m not sure what the answer is but I have nowhere safe to go. Tyler can’t protect me forever. He’s as much a pawn in our father’s games as I am. If he knew about Tyler’s alter ego, he would end up destroying him. We both did what we had to do to escape. The trouble is, I'm starting to realize there is none."

  I feel him approaching and shrink back in fear. He stands before me and fixes me with a hard look.

  “Then let me tell you how it’s gonna be.”

  I look at him startled, and he fixes me with a hard gaze.

  “This job is your best option. I want you as my wife for your own protection. My baby needs a mom and what she needs she gets. If you stayed here as the hired help you would be hit on by every cock sucking bastard out there. As my old lady, you will be safe to look after my Angel with no distractions. You will be my wife so can’t marry another. If they come for you, they will regret it. Your past is behind you and this is your future. I promise you will be safe and want for nothing. If you decide to leave at any time, you can go. Just don’t break my baby’s heart in the process. You play the perfect mom and I’ll play the protector. It’s your call, darlin’.”

  My heart beats faster. I feel unsure and yet for the first time in my life, I feel hope. Then I realize what being his wife could mean and I stutter, “What about… um… you? You don’t expect me
to… um… be a wife to you in every way.”

  I watch his eyes flash and a wicked grin breaks out across his face.

  He leans towards me and whispers, “I want a wife in every way but one. I’m not interested in forcing myself on an unwilling woman, that ain’t my style. I have whores who are more than happy to look after my needs. However, when you are ready, you will come to me. We both know it, I know you feel it too.”

  Grabbing my head, he pulls my face within inches of his and says softly. “You will beg for it, darlin’ and then I’ll know you’re mine. Until then you are safe, however that part of our deal needs to be only ours to know.”

  My legs weaken as I feel him so close. He is overpowering my senses and I can’t think straight. I say huskily, “What do you mean?”

  He pulls away and I feel the loss.

  “Those men need to think you’re mine in every way. In public, we need to keep up the appearance of a loving couple. In private you’re on your own. Like I said, I’m only interested in willing women and you my darlin’ aren’t ready for me… yet.”

  I sink back in my seat and try to make sense of everything I’ve heard. He leaves me be for a few moments and then says softly.

  “Do we have an agreement?”

  I raise my eyes to his and stare at him with a determined look.

  “On one condition.”

  He looks interested. “Which is?”

  I pull myself up and say as bravely as I can.

  “You teach me how to fight. I want to learn how to protect myself.”

  He grins and then laughs softly.

  “It’ll be my pleasure, darlin’.”

  He holds out his hand.


  I take his hand in mine and smile weakly.




  “Are you ok with this, Ashton? You know, you can change your mind if you want, it’s not too late.”

  I feel the nerves bubbling up inside me and look at Tyler with pure terror in my eyes. I try to be brave. Ryder was right, this is the best solution all round. I didn’t think it would be so quick though.

  As soon as I agreed he swung into action. He sent for someone called Judge who turned out to be just as his name suggests. Within the hour it was all arranged and now I’m standing next to Tyler holding a small bunch of flowers that Bonnie thrust into my hand.

  She smiles at me happily.

  “You look lovely, honey. Ryder is one lucky son of a bitch.”

  I smile shakily and try to stop my teeth from chattering. Bonnie whisked me away and proceeded to make me the bride I should be. From out of nowhere, she produced a beautiful white dress that falls to the floor in a cascade of silk and lace. She styled my hair and made up my face so even I didn’t recognize myself.

  I questioned the need for such speed and she smiled and rolled her eyes. She told me that it had to be this way. I wouldn’t be safe until Ryder had claimed me.

  Tyler is quiet beside me and I worry about him. He feels responsible and has the look of a man in torment. Reaching for his hand I squeeze it tightly.

  “It’s ok, Ty. I want this. Ryder told me I’d be looked after and there’s nothing to worry about. It’s for the best.”

  He nods bitterly, then before he can say another word, we are called for.

  As we walk into the bar, I see the whole club watching us with curiosity. I feel the stares. The men look at me with hunger and the women with looks of pure hatred. Ryder King is King around here as his name suggests. He’s the President and top dog and to be his old lady is the highest prize a girl can get. To them, I have walked in and stolen it away. Of course, they hate me.

  I walk holding onto Tyler’s arm with Bonnie behind me. I see Snake and Ryder standing watching and my heart skips a little as I see him staring. His expression is closed but I see it in his eyes. The hunger, the passion, the ownership. I’m like a lamb to the slaughter and once again I have given myself away lightly. Will I ever learn?

  We draw near and he briefly smiles and pulls me to his side. Tyler stiffens beside me and I pray to God this is over quickly. I need to sort this once and for all. This is my escape, not a great one but the best on offer. I will make this work for me, not him.

  As we say our vows in front of the officiator, I mean every word. Well, almost. Trust Ryder to throw ‘obey’ in there.

  It doesn’t take long. As the club bears witness to our marriage, I feel the walls closing in. This is it. My future.


  I had to move fast. I told her it was for her safety. I’m a lying bastard. One word from me and she would have been safe as houses. My men wouldn’t disobey a direct order, it’s not how we roll. No, I painted the sorry tale to get her to be my bride and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I didn’t want to give her room to change her mind.

  As soon as I saw Ashton something switched on inside me. I have always been a loner. Cool, detached and unemotional. I have never loved a woman or ever wanted to. They serve a physical need for me and nothing else.

  But when Ashton walked into the club, something stirred inside me. She was so small, so vulnerable and so damned perfect. A vision of innocence and yet the hottest girl I have ever seen. She is mine. I knew it then and I know it now. She is what I’ve been waiting for all my life and I knew I had to act fast. She’s damaged and broken and I will wait as long as it takes to build her up again and make her whole. I’ve already waited a lifetime, what're a few more weeks, months, even years against a lifetime with my woman.

  When she walked beside her brother to become my wife everything slotted into place. My world was complete. She was home where she belongs.

  Judge wraps it up quickly and then says the words I’ve been waiting to hear.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  I turn to face my new wife and see the nerves in her eyes. She looks scared to death but there’s something else. I see in her eyes what I saw when she looked at me for the first time - a matching hunger to mine. The room is silent as I reach for her. This needs to count.

  I run my hand around the back of her head and pull her face to mine. Her lip trembles and her eyes dilate. I know desire when I see it and it makes my heart swell. I lower my lips to hers and claim them as I have wanted to do since she first walked in. I take my time. I taste the delights in my arms like a man tasting fine wine for the first time. I savor it and commit it to memory. I taste every part of her with a starvation I never knew I had. I inhale her and feel drunk on desire. I shut everyone out but the woman before me. The only one that counts is in my arms and I’m going to make it right for her. I twist her silken strands in my hands and feel the soft, sweet-scented crown that flows around her beautiful face. I want to bury my face in it and commit every last scent to memory. I want to breathe Ashton as if she is the only air I need.

  She kisses me back with the passion I know she holds back. Feeling her tongue entwined with mine feels so right. She tastes of sweetness and innocence and my cock hardens unbearably. What I wouldn’t give to sweep her up run to the hills. But not now, not tonight. She needs to beg for it first—and she will.

  I release her unwillingly and note with satisfaction the flush in her cheeks and the brightness in her eyes. The guys crowd around and pay their respects. Tyler does not. He hangs back and looks as if his world has ended.

  I see Kitty wailing in the background. She’s not the only one and I don’t care. I never promised them anything other than my cock when it suited me. They know the score and give it up freely to anyone who asks in exchange for a protective home and everything they need. These girls aren’t old lady material. They just think they are. However, I need to keep Kitty on side. I need her for another reason now and I’m sure she’s gonna like it—a lot.

  In less than an hour, it’s time to wrap things up. I leave Ashton in Bonnie’s capable hands and nod to Tyler. “Follow me.”

  We walk to my offi
ce and once we’re inside, I close the door firmly.

  He scowls at me and I laugh.

  “Relax, Tyler. I’m no monster. You did the best thing for your sister. Now, we’re gonna make things right for that girl, between us.”

  He looks startled.

  “What do you mean, how can we? The men that hurt her are the most powerful in the land. The men that want to hurt her are her family. How can we sort this?”

  I grin wickedly. “You forget who you’re dealing with. I’m gonna tell you everything I know about your predicament and how to deal with it. Then you must head home and carry it out to the letter. In return, I only want five things from you.”

  He looks confused. “What can I give you?”

  I stare at him with a cold, hard, expression.

  “I want their names.”

  He pales and shakes his head.

  “I can’t, it’s impossible.”

  I fix him with my deadly gaze.

  “You will tell me, Tyler, or this gets uglier.”

  He looks nervous.

  “If they ever found out I told on them I’m dead.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh softly.

  “I don’t intend on having a conversation with them. I just want their names that’s all. I’m not saying I’ll do anything, today, tomorrow or even next week. What I’m saying is they’re now on my list. When someone gets on the Reaper’s list there is only one outcome. It will come to them eventually and will be the sweetest of them all. Tell me their names and it will set you and your sister free.”

  He looks down and I know I’ve got him. He then tells me five names that I write down and commit to memory. Five bastards who are about to pay for their sins. Five men who danced with the devil that night and are heading straight to Hell and five problems that I’m itching to solve.

  Then I tell him what he needs to know. It’s up to him what he does with it. It’s no longer up to me. When Tyler returns, he will return a free man.


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