Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 6

by Shawn Bailey

  “We’ll be ready,” Tomahiko said.

  “What’s the nightlife like here in Tokyo?” Luke asked.

  “It depends on what you like?” Ki answered.

  “I’m looking for a nightclub that features a variety of music, where young people go there to dance, not hang around and just drink and talk, that has security and maybe a stage show.”

  “Club Jacobi,” Tomahiko answered.

  The others looked at each other like he’d said something wrong and then went back to eating.

  “I like that place,” Daisuke said.

  “Not me,” Akira said.

  “Why not?” Luke asked.

  “Too many guys try to pick me up.”

  Luke smiled. Okay, Akira’s not gay. He got it.

  Daisuke and Tomahiko chuckled at their friend’s expense.

  “That doesn’t bother me,” Daisuke said. “It’s a great place to listen to music and dance. Or, it was until Edward banned us from going there.”

  “Why did he do that?” Luke asked.

  “Because he said we had to be more discreet now that we are big stars,” Daisuke answered. “So now we can’t go anywhere without bodyguards or chaperones.”

  “Edward is correct. You have to protect your reputation first and foremost.” Luke didn’t miss the way Tomahiko’s facial expressions changed when Edward’s name got mentioned. He wondered if the other two knew that he dated the manager.

  “Would you like to go there tomorrow night?” Tomahiko asked him.

  “What?” Luke asked.

  “To Jacobis. They’re having an open mic night tomorrow.”

  “And you’d like to go to hear it?”

  Tomahiko nodded.

  “You’ll have to wear a disguise though since you’re a member of Albertson’s Entertainment now. Tory would have a fit if I let something happen to you guys, or you get in a scandal.”

  “You won’t let anything happen to me,” Tomahiko said matter-of-factly. “I’ll be real good, you won’t even know I’m there.”

  He didn’t see Akira and Ki shaking their heads.

  Luke sighed. “I won’t let anything happen to you. But we’ll have to watch each other’s back since I’m a foreigner.” The smile on Tomahiko’s face was probably worth all of the trouble he had a feeling he was about to get into. “What time should I pick you up?”

  “I’ll pick you up at eight just in case you want to drink. “Give me your cell phone number,” Tomahiko said.

  The two of them exchanged numbers. He did the same with the rest of the guys around the table so it didn’t seem like he was showing favoritism. “Would any of you like to accompany us?”

  All three of the others shook their head.

  “You two have fun,” Ki said. “I’m taking these two to the movies tomorrow.”

  “Oh, what’s playing?” Luke asked.

  “A new animation,” Ki answered. “We’re all still big fans of anime.”

  “Even you?” Luke asked Tomahiko.

  The singer shook his head. “I have enough dealing with reality most of the time. Plus, I have trouble sitting still for long periods of time.”

  “There’s medicine for that,” Luke said.

  “I know,” Tomahiko said.

  Luke went back to eating his food. “You’re a great cook,” he said to Daisuke. “Frankie is, too. Maybe the two of you can get together and exchange recipes.”

  “You think he’d do that?” Daisuke asked.

  “Yes, Frankie is a nice young man. He doesn’t have many friends though. He’s kind of shy when it comes to some things, where Jonas is very outgoing.”

  “It’s hard for me to make friends, too,” Daisuke said. “No one understands an entertainer but another idol.”

  “True,” Luke said. “The two of you need to get together for a collab one of these days, too.”

  “I’d like to do one with Noel Charles,” Akira said. “That video with him and Jonas is the bomb.”

  Luke smirked. “Maybe you should try to get Edward to introduce the two of you.”

  “Great idea,” Akira said. He smiled and went back to eating his dinner.

  Luke stayed another hour or so and then he left. He got a message on his cell phone later from Tomahiko. “Looking forward to our next adventure. Pleasant dreams.”

  “What are you smiling at?” Adam asked as they sat together in the hotel bar drinking.

  Luke put his phone away. “Can’t a guy just be happy?”

  * * * *

  Luke decided to meet Tomahiko outside so he wouldn’t attract too much attention. Not that he owed anybody an explanation. But there were those who would question his ethics about hanging with a client, especially one who had sucked his cock.

  There was a black two-door sports car at the curb when he exited the building. The passenger side window lowered once Luke made it to the sidewalk. Ooh, pretty baby with shades. Luke opened the door and slid into the seat. His seatbelts automatically came down across his shoulder as soon as the door closed. Moments later they were sailing through the backstreets of Tokyo, avoiding all the traffic. Tomahiko handled the expensive auto like an expert. Every now and then Luke saw him glancing through the rear view mirror. “Expecting company?”

  “Yes,” Tomahiko answered. He gave no further explanation.

  “Where are we heading?”


  Luke had heard about the section of town. It was known as the red-light district, like Bourbon Street back home. Tomahiko wasn’t a child so it wasn’t impossible for him to have visited the area a time or two. The buildings were lit up like beacons with flashing signs advertising everything from soap rooms and massage parlors to love hotels. Luke knew what those were, too. They were places where a lot of sex took place. There were also restaurants, cafes, and clothing stores, mixed in with strip clubs and host clubs. Tomahiko drove around the corner and parked in a lot behind Jacobi. Two more black cars did the same thing. He and Tomahiko got out and walked to the front of the club. The other guys followed.

  Jacobis turned out to be a gay nightclub that featured karaoke and opened mic nights, or at least that’s what the sign said. The bouncer at the door bowed. “Welcome, little master.”

  Tomahiko bowed back. “How is the entertainment tonight, Hajime?”

  So Tommy knew the guy. And why had he called him by the strange nickname?

  “The joints jumping,” Hajime answered. “Will you be performing tonight?”

  Tomahiko shrugged. “That depends on him.” He pointed to Luke. “Hajime, this is Luke. He’s my new manager.”

  Hajime ran an appreciative glance over Luke. “You fired Edward?”

  Tomahiko shook his head. “I just moved up to first class.”

  Haijme and the guys behind them in line laughed. Hajime let all of them enter. “Are these guys with you?”

  “Bodyguards,” Tomahiko answered.

  Luke checked them out. They were dressed alike in black suits, white shirts, and black ties. There was no way this didn’t draw attention to the pretty singer. “Do they follow you wherever you go?”

  Tomahiko nodded. “It depends on where I’m going. Edward and my uncle are very overprotective.”

  They entered the main lounge. A band was rocking the house with some J-pop. There were actually people watching and enjoying themselves. Others were dancing. All guys, of course. Tomahiko took him to the VIP section on the second level. The bouncer didn’t ask for I.D. He just bowed. “Welcome, little master.”

  “Why do they call you that?” Luke asked as they sat down. His four bodyguards sat at the table next to them.

  “It’s just a nickname,” Tomahiko answered.

  Luke looked around. It was a nice place, clean, with black and red-clad bartenders and waiters. And all those guys were cute, too. A waiter arrived at their tale. “What would you like?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Champagne,” Luke said.

  “I’ll have the usual,” Tomahiko said
. “And beer for my friends.” He pointed to the other table.

  “But they’re on duty,” Luke reminded him.

  “This isn’t America,” Tomahiko said. “And one drink won’t hurt these guys.” The waiter went away.

  Somehow Luke didn’t believe that. The place started jumping the later it got. The DJ had arrived several hours ago and was spinning a mixture of oldies and goodies, plus some American songs. Open mic time began. There were some pretty good acts. He would have to bring Adam here before they left Japan so he could alert Tory to some of these unknown groups, since his boss now wanted to manage international acts.

  “We have a celebrity in the house,” the DJ said sometime around midnight. “If we ask real sweet maybe we can get him to come down and perform for us.” The spotlight landed on Tomahiko. “Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big round of applause for Tomahiko Akiyama.”

  The crowd started clapping.

  “I guess I better give them what they want.” He stood up and left the table.

  So much for being anonymous. Luke watched Tomahiko as he made his way down to the first level. He chose a song. Luke heard a very familiar intro. Oh my Lord. It’s Bobby Brown’s ‘My Prerogative’. Luke pulled out his cell phone and began taping. Tomahiko sang in Japanese. The audience clapped and sang right along with him. The dancing got a bit raunchy. Luke was surprised he didn’t split those tight black trousers he wore. That was just too much ass bouncing around. The crowd loved him. They wanted more.

  Tomahiko selected a Japanese ballad. Luke never heard it before but apparently the people in the audience had. The crowd applauded when it ended. Tomahiko left the stage and returned to the VIP section. Luke handed him a napkin and a cold bottle of water.

  “Thanks,” Tomahiko said.

  “You were sensational,” Luke said. “But the freebees are over. I am going to make you an even bigger star where you can command any price.”

  “How much for your heart?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Very expensive,” Luke answered. “Come on. I want to see you work that body over me in my bedroom.”

  Tomahiko rose and followed him down the stairs. The bodyguards were right behind them. Tomahiko spoke to them in Japanese.

  “What about your uncle?” one of them said.

  “Luke won’t let anything happen to me. I’ll be at the hotel. I’ll call you when I’m ready to leave.”

  They all got back into their automobiles. The two cars followed Tomahiko to the hotel and then departed. Tomahiko parked in the visitor’s lot. “How do you want to do this? You want to go up first and I’ll follow you up later?”

  Luke nodded. “Yes. Even though it’s late some of the managers may still be awake and wandering around. Give me ten minutes and then come up. I’m still in the same room.” He got out of the car and went into the hotel.

  * * * *

  Luke didn’t give Tomahiko a chance to do that vanishing act again. Tomahiko sat down on the bed. Luke had the mood music playing, and it took him a while to figure out the Japanese radio station. The disc jockey didn’t disappoint. He played Ed Sheeren’s, ‘Shape of You.’ “Dance for me, Tommy.”

  Luke sat down in the chair and Tomahiko let those hips take control. He used them to seduce Luke as he got out of his clothing. Luke couldn’t take his gaze off of the beautiful gymnast turned singer. He was graceful and sexy at the same time. After stripping, he made his way over to Luke and helped him out of his clothing, too. By the time the song ended, they were naked and in each other’s arms. Tomahiko kissed Luke. Backstreet Boys’ ‘I Want It That Way’ played. Gerard liked to sing that song. Truth be told, Gerry really wasn’t a singer, but one terrific drummer. Tomahiko, on the other hand, did justice to the song with his soulful voice with just a hint of a Japanese accent. He continued to sing to Luke as Luke went down on him. “Damn you’re fine.” He’d been with a lot of guys but no one quite like Tomahiko. Luke licked and sucked Tomahiko like a kitty being given a bowl of milk. He didn’t want to make the other guy come so soon. Tomahiko’s cock was every bit as big and long as his. “Are you tachi or neko?” Those were Japanese words for top or bottom?

  “Both,” Tomahiko answered.

  “Hot damn,” Luke said. So was Frankie Kerry. Luke had always wanted to meet another switch hitter.

  Tomahiko moved his body so that his dick could slide in and out of Luke’s mouth in a fucking motion. “What position do you prefer?”

  Luke came up for air again. “Tachi, but I’m not opposed to being a neko every now and then.”

  “Groovy,” Tomahiko replied.

  Luke chuckled at the ancient term. He put his attention back on Tomahiko’s shaft. He ran his tongue up and down the length and fondled his balls with his free hand. Luke teased the little slit in Tomahiko’s dick.

  “Oh damn!” Tomahiko shouted. His body shook and he came inside of Luke’s mouth. “Sorry. I’m very sensitive there.”

  Luke swallowed. “No sweat, sweetie. I’ll get you back hard again.”

  Tomahiko rolled over and got on his knees. “Prepare me.”

  Luke never left home without lube. Unfortunately, it got confiscated at customs at the airport. Luckily, he found some on his first trip outside of the hotel. Tomahiko had a small tattoo of a bird on his right shoulder. Luke hated to move away. He got it out of the nightstand along with some condoms and poured some into his palm. He dipped two fingers in it and parted Tomahiko’s cheeks with one hand, while working the lube into him with the fingers of the other hand. Tomahiko moaned as Luke continued to rub and get him to soften inside. “How do you want it?”

  “Hard and deep,” Tomahiko answered.

  Luke removed his fingers and gave him what he wanted.

  “Oh!” Tomahiko shouted. His voice went up an octave as Luke sank his dick in his ass.

  “Do you like that?” Luke asked as he moved his body over Tomahiko’s.

  “Hell yes,” Tomahiko said as he rolled that fantastic booty. They found their rhythm quickly. The radio disc jockey stopped playing those fast tunes and spun some mellow romantic ballads. His gaze landed on Tomahiko’s ponytail. The thing had him mesmerized for several minutes as it moved back and forth as Tomahiko rocked on his knees.


  Luke always had to be careful with Gerard and Bradley because they were tiny little things. Noel was taller and heavier, but he was fragile, too. Tomahiko didn’t seem like he would break if Luke used a little more pressure.

  “Don’t treat me like some bitch,” Tomahiko said as if reading Luke’s mind. “Make me howl from pleasure.”

  They were in a hotel. Even if he wanted to be rougher with Tomahiko, he didn’t want the police at his door. He did know how to make Tomahiko sing soprano though. Luke put Tomahiko on his back. Tomahiko helped out by wrapping those long shapely legs around Luke’s waist. Luke couldn’t help it. He reached up and unloosed Tomahiko’s ponytail. It spread out like a black fan on the white pillowcase. “Perfect.” He entered Tomahiko again.

  “Ah!” they both said simultaneously.

  “Damn, Luke, you have me filled completely.”

  Tomahiko was also rock hard again. His penis pointed up toward his navel. Luke loved the sight of it. Luke rode him hard.

  Tomahiko moaned louder now. “That feels so good.”

  Luke decided to get nosey. “Better than Edward?”

  Tomahiko stopped moving. “Why did you bring him up?”

  “You two were dating, weren’t you?”

  “That was a century ago.”

  “Why did you break up?”

  “I cheated on him,” Tomahiko answered. “He’s been making me pay ever since. But I don’t have to worry about it anymore. He’s dating someone else now.”


  “Noel Charles.”

  “You know?”

  “Yes, now get back to us,” Tomahiko said.

  Luke started moving again. “There’s an us?”

  “What do you think?�
� Tomahiko asked. “Regardless of what you might have heard, I’m now a one man’s man. I know all about your past relationships, too. So if you have any plans of fucking me over then slide out and let me leave.”

  “No way,” Luke said. He’d never had sex this good in his life. And for some reason, he thought that maybe Tomahiko was the one he would end up spending the rest of his life with.

  Tomahiko began moving his body faster.

  “Oh yeah,” Luke said, enjoying the view. The long hair spilled in front of Tomahiko’s face. He tried to brush it aside. Luke palmed Tomahiko’s cock and began stroking it as Tomahiko worked to bring his orgasm on.

  “I’m about to come.”

  “Me, too,” Luke said as he kept his body moving.

  Tomahiko came first. “Luke, oh damn, Luke. Oh!” Some of the semen slid down Luke’s hand.

  Luke didn’t stop thrusting. “Tommy!” he cried out. “Oh Lord, that feels so good.” Tomahiko finally stopped moving. Luke eased out of him. Tomahiko’s hair hung down in his face and spilled down his back. Luke couldn’t take his glance off of him. That is way too sexy. He wondered if Tomahiko knew how truly handsome he was. Tomahiko lay down beside Luke. Luke removed the sticky condom and tossed it into the waste can beside the bed. He snuggled up to Tomahiko. “You were wonderful.”

  “Does that mean our bodies like each other?” Tomahiko asked. The sound of his voice drifted off.

  Luke closed his eyes. “Yes.” He too dozed off and went to sleep.

  * * * *

  “Word on the street is that Tomahiko’s group is going back on stage,” Nao Yamada said to his boss Rikuro Chang.

  Thirty-year-old Rikuro was oyabun over the Chang Conglomerate located on the west side of Tokyo Proper. He was dressed elegantly in a business suit, had short hair, and had a clean-shaven face. He sat in his receiving room. An attractive younger man sat at his side. “When?”

  “Soon,” Nao answered. “They are under new management and are supposed to be performing at the dome next weekend.”


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