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Hold Onto Me_A Secret Baby Romance

Page 137

by Juliana Conners

  It felt electrifying. I came so hard. My pussy was tender as he kept slurping my juices up while I backed away, trying to free myself from the intense lock his arms had on my hips. He sucked my pussy nonstop, his tongue fluttering and gyrating in and out. I felt a scream threatening to come out of my throat but I held back.

  "Stop! Please! Okay!" I begged, panting, trying to claw myself away from him on the comforter.

  He hopped up on the bed and pinned me down.

  "You're not getting away," he said, holding me.

  I felt a rush and goose bumps envelop my body. He pressed his hard dick against my pussy, quickly rubbing his dick head against my slick clit.

  I jumped, my clit still incredibly sensitive from the powerful orgasm that he had just given me. He pushed his cock in me hard and fast, making me take in a sharp breath. My pussy tightened around his dick and then relaxed.

  He pulled his dick out slowly and then rammed it in fast again, burying deep in my canal. I wanted to scream out like I did in the cave, so I grabbed a pillow to drown out the sound I desperately needed to release. He continued slowly pulling his dick out and then pushing it in again.

  "Don't scream," said Elijah, removing the pillow and covering my mouth quickly as a yelp escaped.

  He let out a slight chuckle. But I pulled the pillow back over my face as he continued to pound me into oblivion. I couldn’t help myself; it was too much for me to keep in, but I didn't want to wake anyone up in the house.

  But, the way the gyrating thrusts dug deep within me and reached parts that I didn't know existed made me lose all control. Now it was his turn to cum. I felt Elijah’s body tense up, his mouth open, then his cum fill the tip of the condom. Then there was a warmth emitting from deep inside me.

  He was much better at keeping quiet than I was. But I could see by his expression he savored every moment.

  He held me for a long time, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest. I lay beneath him, taking shallow breaths to counteract the weight of his muscular frame on top of me. I could barely move and, being completely honest, I didn't want to. He leaned down and kissed my forehead tenderly, pausing for a moment.

  "I've got to head off to bed," he said, with a twinge of sadness lacing his eyes.

  "Okay," I said, knowing that he was right, but wishing that we could get a few more moments together.

  What I really wanted was for him to grab me, snuggle up and have us fall asleep in each other’s arms. But then again, we were guests in the home of virtual strangers— and the children I nannied were here.

  Even though Elijah and the guys had a military background that they shared, I knew they hadn't seen each other in a very long time. Plus, I still wondered if there was some bad blood between them. There seemed to be some unspoken tension whenever they were in the room together. Then again, I could be wrong. Hopefully everything was smoothed out between them or would be soon, now that Elijah had talked to them.

  "Are you sure that everything is alright between you and the guys?" I asked absentmindedly, almost thinking aloud.

  "Uh... well... I'm not exactly sure. They seemed to respond well to what I told them at dinner," he said, his brows furrowing like he was straining to remember.

  I immediately felt bad and didn't want him to start worrying. I really wanted them to work through whatever their issues were and make up for old time’s sake.

  He stood up and slowly put his clothes back on. It was as if he was taking his time, like if he went slow enough he could somehow freeze time and we could have stayed there in that bedroom forever.

  Unfortunately, we both knew that wasn't possible. I closed the door but before he slipped out he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and wished me sweet dreams.

  I lay in bed, angry. It started off as deep sadness. I wanted to spend more time with Elijah. It turned into anger when I thought about the fact that this trip and all that I had found here would soon be over, and I would be back to my sad, miserable existence with my father. It made me wish that I hadn't come at all. I wouldn't have known how much I would miss spending time with Elijah if I hadn't met him.

  But, I had met him. And somehow, he had gotten down deep into my soul. I drifted off to sleep, my anger dissipating into satisfied smiles as I remembered the feeling his tongue had given me as it caressed my hard clit.

  I didn't know how or when, but I knew one thing for sure: I had to have more of him. I needed to feel every inch of him deep inside of me again before this trip was over.

  Chapter 31 - Elijah

  The smell of pancakes wafting through the air woke me up the next morning. I stretched and opened my eyes.

  It took me a minute to remember where I was. Once I did, I began smiling at the thought of the night before. I wished that I had been able to stay in bed with Michelle. She was so beautiful, all of her… inside and out!

  She had such a sweetness about her that I wanted to be around her all the time. The way that her smile went all the way to her eyes when she looked at me… this made me want to make her smile every day.

  "Send a plate of pancakes to my office, honey," said Darren, a few paces outside the door of the guest room that I was in.

  I could tell that it was a room that they hardly used, except possibly for storage. The plastic for the mattress was still covering it. There was a sheet set and comforter folded on the bed.

  "I would have made the bed," Hope had said when she led me to the room at the end of the hallway. "I just didn't think that anyone was going to be using this room. If you want, I can make the bed for you."

  She moved toward the bed and started to put the fitted sheet on a corner of the mattress. I grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes.

  "It's okay," I said, smiling. "I can handle it. I'm a big boy."

  She smiled at me gratefully. She had been such a gracious hostess. Darren was very lucky to have found Hope. I felt like Michelle was my shot at having an amazing woman in my life… just like Hope was. But I knew that the chances of us being able to be together were slim; we simply lived too far apart.

  I resigned myself to enjoy the fleeting moments that we were having here. I only hoped that I would have another chance to have sex with her. My dick began to rise at the mere thought.

  I could still smell her on me. I basked in her intoxicating aroma that covered me. She smelled and tasted unlike any woman that I had ever experienced. I wondered if it had anything to do with her being a virgin. Once again, I began to feel determined to make this somehow last, even though it seemed to go against all realistic odds and I couldn’t think of a way to make sure it happened.

  I got up and splashed some water on my face before making my way into the kitchen. There were already people sitting around the table, shoveling heaping spoons full of pancakes, bacon, and eggs into their eager mouths. The clanking of plates and the scraping of forks against plates accented the kitchen.

  Hope's mother Eve carried large platters of food from the counter to the tables. She was an older woman and the trays were so big that I thought that she was going to tip over trying to carry them.

  "Here, let me help you," I said, walking over to help. Had I not, I was sure the tray of eggs was going to hit the floor.

  "Always the gentlemen," said Monica, smiling at me over a glass of mimosa.

  "I didn't want to see a perfectly good plate of eggs to hit this beautiful marble floor. It would be such a shame and a waste of food. I'm a growing boy and I need my energy."

  There was a smattering of chuckles as a few looked up and acknowledged my attempt at humor. I sat down at the table and began serving myself. The food was delicious, and I had worked up quite an appetite last night with Michelle. I looked around the kitchen for her but saw that she hadn't joined us yet.

  "Anyone seen Michelle yet this morning?" asked Monica, eyeing me. "I think someone might be looking for her."

  "Who?" asked Harlow, coming up for air from his plate, with a bit of eggs and bacon falling out his mouth onto
the table. Once he realized that Monica had been referring to me, he simply said, "Oh," and went back to demolishing the plate of food that sat in front of him.

  "Well, she had better wake up soon," said Whitney, putting a spoon of food into her baby's mouth that was balancing on one leg.

  The baby made a face as if he didn't like the food and attempted to spit it out. Whitney plugged the baby’s nose and waited, encouraging him to swallow the food. After a few seconds, the toddler decided that it just wasn't worth the fight and swallowed, only to be greeted with yet another spoonful of the green goo that Whitney was feeding him.

  "Yeah, we've got to start packing soon so that we can be ready to head back early tomorrow,” Riley, Jensen’s wife, said. “I have clients that have been sending me emails and leaving voicemails that I've been ignoring. I really need to get back home so that I can handle my business."

  My heart sank as I thought about the fact that Michelle would be leaving the next day. That meant I only had the day to spend with her.

  "Speak of the devil..." said Monica, turning her attention toward the hallway.

  Michelle sauntered toward us. It was like she was walking in slow motion. Her kind eyes and sweet smile melted my heart. I knew that I was staring at her, but I didn't care. She was so beautiful, even after just waking up, that I wanted to take in every last moment that I could with her.

  Chapter 32 - Elijah

  "Good morning, all," said Michelle. Even though she had made the greeting to everyone, the way that her eyes were locked on mine told me that she was really talking to me.

  "Good morning," I replied. She sat down at the table across from where I sat.

  "How did you sleep?" I asked her.

  "Good," was all she said, putting her head down and trying to hide the smile that was creeping up to the corner of her mouth. Her face was turning bright red. She looked sexy even when she was embarrassed.

  She made a small plate of food and ate it meticulously. She wiped her mouth with a linen napkin between each bite and delicately dabbed the corners of her mouth.

  She looked like a work of art, like a masterpiece meant to hang in some of the world's best galleries. I wanted to gush right there at the breakfast table and tell her how sexy she was and tell her that I wanted to lay her across the table and ravish her body. But I knew that would not have been appropriate at all, so I settled on a wink and a smile.

  "I don't know about you all," said Monica. "But I only get one vacation a year and it's not over yet. So, I'm going to make sure that I enjoy every bit of it. Anyone care to join me?"

  Monica held up a pack of playing cards and waved them around the room. Everyone looked at each other hesitantly.

  "Okay," said Harlow. "I don't see the harm in a couple hands of cards. It's not like you can win against me, anyway."

  "I can win against you if you aren't cheating!" yelled Monica, pointing an accusatory finger in his direction. Harlow made a face like he was an innocent angel and didn't know what Monica was talking about.

  "We all know that Harlow is a sore loser," said Whitney, laughing lightly. "But I'm down for a few hands of cards."

  "Good," said Monica. "Michelle, Elijah, care to join us?"

  "I really should be getting back." I began, shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

  "Oh, stop it," said Monica, coming over to the table and grabbing my hand. "You only live once, and we are leaving tomorrow anyway. You might as well enjoy the day. The way that you guys describe life out here, it seems like it might be a long time before you see another person."

  Little did she know, I hoped that I didn't have to see any other people for a long time. Except Michelle. I wished that I could see her every day.

  “Okay,” I acquiesced. I hadn’t played cards in ages. I didn’t particularly like card games, but it was worth it to stay here near Michelle longer.

  Michelle was so cute, the way that she sat up straight at the table, sorting her hand. She had the most serious face as she stared at her cards and everyone else at the table. She guarded her hand close to her chest, looking like the cat who swallowed the canary as she sat back, chuckling. She looked very much like a villain in a movie, like she had some evil secret. I was immensely amused by her and didn't hide my amusement.

  "I don't know what I should be more afraid of," I said, playfully. "Losing this card game or the maniacal plot that Michelle must be unraveling over there. I'm shaking in my boots."

  "You should be," said Michelle, glaring at me playfully over her hand of cards.

  "Drew, you need to share your toys," said Whitney, keeping a careful eye on the children playing with a toy train on the kitchen floor.

  James tried to push one of the cars of the train behind Drew. But Drew would sigh exasperatedly and tell James that he couldn't play with his toys. Drew crossed his arms, stuck out his bottom lip, and tears welled up in his eyes.

  "But, I don't wanna share my toys! They're mine and I want to keep them all to myself."

  Drew's little arms flailed at his side as he punched out each word. He was visibly upset by his mother's words and the thought of having to share his toys with his cousin.

  "Drew, I understand that you don't want to share your toys. But, don't you think that James wants to play with toys, too? It would be very nice of you if you would let him play with you."

  "I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna, I don’t wanna!" Drew threw himself to the ground and started kicking and screaming.

  "That's it!" said Whitney, getting up from the table and walking over to where Drew lay on the ground convulsing. "If you don't stop acting so rude, I'm going to take your toys away and you won't get them back until after we get back home. Is that what you want?"

  Drew slowed the kicks and then finally stopped. His screams came to a halt as well, and were replaced by whimpering and sniffles.

  "No," he said quietly.

  "Well then, I suggest that you get up, stop throwing a fit and learn to share your toys. What do you say?"

  Drew stood up, wiping his tears and snot away on his sleeve. He faced her, looking like he was thinking about her offer.

  "Okay," he finally said after a few minutes. Drew walked over to where James sat on the floor, looking dejected as he did so. He handed James a toy car that was a part of the train.

  "Thank you," said James loudly, snatching the car from Drew.

  Drew smiled and brought another toy over to James Then he walked back to the car that he had been playing with. In no more than a few minutes the boys were making up a story about a runaway train and were sliding all over the kitchen floor. When they went under the table, we lifted out legs to give them room to go underneath like it was some sort of tunnel.

  Everyone seemed relaxed and happy. I guess having kids wouldn’t be so bad, I thought to myself, as I snuck another glance at a still-serious looking Michelle. She was clearly winning the card game.

  "Let's declare Michelle the winner and start getting things packed up so that we can get back on the road," said Harlow, hopping to attention and heading down the hall to the bedrooms.

  "Well, wait a minute," said Monica, a look on her face like she was up to something. "Why don't we all go for one more walk before we head back? This is the first time in a good while that everyone has been able to get out here for a visit. We are all reconnecting and it has been a great trip. The fresh air is good for all of us. Who's down for one last walk?"

  Monica scanned the faces of everyone excitedly. We all agreed that it would be good to go outside for another walk. Everyone except for Drew.

  "Ugh!" he cried out, stomping out of the kitchen down the hallway. "I never get to do what I want! I'm ready to go home and be with the rest of my toys."

  An uncomfortable silence permeated the room. No one wanted to tell Jensen and Riley that their son was being difficult.

  “He needs a nap,” Jensen said. “But whoever wants to go on the walk can still go.”

  I felt sorry for the guy. The poor sap did
n't seem to know how to handle a boy of Drew’s age, but, he seemed to be managing okay.

  “I’ll stay back with Drew," said Michelle. "I’ve had enough walking in the woods for quite a while, and I just want to rest. That way everyone else can join in on the walk. I'll take care of things around here."

  Everyone looked at each other with secret smiles.

  "And Elijah, why don't you stay here with Michelle? You know, just to protect her from all dangers… and… help her in any way possible," Monica said, while winking at me.

  I looked at her, confused. Did she know about Michelle and I? I couldn't be sure.

  I glanced over at Michelle to see how she felt about me staying behind with her. She looked at me with dreamy eyes, moving around the kitchen to clear away the dishes from breakfast. I loved the way that she just pitched right in and made herself comfortable wherever she was at. I couldn't wait to spend some more time with her. Alone.


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