Daddy's Girls

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Daddy's Girls Page 4

by Stella Andrews



  The party goes on all around me. Huge, intimidating guys crowd around, offering their congratulations. They make me feel smaller than I am and scare the hell out of me.

  The women are no different. They smile but their eyes are cold. They hate everything that just happened and I know they will never accept me. I’m not like them. They don’t want me here and who can blame them. I’ve stolen their prize and they will never forgive me.

  Bonnie appears the most genuine. She fusses over me and makes sure I get to eat and drink. She watches that nobody oversteps the mark and makes light conversation; trying to distract me from what just happened.

  When I think of Ryder my heart flips. That kiss. That amazing, once in a lifetime, super sexy kiss that blew my world. I can still taste him now. I can still smell that scent that was all male, surrounding me and filling my senses. My husband. How good that sounds.

  Almost as soon as the ceremony and legalities were over, he disappeared with Tyler. When Tyler returned he did not. I feel empty without him already. I’m going through the motions but already my heart aches for him. I find myself looking for him at every turn and feel disappointment when I realize he’s missing. What’s happening to me?

  Now it’s time and I fight back the tears. Tyler is leaving and taking with him my security, my comfort, and my heart. My brother is the only one I love and to see him walk away is hard. I try to stop the tears from falling but fail miserably. He pulls me close and I never want to let him go. He strokes my hair and whispers,

  “I’ll be back for you, Ash. Stay strong, you’ll be fine, I have Ryder’s word on that. Despite his hard edge, he’s an honorable man. No harm will come to you in his care. Trust me to make this right for you.”

  I nod, trying to curb the sobs from wracking my body. I can’t fold in front of these people. I need to be strong.

  Just before he leaves I see Ryder enter the room. Kitty is with him and my heart sinks. She catches my eye and smirks. Then she wipes her mouth with her fingers and looks at me triumphantly. So this is how it is. I am the perfect wife to the world outside and yet she gets the part of him I crave. He told me had others to satisfy his needs, and it was obviously true. Almost as soon as the ink was dried on our contract, he was celebrating with another. Why does it hurt so bad?

  I watch as they move across the room. Ryder stares at me the whole time and I can’t tear my eyes away from him. He demands attention just by his overbearing presence. I don’t miss the cocky smile and amusement in his eyes as he sees me stare. He knows he affects me and loves it.

  He moves beside me and slings his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. He drops a light kiss on my head and nods to Tyler.

  “I’ll take care of her. You can count on it.”

  Tyler nods and looks at him with a tight expression. He turns to me and I see the pain in his eyes. As he opens his arms, I walk into them and sigh as they fold around me. Burying my face into the familiar, hard, comforting chest, I feel my firm resolve slipping away. When Tyler leaves, he will take a piece of my heart with him. He’s everything to me and I’m not sure if I can see this through. I feel my whole body trembling as I wait for the inevitable parting. He leans down and whispers, “Stay strong, Ash. I promise I will sort this and set you free. I love you baby sis, always remember that.”

  I nod but words fail me. I can’t speak, it’s too painful. Then I feel a strong hand on my shoulder and feel myself being pulled back to Ryder. He folds me into his chest the same way as Tyler and the familiar changes into the unknown. This chest is strong, and protective but at the same time dangerous. This chest spells danger for my heart and I recognized that the first time I laid eyes on it. He doesn’t speak but I feel his hands rubbing soft circles on my back. He holds me protectively but I also sense an ownership. Just that one gesture says it all. He has taken me from my family and now I’m his.

  Tyler clears his throat and I hear the emotion in his voice as he says, “Look after her, Ryder. She’s all I’ve got and I’m trusting her to you. Don’t let me down.”

  Then I’m surprised to hear him say roughly.

  “Are you ready?”

  I look up in surprise and see Kitty standing next to him looking excited.

  “I sure am, honey. Readier than you will ever know.”

  I hear Ryder laugh softly and look at them in confusion. Tyler just nods and with one last anguished look towards me, he heads off closely followed by Kitty. As the watching crowd disperses I look at Ryder in shock.

  “What’s going on?”

  He shrugs. “She fancied a change of scene so we traded one woman for another.”

  I narrow my eyes and hiss.

  “Do you really expect me to believe that? Why would my brother be interested in your whore?”

  I feel my blood boiling as I think of that woman with Tyler.

  Ryder grins and his eyes flash.

  “Men are all the same, Ashton. Haven’t you realized that yet? Put a tempting proposition in front of them and their dicks make the decision for them. Kitty is good at what she does and is one hell of an attractive package. I have no use for her anymore so what’s the problem?”

  He leans towards me and whispers huskily. “I have a wife now and what a sexy one she is.”

  My heart flutters as I see the hunger in his eyes. Surely he isn’t going back on our pact already. I whisper back angrily.

  “So, you think it’s ok to celebrate your marriage with another just before sending her away when you have no further use for her. I don’t know Kitty but I’m more than angry on her behalf. If that’s the kind of man I’ve married then God help me.”

  I notice the room has grown quiet as the watching guys look with amusement in our direction. They are no better as I watch them pawing at the half-naked women hanging onto their hard, muscle-bound bodies. I feel disgusted with the whole sorry set up and then before I know what’s happening I feel myself being hauled over one incredibly annoying, incredibly fit and crusher of principles in a heartbeat, shoulder. Kicking out, I hiss, “Put me down, what are you doing?”

  He says darkly, “I’m claiming my woman. It’s my wedding night and you’re coming with me.”

  I hear the cheers ring out all around us, as he strides from the room with me over his shoulder, stiff and disbelieving. He promised - this can’t be happening.

  I feel mortified as he carries me from the room like a caveman.

  I freeze, this can’t be happening. Not again.

  As soon as we reach the yard, he says softly.

  “Relax, darlin’. That was all for show. You’re perfectly safe - for now, anyway.”

  He laughs to himself as if he’s said something funny but I’m not laughing. This is a nightmare. I only hope I wake up from it soon.

  The noise from the barn fades into the distance as Ryder approaches a house set some way behind the compound. Despite being slung over his shoulder, I see a rather smart looking modern house nestling in the trees. I feel strangely excited. Maybe I will meet his daughter now. Surely, he wouldn’t do anything with her in the house.

  As we approach the huge wooden front door, he says with laughter in his voice.

  “Honey, we’re home.”

  He then kicks the door open effortlessly and carries me over the threshold like a bridegroom would on his wedding day. Then I feel myself being lowered to the ground and I look around me with interest.

  This is unexpected. The house is modern and welcoming, nothing like I imagined. The hall is huge and bathed in light. Polished marble lines the floor and the walls are neutral with mirrors and tasteful paintings all over them. I look around with wonder as Ryder takes my hand.

  “Come, I’ll show you around.”

  With interest, I follow him as he proudly shows me his home. Each room is as tasteful as the last and I can tell no expense has been spared. It’s made up of several large rooms including a chef’s wet dream of a kitchen, extremely modern and bu
rsting with all the latest gadgets. The furnishings are tasteful and comfortable and unlike the man, the space is warm and inviting.

  He laughs softly as he senses my surprise.

  “So, what do you think?”

  I shake my head and say softly.

  “It’s amazing. I never thought it would be so homely.”

  He’s obviously pleased with my reaction and smiles. That smile sends a dart of lust straight to my heart and I look at him in total surprise. Why is my body reacting to this man? I’m not interested in ever having another man near me in my life but someone had better tell my body that because it appears to have its own agenda. I feel the shivers running through me and the pooling of my desire in my panties. He smirks almost as if he knows and I try to battle against myself. He is strictly off limits. I’m here to do a job. Remembering that, I look around expectantly.

  “Is your daughter here?”

  I watch as his eyes soften.

  “No, she’s at my sister’s. You’ll meet her tomorrow. It’s best this way, you can settle in first before meeting her.”

  Nodding, I smile nervously.

  “Oh, ok. Well... um ... thank you for everything but I suppose I should be getting back to my room. It’s been a long day and I’m feeling tired.”

  I turn to go but a strong hand snakes out and grabs my wrist spinning me around to face an extremely wicked looking alpha male. “No, you don’t. This is your home now, darlin’, with me and my Angel. You sleep here and they mustn’t suspect a thing. To everyone out there we are hard at it as newlyweds would be. You’re going nowhere but my bed.”

  What? I feel lost for words and feel the tremors travel through my body. His bed! I look at him in astonishment.

  “But you promised.” He laughs softly.

  “Like I said, to everyone else we’re a couple in every sense of the word. My little Angel doesn’t want to think of her mommy and daddy sleeping in separate rooms. If the guys found out they would hit on you faster than the ink has dried on our contract. I said I wouldn’t force myself on you, it’s not what I do. When you become mine, darlin’, you will be begging me to. Until then we carry on as arranged.”

  I feel a little happier but look at him nervously.

  “So, you would... um... be... sleeping in the same bed.”

  He grins, obviously enjoying this way too much. He winks.

  “You can count on it, darlin’.”

  I look down and feel myself blushing. This is the strangest situation of my life. I can feel him watching me and raise my eyes to his with determination.

  “Ok, have it your way. So, what do we do now? I mean, your... um... friends will be thinking we are otherwise occupied.”

  He laughs. “We do what other married couples do when they’re alone.”

  I look confused. “What?”

  He winks. “We fight.”



  I showed Ashton to my room to change out of that cock busting dress. Bonnie did a great job and when I saw Ashton walking towards me, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was a vision, and it took all my self-control not to run and meet her halfway. I’m surprised at my feelings for her. She’s the first woman I’ve ever felt such an overwhelming need for in my life. Nobody has even come close to how I feel about this bewitching beauty that has fallen into my path.

  When she looked into my eyes as she pledged her life to me, I knew I’d made the right decision. She doesn’t know it yet but so did she.

  As I wait for her to change, I think about the men who hurt her. The anger grips my soul like a vise and squeezes it hard. Those men will pay for what they did to my Angel. One thing I’m good at is making people regret the decisions they make in life. Tyler didn’t know it but when he told me those names, he was setting off a chain of events that would send those men to hell.

  I grab myself a bourbon and down it in one. I’m going to need every ounce of self-control I possess when that little lady walks back into this room. I meant what I said, she’s safe from me because I won’t be the one to cast a shadow in her eyes. When she looks at me, I only want to see love and desire. It’s time to build my broken Angel back up again and make her the woman I see hiding behind those terrified eyes.

  I saw the look she gave me when I walked towards her with Kitty in tow. I saw the pain and anger as she jumped to the wrong conclusion. She thought I’d been with another, moments after the ink drying on our union. How wrong she was. How could I ever think of being with another when perfection is a heartbeat away? No, Kitty was beside me for another reason. She was angry and upset when I called her to my office and I couldn’t have cared less. Like all the whores who live with us, Kitty has a story that brought her here. She’s a beautiful woman and was dealt a harsh blow in life. Her parents sold her to a drugs dealer to pay a debt, and she was put out to work when she was underage. Snake found her when we were on a job and brought her here to safety. It was her choice whether to stay or not. We would have set her up with a legitimate job with one of our many contacts and set her on the path of a new life. But Kitty wanted to stay. She felt safe and protected here and enjoyed being with the guys. Despite what Ashton must think, our whores are treated right. We don’t promise them anything but a good time. There are no pledges of love and no promises. We all take what we want from each other and expect nothing in return.

  Kitty was more than happy to take the job on offer. An exchange of the utmost secrecy. Tyler is going to set her up with the very men we seek to destroy. The Trojan horse who will cause the club to fall. A tempting package to tempt the very Devil himself. Kitty will be lavished with all the riches that being a member of that club brings and will take great pleasure in bringing them down. It’s just up to her how long she takes doing it. I have no doubts that she will though. Kitty is a loyal member of our club. A Twisted Reaper through and through. Her loyalty is commendable and the only regret I have is seeing the hurt in her eyes when I took Ashton as my old lady. I never promised her anything more than what was on offer.

  I am interrupted from my thoughts as I hear Ashton approaching. As she walks into the room, it’s like a hammer to my heart. She looks so fucking sexy in my T-shirt that barely covers her ass. I want to rip it off her and plunge my cock deep inside that heavenly body. Fuck, maybe I didn’t think this one through.

  She looks at me with those baby blue eyes that are brimming with nervous anticipation and she bites her bottom lip. Fuck me, this woman is so powerful and she doesn’t even know it. One word from those luscious full lips and I would do whatever she wants. How could I deny her anything?

  She looks at me nervously. “I’m sorry but this is the best I could find. None of your clothes fit me and mine are back at the house.”

  I grin and lean back in my chair, looking at her and drinking the very sight of her in.

  “You can go with Bonnie to get some new ones tomorrow. She’ll sort you out. For now, you look perfect. You won’t need much this evening, anyway.”

  She shuffles on her feet and I love the way she bites her lip and plays with her fingers. I could watch her all night long but decide to put her out of her misery.

  Standing up, I approach her slowly. I watch her eyes flick nervously to the door and feel the pain again. This woman has no self-belief and no confidence. Her daddy has harmed the one person he should have killed to protect. This fragile creature is like a butterfly with her wings torn from her body. She’s broken and unable to take flight. I fight my desire and put her welfare first. It’s time to re-build the Angel in front of me into the strong, brave, confident woman I know she will become.

  She swallows hard as I stand before her. I smile reassuringly. “So, you want to learn how to fight. Every night we will meet in this room and I will teach you how to defend yourself. When Cassie’s in bed, I will teach you to be strong. You must follow what I tell you to the letter and not question me. I’m your teacher and you have a lot to learn. There’s no reason to fear me because I’m n
ot interested in adding to your problems. Do you understand?”

  She nods, her eyes wide and afraid. It irritates me more than she will ever know. I want to see those eyes looking at me with love and desire, not fear, so for the next hour, I show her the basics. I teach her basic moves that any kid in a self-defense class would have learned. Once she knows the basics, I will teach her everything I know because the thought of her being in a situation she can’t get out of fills me with terror.


  I never thought it would be like this. Ryder showed me to his room and left me to change out of my wedding dress. His room is large like the man himself. The bed is huge and I shiver as I think about lying next to him. The thought of his body so close to mine is sending a strange feeling through me. I recognize the desire and question it. Surely, I should be sworn off men forever after what happened, but less than 24 hours after my world collapsed, I’m married to another and preparing to lie with the very devil himself.

  That thought fills me more with excitement than dread. I walk over to his absolutely huge walk-in closet. He has many clothes but all I can find is a long T-shirt that barely covers my ass. I find some boxers but they fall from my body and won’t provide any sort of coverage for my shame. Instead, I keep on my underwear and hope that he’s as honorable as I think he is.

  When I walk into the room to find him my heart pounds as I see him waiting. He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His dark eyes pull me towards him like a fish on a line and hold my attention as if there is nothing else in the world. As he speaks I feel reassured. For some reason, I know he won’t hurt me. He is different to the rest. My protector and yet the one man I need protecting from most in the world. This man could destroy me in a far more devastating way than my father or the club. He could rip my heart in two and leave it bleeding to death. I knew that from the first moment we met. Something switched on inside me when I saw him looking at me with those predatory eyes. It was as if my heart knew it was home and the relief was overwhelming.


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