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Seeing Red (The Dark Love Series)

Page 8

by Olivia Howe

  “I love history! Let me see! Let me see!” Lilah claps her hands.

  I hand her my notebook and she begins reading it. Her face is emotionless, completely blank.

  Then, her mouth drops open and she looks at me. She immediately smiles. “I wasn't expecting it to be that good.”

  “Yeah, well, I just starting working on it today,” I go along with what she's saying. She wasn't expecting to hear that news.

  “I think I remember you telling me about this,” she says as she hands the notebook back to me. “Haven't you been working on it with that new girl, Reese?”

  I take a minute to think about her words. “Yes, yes I have.”

  “I think that maybe you should have her look over it since she is your partner.”

  She must want me to go to Reese's house and warn the witches about the Brothers knowing that we talked to them. They could be in danger. “That would probably be my best bet!”

  “Do you want me to come with you? I wouldn't mind hanging out with you and Reese today. Maybe I could be of some help,” Andrew ask me.

  “Me too!” Lilah chimes in.

  Andrew grabs his keys from the side table. "I'll drive."

  * * * *

  When we arrive at the Anderson's house, I begin to feel those familiar butterflies again. I wish I could fight the uncomfortable feeling away. We walk across the stone path and knock on their door. An elderly woman I recognize as their Grandmother opens the door and looks straight at me. She's the woman who told us to stay away from Reese. "Can I help you?"

  “Yes, ma'am. We're here to talk to Reese about the history assignment that we were partnered together for." The words slip out of my mouth without thinking. Is she going to believe us?

  The Grandmother hesitates for a minute. She stands there staring at us. Then, she sighs and steps back, opening the door wider for us. "Come in."

  Stepping through the front door we find ourselves in the living room. I wasn't expecting everything to look so normal inside. It's like any regular home.

  I take a long, deep breath and look at the grandmother right in her eyes. "I know that you have a lot of knowledge on the topic of our assignment. I was wondering if you would read what I have written so far?" My eyes are boring into hers, pleading ever so slightly. She raises her eyebrows in confusion at me.

  I hand her the notebook and she begins to read it. Her eyes are large, and her jaw drops. Once she's done reading, her eyes snap back up to mine. “It's safe to talk in here. We decided to cast a privacy spell some time ago in case something like this happened.

  “I'll get right to the point then. We think you're in danger. The Brothers know that we have been asking for your help with the problems we have with them. I'm so sorry that we dragged you into this. We weren't expecting this. For your safety, we wanted to let you know what's going on.”

  Her face looks furious. She just stares. “I told you to stay away from us. Now we might be in great danger because of it. The Brothers aren't people you want to mess with, and I've been trying to keep my family safely away from all of this mythical drama!”

  “Ma'am, I'm so sorry,” I tell her.

  “I know who John Michael is and what he's capable of,” Lilah chimes in softly.

  “I know everything about John Michael and The Sulivic Brothers. This isn't news to me.”

  “Who's John Michael?” I ask in confusion. Everyone stays silent. Something is wrong. “Lilah, who is he?”

  Lilah looks at Andrew, and then at me. “This is bad, Nina.”

  “Can you explain, please?” I ask in a trembling voice.

  “John Michael is a different type of vampire. He has powers that no one else has.”

  “Can I ever get a straight answer out of any of you?” I throw my hands up in the air in frustration.

  “Nina, when you want something done, let's just say he's the person to get the job done,” Lilah explains.

  “He's the person to get the job done, all right,” the grandmother adds.

  “What kind of powers does he have?” I ask.

  “He has the ability to see your thoughts if he drinks your blood. His strength is beyond any of our abilities,” Lilah explains.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He has the strength of all of us put together, and then some." Lilah's eyes burn with intensity. "I would say we just fight the bastard, but his strength is just too much. He would dominate all of us way too easily. We're no match against him,” Lilah says in resignation.

  Lilah isn't the type of person to underestimate anyone's own strength. This isn't good. This is terrible. Death may be in the near future.

  “John Michael is one person that seems nearly impossible to defeat. He's been around for hundreds of years. Everyone that's ever heard of him, is scared of him," the Grandmother adds.

  “Is there any way we can defeat him?” Andrew asks with concern etched on his face.

  “That is a good question. People have tried to face John Michael in war, but they always fail. Every. Single. Time." The Grandmother spits out. “The element of surprise should be part of your plan. That's the best advice I have to give you.”

  “That's it? The element of surprise?” I look at her in shock. She should know more than this. She's a witch, and the only advice she has for us is to surprise our enemy. Are you serious?

  “Honey, I'm sorry. That's all I got. You could run from them. You could hide from them, but one day, they'll find you. You have to surprise your enemy. John Michael can't beat the element of surprise. What he doesn't know, he can't defeat.”

  The words echo through my thoughts, what he doesn't know, he can't defeat. Is this a riddle? Can't she just be straight up with me and tell me what “surprise” I should throw at him?

  Maybe running away from him would be a better plan. That would save us some time.

  I sit down in the nearest chair I can find before I faint.

  “Are you okay, Nina?” Andrew tries to comfort me.

  “No, no, I'm not okay. We're in this position because of me, because of who I am. This is all my fault. Who are we kidding? We can't defeat him; it's impossible. Even she thinks so,” I say as I point at the grandmother.

  “My names Ann,” the grandmother tells us.

  I look at the ground and shake my head. “I'm so sorry everyone. I'm sorry that this burden has landed on your shoulders. I'm so sorry.”

  “Baby, it's not your fault. We're here because we want to be here, and we want to protect you. Don't blame yourself. We will figure this out. Ann said to surprise John Michael, and that's exactly what we're going to do,” Andrew comforts me with his words. He always knows the right things to say when I'm upset. He's too perfect. I love him for it.

  A single tear escapes my eye. It travels down my cheek and my hand swipes it away.

  Chapter 15

  Abel and Flavior

  Dear Diary,

  I slept wonderfully last night. I fell asleep to the sound of the droplets of rain falling down on the ground. Rain is so peaceful. The sound of it relaxes me. At least there is something peaceful in my life. At this point, I wish it would rain every night. At least enough to put me to sleep at night.

  Waking up, I was hit with reality. How the hell are we going to find a way to surprise John Michael without getting anyone killed?

  Love, Nina

  * * * *

  “Only You” by Tesla comes on. My headphones sit comfortably on my head. The volume on my phone is up as high as it will go, and it's blaring in my ears. I love music. I love this song because Andrew sang it to me. It was amazing, even before, but now it really has meaning. It's Andrew's song dedicated to me.

  I switch my playlist to Led Zeppelin. Rock music just makes me happy. It was amazing, even before, but now it really has meaning. Life wouldn't be as good without music.

  I close my eyes and let the music take control of my mind and body. I start to relax. My mind stops with the racing thoughts. The music continues to blast in my
ears and calm my nerves.

  I jump as I feel a hand caress my arm. The headphones fall off my ears and onto the bed. “What the hell?”

  Andrew starts laughing hysterically. “Sorry to bring you back to reality, but Abel's ready to take you to school.”

  “You scared the life out of me,” I smile back as he's still laughing. “Why aren't you going to school?”

  “We have some things to do today. That's why I'm having Abel take you to school.”

  “What do you have to do?” I ask as my eyebrows raise.

  “Just hunting down some leads that we might have,” Andrew says and winks at me. He must be talking about William. Maybe they're going to try to find him, which they shouldn't do.

  I walk over to grab my things for school and Andrew grabs my hand. “We need to spend some quality time together soon, baby. I promise you we will.”

  He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My lips touch his and butterflies fill my stomach instantly. His lips on mine does something crazy to my body. I want him right now. I need him right now. I want his lips all over my body.

  “You're going to be late for school, love,” Andrew says to me while I softly kiss his neck.

  I look into his eyes and smile. “School can wait.”

  “Bad girl,” he laughs, and sets me down onto his black, silk sheets.

  * * * *

  I pull my shirt over my head and slide it down. I check the clock and notice that I'm about an hour late for school. Shit. What's my excuse going to be? I'll just tell them I overslept. I can't help but giggle to myself. That's right, I overslept, with a naked vampire inside of me.

  “What's so funny?” Andrew asks as he pulls his jeans on.

  I shake my head. “Just thinking of an excuse I'm going to tell the school as to why I'm late today.”

  “And?” He looks at me, waiting for me to explain the brilliant excuse I came up with.

  “Well, I was thinking about telling them the truth. I was in bed with a vampire inside of me,” I laugh, and Andrew joins me.

  “Perfect! Tell them the truth, baby. Honesty will go along way,” he laughs even more.

  I roll my eyes at him, and turn to walk out of his room. I jump at the sight of Abel standing there. “Jeeze, you scared me!” I yell, and can't help but laugh.

  “Well, you look extra happy,” Abel winks at me. “You're late for school.”

  “I know. I know. Are you ready?” I ask.

  “The real question is, are you ready? Should I leave you two alone for another hour?” Abel laughs.

  “Tempting, but I should probably get to school.”

  I kiss Andrew goodbye, and walk with Abel out the door. I close the door behind me, and I instantly feel Abel's back pushing me up against the door. “What are you doing?”

  I feel him start to shake, and I turn around. Arrows are flying toward us. I duck and try to open the door. It's stuck.

  Finally, I'm able to push the door open, and Abel falls on top of me.

  Blood is everywhere and continues to flood out from his body. I see seven wooden arrows stuck inside of him. One looks like it punctured his heart.

  Tears flood from my eyes like a waterfall. My vision becomes blurry as I see all of the the blood. I see red every place I look.

  My hands begin to tremble as I hold Abel's bloody body in my arms.

  “Andrew,” I try to scream. “Andrew, help!” My voice becomes weak and low. I can't seem to scream loud enough. Where the hell is he?

  Abel begins to gasp for air. “Abel, you're going to be all right. Please, Abel. Please, don't leave us.”

  Andrew, Julian, Lilah, Ella, and Alex all show up at once. “What the fuck happened to my brother?” Julian shouts as tears form in his eyes.

  Tears are running down my face and I can't seem to find the right words. I'm in shock. I manage to hold my hand up and point in the direction the arrows came from. Everyone except for Alex goes to find the evil person responsible for this.

  Abel grabs my hand and squeezes it tight. “Tell my parents I love them.” As the words leave his mouth, I notice he looks exactly like Gavin did before he left this world.

  “I will tell them, Abel. I promise,” I manage to choke out.

  Abel smiles at me and continues to hold my hand. He closes his eyes, and I know what's next to come.

  The arrow punctured his heart, and it's time for him to leave this earth.

  Abel takes a deep breath, and his body starts to turn gray. Every vein in his body appears boldly against his skin. Cracks begin to form all over him. “No,” I cry out. “Abel, no!”

  Abel opens his eyes and looks at me one last time. Then, suddenly, his body turns to ash and floats through the wind all around me.

  My jaw drops and tears fall from my eyes. “Abel,” I whisper as I shake my head. “No, Abel. Please, no.”

  Alex pulls me to her and embraces me tightly. She starts to cry as well.

  As the tears stream down my face, it finally hits me. Abel saved my life. He guarded me like a shield. Those arrows were meant for me, not him. He took seven arrows for me and put his life on the line. He's gone from this world because of me. “It's all my fault,” I whisper.

  “It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself for this,” Alex tries to comfort me.

  Andrew, Julian, Lilah, and Ella come to my side. I look up at them and see their shocked faces. I look down, and there's blood and ash all over me. They know what happened. They know he's gone.

  “It was Flavior. He killed him,” Andrew chokes out.

  I look up at them and see tears falling from each and every one of their faces. “It's all my fault,” I cry. “I'm so sorry.”

  Andrew gets on his knees and looks me in the eyes. “Love, this is not your fault!” Tears fall from his face. “Let me get you cleaned up.”

  Andrew gently picks me up and brings me into the house.

  He's gone. Abel's gone, and it's all my fault.

  Chapter 16


  Dear Diary,

  I thought watching Gavin leave this world was torture, but I was wrong. That was nothing compared to watching Abel, a person that I grew to love and respect, turn to ash and get carried away in the wind.

  He's gone forever. I will never see that shining pale face of his ever again. I will never get greeted by him with a door smashing into my nose. I will never see his smile again, or the way he tries to please everyone with his warm heart. He was such a caring and loving person. You couldn't help but to love Abel.

  He's gone. Abel is gone. He thought he was going to live for eternity, but it ended. His eternity ended because he was shielding me. He protected me, knowing that death would come shortly. He saved my life. He gave me another day to live, to breathe, to see the smiling faces of my family and friends. He gave me another chance at life. Why would he do that for me? Why would he die for me to live? Why?

  Love, Nina

  * * * *

  I pull my curtain open, and see that it's raining outside. The sun is hidden in the grey clouds. The road is glistening with puddles of rain. I hear the sound of the rain hitting the roof of the house, it's peaceful. I feel myself zoning out on the shining, wet grass.

  A thought crosses my mind; I can't go to school today. I don't want to go to school. I need to be alone. I need to walk and feel the rain on my bare skin. I want to feel it running down my face. I want to smell the rain as it blows in the wind.

  I put on my rain boots, and leave my sweatshirt laying on the edge of my bed. I don't need it, I need to only feel the rain.

  I walk downstairs. My mom went to work early. Good. That way she can't ask questions.

  I open the front door, and walk out into the open rain with no sweatshirt to cover up my skin. I continue to walk. I have no idea where I'm going, I just know I have to walk. I have to walk in the rain.

  I keep walking for ten more minutes. I spot a path that leads down to the ocean. Perfect. That's exactly where I want to be
right now.

  As my rubber boots hit the sand, it just doesn't feel right. I slide my boots and socks off, and throw them in a pile on the sand.

  My heart starts to race, and my breathing becomes heavy. I lift my arms out and let the rain hit my bare skin. It's cold. My body begins to shiver. I like it. I like the feeling of the cold water hitting my skin.

  The rain gets heavier, and starts pouring down my face. I stand with my eyes closed.

  I start walking toward the water. I need to feel something other than this pain taking over my body. It's hurting me, and I just can't take it anymore. I need to feel something else before my head explodes.

  I concentrate on the sound of the rain, and the coldness running through my body, as I keep walking until my toes feel the cold water. I stare into the clear ocean. No boats, no people. Nothing. Just open water.

  I watch the waves crash into each other. It's beautiful. Nature is a beautiful sight to behold, but I want to feel it.

  I walk into the water and my body shivers at the coldness surrounding my legs. I ignore it, and keep walking deeper into the water. When I stop, my toes are touching the sand at the bottom, and the water is a little below my neck. I lift my head up and let the rain fall on my face.

  I take a deep breath and pull my head under the cold water. I open my eyes and see darkness everywhere. The water feels like a thick blanket that is suffocating me slowly. It doesn't bother me. I don't move, keeping my head under the water. My eyes start to blur. My breath is running low. My body is losing oxygen underneath the thick blanket of water. I still don't move.

  I shut my eyes. I want to scream and cry right now, but I don't. I just stay here, underwater, with my eyes closed.

  Is this what Abel felt while he laid in my arms gasping for air? Is this the last feeling that took over Abel's body? I want to know what he felt in those last moments of his life.

  My heart starts beating faster and faster. I need air. My lungs are burning for oxygen, but I can't move. I don't want to. I stay in the cold, dark water. I feel like I'm slipping, like I'm losing myself.


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