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Love Never Dies

Page 20

by Pelaam

  Two metal clamps gripped to the ship’s hull, and their chains disappeared down the volcano’s shaft, but Midnight didn’t need to see where they went. The Atlanteans. They’re going to drag us back down.

  “What is it, Midnight?” Tresilian’s voice came from above him. “Can you see?”

  “We’ve been clamped. We have to cut the chains.” Midnight scrambled up. “I have cutters.”

  “I’ll do it.” Tresilian caught hold of Midnight’s arm and pulled him to a halt.

  “Yes.” Midnight stood on tiptoe to kiss Tresilian softly. “I should have guessed you’d volunteer. This way.” Midnight led Tresilian back into another room and indicated a door. “In there. You should find them at the back.”

  “Right.” Tresilian drew Midnight into a hard embrace, kissing him deeply. “Let’s do this.”

  “Yes.” Midnight followed close behind Tresilian. But the moment his lover went into the darkened room, Midnight pushed him hard, slamming and locking the door.

  “Take care of Aurora. Tell her I love her. And I’ll always love you, even if you never loved me.” Aware the door may not hold Tresilian long, Midnight rushed away to snatch up the cutters and let himself out of the hatch.

  Taking a minute to assess the situation, Midnight clambered onto one chain and with an effort cut through the other. He gave a grim smile as it disappeared into the abyss. All I have to do now, is line the cutter up, but keep a tight hold of the clamp as I do. Then when the ship lifts, I can hold on and wait for Tresilian. He’ll pull me up far more successfully than I could have managed the other way around.

  Tightening his grip with his legs, Midnight raised the cutter then screamed as something grabbed his ankle. He tried to kick himself free but whatever held him kept its hold, dragging him slowly down the chain.

  “Lynch!” Midnight caught a glimpse of Ferdinand’s man as they slithered continued to fall.

  “That’s right. Maximus promised me more gold than I could carry if I succeed in bringing you back alive. They’ll reel in your ship and use it for their own escape. The Leviathan is destroying Atlantis and the escape route the Atlanteans expected to use is blocked.”

  “Don’t do this,” Midnight begged. “You could come with us.”

  “And pass up a fortune?” Lynch slid down again, ruthlessly dragging Midnight with him. “Not bloody likely.”

  There was no reasoning with the man and Midnight knew it. There was only one thing he could do. Already he could make out the Atlantean ship below them. The Freedom must be loosed now!

  With a desperate swipe with his cutters, Midnight connected with Lynch’s hand, forcing the other man to release him. There was no time to think or regret, only to act. Swinging the cutters around, Midnight slammed them into the chain, took a deep breath, and snapped them closed.

  “Nooo!” Lynch screamed as they both plummeted down.

  Goodbye, Aurora, Tresilian. I love you both. Midnight closed his eyes ready to embrace the darkness when a bone-jarring thud sent the air whooshing from his lungs and Midnight’s world went black.

  Chapter 32

  With another lurch, the ship righted itself and Aurora punched the air.

  “They did it. We’re free.”

  “Let’s rise as quickly as possible.” Voltaire eased to his feet. “I’ll inflate the balloons a little more to get us out of here faster.”

  While Voltaire went to the balloons, Aurora held tight to the wheel, her gaze never leaving the growing patch of light above them. They were so close she could almost touch the sky as an expanse of blue blossomed above her.

  “We’re out.” Aurora wasn’t certain if she was laughing or crying, and when Voltaire came over to her, she hugged him tightly. “We did it.”

  “Yes, we—”

  When Voltaire fell silent, Aurora leaned back to look at him. The expression on his face made her blood turn to ice and she turned to follow his gaze.

  Tresilian had emerged from below deck, but he looked as if he’d aged a decade or more. His face was grey, shoulders slumped, and his back bowed.

  “Tresilian. Where-where’s Midnight?” Aurora’s voice trembled as much as her voice and when Tresilian raised his head and she looked into his eyes; Aurora shook her head. “No. No. He can’t be. Where is he? Where’s my brother?”

  “He locked me in. The Atlanteans harpooned us. The chains had to be cut.” Tresilian looked from Aurora to Voltaire and back. “He didn’t think…he never knew…I never said…”

  “Tresilian, sit down, man.” Voltaire glanced at Aurora and she nodded, clinging tightly to her ship’s wheel for support. “What are you trying to say?”

  “He sacrificed himself to save the ship and I never told him how much I loved him.” Tresilian covered his face with his hands, his shoulders shaking.

  Only the ship’s wheel kept Aurora upright, the pain in her chest crushed the breath from her lungs. Overhead a familiar screech rang out. The sight of QC circling the ship, looking for Midnight tipped her over the edge and a wracking sob of grief burst free.

  Through her tears, Aurora watched the pterodactyl wheel away toward the volcano. There was a rumbling sound like thunder, even though the sky was clear. Then the tip of an immense tentacle slowly emerged with a familiar figure clinging onto it.

  “Midnight!” Aurora screamed her brother’s name and he gave a quick wave. She watched, her heart in her mouth as Midnight waited for QC to come close. Reaching up, he grabbed hold of the pterodactyl’s lethal claws and she wheeled around, flying back toward the ship.

  “Midnight, let go when I tell you.” Tresilian was already on his feet, running to the ship’s prow to enable QC to get close without the balloons getting in her way. “Now, my love. Drop now.” As QC glided past, Midnight released his grip and Tresilian caught him, both men tumbling to the floor.

  Aurora ran from her post, uncaring about anything other than her brother, and dropping to her knees beside Tresilian who cradled Midnight in his arms.

  “It’s a miracle,” she whispered.

  “Pretty much.” Midnight coughed and Tresilian relaxed his hold enough for Aurora to hug her brother.

  “What happened?” she asked, running her gaze over him, still scarcely able to believe he was there.

  “Lynch tried to drag me down, but I managed to cut the chain.” Midnight tried to smile but his lips only trembled. “When I did, I fell, but landed on a ledge and knocked myself out. I woke up at an insistent prodding. It was the Leviathan. She wanted to help me as I’d helped her. It wasn’t easy balancing on her tentacle, but it was the best she could do. She was at full stretch to reach the rim of the volcano. I owe the rest to QC.”

  “That damn pterodactyl can have any many treats as she can gorge herself on.” Aurora kissed Midnight’s cheek. Then she glanced over her shoulder. “And the Atlanteans, and the Leviathan?”

  “I don’t know if any Atlanteans escaped. The Leviathan intends to swim into the deepest part of the ocean to live her life in peace. The polypus is with her. She was a tool of the Atlanteans. Now she’s free.” Midnight leaned into Tresilian and Aurora smoothed away the dusty, bloodied hair from his brow.

  “Tresilian, I think my brother could do with being cleaned up and a long rest. May I ask that you look after him while I get this ship back home?”

  “I’d be honoured.” Tresilian scooped Midnight into his arms, cradling him close to his chest.

  “Welcome back, Midnight.” Voltaire patted Midnight’s shoulder. “If you’d care to give me your orders, Captain, I’m at your command.”

  “Very good, Mr Crevin. Kindly take your place beside me at the wheel.” Aurora kissed Midnight’s brow. “I’m leaving you in Tresilian’s care. There isn’t anyone I’d trust more to look after you.”

  “There isn’t?” Midnight looked from her up at Tresilian.

  “I love you, Midnight. I’ll spend the rest of my life showing and telling you.”

  “You will?”

  “I’m sure
he will.” Aurora laughed out loud, her joy bubbling free. “Now get below deck, the pair of you. I have a ship to captain. We’re homeward bound.”

  Chapter 33

  It wasn’t the sun filtering through the bedroom windows that finally woke Midnight, but rather the ticklish sensation at the tip of his nose. Cautiously, he opened his eyes, only to discover his face buried into the lush hair of Tresilian’s chest.

  With a sigh, he nuzzled closer, yawning softly, and burrowed deeper under the blankets, nestling against the broad expanse of his lover’s frame. As he wrapped his arm around Tresilian’s waist, Midnight unconsciously hugged him tighter.

  The slight change in position brought him into direct contact with his lover’s erection. Midnight opened his eyes wide, then tried to move so as not to disturb the still-sleeping man he was using as a human pillow.

  “Going somewhere, my love?”

  “Um, no.” Raising his head, Midnight looked down at Tresilian, the heat of a blush burning his cheeks.

  “Good.” Tresilian reached up to caress Midnight’s cheek. Then, sliding the hand around to the nape of Midnight’s neck, drew him down and lightly brushed his lips over the spot where his thumb had been.

  Midnight didn’t resist as Tresilian urged him onto his back, leaving a trail of kisses across Midnight’s forehead, eyelids, and nose as he slowly worked his way to claiming Midnight’s lips.

  By the time Midnight felt the first brush of Tresilian’s mouth over his own, he was already moaning softly. As Tresilian continued with more still-gentle kisses, Midnight sucked on Tresilian’s lower lip.

  In response, Tresilian eased his body on top Midnight’s, sealing their lips in a demanding kiss as he thrust his tongue deep. Midnight clutched at his lover, trying to thrust against Tresilian’s solid body. Finally, Tresilian pulled back, peppering kisses to Midnight’s lips as he did.

  “Easy, my love,” he murmured.

  “What’s wrong?” Midnight asked, looking up at Tresilian.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to love you as I should have loved you all along.” Tresilian rested a finger over Midnight’s mouth as he tried to object.

  “You didn’t think I loved you as you loved me. Be honest. Did you?” Tresilian removed the finger and Midnight sighed deeply.

  “No. I thought that once we got home, you’d leave me.”

  “And you were willing to sacrifice your life to save me. Right?”

  “Right.” Midnight nodded, wondering what Tresilian was leading to.

  In that case, just let me love you…” Tresilian’s voice trailed away with a series of tender kisses to the sides of Midnight’s mouth.

  With a soft sound of pleasure, Midnight closed his eyes as Tresilian nibbled his sensitive ear lobe before moving to mouth along Midnight’s throat. His vocalisations intensified with each part of his body on which Tresilian lavished his attention.

  But Midnight bucked so hard he almost dislodged his lover when Tresilian teased one of his nipples, then the other, with the tip of his tongue before swirling it around the areolae.

  “Oh, Tresilian…please…” Although Midnight begged, Tresilian continue to gently bite each nub before sucking them in turn. As if reluctant to completely abandon Midnight’s now sensitive peaks, Tresilian blew across then lightly tweaked them, and Midnight groaned his frustration.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” Midnight panted each breath as he glowered up at his smiling lover.

  “I thought you were enjoying yourself.” Tresilian left his hands hovering over Midnight’s body. “But if not…”

  “Don’t stop!” Midnight begged. “Please don’t.”

  “I won’t. Trust me.” Tresilian leaned down for another kiss.

  Since Tresilian was in a playful, as well as romantic, mood, Midnight opened his mouth to greet Tresilian’s tongue and sucked on it slowly. Their cocks rubbed together deliciously, sweat making their bodies slick as they moved against one another.

  “Tresilian…take me.” Midnight pulled back from the kiss, taking a deep breath as Tresilian gazed down and Midnight met his lover’s gaze. “Please. I need you.”

  “Shh.” Tresilian, whispered the words across Midnight’s lips. “I want this to be like our first time. Nice and slow. Me showing you how much I love you. Even if don’t always put it into words, I don’t ever want you to doubt it again.”

  “I can do slow.” Midnight framed Tresilian’s face in his hands. “For you.”

  “For us.” Tresilian nipped at Midnight’s lower lip. “Now, where was I?”

  While Midnight relaxed into the bed, Tresilian trailing his fingertips down Midnight’s abdomen, and took Midnight’s cock in a firm grip. When Tresilian licked up and down its length then over the head, Midnight whispered his lover’s name.

  “Oh, Tresilian, I can’t. I can’t hold out if you do that.”

  “Easy, my love.” Tresilian tugged at Midnight’s balls and Midnight sagged back, his imminent climax temporarily delayed.

  It was only when Tresilian reached over him to retrieve the oil from the bedside table, that Midnight noticed both the small flagon and a washcloth there. With a wink, Tresilian kneeled between Midnight’s thighs and oiled his fingers.

  “Ready?” he asked, and Midnight nodded eagerly.

  “Oh, yes. More than ready.” A sigh escaped Midnight as Tresilian slid a single finger along Midnight’s perineum then took Midnight into his mouth once more.

  The sensation of Tresilian stretching him gave Midnight something else on which to focus and he rocked his hips in time with his lover’s rhythm. It seemed to Midnight as if Tresilian knew his body as well as he did himself. Before he could beg for more, his lover was already sliding a second digit alongside the first. When the third slid inside him, Midnight’s endurance reached its limit.

  “Now, Tresilian, please,” he begged. “I need you now!” Midnight grabbed at the base of his cock, squeezing firmly as Tresilian thoroughly oiled his cock.

  As Tresilian shuffled into place, Midnight wrapped his legs around his lover’s waist. Snatching his own pillow, Tresilian shoved it under Midnight’s hips and rested his dick against Midnight’s slick entrance. Then he waited for Midnight to meet his gaze.

  “Now, today, tomorrow, and all our tomorrows to come. I love you, Midnight.”

  Tears pricked as Midnight’s eyes as Tresilian made his vow. He knew then that if he never heard the words again, he could never doubt the depths of his lover’s devotion.

  “I love you, Tresilian. Now show me your love.”

  Never breaking Midnight’s gaze, Tresilian finally pressed forward, using slow, measured thrusts, and finally slid in deep. He waited before moving, repeatedly allowing Midnight to adjust to being filled. With a triumphant smile, Midnight finally took Tresilian to the root.

  “I have you. All of you.”

  “You always have me, Midnight. Are you ready?” Tresilian asked and Midnight nodded.

  “Show me your love.” Midnight stroked across Tresilian’s shoulders and down his arms as his lover began a slow rocking. He relished the feel of Tresilian’s thick flesh moving inside him, making them as one in the most intimate of ways.

  Tightening his legs around Tresilian, Midnight moved in counterpoint, gasping softly when the special spot deep inside him was touched. He clenched and relaxed his inner muscles in response, wanting to share his enjoyment. Heat and musk rose into the air and sweat slicked their bodies, allowing Midnight’s cock to slide against Tresilian’s stomach.

  Reaching up, Midnight pulled Tresilian down for kisses that became little more than mashing their mouths together in between increasingly ragged breaths as they gave and received pleasure in equal measure.

  “I’m close, my love.” Tresilian’s voice was deep and gravelly, sending another wave of arousal to crash over Midnight and he nodded, his gaze fixed on his lover.

  “Yes, yes.”

  “Spill with me, Midnight. Together.” Tresilian shifted his balance, tak
ing hold of Midnight’s cock and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

  The added stimulation was all Midnight needed. He tumbled over the edge with a sob of Tresilian’s name. Even as his climax consumed him, Midnight heard Tresilian’s moan before his seed spilled deep inside Midnight’s welcoming body. Then he collapsed bonelessly on top of Midnight who clung tightly to him as his own body still thrummed in the afterglow.

  “Mmm,” Midnight sighed, reaching down to stroke his fingers through Tresilian’s hair. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “Love you too, sweetheart. Now, let me clean us up a little so we can rest.” Tresilian reached for the damp flannel and gently cleaned Midnight first, before scrubbing briefly at his own body. Tresilian kneeled back and Midnight looked up at his lover.

  “You are so beautiful, Midnight.”

  “Even like this? Midnight couldn’t help but laugh softly. “I’m sweaty, dishevelled, and well and truly taken.” Midnight didn’t even have the energy to move. His feet were still flat on the bed, knees bent a bit, and thighs spread wide.

  “Most especially like that.” Tresilian chuckled. “Let’s rest a while.” He tossed the cloth aside and settled down, pulling Midnight into his arms. “We can’t spend the entire flight home down here, much as I would like to. But for now, sleep is the order of the day.”

  “Mmm, I agree.” Midnight nestled into his lover and closed his eyes. For the first time in many days, he knew he could sleep peacefully.

  Chapter 34

  It was almost impossible for Midnight to believe that two months had sped passed since he and the others had finally returned home to a tearful reunion with their parents. But there had been no chance for him to relax.

  Very soon thereafter, not only had Voltaire been offered a place as part a government agency devoted to dealing with the S.O.R., but he and Tresilian ensured that Midnight and Aurora received favourable and wide-spread publicity for their flights and their bookings had soared.

  However, all that pales in comparison to today. The day of the wedding. Midnight turned to Aurora who looked as calm, cool and, collected as ever.


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