Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Satiated [Young, Hot, and Talented 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Shawn Bailey

  Rikuro moved around in his seat like he was trying to get comfortable. “I want more details, the exact date and the time. I need to order carnations, get tickets, and buy something new to wear.”

  “Who is Tomahiko?” the young man asked. His name was Koji Ueda. He was a bleached blond and attractive and from a wealthy family. He and Rikuro had been dating for several months, and his father held a high position in Chang’s organization. Koji was not only good looking but also intelligent.

  Rikuro gazed over at him. “Are you kidding me? He’s the lead singer of the J-Pop group Yukizumi.”

  Koji shook his head. “I never heard of them.”

  Rikuro looked at him oddly. “Don’t you listen to music?”

  “Yes. What are they famous for?”

  Rikuro named a few of Yukizumi’s songs.

  “Oh them. They’re so yesterday’s news,” Koki replied.

  Okay, so he wouldn’t take him to see Yukizumi perform. Maybe it was best that he didn’t. “What happened to his old manager?” Rikuro asked Nao.

  “Mr. Kobayashi sold their contract to some American company.”

  “Odd,” Rikuro said. “Find out what you can about their purchase.” Nao bowed and left.

  “Why are you interested?” Koji asked. “I can’t picture you as a fan boy.”

  “They are old friends of mine,” Rikuro answered.

  Koji seemed to accept the answer and went back to quietly sipping his tea.

  Others came forward to either pay their respect to Rikuro or to pass the word about something. This went on every evening after dinner. He’d been the yakuza leader for the last eleven years since his father died from a heart attack. It was around that time he fell head over heels in love with a gymnast turned idol trainee named Tomahiko Akiyama. Tomahiko just happened to be the nephew of Mikuni Akiyama, the leader of the biggest and most powerful yakuza group in Japan. It had been nothing but drama between the two organizations since he seduced Tomahiko. Okay, he could understand why Mikuni might be a little upset, but that was eleven years ago. Tomahiko wasn’t a kid anymore and Mikuni shouldn’t still be holding a grudge.

  Rikuro barely heard what the others were telling him. His mind was still on Yukizumi. The last thing he’d heard, the group was on a break. Well, it had been a few years and Kobayashi probably was tired of them not making any money. And it wasn’t like Tomahiko or the other two members Akira Maki and Daisuke Abe needed the money. Both Akira and Daisuke were from successful families. Tomahiko’s father Arata had left him very rich. And Uncle Mikuni spoiled Tomahiko rotten, giving him expensive cars and motorcycles to keep Tommy entertained. Rikuro smirked. Handcuffing his hyper ass to the bed had worked for him.

  Nao returned later on.

  “What do you have for me?” Rikuro asked.

  “Their contract has been bought by Albertson Entertainment and the concert is next Saturday night. Yukizumi is performing.”

  “Thanks,” Rikuro said. “I will require a row of the best seats, preferably not too close to Mikuni.”

  “Got you,” Nao said. He left again.

  “I think I want to go to the concert,” Koji said.

  Rikuro smirked. Koji was not a stupid young man.

  Chapter Four

  Tomahiko was up and gone before Luke woke up. His bodyguards were none too happy to be awakened at four in the morning. To disobey a direct order from him or his uncle probably still meant losing a finger or death.

  Tomahiko had showered and changed and made it back to the hotel along with Daisuke, Akira, and Ki to have breakfast with the other entertainers and their managers. Today was the first time they would be practicing at the Tokyo Dome where their concert was to be held in a few days. Luke saw them and pointed to the buffet-styled breakfast bar. Tomahiko wasn’t too fond of this type of service. He liked his food piping hot and not warmed under a light. He and the others walked over to it filled their plates and then went to sit with Luke. He was dressed in athletic gear, which meant he’d had a work out before coming to breakfast. He’d recently showered, too, because his dark black hair was starting to curl around that handsome face. Ki sat down next to Luke, spoiling Tomahiko’s perusal of his new manager. He, Daisuke, and Akira sat across from them. Edward and Noel were the first ones that he spotted. The couple was seated on the same side of the table with Luke and kind of hard to miss. Noel apparently couldn’t eat certain things. A chef had arrived with a plate of food for Noel, one for Jonas Kerry, one for Frankie, and one for Adam Montgomery.

  Edward was going out of his way to make sure Noel ate enough fruit. Jonas was getting similar attention from Brenton Tramayne of the R&B group Vizio. Now that he concentrated, he could see why everyone at the table was so close. How in the heck was it possible to have so many gay guys working for the same company? The only one he wasn’t too sure about was Frankie Kerry. His manager Adam Montgomery did spend a lot of time in his presence, but Tomahiko saw no signs that they might be lovers. There were no tender moments, not hugs, not even a handshake. Frankie spent a lot of time taking care of his five-year-old brother Kalen and talking to Kalen’s tutor. Tomahiko had learned that Kalen was a professional model. The kid was cute, well-mannered, and looked a lot like his older brother Jonas.

  Gerard Tyler had stars in his eyes as he dined with French designer Giovanni Bassett. Giovanni didn’t hide his feelings for the curly-haired drummer. He actually fed Gerard grapes from his plate, and no one seemed to notice or care. All the other people were talking and eating like they were one big happy family.

  Tomahiko went back to eating his food. Every now and then he snuck a peek at Luke. His behind still ached a bit from last night’s love fest. Luke had a big, thick cock and he wasn’t afraid to use it. Luke lifted his gaze and locked on with Tomahiko. Tomahiko’s cheeks warmed. He lowered his gaze first before anyone else would notice the heat between him and Luke.

  Luke sat next to Ki on the bus as they traveled to the Dome. He’d gone up to his room before they left and changed into slacks and a pullover sweater. Luke was the type of person who looked sexy in anything he wore.

  Tomahiko looked out of the window as the bus tried to make its way through the traffic-congested streets. The bus driver acted as tour guide. He spoke in English, pointing out places of interests. Of course none of this was new to him. He had other interests outside of Tokyo Proper. Even though he grew up here, crowds were not his thing. Tomahiko wondered how long this practice was going to last. He had forgotten to cancel an appointment he made months ago and had to be there by five or he would have to get on a long waiting list again.

  Adam called roll after they had arrived at the venue. “We’re going in through the performer’s entrance like we’re supposed to do on the night of the concert. Then we’ll enter the arena and have a seat while I call you all up in the position you will be performing.”

  The gospel group Immortal got the number one position to help open the concert. Tomahiko kind of dug their style. The music was fast paced and words had some meaning behind them. His group finally got called to the stage after the all female group Cinnamon rehearsed. They went over the first three songs and Jonas Kerry joined them on stage for ‘MotownPhilly’.

  “You need someone to do the Michael Bivens’ part,” Adam explained.

  Another guy Tomahiko did not recognize walked up the stairs.

  “Gentlemen this is Anthony Adams, a choreographer. No offense, but if you want to do that song you’re going to need to some kick ass steps. I’ve seen your costumes for this number. Gerard is a freaking genius. They slay.”

  Tomahiko knew that term. “Okay. Show us what you want us to do.”

  Adam was correct. They needed a choreographer’s touch and Jonas’s deep voice. Anthony took them to another room while The Kerrys took the stage.

  “What do you guys do for fun?” Luke asked Tomahiko on the way back to the hotel later.

  “That depends on what you like to do. There’s karaoke and arcades.”
/>   Luke looked at him like he’d lost his damn mind. “I mean something adults might like.”

  “Meaning you?”

  Luke nodded. “I want to see Tokyo. Would you show me some of it?”

  “I have an appointment at five. You’re welcome to come along with me, then my schedule if open.”

  Luke hopped in the van with them and Ki after they got back to the hotel, and then the two of them got into another black SUV when they went to the dormitory. “Is this one yours, too?”

  Tomahiko nodded. “My uncle gave me this. We need something sturdy for where we’re going”

  “Where are we going?” Luke asked.

  “It’s a secret,” Tomahiko said. “But you’re going to love it. And tomorrow we’ve been invited to have dinner with my uncle.”

  “We have?” Luke asked.

  “Yeah. He wants to meet my new manager.”

  “What time?” Luke asked.

  “Seven. Wear a suit.”

  “Will Akira and Daisuke be joining us tomorrow?”

  Tomahiko shook his head. “They’re going to be busy. They’ll be hanging out with the others.”

  “Doing what?” Luke asked.

  “Visiting temples.”

  “No offense, but I didn’t come to Japan for that.”

  Tomahiko continued to drive. “None taken.”

  “Where are we going?” Luke asked again.

  “Sumido,” Tomahiko answered. Sumido was a ward near Tokyo Proper.

  Luke stopped asking questions and just sat back and relaxed. If it’s fun and adventure he craved. He came to the right person.

  * * * *

  “Bungee Jumping?” Luke shouted. “Are you kidding me?”

  “You wanted excitement,” Tomahiko said as he parked. Tomahiko had come here many times since the place opened. He’d taken Akira and Daisuke with him the first time. They both screamed and cried like a couple of girls. He, on the other hand, loved it.

  Luke finally got out of the SUV and joined him on the path to the office. He had that terrified look in his eyes.

  Tomahiko took his hand. “Relax. I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll go first and let you watch.”

  “Tory is going to kill me if I let something happen to you,” Luke said.

  “Nothing is going to happen. It’s just about four-hundred and thirty-meters.”

  Luke looked pale.

  “We can always turn back if you’re scared.”

  “I can do this,” Luke said, taking his hand out of Tomahiko’s.

  He didn’t sound too convincing to Tomahiko. Jumpers had to put on a lot of safety gear and equipment like harnesses, and pass a breathalyzer test to make sure they weren’t drunk. “We have to sign a liability waiver.”

  “And you’ve done this before?” Luke asked.

  Tomahiko nodded. “It gives me a rush. I like the feeling of flying through the air.” They entered the building. Luke had to register, since Tomahiko was already scheduled to jump. There were several people ahead of them. The trainers gave them a spiel and then demonstrated how the harnesses were supposed to fit.

  Luke watched as the two men attached the harness to Tomahiko when the time came for him to jump. He even accompanied him out to the ramp. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Luke asked, looking down.

  “You only live once, Luke.”

  One of the guys fixed the bungee cord to Tomahiko’s harness. He pulled on it a couple of times to make sure it was secured. Tomahiko moved to the edge and looked down. The only problem he would have was if the cord was too long and he hit the ground before it could jerk him up again. Oh well. Tomahiko jumped. He loved the feel of the wind passing through his hair on the way down. Birds didn’t know how lucky they were. Flying through the air at such a rapid speed made him feel so free. He was almost to the ground when he felt the cord jerk. It pulled him upward a bit before letting him down again. Another employee waited to catch him and release him from the cord. “That was so much fun!”

  “If you like this, you might also like paragliding,” the guy said. “Just asked Mack about it.”

  Mack was one of the trainers. “Thanks,” Tomahiko said. “I better get back up to the ramp. My friend is about to jump for the first time.”

  “Tell him good luck.”

  Tomahiko waved, and then took the lift back up to the top. Another jumper prepared to jump. Luke was next.

  “Your hair’s mussed,” Luke said.

  Tomahiko removed the tie and released his hair. It cascaded down his shoulders. He gathered it back up and retied it. “Are you scared?”

  Luke shook his head. “If you did it, how hard can it be?”

  Tomahiko laughed at his joke. “What does that supposed to mean? Are you supposed to be better at things than me because you’re my manager?”

  “No, it means I’m not supposed to show fear. You know I have to protect the one I’m interested in.”

  “Your turn,” one of the trainers said to Luke.

  Tomahiko frowned. American guys were too arrogant. He wouldn’t be surprised if Luke cried like a baby all the way down. Tomahiko checked the bungee cord himself even after the trainer had checked it. Then he stood on tip-toes and kissed Luke on the lips. He escorted Luke to the ramp. “You can always say no.”

  “Not going to,” Luke said.

  “Good luck.”

  Luke jumped.

  Tomahiko watched Luke fly down like a big bird. The cord jerked and then the guy on the ground unhooked him. Luke took the lift back up to the top.

  “How was it?” Tomahiko asked.

  “I love it,” Luke said smiling. “I want to do it again.” He paid for another jump. It was late by the time they returned to the hotel. “I’m starving,” Luke said. “Would you like to join me for dinner?”

  “Sure,” Tomahiko said. He didn’t want the evening to end just yet either. It was way after the regular dinner time, but the cook made them an American ham and cheese club sandwiches, tomato soup, and a green salad.

  “I bet you’re a lot of fun to be with at Disneyland,” Luke said.

  “It’s my favorite place to visit,” Tomahiko said.

  “Good, because we’re taking you guys there on Monday.”

  “Why not Sunday?” Tomahiko asked.

  “Because most of us will be recovering from the after-party on Saturday night. Disney is an all-day adventure. You need to be rested.”

  “Are you going to invite me up to your room and tire me out tonight?” Tomahiko asked.

  Luke smiled and nodded. “Bungee jumping and sex. How did I get so lucky?”

  * * * *

  After a nice relaxing soak in the tub, Luke and Tomahiko finally made it to the bed. Both of their cocks were hard from arousal, and Tomahiko was acting kind of twitchy like bottoms normally did, made Luke hornier.

  “Can I fuck you tonight, too?” Tomahiko asked.

  “We’ll see,” Luke said. He’d only been topped once. He had just entered college and one of his professors did him. All Luke remembered was that it hurt like crazy, but he never came so hard. Adam always bragged about how wonderful it felt when Frankie did him. Tomahiko was bigger and probably had a longer cock than Frankie. Maybe he shouldn’t put the idea too far on the back burner. At the moment, Tomahiko was between his legs sucking on his dick. “Oh, wow that feels so good.” He moved his hips in a circular motion. “Oh!” He shot his wad in Tomahiko’s hot little mouth.

  Tomahiko came up for air, licking his lips. “Sweet.”

  Luke pulled Tomahiko on top of him and kissed him. “You can fuck me, but you better make it good.”

  Tomahiko kissed him and scooted off of him. He went into the nightstand drawer where he knew Luke kept the condoms and lube. He put on the rubber. Luke rolled over and got on his knees. Tomahiko climbed aboard the bed and began preparing him for entry.

  “You’re very good at this,” Luke said. “How many guys have you fucked?”

  “Probably not as many a
s you,” Tomahiko said as he rubbed his lubed fingers inside of Luke. “You’re softening up real nice.” He eased his fingers out and positioned himself behind Luke. He pushed the head of the dick against Luke’s hole. It went in easy enough. Tomahiko thrust deep.

  “Oh!” Luke cried out.

  “I’m in,” Tomahiko said.

  “Yes, I know,” Luke said sarcastically. He was starting to get hard again. He let Tomahiko have a little fun and then they changed positions again. He donned a rubber while he watched Tomahiko prepare himself. Talk about a sexy sight. “That was fun, but I want to make you come.”

  Tomahiko straddled Luke’s lap and eased down on his cock. “Ah, Luke, you fill me completely.” He began riding Luke slowly at first and then faster. His bodacious ass bounced against Luke’s lap.

  Luke gave each butt cheek a firm squeeze. “Your body rocks.”

  Tomahiko slowed down a bit and peered down into Luke’s green eyes. “I want you to make love to me.”

  “What are we doing?”

  “Fucking,” Tomahiko answered. “There’s a difference. You have to put your heart into it.”

  Luke rolled Tomahiko over on his back and re-entered him again. This time he moved his body while looking down on him. “We barely know each other.”

  Tomahiko wrapped his legs around Luke’s waist and moved down on him. “Ah, our bodies don’t care about that, but my heart is a different subject.”

  “How do you want it?” Luke asked.

  “Anyway you want to give it to me,” Tomahiko answered.

  The ball was in his court. Luke rode the beautiful singer into the mattress until they both were sweating. Tomahiko’s cock had moved up toward his navel and he was panting hard. Luke kept working his body, sending his cock in deep and hard. Luke felt his own orgasm as it made its way to his balls. He pumped his dick into Tomahiko’s ass.

  “I’m about to come,” Tomahiko said quickly.

  “Me, too,” Luke said.

  “Ah! Luke!” Tomahiko cried out. His back arched and he spurted cum.


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