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Baby Mine: A Hudson Family Series- Book Two- Lucas and Sara

Page 8

by Chontelle Brison

  She watched the pain cross his face, “Don’t use Logan as a reason for us to be apart.”

  The words cut like a knife in her heart, and the resentment that had been below the surface came back full force. “Oh I’m sorry Lucas; I forgot that was your M.O., how stupid of me.”

  Sara turned and jerked open the door. She took about three angry steps when Lucas caught her up against his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry that wasn’t fair.” He whispered.

  Lucas wanted to groan, she felt so good up against his skin. He hadn’t meant to remind her of his stupidity of the past. It was true he had run when he found out she was pregnant with Travis’s baby, it was the single biggest regret of his life, and he would gladly spend forever making it up to her.

  He felt her tremble in his arms, and he wanted to kick his own ass. He was pretty sure that rule number one of wooing a woman was not to make her cry. He held on until she stopped struggling and went limp in his arms.

  “I don’t want to love you again Lucas, you hurt me, so deeply, a part of me never recovered.” She whispered. Her voice was so sad and full of pain that it tore his heart in two.

  “Baby, don’t say that please, just give me a chance, let be the man you deserve, just don’t tell me you don’t want to love me.” He knew the fellas would revoke his guy card if they saw him begging like this. However, Lucas was beyond caring, he’d get down on his hands and knees if Sara would agree to give them a chance.

  He felt her take a deep breath and then another. “Okay that was a lie, I still love you, Lucas, I’ve tried to ignore it, fight it and wish it away, but nothing helps, you still have my heart, I’m just not ready to trust you.”

  Lucas slumped against the wall bringing Sara with him. It wasn’t everything, but it was a start. She still loved him, and she had every right to be wary after the way he had acted. It was something he could build on, and he intended to do just that. However, tonight Sara was exhausted; he felt it in the way she ultimately laid against him letting him hold her up.

  Kissing the top of her head, he reached down and swung her into his arms.

  Sara jumped in surprise and started squirming. “Lucas Hudson I just said-…” Lucas shut her up with a hard kiss on her lips.

  Opening the door to the master bedroom with his foot, he strode to the side of the bed, reached down with one hand, pulled back the covers and deposited a stunned Sara next to Logan.

  “Come on Sara, I’m not the kind of guy that sleeps with a woman on the first date, you gotta wine me and dine me first.” He joked. She watched him go to the dresser and grab some boxers and a t-shirt; she quickly turned away when he dropped his towel.

  After a few moments she felt him push her over toward Logan until she was laying behind her son, then he climbed into the large bed and spooned her.

  “You can’t sleep here, Lucas,” Sara exclaimed.

  Lucas tightened his arm around her waist to keep her still. “Love I am trying really hard to be a gentleman here, but the more you squirm, the more certain things want to come out and play. I just want to hold you, Sara, nothing more hon.” He hoped his words were enough to calm her. He needed this, needed her. He needed to hold her, just for tonight, then tomorrow he would re-start operation woo.

  Sara settled against him, he wasn’t sure if she even realized that she held her hand on his. In minutes, she was asleep, and Lucas smiled. He had his family where they belonged and where he would make sure they stayed.


  “Auntie Syn, can I have more pancakes please, I’m gonna need a lot of pancakes so I can wallop the ball at my game today.” Logan chatted giving Synclair a dimpled grin that was just so charming she practically shrieked. Stupid hormones.

  She was about to answer when she noticed the whole room of Hudsons and Sara were gawking at her in panic. Synclair mentally flipped them off and turned back toward the stove, if Logan wanted to call her Syn, then the little cherub could call her Syn.

  Throwing more pancakes on a plate with some fruit, she settled the plate in front of her grateful patron.

  “Thanks, Auntie Syn.” He responded as he happily dug into a mountain of pancakes that were higher than his head.

  Synclair laughed, “He was having trouble with my name, so I told him to call me Syn for short. It’s just a name right?” She asked looking right at Sara, who grinned and gave her friend a thumbs up.

  Reece walked to the table, gathered Synclair in his arms, spatula and all, and hugged her. Embarrassed and practically crying she pushed him away, “Okay who wants more pancakes.” Arms shot up all over the place, and life resumed its normal course.

  “So what time do we need to leave for Logan’s game?” Dalton asked.

  Sara twisted her head in surprise. “Are you coming? Of course, Logan would love to have you there, I mean, but I’m sure you have better things to do with your Saturday then watch a little league game.” Sara replied.

  Dalton laughed, “Nope, we’re all going to be there, Reece even signed up to be the coaching assistant for Logan’s team.”

  Sara glanced at her son; he was positively beaming as he gulped down pancakes while sitting on Lucas’s lap.

  “You volunteered but why?” She didn’t understand what was going on. Maybe she was still asleep and needed to wake up.

  “Ow.” She jumped startled when Lucas reached across the table and pinched her.

  “You’re not dreaming Sara; we all want to be there to support Logan.” He answered grinning.

  Sara rubbed her arm and stared at the faces of the seated Hudsons. Even Matt, who had stumbled in this morning complaining about stubborn women and feather pens, was nodding. She made a mental note to find out later what went down between him and the client who had wanted to interview him for a story she was writing. From the looks of it, it had been a bumpy evening.

  “You too Syn?” She asked testing out the nickname. Synclair responded by throwing a pancake at her head, which she deftly dodged.

  “Of course, it’s a game that involves a bat; I’m so down for that.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes, “You're always down with a bat, it’s a sickness, I’m serious I’m going to call that show strange addictions and get you on it.” She teased.

  Synclair grabbed Rachel’s plate piled it with food and set it down in front of Matt. Matt laughed as Rachel tried to grab her food back, “Never bite the hand that feeds you, sis.” He replied keeping her food just out of reach.

  The laughing, the smiling, it was what Sara had always dreamed of. When she looked across the table at Lucas, who held her most precious treasure in the world on his lap, she realized how much she had wished for a moment just like this. Lucas caught her staring and smiled as he placed a small kiss on the back of Logan’s head. Logan for his part was eating all of this up, both literally and figuratively.

  Sara had awoken alone this morning, horrified at that she was going to have to explain to Logan about waking up in a strange bed with a man. However, it never came up; Logan seemed to accept Lucas and all the Hudsons as if he had always been a part of the family.

  Trying not to let herself, get caught up in the moment she motioned to Logan, “Okay mister, we need to go home and get you changed, you can meet everyone at the ball field at eleven.”

  Logan lowered his fork and jumped off Lucas’s lap and into her arms. She hugged her sticky little boy until he squirmed.

  “So we’ll be there at eleven,” Lucas told her. She didn’t need the reminder, the whole Hudson family out at the ball field cheering on Logan would make a statement to the town, a big one.

  Sara smiled, still a little overwhelmed by the events of the past twenty-four hours. After making sure Logan thanked everyone, she ushered him out the door.

  Lucas watched her leave and couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face. Being with Logan, this morning felt right. He felt like his, it was becoming less and less important to know if the DNA matched or not, that boy was his son. He was aware that Sara wo
uld be surprised when the family announced they would attend little Logan’s baseball game. Reece had volunteered to be a coaching assistant last week.

  Reece had told him that Amber was dating the head coach, and he had wanted to make sure she wasn’t using that as a way to mess with Sara. One thing about the Hudson’s, they took care of their own and Logan and Sara were both included in that package.

  He knew the town was going to talk when they all showed up to yell support for Logan. They would all assume Sara was with Lucas again, and that was exactly what he wanted. He wanted to make sure it got back to Travis that Sara wasn’t alone, that the Hudsons were behind her, that way he would think twice about stepping foot in Carson City.

  “I’ve already spoken with Matt and Dalt, but I need to make sure you keep your eyes open.” Reece’s serious tone brought Lucas around to face him.

  “Huh, open for what?” Did he know something; was Travis already out of prison?

  Reece leaned closer, “Synclair is almost six months pregnant, it’s bad enough she’s going to walk up and down those bleachers but with Amber milling around I’m worried.”

  Reece didn’t need to say anymore. Lucas could totally understand his concern. Synclair was a spitfire and not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for anyone. Amber was a constant thorn in everyone’s side and with Synclair’s protective hormones raging, the outcome would be ugly.

  “We’ll keep her safe, Bro,” Lucas told him hoping to reassure him.

  Reece laughed, “I’m not worried about her safety, and Iam concerned about her acquiring a police record.”

  Both brothers laughed, and when Synclair came into the living room asking what the joke was, they only laughed harder.


  Sara sat on the bleachers at the ball field and smiled. She observed as Logan, outfitted in his baseball uniform, practiced catching balls pitched by Reece. For a moment, everything seemed normal and peaceful. She leaned back against the bleacher behind her and raised her face to the sun.

  “Sara honey?” Came her dad’s voice from next to her. Sara turned and smiled. For a man of sixty, the drinking had aged him greatly. His once light brown hair was gray and thinning, but his brown eyes were still warm.

  “Yeah, dad?” Her father always made certain he came to Logan’s game. Whatever he had lacked as a father he made up in being a grandparent. After her mother had fled town because she couldn’t handle Sara being part of a scandal, her father had sobered up and been working on improving their relationship. While there were occasions, Sara would feel bitter about the things she had missed out on when she was younger, seeing her dad treat Logan like he was the most precious gift ever, more than made up for it.

  “I’m overjoyed to see you with the Hudsons. They're an excellent group, and Logan will do well being surrounded by them. And that Lucas is a respectable man; he’ll do right by you Sara.”

  Sara’s dad wasn’t fooling her in the slightest. He had been after her to forgive Lucas for years. She could tell by the glint in those warm brown eyes that he was hoping there was a fairytale ending for her.

  “Dad, Lucas and I are not together, everyone just loves Logan and wants to be here for him,” Sara told him, not even sure she believed what she was telling him.

  “Did you stay with Lucas last night?”

  “Dad!” Sara sputtered. Sitting up she blushed and glanced away. The last thing she wanted to do was discuss her sleeping with Lucas, or more to the point, only sleeping with Lucas, with her sixty-year-old father.

  Her dad chuckled and patted her hand. “Sara darling, I wasn’t judging you, I’ll support you no matter what. Now since you have matters well in hand here, I’m going to an AA meeting at the library then over to Stewarts to play cards.” He replied standing up from his seat next to her.

  “Are you okay dad?” She asked concerned. He never missed one of Logan’s games.

  “Of course, hon, besides looks like your troops are here.” He informed her as he made his approach toward the stairs.

  Sara whipped her head around and almost groaned. Walking toward the bleachers were the Hudsons, in all their over the top glory. Synclair was wearing an oversized jersey that had Logan’s number on it and on her hand was one ridiculously large foam finger.

  Dalton and Matt followed both wearing shorts and jerseys that matched the one Synclair was wearing. Reece must have gotten those for everyone, damn, where’s mine?

  Trailing behind were Lucas and Rachel. Just seeing him from a distance made her heart pound. They were both wearing the same jerseys as the others and carrying signs that had Logan’s name scrawled on them. It was one of the most wonderful and frustrating qualities of the Hudson family. They never did things halfway if they were going to do something they went all out.

  Sara stood up and waved to Dalton, who was already scouring the bleachers for her. She was about to sit back down when someone seized her arm. She whirled around to see who was it was and rolled her eyes. Amber Donaldson’s ice-blue eyes teeming with hatred stared back.

  “I suppose you're going to try to make Travis pay child support for your brat.” Amber hissed. Jesus, did the woman eat bitch cereal for breakfast?

  Refusing to rise to the bait, Sara clenched her fists, “I have already told you and your family’s lawyers, I want nothing from Travis, other than for him to stay away from MY son and me.”

  “You think you can take four years from a man and not get any repercussions, you're no better than that street rat Synclair.”

  It was one thing for Amber to insult her, but to go after her friend, was an entirely different degree of stupid.

  “I suggest you remove the broom from your ass and get on it and fly away Amber before I show you just how much I’VE changed in the last four years.” Sara took a menacing step toward the jean clad banshee.

  Amber to her credit looked shocked. It was true that Sara had typically not stood up to Amber very much. With Amber’s family being wealthy, she didn’t want the Donaldson’s to even contemplate the thought of taking Logan from her. However, it was evident that the Donaldson’s didn’t even consider Logan as a part of their family, and that was okay with Sara.

  Suddenly Synclair was there pressing the foam finger in Amber’s face. Amber stumbled back into the railing, grabbing hold before she fell.

  “You could have killed me.” She gasped face full of fury.

  Synclair just shrugged, “Naw, vampires need to be staked through the heart before they can be literally killed.”

  Sara watched as Amber’s face burned with hatred, “I am not a vampire, you idiot.”

  Again, Synclair shrugged as if she was bored, “Well you do suck the life out of whoever you get near, I think that screams vampire.” She told her. Synclair leaned close as if she was examining Amber. Apparently confused Amber leaned back away from her.

  “Or you could be a zombie, I mean you are out in the sun, and you're not burning to ash or sparkling like the cute vampire did in that movie, yep, I vote for a zombie.”

  “You are crazy Synclair Patrick.” Amber spat as she backed down the steps. She looked ridiculous in her six-inch heels and tight red top.

  Sara heard a shout and spun to see Reece, vault, yes actually vault the four-foot fence that cut off the field from the bleachers.

  “Damn.” She muttered as she appreciated the view of Reece Hudson in all his strength and spryness. What? It’s not like the man set her blood on fire, no that was Lucas, but she was a healthy female with good eyesight who could appreciate a man in top form!

  “Really?” Came an indignant hiss. Oops Lucas.

  “Not my fault you people come from a gene pool that must include Greek Gods, I’m just an innocent spectator.” She whispered back enjoying the fact that Lucas was annoyed.

  She felt Lucas’s hand travel down her spine and pinch her ass, hard. She yelped in surprise and pain.

  He only smiled, “I’ll get you later for that sweetheart.” He whispered in her ear mak
ing she shiver.

  “One job guys, one.” Came Reece’s agitated tone. Sara watched as Dalton staggered and Matt limped behind him.

  “Hey I was outnumbered, your fiancé and my future nephew shoved me out of the way, and I almost went over the railing,” Dalton complained.

  “Yeah she elbowed me so hard to get past me I think I may need a new kidney,” Matt whined as they approached where Sara, Synclair and Lucas were standing. Reece was striding up the steps toward Amber, evidently perturbed by his brothers’ failure to rein in one short, pregnant woman.

  “Reesy did you hear what she said to me, she’s insane,” Amber told him in her shrill, whining voice.

  Reece wasn’t swayed a bit, “Oh shut it Amber before I turn around and let her kick your sorry ass down these bleachers.” He stepped up to Amber and around her, his intent clear. There was only one woman that was going to be getting his attention.

  “Hi, babe.” Synclair laughed as he swept her up in a tight hug.

  “You are going to sit down and not move, I mean it Synclair, I will tie you to the bleachers,” Reece told her. Synclair’s eyes flashed, and Sara resisted the impulse to step out of her swinging range.

  “Sure sweetie,” Synclair replied. One look at Reece told everyone he wasn’t buying her quick agreement.

  “I mean it Synclair; you want cotton candy, peanuts, a hot dog, anything these guys are your personal bitches.” He instructed gesturing to a deeply offended looking Matt and amused Dalton.

  “Well, while all of this is fascinating, I have to be going, I am taking my brand new white convertible Lexus to have some custom rims put on After I visit with Coach Finn," She boasted.

  Sara rolled eyes again, Amber was clearly proud of her ability to marry some guy for his money and then cheat on him in broad daylight with a little league coach. Gross!

  “As for you.” Amber turned her icy blue eyes to Sara, “I’d be careful getting mouthy, one comment from me and your Diner will lose a lot of business, remember by brother is the Mayor, I can have your business shut down for any number of reasons, so don’t fuck will me.”


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