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Hold Onto Me_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 124

by Juliana Conners

  Harlow leaned in, with me beckoning for him to come closer.

  “Don’t ever wake me up when I’m sleeping!”

  Harlow jumped back, cupping his hands over his ears, which were ringing from my unexpected yelling.

  There was another night when someone else in our unit had somehow snuck a girl from the bar back to the barracks. Everyone else had been out or asleep, but the way that this guy—Keith— had stumbled in with her, knocking things over and acting like a complete lunatic, was so loud that I had no clue how more people didn’t know that she was there.

  I heard her first, the high-pitched laughter echoing all around us. All I could do was shake my head and hope that the idiot didn’t get caught.

  His bunk was just steps away from mine, and also close to Harlow’s. Keith and the girl threw themselves on the bed like they needed to rest or get their bearings. They looked like they were dizzy or going to be sick at any moment.

  Then they turned toward each other and started making out like two horny teenagers. They undressed each other with wild passion, throwing loose articles of clothing all over, not caring where they landed.

  Once they were both completely naked, the SEAL turned the dark-haired, petite girl around and entered her. She moaned loudly, holding her breath as he pushed deeper and deeper into her. He moaned right along with her.

  I turned my back to them and towards the brick wall of the barracks, uncomfortable to just be there watching them. I cleared my throat after a few minutes, hoping it would clue Keith in to the fact that they were not alone, and they were being incredibly loud. Keith turned his attention to face me, but he didn’t slow or stop his stroke.

  “I hope that you’re enjoying the show,” Keith said, laughing. “You may not remember it, but this is what fucking looks like. The way that you hate people, you probably have never even seen this except maybe in a porno. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

  He continued pounding her pussy, covering her mouth every time she attempted to let out a scream. It was like he started to put on a real show because he knew that I was there.

  “I know better than to bring a girl here, that’s for sure,” I told Keith. I saw Harlow stir in his cot, nodding at me as if he agreed.

  The next day, when it seemed that he’d had a chance to sober up, Keith waited until we were out in the field running drills. He cornered me and hemmed me up.

  “I know that you were watching me last night, creep,” he scowled, menacingly.

  “No, I wasn’t,” I said, not too interested in defending myself from the accusations of this idiot. “And even if I was, whose fault would that fucking be?”

  “Yes, you were, weirdo. And honestly, I don’t even care about any of that. The only thing that I care about is keeping my place in the SEALs. See, you and I are very different. You’re probably here because you come from a shitty home and were drawn in by some steroid-driven recruiter who made promises to you about seeing the world and having your education paid for.”

  He was wrong about me, but I didn’t give a shit about his opinion. I didn’t even want to be listening to him. I just wanted him to go away and leave me alone.

  But he just kept talking. “Me, I was made for the SEALs. I bleed SEALs. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that I have earned my place here.”

  “Okay,” I said, confused. “But what does any of this have to do with me?”

  “I just want to make sure that we have an understanding of things before you get the bright idea that you want to get me out of here by ratting me out.”

  He was trying his best to be threatening, but I knew that more than anything, he was afraid of me. I had something on him. I told him what he wanted to hear: that I wouldn’t tell on him for having the girl in the barracks. My exact lines were something like “I don’t give a fucking shit what you do.”

  Harlow had heard it all, and later came up to me and said he thought it was cool that I didn’t rat out the SEAL even though he was an ass to me and had subjected all of us to having to watch him and the girl be skanky the night before. I just shrugged, which cemented a sort of “friendship”— the closest I got to being friends, anyway— between us.

  The truth was that I didn’t care enough about asshole Keith or most any of the rest of them, anyway. Why would I invest time and energy into finding someone who would escalate things to have him kicked out?

  True, he was a fucking pain in the ass, but to me he was no different from anyone else. Everyone could be a pain in my eyes. I didn’t exactly hate the other SEALs. We were brothers in arms, after all. But they simply had no bearing on my life and didn’t get much more thought than was necessary.

  After that, it was as if Keith took every moment that he could to throw in my face the fact that I didn’t like people. And he’d also tell me that I was probably going to die alone.

  I didn’t know what it was about me that seemed to rub him the wrong way, but from that moment on, it seemed like he had it in for me. He would call me names and hit me whenever he saw me, taking pleasure in leading the rest of the guys in teasing sessions against me.

  It was annoying, but kind of like a fly— not enough of a bother to do anything about. Until one day I finally socked him back good and hard when I’d had enough of him, and he started leaving me the fuck alone.

  “I was wondering what had taken you so long to do that,” Harlow had remarked, while giving me a high five. “But I’m glad you finally did.”

  “He was an annoying little bee I finally needed to swat away,” I’d responded, causing Harlow to laugh. “If he doesn’t watch it, I’ll have to squish him with my boot.”

  So now, I was sure that the look of confusion on Harlow’s face must have brought those memories back, especially when he heard me invite everyone back to my cabin. He knew I didn’t like to be around people and was probably wondering why I’d do that.

  The real truth was that I really didn’t want to spend any time with any of them. Except Michelle. In fact, she was the only reason I had invited any of them at all. I hadn’t really wanted to go to Darren’s cabin since I didn’t know them well anymore, and it was a strange place to me. I felt more comfortable in my own cabin.

  I had wanted to only invite Michelle over. But, considering that I didn’t know her, and she had been traveling with their group, it would have seemed a bit odd for me to give her— a near complete stranger to me— an exclusive invitation to my house.

  So, I took what I thought would be my best chance at spending time with her without having to go all the way to their house and feel strange as an outsider, by inviting all of them to my cabin. It was a big step for me, a reclusive loner, to take but, one that was necessary to be near Michelle more.

  “We should definitely go to his cabin and not mine, right?” asked Darren, looking around at the group that he had come with.

  “I really don’t think that we should,” Harlow said. “We’ve got some from our group still at the house waiting for us and it will be getting dark soon. Why don’t we just make our way back down through the woods to Darren’s cabin?” He had a worried look etched on his face as he looked around for the fastest path back to Darren’s and Hope’s place.

  “It’ll be fine,” Monica weighed in. “Don’t be such a spoilsport.”

  She threw arched eyebrows to Michelle, as if she was helping me out. Thanks, Monica, I thought, silently.

  I really didn’t understand what all the debate was about. It seemed fine when the plan had been to hike all the way back to Darren’s cabin. Why did it seem like they were hesitant to come back to my cabin? It was a lot closer than the one that they were trying to go to.

  I looked over at Michelle, the only one who mattered, to so see what she might have been thinking. I couldn’t tell from her face, but we did lock eyes a couple of times, only for her to look away shyly. I would have given anything to find out what she was thinking in that moment.

  “I think we should go,” she said, her eyes traveling over to
lock onto mine.

  “See?” Monica said. “That’s two votes for yes.”

  “Fine,” Harlow agreed.

  I was smiling because my plan had worked. They were going to hang out at my cabin, which would give me more time with Michelle. Maybe I could even find a way to sneak her off for a private quickie.

  I just couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was incredibly beautiful. Her lovely eyes, stunning smile, and curvy body seemed to pale in comparison to the kind but strong person she was on the inside. I was determined to make her mine, even if I only had a few hours with her.

  Chapter 7 - Michelle

  The way that Elijah was looking at me was driving me crazy. I wanted him to swoop me up and make love to me. Which would be a very new experience for me, indeed.

  My most embarrassing confession was that I had never had sex before. In fact, it had been such a long time since I had even been on a date, that I was straining to remember when that had been. I remembered a particularly bad date two years ago, which was probably the one that had turned me off from dating for a long time.

  It was a guy named Sean that my friend Sara from college had hooked me up with. She had been dating his friend, so it was a double date. He and I didn’t seem to really connect. It felt like we were on a date with them as awkward observers.

  Sean barely said more than a handful of words to me. Among those words was the question, “So, you wanna fuck?”

  Yuck. My answer, of course, was a big fat “no thanks.” Even the “thanks” was too generous.

  Had it really been that long?

  That was the last date I could remember going on. Despite the length of time that it had been since I had been on a date, and despite the fact that I was a virgin, my imagination ran rampant with vivid ideas of what I wanted Elijah to do to me.

  This was not uncommon— I’d had sex in my head many times even though I’d never had sex in real life. But this fantasy about Elijah was particularly strong.

  Sometime after we got to the cabin, he would ask me to follow him to another room, saying that he had something special that he wanted to show me. Not thinking, I would follow him into a secluded part of the house. He would slowly close the door with a look of mischief on his face.

  “What did you want to show me?” I would ask innocently.

  He would take off his flannel button down shirt, never taking his gaze off me. Once his solid, tattooed chest and firm muscles were in full view, he would tell me, “I want to show you some of the many ways I can make you cum.”

  His deep, brooding eyes would send a message loud and clear. I envisioned him taking me in his muscular arms, holding me easily around my waist. It was like I could feel his wiry beard tickling my cheeks as he kissed me passionately. I could almost hear his voice, thick with desire, confessing how much he wanted me.

  I imagined that he would lay me down gently on a thick carpeted floor. He would undress me slowly, looking over every inch of my curvy frame with an intense hunger. I imagined him caressing my breasts tenderly, carefully rolling my nipples in his calloused hands. He would take them into his mouth like sweet fruit.

  My nipples were getting hard in real life, at the thought of it. I was glad I was wearing thick winter clothes so it wasn’t noticeable.

  He would pick me up and squeeze his hard dick into my wet pussy, slamming me up against the wall with each thrust of his hips. I would bounce up and down on his cock, him sliding easily in and out of me.

  “You feel so good,” he would repeat over and over, grabbing me around my waist to try holding me in place.

  The thought of him striking a delicate balance between soft and rough turned me on even more. My pussy started to get wet at the thought of him slowly slipping each of his thick fingers into my juicy pussy. I was wishing I was alone so I could touch myself, but then I wouldn’t be able to be near Elijah.

  I could almost feel each digit enter me, one by one, stretching my tight pussy open while I gripped on for dear life. I imagined him putting his bearded face between my legs and hungrily lapping up every drop of sweet nectar.

  Snapping back to reality and watching the way that Elijah walked ahead of us, taking each step with firm confidence, turned me on so much. Apparently, someone else who had slipped up beside me had noticed me watching him.

  “So I see you have a crush,” sang Monica, Ramsey Bradford’s wife, quietly so that only I could hear.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I said, trying to keep a straight face.

  Monica slapped her knee and laughed hard.

  “I have no idea who you are trying to fool, but you sure aren’t fooling me. It’s so obvious that you have a thing for him.”

  I was so shocked and embarrassed that I couldn’t find the words to respond to her.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s obvious that he has the hots for you too. Do you notice how he keeps looking back at you?”

  I had indeed noticed, but I wasn’t about to clue her in on that fact.

  “No, I hadn’t,” I lied.

  “Well, he is. This may be a really good thing for the both of you.”

  Monica whistled loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

  “Hey guys. I can’t wait to get to Elijah’s cabin. I think that it would be a great change of pace, right?”

  “I don’t see why not,” said Ramsey, following his wife’s lead.

  “I don’t know. This walk is taking longer than we’d anticipated. I think maybe we should be getting back to Darren’s and to everyone else back there,” said Harlow, folding his arms.

  “Now Harlow,” Jensen said. “Don’t be a stick in the mud. Besides, it might be good for you to get into a different atmosphere from time to time. You get too settled in your routine and don’t explore other parts of life enough.”

  “Maybe, but it’s going to get late and dark before too long,” Harlow insisted, while rolling his eyes at his brother’s advice. As the youngest Bradford boy, he still never seemed to get used to it.

  “No problem,” Monica said, pushing ahead of Harlow. “You can just stay here and the rest of us will go on to Elijah’s cabin. Wait for us. We should be back after a couple of hours, before it gets too dark or late.”

  The look of fear that crossed Harlow’s face caught everyone off guard. He was always so macho and never showed real emotion. It was practically refreshing to see that he did have feelings.

  His brothers jumped at the chance to tease him about it.

  “Awww, little brother! Are you still scared of the dark?” said Ramsey, the oldest, in a voice that sounded like he was talking to a baby.

  Darren and Jensen laughed loudly, pushing Harlow back and forth between them as they made fun of him for being afraid.

  “Knock it off guys,” said Harlow, pushing them back.

  “Yeah, knock it off,” continued Ramsey. “We would hate for the wittle baby to go potty on himself all the way out here in the woods without a change of clothes.”

  This got a chuckle from everyone in the group.

  Harlow turned away, trying to hide his face, which was becoming redder by the minute.

  “I’m not afraid at all. I was just thinking about the fact that we have been having a great time so far and we wouldn’t want to ruin that by walking around way too much,” said Harlow. “I mean, I’m used to it and love it, but not everyone feels the same way. I just want to make everyone is having a good time.”

  “Well, good thing we are all on the same page and want this awesome day to continue being awesome,” I said. “ I guess it’s a good thing that we ran into Elijah out here and he was kind enough to open his home up to us.”

  I smiled at Elijah. He smiled back. He looked at me like he was grateful for me speaking up. And while I was fine with my role as peacemaker, I couldn’t help but wonder why Harlow seemed so bitter when it came to Elijah. He seemed like a pretty stand-up guy. He definitely was hot— that was for sure.

  I wondered what it would
have been like to fall behind the rest of the group a little bit and have a little sexy fun in the woods. With him living out in the woods and favoring outdoor activities like hunting, I’d bet that he was adventurous in other areas too. I could imagine him pushing me up against a tree, making the bark scrape against my cheek while he fumbled to get my pants down.

  Taking out his throbbing, hard dick, he would enter me forcefully, keeping his balance by holding onto my waist. I could almost feel him pulling me back onto him, slamming me against his solid frame so forcefully that we would have to work hard to keep from falling. He would lean his body into me until his mouth was on my ear.

  Gray clouds of smoke would billow around my face and he would growl with ecstasy as he would slip in and out of my eager pussy, filling me to the brim, going deeper and deeper as his fat dick opened me, caressing my insides. His large strong hands would cup my ass as he rammed his dick into me faster and faster.

  I gulped hard and had to clench my pussy and close my legs as tight as I could while walking, because my secret fantasy was turning me on so much. I wanted to take Elijah behind the nearest tree and make my fantasy a reality. Suddenly, my toe hit a rock, or a stick and I was face planting into the snow.

  Chapter 8 - Michelle

  “Oh, my God! Michelle! Are you okay?” asked Monica, running to where I lay rolling around in the snow.

  I had landed hard on my right side and now it was screaming with pain. But more than that, I was completely embarrassed that I had been so lost in my thoughts about Elijah that I hadn’t been paying attention to where I had been walking.

  I stood to my feet, telling everyone that I was okay. I was okay for the most part. I still felt a sharp pain in my knee when I put weight on it. But, maybe this was my punishment for having too much fun out here in the woods, when I should have been focused on the reason I was out here anyway: my job. I was out having adventures in the woods like I didn’t have a care in the world.


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