New York magazine
New York state
New York Times
Nial, Susan
Nichols, Albert
history of use, as drug
market and
substitute or “analogue”
tobacco plant bred for high levels
nicotine addiction
Castano suit and
Cipollone suit and
debate over
Dole and
FDA regulation and
LeBow admits
as pediatric disease
tobacco companies deny knowlege of
Tobacco Institute and
use of words in documents and
Wigand and
Williams and
withdrawal and
“Nicotine as a Positive Reinforcer in Rats” (DeNoble and Mele)
nicotine level manipulation, ABC suit and
ammonia and
BAT research and
FDA investigation of
Marlboro vs. Winston and
Tamol notes on
Teague memo and
Wigand deposition on
youth marketing and
Norwood, Charlie
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Ochsner, Dr. Alton
O’Quinn, John
Osdene, Thomas
Osteen, Judge William
Owens, David
PAC contributions
Panetta, Leon
Parrish, Bob
Parrish, Steve
patents, tobacco company
Patti, Christopher
Pentagon Papers
Pepples, Ernest
Perry, Ernest
Pershing, Gen. John
personal choice argument
Pertschuk, Michael
Peter Castano Anti-Tobacco Research Committee
Peto, Richard
Philip Morris co.
ABC and
Butler suit and
Carter suit and
Castano suit and
document wars and
FDA and
legal bills
Liggett and
lung cancer scare and
memo on research suppression
Mississippi case and
national settlement and
nicotine-free cigarette and
nicotine levels and
nicotine research by
OSHA hearings and
research documents leaked
Rogers suit and
Ross suit and
Surgeon General’s report of 1964 and
teenage smoking and
Tucker deposition and
Waxman committee
Wigand and
youth market and
Philip Morris International (PMI)
Plant Variety Protection Certificate
point-of-sale advertising
“Policy Aspects of the Smoking and Health Situation in the U.S.A.” (Rogers and Todd)
Pollack, Shep
Posner, Judge Richard
Pott, Percival
pretrial discovery
Preventive Medicine
Pritchard, Walter
“privileged” documents
challenged, in Minnesota
Liggett turns over
Procter & Gamble
“product placement”
“product used as intended” concept
“progressive settlement” agreement
Project Ariel
Project Janus
“Project Plus, Minus”
“Project Sixteen”
promotional items
Public Citizen
public health community
“public nuisance”
punitive damages
national settlement and
“punitive sum” compromise
“pure” comparative fault
Quayle, Dan
Raulerson, Dana
Ray, Christopher
Reader’s Digest
Reagan, Ronald
“rebuttal presumption”
Red Cross
Redfearn, Bob
Rehnquist, William
Republican Party
research, tobacco company
debate between lawyers on
researchers, dissent among
suppression of
See also lung cancer; nicotine; smoking and cancer link
“Research” (code name for FDA source)
“Research Planning Memorandum on Some Thoughts About New Brands of Cigarettes for the Youth Market” (Teague memo)
“resource hypothesis”
restaurant smoking bans
Rice, Joe
Richards, Ann
Ritter, Ann
R. J. Reynolds
ABC and
blacks targeted by
Butler suit and
cancer research and
Castano suit and
Connor case and
FDA and
funds Little’s cancer research
Joe Camel ads and
Koop and
lawyers and
Liggett and
lung cancer scare and
Mississippi and
Moore and
national settlement and
nicotine research by
Rogers trial and
Scruggs and
Surgeon General and
Tucker deposition and
Waxman committee
youth targeted by
RJR Nabisco
Robinson, John
Robison, Walter “Bud”
Rodgman, Alan
Rodham, Hugh
Rogers, Philip
Rogers, Richard
Rogers, Yvonne
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roper Organization
Rose, Charlie
Rosenblatt, Stanley
Ross, Arthur
Ross, John
Royal College of Physicians
Rupp, John
Sackman, Janet
“safe(r) cigarette”
St. Martin, Mike
Sandefur, Thomas
San Francisco Superior Court
Sarokin, H. Lee
Satterfield, David
Scanlon, John
Scarboro, James
Schelling, Thomas
Schwartz, John
Schwartz, Victor
“scientific proof” issue
scientific reports, concealment of
Scott, Gloria
Scruggs, Dick
Barrett and
B&W documents and
Castano and
Liggett settlement and
Medicaid case and
Mississippi case
national settlement and
Waxman hearings and
Wigand and
Williams documents and
Sears, John
secondhand smoke
OSHA hearings and
Seevers, Maurice
Seide, Charles
Seligman, Robert
Seltzer, Carl
Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Sheffler, Bruce
Sherman Antitrust Act
Shoup, Hal
silicon breast implants
60 Minutes (TV program)
Smith, Anderson
Smith, Gordon
Smith, Judge Jerry
Smokescreen (Hilts)
“Smoking, Health and Personality” (Eysenck)
smoking and cancer link
admitted by LeBow and Liggett
Carter trial and
research suppressed by tobacco companies
scientific research on
tobacco industry attack on
Tucker deposition on
Wilner’s method and
See also lung cancer
“Smoking and Health” (Royal College of Physicians report of 1962)
smoking cessation programs
smoking-related costs
smoking-related deaths, yearly
Smoot, Senator Reed
Snow, John
Sobol, Tom
Solomon, George
South Western Nominees Ltd.
Souza Cruz Overseas
“Special Projects” funds
Stahl, Lesley
Starr, Kenneth
state compensation funds
state Medicaid suits (attorneys general)
Liggett settlement and
Motley and
origin of
national settlement and
“seminal” seminar on
stock analysts
“Subjective Coding Project”
“subrogation” doctrine
Surgeon General, U.S.
Report of 1957
Report of 1964
Report of 1988
“Survey of Cancer Research with Emphasis Upon Possible Carcinogens From Tobacco” (Teague report)
Synar, Mike
Taddeo, Joseph
Tamol, Ron
“target level”
tax deductibility of settlement payments
Teague, Claude
teen smoking. See youth market
Temple, Diana
“term sheet”
Terry, Dr. Luther
Texas Medicaid suit
Texas state courts
Thompson, Fred
Tisch, Andrew
Tisch, Laurence
Tobacco Free Kids
Tobacco Industry Research Committee (TIRC)
Tobacco Institute
tobacco lawyers
OSHA hearings and
takeover of research and data by
tobacco lobby
tobacco plants, bred for high nicotine levels
Tobacco Products Liability Project
Tobacco Research Council (UK)
tobacco states
tobacco stocks
tobacco suits, history of
First Wave
Second Wave
Third Wave
Todd, Geoffrey
“Torpedo Team”
“tortious interference”
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
Toxic Torts Section, Mississippi Trial Lawyers Association
trial consultants
Tribe, Laurence
Tucker, Dr. Irwin
Umphrey, Walter
Union Carbide
United Kingdom
U.S. Congress
FDA regulation and
national settlement and
tobacco contributions
warning labels and
See also Waxman committee
U.S. Constitution
U.S. Customs
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Pharmacopoeia
U.S. Rules of Civil Procedure
U.S. Senate
U.S. Supreme Court
United States Tobacco Company
University of California at San Francisco
University of Maine
“unjust enrichment”
Upshaw, James
Uydess, Ian
Vacco, Dennis
Vanity Fair
Velmans, Loet
vending machines
Viscusi, Kip
Vittone, Judge John
Wachtel, Herbert
Wakeham, Helmut
Walburn, Roberta
Wall, Chuck
Wallace, Mike
Wall Street Journal
Warburton, David
Warner, Dr. Kenneth
Warner, John
warning labels
failure to warn and
law of 1966
national settlement and
suggested by Yeaman
tar and nicotine differ from
Washington Post
Washington state Medicaid suit
Watson, Sherri
Waxman, Henry
Waxman committee
B&W and
DeNoble research and
Kessler testimony
tobacco CEOs and
Wigand and
Williams documents and
Wells, J. Kendrick
West Virginia
Whitfield, Edward
Wigand, Jeffrey (“Research”)
Wiley, Dr. Harvey Washington
Wilks, Jeannette, suit
Williams, Merrell
Williams, Mollie
Williams, Noni
Williams papers
book on
B&W attempt to suppress
Carter suit and
FDA and
lawyer’s coverup and
media and
Minnesota case and
Motley and
national settlement and
nicotine research and
release of
tobacco researchers and
Wilner, Woody
Wilson, Gary
Wine, Judge Thomas
Wittman, Phil
Woods, Grant
work-product rule
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Tobacco (trade publicaton)
World Wide Web. See Internet
Wyden, Ron
Wynder, Ernst
Yeaman, Addison
Y1 (experimental tobacco plant)
Young, Lee
youth market
national settlement and
Zahn, Leonard
Zeller, Mitch
ZEPHYR (code word for lung cancer)
Insight on the Middle East War
(with the Sunday Times Insight Team)
Year of the Captains: An Account of the Portuguese Revolution
(with the Sunday Times Insight Team)
The Nuclear Barons
(with Jim Spigelman)
SIOP: The Secret U.S. Plan for Nuclear War
(with William Arkin)
Chernobyl: The End of the Nuclear Dream
(with The Observer, London)
Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
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Copyright © 1998 by Peter Pringle
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